
Plant-based Quotes

There are 605 quotes

"Most people agree that eating more plants and fruits and vegetables is a good thing."
"Antioxidants that typically come from the plant world are engaging the sirtuins and other survival longevity mechanisms."
"Why would you do this, why would you carb count and have to do a urine test for ketones every day when you can just eat vibrant plant foods and stay well and lose weight and have an increased lifespan? It's a win-win."
"We're at the infancy still of the plant-based food space and the biggest change in my opinion that we've had in the food industry in many, many decades."
"Humans do not have any specialized genetic, anatomical, or physiological adaptations to meat consumption. By contrast, we have many adaptations to plant consumption."
"I do recommend people take a plant-based EPA and DHA...we keep it packed in dark glass and we have it shipped to us in refrigerated trucks."
"What are the best foods to eat? Fruits, whole grains, beans, vegetables, and throw out the animal products completely, keep oils really really low."
"The same plant-based foods that I mentioned for lowering blood sugar will also lower blood pressure."
"I've never been into mock foods or fake foods... I've always been really dedicated to having a Whole Foods plant-based diet."
"I think this is really fun especially for your plant-based eaters that are looking for something unique."
"Even for that kind of system, we'd still be advocating for a majority plant-based diet."
"A plant-based diet is one of the ways that we can be helped a little bit."
"Essential oils are nature's true plant-based medicine."
"Plant-based diets means getting the vast majority of calories from plants."
"We want our plant-based meat to look and taste like real meat."
"Eating less meat and opting for plant-based proteins."
"Eating more plant-based protein can actually help speed up your recovery time from an injury."
"Supermarkets encouraging people to buy more plant-based alternatives is such a good thing."
"I advocate for a plant-based diet, I think it's very important."
"Plant-based can denote just eating mostly plants which is what we are now."
"You're not going to find saturated fat in any plants."
"Plants provide the cleanest burning fuel and enhance recovery."
"A completely plant-based diet is actually a great way not just to lose weight but to keep it off."
"To be against meat, you know, I think is an awkward position. A really productive position is to offer a different type of meat, a plant-based meat."
"Encourage animal farmers to transition to plant-based farming."
"When you get your protein from plants you get nothing but benefits along with it."
"You can be full of energy and you can get full on a plant-based diet."
"Eat whole plant foods: potatoes, rice, lentils, vegetables, fruits."
"Ditany stalk cores are the only wand core that come from a plant."
"Plant-based diets help to open up your heart chakra."
"Eating a plant-based diet not only helps control your blood glucose and diabetes but also reduces your chronic disease risk overall."
"Tempeh versus tofu: the new improved version, less refined, easier to assimilate."
"Tempeh: very versatile, delicious with grains, in soups, salads, or as a meat alternative."
"To keep the pounds off adopt a low calorie density way of eating filled with fruits vegetables and other whole plant foods."
"A plant-based diet, I mean that is the healthiest patient that they have, so they've seen the results."
"Eat more plants... that to me is the starting point."
"The more plant-based, the healthier the brain."
"I hope to offer counter points to what is becoming such a pervasive plant-based movement."
"We have to move towards not just a plant-rich diet, but ultimately a plant-based diet."
"People tend to worry about a lot of things, but plant-based eating is extremely healthy."
"Green is not made from people, green is made from plant parts."
"The benefits of a plant-based diet is less about what you're cutting out and more about just including the healthiest of healthy foods out there."
"Plant proteins alone provide enough of the essential amino and non-essential amino acids."
"B12 is a nutrient of concern on a plant-based diet."
"Changing your diet to a plant-based diet helps enormously."
"A plant-based diet tends to bring the hormones back into better balance."
"Natural sweeteners ah this is the good stuff yes stevia monks root as we mentioned so they're plant-based or fruit based which is really really cool"
"Replacing animal protein with plant protein... has very significant benefits."
"A whole food plant-based diet is a disease-reversing diet."
"We've got to change from an animal-based diet to a plant-based diet."
"Keep your belly full of those whole plant foods and healing magic will happen."
"Beans: High protein, high fiber, low fat. Nature's perfect food strikes again."
"A lot of the food we eat will be plant-based."
"If you're not using meat or dairy, you've got really long times if it's kept in the fridge."
