
Financial Crisis Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"We seem to learn something from every crisis, and this one, we didn't learn anything. We tripled down on what caused the crisis."
"With uncertain debt structures both at home and abroad, a Chinese financial crisis seems inevitable."
"In the span of about one week, Sam Bankman-Fried went from a crypto billionaire to bankruptcy."
"It evaporated seemingly overnight in a liquidity crisis, which is economics speak for 'all of the money is gone.'"
"The economy right now is going through a real shock."
"If the banks start losing money and have to cut their lending, and a credit crisis unfolds, that's the recipe for a big, big recession."
"Bankruptcy happens gradually and then suddenly."
"This could be the worst financial event we've ever seen."
"2008 gives rise to the final push off the edge of the cliff to populism everywhere."
"How did you go bankrupt? Slowly, and then all at once."
"Bitcoin's second greatest achievement is offering a Lifeboat out of a system that's designed to collapse."
"Data from the New York Fed shows that the delinquency rate on auto loans, credit card loans, and mortgages is surging."
"We are entering a period of financial crisis that is the greatest the world has ever known."
"The chain of catastrophic bets made over the past decade by a few hundred bankers may well turn out to be the greatest non-violent crime against humanity in history."
"The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank within the last few weeks has caused fears of another 2008 level financial crisis."
"September 15, 2008, is the day Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. It was not deemed too big to fail, and instead, it failed and contributed to the implosion of financial markets that deepened the recession of 2008."
"This fear that this is the Titanic, you know, and just the beginning of a fleet of crashes, I think is a little overblown."
"I see an economy that's running out of money. We're getting ready to, I hate to use the word, but it's going to be a full-blown recession, not like a little one where it's just a bump."
"If you're part of the 99% and you're pissed off because you think this is a taxpayer-funded bailout, the fact is that's exactly what it is."
"This could be a great opportunity for Trump because think about it, the last financial crisis when Obama was president was focused on bailing out Wall Street. Maybe it's time for a president to actually bail out Main Street."
"You had $42 billion dollars of cash withdrawn in just one day from Silicon Valley Bank."
"I was really upset about what went on on Wall Street. That brought about the financial crisis, not only destroyed the finance, almost destroyed the financial system of the United States, almost destroyed the financial system of the world."
"I fear an insolvency event. That's my biggest fear, it's my highest probability that we have the largest insolvency event in history."
"Now the FED has to decide in America, which is a global precedent setter, 'Oh God, okay now we have financial stability concerns in America. Do we keep hiking or do we bail out pension funds or let them go bankrupt?'"
"Outstanding student loan debt is over a trillion dollars, which is more than credit card debt."
"The auto loan crisis is worsening. There's a reason why you have subprimes that are becoming very difficult to sell as bundles."
"According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the wages of people in their 30s are about 7 percent lower than there should be based on growth rates before the 2008 financial crisis."
"A sudden medical expense could spell disaster for someone's finances."
"2023... is going to be the year of the default in terms of the consumer, whether you're defaulting on your credit card, your auto loan, your mortgage."
"I rose to a bit of notoriety for predicting the 2008 financial crisis."
"Evergrande Group was deeply mired in a debt crisis, owing suppliers, creditors, and investors a total of 1.97 trillion RMB."
"Ten years ago, on the 7th of October 2008, Britain almost went bust. We were on the very brink of Armageddon."
"We can't let the banks go back to business as usual because if they do, then all we're going to see is more debt, more poverty, more inequality, and another crisis in five or 10 years."
"It is clear that this singular event will result in a prolonged financial crisis for many countries, notably least developed and small island-developing states."
"The liquidity crisis is simply the start of the financial crisis."
"The crisis I shall be proposing of financialization 2008 never went away. Financial markets recovered, lots of money was made in them, but financialization as the linchpin of globalized capitalism has never managed to heal its wounds from 2008."
"Malaysia has developed an industrialized base from a very low starting point, going on to adopt a unique approach to the Asian financial crisis."
"Reality hits. We're going to talk about the impending she-session, the global reset, and what's about to actually happen to your real-world marketplace."
"The single greatest devaluation event in history if real estate were marked to what it was truly worth on the market today."
"Every single one of them was preceded by a debt bubble."
"We are heading into a major financial crisis."
"Bitcoin is the solution for corporations squeezed toward insolvency."
"The economy has not been this bad since the Great Depression."