"The more plants I eat, the better off my health is going to be."
"Every human being can thrive on a plant-based diet."
"Every Healthcare practitioner in New York City will receive free introductory training in plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine."
"If you enjoyed this video, please give us a thumbs up and please do subscribe to more plant-based news."
"Vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, getting away from the animal products can indeed help the mood."
"If you're eating a whole food plant-based diet high in fiber, legumes, fruit, and veg, for most people, that will bring [cholesterol] down."
"Meta abandons hacking victims, drain the law enforcement resources."
"To become mentally stronger you have to realize it starts with eating plant-based foods."
"Fruits, grains, vegetables, legumes. Those should be our staples."
"The plant-based ingredient has been deemed no longer safe for human consumption in the United States as well as many other countries."
"If you're going through some type of health crisis, your eyes are very, very much greater when you embrace a plant-based lifestyle."
"We're welcoming everyone and encouraging people to eat more plants."
"Increase the diversity of plants on your plate."
"If you're on a plant-based diet, every single thing on this menu will blow your mind."
"So 0.8 grams per kilogram is perfectly fine, but then it should be mostly plant-based."
"The one thing that maybe no one's told you but I really believe in is that I want you to start increasing your plant-based foods."
"We want the world to go plant-based because of climate change and because of our health."
"Welcome to the Whole Food Plant-Based Cooking Show where we make plant-based cooking easy."
"People who would switch to plant proteins... they tended to have substantially less mortality."
"With the plant-based iron, you can regulate it. So get your iron from plants, skip the meat."
"The cheapest foods in the supermarket are your plant-based foods."
"The government of Denmark is spending €200 million on plant-based initiatives."
"Plants are the most nutrient-dense of all foods and contain all the vitamins and minerals that you need."
"Vitamins cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities; you have to get them from plants."
"The kind of iron that you consume on a plant-based diet is different than the kind of iron you consume on a meat-based diet."
"We do not make muscle from eating meat."
"Plants are really your ideal source [of protein]."
"There are many other ways to build muscle through purely plant-based proteins and there are many successful bodybuilders who are on a plant only diet."
"This floor mate, it is plant-based, it's like throughout the entire downstairs, it's absolutely glorious."
"Eat food, not too much, and mostly plants."
"I'm actually excited about the fact that it's a plant-based makeup sponge. I think that's really cool."
"Thanks so very much for watching and as always, keep it plant-based."
"Eating more plant-based proteins from Real Food extends human lifespan."
"Plant-based living can be super easy oh yeah if you want me to come back comment below say y'all bring tab back to the room yes so we'll come back and do some more meal prepping ideas and have some fun in the process."
"Most of our diet should be plants, lots and lots of plant foods with lots of colors, lots of variety, and lots of diversity."
"If we can choose a vegan option made of plants, then we avoid this."
"The easiest thing for me to say very quickly is it's been proven by the American Dietetic Association... that a plant-based whole foods diet is a healthy plant-based diet."
"We're at the early stages of a revolution in plant-based food."
"High carb diets, plant food based diets, are the ones you want to eat to prevent and treat cancer."
"Food, in contrast, has got amazing all these wonderful foods in plant form, right?"
"Plants aren't just fruits and vegetables, but extend far beyond that."
"Consume plants, not animals. Plants, of course, have vegetables, foods, whole grains, and so forth."
"The best dietary approach...is a plant-based diet."
"We don't call ourselves vegan. We don't put a label on it. If there was a label, the closest one would be plant-based because that's what we are: fruit, vegetables."
"It's become much easier to talk to people about going plant-based."
"Plant-based athletes are growing in numbers and dominating their sports."
"If you took the 60% of our calories that are ultra-processed foods and you replaced them entirely with plants, that would make you 70% plant-based."
"And when you look at the numbers and you kind of really sit with everything that you just shared, Rip, you can't get around the fact that pivoting towards a plant-based world is really a crucial aspect of this solution."
"So that's one thing. You got the best form of protein, as opposed to the protein that you're gonna find in red meat, chicken, fish, any of those meats."
"It tastes like unflavored noodles, sort of, but in a seaweedy way."
"It's really becoming recognized that a plant-based diet can actually give you a benefit in athletic performance."