"I think the air can be let out of this balloon without causing another financial crisis."
"It's immoral what we've done. We're up to 1.6 trillion in student loan debt up from less than a hundred billion in 99."
"Wall Street got bailed out and Main Street didn't."
"We are definitely heading towards a debt crisis."
"So essentially non-performing assets were not just 25% of assets as in the early 90s they were close to 100% non-performing assets."
"We could see a general loss of confidence all around the world in the Banking and Financial sector."
"Silicon Valley Bank's downfall: a cautionary tale of risky investments."
"It's phenomenally risky and it's based on a monetary theory which I think has bought us some prosperity and some euphoria but we'll end with a hell of a hangover."
"The way I expect this to end eventually is with a collapse of the stock market, vastly higher retail prices."
"This is the most bizarre market we've had since March of 2020."
"This is going to be the biggest crash, the biggest downturn of your lifetime."
"I don't want to be chicken little and say, 'Oh I'm predicting this will happen,' I'm just saying there's enough, there's five trillion reasons to pay attention to it."
"All I can tell you is that the dollar will collapse."
"Collapse is not too dramatic a description... It is not gold going up, it is the purchasing power of currencies paper currencies going down."
"CFL done, they're asking for money from anybody."
"The levels of debt, inflation, and interest rates... could lead to a major financial crisis not seen for generations."
"The bubble burst: the mother of all hangovers."
"We're watching in real-time an unraveling of the global economy."
"We're out of tools here. There isn't anything left in the toolbox of the existing financial system."
"Bitcoin will recover stronger and people will come to it through crisis."
"It’s a disaster for everyone from the billionaires to the small investors who see their retirement savings go up in smoke."
"One is you have rent and debt forgiveness so that people don't default."
"It's quite likely that we could see this trigger a global financial crisis."
"Does the future earnings potential of the United States need to be 20% of where it was one month ago to be a real crash?"
"The financial crisis of 2008 may have been the first death throes of the Ponzi scheme, but governments around the world weren't about to sit back and let it fail."
"Gold is real money. People forget that before the dollar was the international reserve gold was the international reserve."
"SVB Bank is the warning sign that we are now in an impending recession, just like Lehman Brothers' collapse."
"Bitcoin was born in the 2008 financial crisis as an antidote to poor central banking policy."
"The markets are facing a potential Minsky moment collapse."
"If tether is creating excess demand and liquidity in the cryptocurrency market by issuing more tethers than they have assets to back up, you can see how this could take us straight into a doom loop."
"The biggest deleveraging in history has just begun and it can't be stopped."
"We will not go back just as we were permanently poor after the global financial crisis."
"This dollar collapse would disrupt international markets even more than the 2008 financial crisis."
"It's not a failure of a blockchain, it's not a failure of that. It's a failure of the types that we saw in the 30s and the bank runs in the 30s."
"A collapse of the financial system was inevitable."
"Basically, we have a financial situation generally speaking that is worse than 2008."
"We're witnessing the biggest rug pull in the economy in history. We're going to see so many people lose so much money, it is going to be unreal."
"The 2008 crash was so severe that it's still considered the greatest financial crisis in recent history."
"I believe the most recent one was the biggest bubble ever, the everything bubble."
"Gold has value against the government, gold has value against a digital dollar, gold has value against a collapsing economy."
"My view is that the contrarian bet is that this recession is going to be as worse, if not worse than the 2008 financial crisis."
"The market's going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening."
"The fact that a panic in an algorithmic stablecoin like Terra is spreading to backed stablecoins like Tether could be of concern to financial regulators."
"Debt was a key part of the crash in 2008...virtually everybody believes it was."
"Big parts of the British state are going to go bankrupt within my lifetime." - Steve Baker
"Barcelona's financial situation is so dire that one or two publications even flirted with the idea of bankruptcy."
"Orders of magnitude greater than what we saw in 2008."
"This is the biggest bubble in U.S history... the crash will be the biggest crash in history."
"2022 has been an absolute nightmare if you're an investor. Wherever you put your cash, it's likely to be worth less now than it was at the start of the year."
"The crap collapse of 2008 wasn't simply a product of lowering interest rates, it was fraud."
"In pursuit of gaudy short-term profits and the bonuses that came with them that so many folks lost their way on Wall Street."
"Administration had a choice to help Wall Street or Main Street and they picked Wall Street."
"This is a sequel to 2008 and like all sequels this one's going to be worse."
"All the hype's lost speculation is doing is drawing in retail before the mother of all crashes."
"The Love of Money was greed and hubris that led to the fall."
"Debt, debt, debt, on top of that, on top of that, it's been piling up."
"Lowering interest rates was the basic strategy used until the 2008 financial crisis."
"So we're in following dominoes, it's not over, it'll get a lot worse."
"The collapse of Vanka fully illustrates the universal truth: even the top real estate giants can fall into the trap of financial downfall."
"The nine trillion dollars of debt that the local governments have built up in China does represent a major problem."
"We face a financial challenge right now that will bankrupt us if we don't have help."
"Rates decline? Homes drop rapidly. The crash is coming, get ready."
"Millions are still struggling to claw their way back to where they were before the greed and financial abuses of Wall Street ripped the middle class apart."
"We are going to see a liquidation event, a watershed event with banks not being able to stay solvent."
"This mortgage crisis could be a hundred times worse than the 2008 financial crisis."
"It's the real estate exposure that's going to take down the entire banking sector."
"It's going to get very bad, very very very bad."
"Inflation is wildly out of control right now. I mean, we're talking 40-year highs in inflation."
"This was the capitulation that really woke everyone up."
"It's clear that all of this is leading to war and financial collapse."
"Crashes are never slow burns, everyone runs to the door at the same time."
"We're entering the end phase of this post-World War II debt super cycle... The value of gold exploded."
"A new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months."
"By 2023 I think the world is going to be in a really difficult Finance situation."
"In the financial collapse of 2008, the world was reintroduced to the concept of companies which are too big to fail."
"Elon Musk stated, 'Bankruptcy is on the table,' just weeks into his tenure at Twitter."
"Sentiment is as negative as it was back in 2008."
"Douchebank issues dire economic warning for America."
"What's been revealed is that there was an insolvency."
"One of two things can happen... either the government and the FED find yet another way to Kick the Can down the road again or the economy is in for a bloodbath."
"You're looking at a 1930s type of great depression."
"Entering administration is rarely a good sign for any football club, but it is a particularly perilous situation for a French football club."
"Sometimes student loan debt puts us in a crisis where the only option is to stay home, and sometimes there's no home to come back to."
"You can't take people off their addiction to cheap money without something breaking, bad things happening."
"The financial crisis was not an accident. It was caused by an out-of-control industry."
"This is the worst crash in crypto history, Dollar Wise and just in terms of the effect on people and institutions."
"Will the markets drop another 50% from here? I mean, things are bad."
"In the end, to paper over a debt crisis with more debt is not the answer."
"4.7 million Americans don't have the money to pay their mortgages right now."
"We're about to experience the greatest economic crash since, if not greater than, the Great Depression."
"However, the same psychological factors that hurled America into a state of financial chaos before are growing once again only larger beneath the surface."
"This will be one of the most epic economic disasters."
"There's gonna be a reckoning, and the reckoning is gonna be with our currency."
"When you're down 10 percent real GDP, that is not a recession, that is a depression."
"This is a mess right, I mean this is a basic financial crisis 2.0 if you will."
"By offering high interest rates on these platforms, the four rural banks that eventually froze up, were able to draw funding from around the province and even neighboring provinces."
"We can go on letting the country slip over the brink of financial ruin or find the will to work together to restore confidence."
"Their money is about to fail. The U.S. dollar, the world reserve currency, the fiat money system is about to fail."
"I expect the largest bear market in my lifetime."
"I don't think this idea that some people have that we're a decade away from this happening is the case it's we're on the cost of major problems in the Western Financial system all the time now"
"Larry Fink thinks the banking system is melting down. Bitcoin has emerged as a potential safe haven for investors trying to protect their savings."
"We've created a bigger monster and it's harder to control."
"Too big to fail" and the concept of moral hazard loom large in China's financial landscape.
"There is a major financial crisis that is occurring."
"This crash is either over or about to be over literally this month. It won't last this month."
"Bondholders at a major International Bank have been wiped out overnight."
"I hope I don't win, okay, in that sense, because what this is is a way to call attention to this stealth financial crisis."
"The original intention of bitcoin was to help people who were affected by the economic crisis of 2009."
"It's inevitable that Evergrande ends up defaulting because the reality of the company is that it's incapable of fulfilling its financial commitments."