"When you emphasize and focus on eating a more diversity of plants, you will get your fiber and naturally gravitate towards plant-based foods."
"What is needed for best health outcome is Whole Food plant-based I'm convinced after reading all of Dr greger's research."
"If I was to eat a diet that contained animal foods... it would be a very plant-rich Mediterranean diet featuring more fatty fish and legumes and some whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and olive oil."
"So, if I was to eat a diet that contained animal foods... it would be a very plant-rich Mediterranean diet featuring more fatty fish and legumes and some whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and olive oil."
"Going plant-based isn't about giving up your favorite foods."
"Everything is literally crueltyfree paraben free sulfite free and they're all plant-based it's really good for your body but you know that you're not going to get like a weird allergic reaction to like any of the ingredients cuz they're really clean."
"A plant-based diet gives you calcium in the healthiest possible form without all the bad stuff."
"You can eat for longevity or you can eat to be on the cover of Muscle and Fitness magazine. ... If you do the hard gym work, we just think you're going to do it healthier if you do it with plants."
"There's only one diet ever been proven to reverse the course of the number one killer of men and women heart disease and that's a plant-based diet."
"What if you're in a place in a city that doesn't have any plant-based? I mean that's what we need out there is access."
"Achieving nutrient diversity can only be done by eating a lot of different types of plant material."
"If you go through the full spectrum of nutrients... animal products are void of nutrient density."
"When people consume a plant-based diet without restrictions, they lose weight. They always do."
"If you compare individuals that are on plant-based diets, their risk of cardiovascular disease would be far far lower."
"So we created this thing called the plant power meal planner that is this beautiful offering whereby you gain access to literally thousands of plant-based recipes."
"Most of the time, the meals we cook at home are 80% plant-based."
"The mission at Plant Strong is to further the advancement of all things within the plant-based Movement."
"There's nothing hard about cooking plant-based."
"When it comes to plant-based nutrition, protein, fiber, and soy are the biggies."
"Gird your loins, people, because today we're gonna dive deep into how to absolutely kick ass and take names as a plant-based athlete."
"This is a yarn which also I think is very interesting because this is a yarn that is purely plant-based and still it blocks out super nicely."
"Your body can get all the protein it needs from the plants."
"We don't need a more plant-based diet, we need a diet with better plants."
"For that reason, together with a meal, a plant-based health and wellness company, I formulated Essential Eight."
"Both plant-based items I tried today are just absolutely knocking it out of the park."
"What you eat is going to help you perform better... a plant-based diet really enhances that ability because plants... are a source of carbohydrates."
"Once you're on a healthy plant-based diet, that's the diet your body was built for and the success is automatic."
"The risk of CKD progression was lower in anybody who followed a plant-based diet compared to an animal-based diet so whether it was unhealthy or healthy it was still better than the animal model that's number one."
"It's a very holistic plant that's become super popular with all the holistic crunchy people."
"A whole food, plant-based diet can prevent and even treat illness and disease."
"Beans are one of the best plant-based protein sources."
"Try a clean plant-based burger for a change."
"The hyper processed narrative about plant-based meats might be gaining traction in some circles, but many consumers are giving more clean label leeway to meat and dairy alternatives due to believed sustainability trade-offs."
"Be a plant based woman warrior. Live fierce, stay bold, eat delicious."
"Plant-based eating is a secret passage to life and health. It's like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland and emerging on the other side where so many of the most common diseases and health issues are gone, and the food is just all good."
"You don't have to be completely plant-based, but the greater the change, the greater the benefits."
"You're missing out if you're not eating plant-based, I mean it's a fact. If you're still eating that chicken and rice BS, man, stop all that."
"Make your proteins come from plants and you absolutely can't blow it."
"The bottom line is that the case for using a plant-based diet to reduce the burden of diabetes and improve overall health has never been stronger."
"So, it's really being thoughtful about what kinds of plant based foods you're eating."
"One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they're first trying to go plant-based is not eating enough calories."
"Powered by plants which means no aluminum salts, parabens, or sulfates, and all their formulas are certified vegan and cruelty-free."
"To call a plant-based diet restrictive... is just crazy to me."
"The nutrients in plant foods are not found in animal products."
"We've had a major shift in our food guidance, and our food guide now is very plant-based."
"A fiber-fueled revolution has successfully occurred when we live in a world where people are consuming plants in abundance and diversity."
"The true health care system is really plant-based nutrition."
"We show lower diseases with plant-based diets which means it appears we've adapted to that."
"The more you eat plants, the more you eat fruits, the healthier you are going to be."
"The more you're having plant foods in your diet, the better your overall health."
"There's nothing like having a diet that's based on the Bounty of plants."
"I've noticed that because I'm plant-based, I have a lot of energy, so because of the eating and having fun, it's so easy to go running."
"Take epic dumps and oh yeah, keep it Plant Strong."
"Just eat two or three times a day right, whatever works for you and have it be Whole Food plant-based. I think that's the strongest thing."
"They want to make a plant-based burger that equals or exceeds the protein content of beef."
"Put patients on a whole food, plant-based diet for a year, and you get a significant reduction in PSA levels indicative of tumor shrinkage."
"Calcium is important for bone health, especially for plant-based athletes."
"I believe that making nut milk is definitely better and more sustainable for the planet than drinking animal milks."
"I started going to some conferences, meeting other people, and within a couple of years realized as most of us do, if the world went plant-based, it solves 70% of the world's greatest problems."
"Monty's good burger in LA offers a delicious Burger 100 plant base"
"The packaging is plant-based and compostable, so you have clean ingredients not only for you but for the earth too."
"Best vegan or blessed to find this but best plant protein powder I have found."
"But it's such a healthful and high protein plant food, I think it's worth putting a little bit of time and effort into making it taste good."
"Here's the cool thing about adopting a Whole Foods plant-based diet, you can eat as much as that you want and if that is all you ate Whole Foods."
"My recommendation is that you do all plant-based, but I don't have that proof yet. But that's where the evidence is pointing."
"Plants not being harmed in any way, it's kind of interesting."
"If everybody in the United States eliminated all plants from their diet, they'd be much healthier."
"Putting patients on a raw plant-based diet, seven-day intervals with close follow-up, I saw amazing things."
"This intervention of natural plant-based food is very powerful."
"People who were plant-based... had more than 70 percent lower cases of moderate to severe covid compared to everybody else."
"The fast food industry seems set on phasing out animal products for plant-based proteins."
"There are all kinds of meat analogs that are based on soy, nuts, whole grains, and these days, peas as well and other legumes."
"Going plant-based has totally changed your life."
"When we think about diet quality, which is getting a lot of attention right now, we're talking about more plant-based diets. And so diet quality or protein quality begins to be a bit more of an issue."
"Advocate for the scientifically proven benefits of plant-based living."
"A world that universally understands, promotes, and prescribes plants as a solution."
"I'm always trying to make these healthy, innovative recipes to inspire others to include more plants into their diet."
"...this book is a masterpiece of plant-based deliciousness."
"We eat plant-based. That's good for all of us."
"You're going to take a more serious approach towards medicine because we do not have the checkmate solution in the plant-based community. All we have is an assist."
"If it came from a plant eat it if it was made in a plant don't."
"Eat real food as much as you can and diversity of plants I really I think that that's it that's what we need."
"Fuel yourself for the Long Haul with plant-based food."
"You can make plant milk yogurt out of almost any kind of plant milk whether it's a seed or a nut or coconuts you just have to know the tips and tricks."
"For all types of plant-based diets, it's crucial that the choice of plant foods is given careful consideration."
"When it comes to plant-based diets, all plant foods are not created equal."
"The optimal anti-cancer diet appears to be a whole food plant-based diet."
"It's plant-based and there's only four ingredients and it still tastes good."
"I'm so excited about this because not only are they plant-based but they're also gluten-free."
"It's really hard to argue with a plant-based diet."
"How easy and simple and delicious it can be to eat more plants."
"Most people in modern society, even if they don't mean to, they're eating a plant-based diet. If you look at the average American, 70 to 80 percent of the energy from their food is coming from plants."
"Simple Truth plant-based chocolate chip cookie dough, get this at any Kroger-owned store. It's really good."
"Most things that are zero sugar and plant-based taste really weird, but this doesn't. This tastes so good."
"The healthiest cultures on the planet without exception were plant based."