"It's easy to look at European banks like Credit Suisse and their rapidly rising credit default swaps and think back to the 2008 and imagine another global banking crisis."
"Only gold is money, everything else is credit. This is a credit crisis, people. Credit is debt. Debt or bonds, a hundred percent vulnerable, a hundred percent at risk. Never seen that before, have you?"
"Bitcoin thrives as banking crisis is in a little bit of trouble. I think we're going to continue to see Bitcoin is likely considered to some investors as a hedge against systemic risk."
"We didn't have a Lehman Brothers in terms of actual fiat currency. What we had was a crypto collapse."
"What does an investment Mania look like? What are the signs before the crash?"
"We're entering the deepest recession on record."
"Once they pull the rug out from us then people are... going to be destroyed."
"When crises do emerge and there are many more on the horizon, it will be a huge, huge catalyst for Bitcoin and crypto."
"Understanding how this crisis has interplayed with cryptocurrency has interplayed with Bitcoin, what it all means is one of the most important lessons that we have learned in years and years of this industry."
"A crisis is brewing; to Druckenmiller, this is a potential killing of a lifetime."
"Major banking crisis coming fast. Gold and silver are a flight to capital."
"Bitcoin was created twelve years ago after the global financial crisis as a solution to the financial problems that exist in our economy and to eliminate entirely the abuse people can have on our monetary system."
"2008 was a watershed moment... everything changed in 2008."
"Evergr's total market capitalization collapsed, evaporating more than 99% of its market value."
"It's almost counter-intuitive; sometimes a bad economy is the best time to start."
"The real economy, households, and small businesses, are the ones ultimately hit in a crisis."
"Insolvency wave is coming far sooner than most people think."
"This crash in the regional Banks right now that's been going on for about what seven eight weeks and that the public by and large has no idea put down the confidence if you think that 95 of the nation has no concept."
"The real drama has yet to happen. Kathy Wood is already down immensely. Netflix is already down immensely. The battle has actually only just begun and there's it will get worse before it gets better scenario two is going to lead to a lot of pain."
"An interest rate shock has a tendency to hit all at once with devastating force."
"The NRA's claimed financial status has finally met its moral status. Bankrupt. Got him."
"A recession is the base case. The question becomes, do we get something worse like a banking crisis?"
"The Global Financial collapse as far as I can tell has been slightly deferred but make no mistake it's inevitable."
"Economist warns that the U.S housing market is on the verge of a steep and sustained decline in home prices."
"The numbers are staggering but they don't begin to explain the greed and incompetence that created this mess."
"The future: Banks appealing for emergency liquidity assistance as counterparties withdraw their funds."
"Patagonia managed to grow during the 2008 financial crisis, reach $1 billion in sales, and become a muse for high-end designers."
"Airbnb started around the time of the 2008 financial crisis this was a time when people were really hard hit by the recession and they were looking for a way to make an extra buck."
"What is left is what the big banks have been doing since 2008."
"We're entering into a critical period... Financial collapse is coming... there is always a recovery period."
"I found myself at the age of 41 in the first recession, $800,000 in debt."
"The inflation that we're seeing is incredible, guys. The price increase in everything is insane."
"The Ace Family's 10 million dollar house with a 10 million dollar mortgage on it is going into foreclosure."
"The economic thing is just absolutely crushing."
"Inflation today in pretty much every western country is either at generational highs or even sometimes at all-time highs."
"Global growth in the economy is projected to slump to 2009 levels or below."
"This is the biggest bubble in world history when it comes to the stock market and this housing market."
"You don't have Ninja loans which were no income no job no asset loans where basically dead people were able to get loans."
"People have already been eating into their savings and all of a sudden you're in the situation where things start cascading downward."
"The realistic outcome here is that we are going to see a bailout."
"It was a true Lehman Brothers moment for the crypto community."
"We're literally in an inflationary depression."
"When you look at $300 trillion in debt worldwide, you can't see a good end to that. That is the problem."
"Greatest crash in Wall Street's history. With this headline, people knew the world was spiraling into chaos."
"Silvergate collapsed amid a criminal investigation by the Justice Department’s fraud division along with scrutiny from politicians and regulators."
"What strikes in this crisis is the sheer mass and speed of the outflow."
"The private market by itself cannot solve the problem of bank runs."
"Inflation is much worse than we all imagined."