
Resistance Quotes

There are 7630 quotes

"The only defense that poor and ordinary people have from very rich, very powerful people is that there's a lot of them, and the only way that they use that defense is by working together."
"The Palestinian culture is essentially a culture of resistance."
"The only way out was incredible kindness, which... is the power which nothing can resist."
"There's never been real change without a little bit of resistance, without a little bit of revolution."
"Every painful emotion that we experience is self-created by our resistance to our reality."
"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive."
"Communities, small tribes of people coming together resisting all of this modern [___] and rethinking our position on all of this is actually what's essential to overcoming these very obstacles."
"Territorial displacement and dispossession was the chief motor of Arab resistance to Zionism."
"Humans have to fight back to reclaim our autonomy and free will from the machines."
"The more you struggle against the tide, the more you delay your own progress. Let go and trust."
"Resistance is anything that stops you from accomplishing your goal. The biggest source of resistance is yourself."
"Alicia gave a cold look at those Bandits who wished to capture her again."
"The oppressed know that every form of oppression ends, every empire falls."
"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!"
"The only way you can screw it up is by fighting it. It's really about surrendering."
"We will double down because the more they do this, the more they're going to expose the flaw in the system."
"The greatest act of resistance is to be the opposite reality, be the alternate reality, be in joyful loving community."
"These developments signal Ukraine's unwavering determination to resist Russian aggression and its growing capabilities in modern warfare."
"The people that you and I spend a certain amount of our lives railing against is in part because they are censorious bullies. They want to tell you and me, and everyone else, what we should find funny, what we should read, what we should say, what we should think, how we should act."
"In my mind, it's an invitation which I decline. These people who are so primed, so unfunny, so tediously repressive in everything they do, don't stand a chance in the long run."
"Worrying about money only resists it. You are learning more about abundance. There's enough to go around."
"All of these examples imply that self-discipline has something to do with not only self-governing, but also the ability to persist despite resistance."
"Discipline is not about your ability to bulldoze yourself, it's about your ability to work with resistance, instead of against it."
"Embrace change because if you try to resist change, it makes your life so much harder."
"May the Holy Spirit give me the strength to resist the devil and to resist temptation."
"When the enemy tries to kick you, you know what you do? You get on and you kick back harder, and you resist and you send them in retreat."
"The harder that becomes, the more I think about it and the more I resist it, the more presumably activation of the anterior mid singulate cortex I'm getting."
"True resistance to fascism involves building a society founded on solidarity and the dismantling of power structures that oppress."
"I believe robots that interact with humans will have to push back; they can't just be bullied."
"Lily Evans... not only joined the Order of the Phoenix but faced Voldemort on three different occasions."
"Life's meaning is found in pushing back against that which enshackles you."
"The catacombs were used during World War II by those in the French Resistance. They were actively used in the underground tunnels as a hideout during the war and planned attacks against the Germans."
"We're seeing young women and women across Iran who are just saying, 'I will no longer comply.'"
"They don't want to change the status quo. The status quo works very well for them."
"The number one thing that will inspire you to resist against total tyranny is the protection of your family."
"The story of rebels who preferred suicide to enslavement lives on and Masada remains a symbol of Jewish resistance."
"Human beings, we respond to resistance with adaptation."
"Only through contrast do we grow; if there is no resistance, there is no growth."
"The more significant of a change you're making, the more fundamental the change is, you should expect a very significant force to kind of pull you back out of it."
"The Scraps underground civilization is predicated on freedom, which is naturally enough anathema to Cocteau's technocratic utopia."
"If you want to go fight the globalist agenda, have ten kids on a farm, homeschool them, make them strong, and then give them training lessons."
"People say you can't do it because they don't want you to change. They like you being below them, behind them in line."
"We instinctively resist anything that threatens how we see ourselves."
"Where you're most resistant to change is what is imprisoning you."
"Our compliance is necessary in this case, and if you have the ability to remove yourself or to just not comply with this, it's almost your duty and obligation to make things harder for these people."
"Sometimes just standing up and saying no is victory enough."
"Our lives are our strongest weapons, and with these weapons, we revolt against the outside world."
"All my life, I have wanted to be free, and in order to claim that freedom, I had to resist my parents, I had to resist the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy every step of the way."
"You pound and pound and pound a people because of their religion... and they will turn on you."
"The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy."
"We will not be held hostage to extortion and terrorism."
"Your freedom is being infringed upon; should you submit and endure, or rise and resist?"
"I'd rather die first than give up my personality, give up my identity, just march along like everyone else."
"Humans will always take the path of least resistance."
"Unless we awaken as individuals... we will be crushed beneath the wheels of their machine."
"On the cynical side, we have the resistance, believing the aliens could be an imminent threat to humanity."
"Willpower is actually a muscle... as you start to do what you've been resisting, you literally start to rewire the way your brain works."
"The first one who I saw actually was the only person who really pushed back on this."
"First they think you're crazy, then they fight you, and then all of a sudden you change the world."
"Therefore submit unto God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
"You have to have that sense of 'Love lives in here, in there, we're going to share it and that's what's going to push back the darkness.'"
"Going high means standing fierce against hatred while remembering that we are one nation under God, and if we want to survive, we've got to find a way to live together and work together across our differences."
"I don't want to be dark. Please don't give in to the darkness, friend."
"What makes the work hard is when we become resistant to the work, when we become resistant to acknowledging or accepting or becoming aware of who we are and what we do and why we do it."
"Resist the devil and he will flee from you; draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
"Freedom is all about recognizing personal forces, resisting impersonal forces, acting against impersonal forces, becoming a personal force yourself."
"Each tunnel told a tale of ingenuity, resistance, and the lengths to which humans could go when defending their homeland."
"If the IDF comes in and asks us to evacuate from our village here, no way. We're not going to do this. We would rather die here than lose our hometown again."
"It's only in the attachment that we create resistance and it's also the ego's attachment. The ego's attachment wants to control the way things happen, wants to crave that sense of certainty."
"These homes are examples of what's known as a nail house, named for instances in which homeowners refuse to have their homes hammered down for demolition."
"Finally, in 1998, the courts ruled in Vera's favor and Trump was forced to back off."
"People throughout history hate being bombed, but they hate surrendering to people who bomb them even more."
"I rather die on my feet than live on my knees."
"Nonviolence, a nonviolent resistance, is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice."
"Silica... makes [cell walls] tougher... and makes them more resistant to diseases, particularly powdery mildew."
"The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house."
"The more globalist liberalism tries to literally strangle and hold on to us, the more the world starts slipping through their fingers."
"Even if he was being put in the harshest of conditions... he still bothered Vladimir Putin."
"To our most bitter opponents, we say: we shall meet your physical force with soul force."
"The police try to get another criminal prosecution on top of the charges against Christo, thankfully it doesn't go so well for the cops."
"The Path of Least Resistance: Becoming the predominant creative force in your own life."
"He's been shocked at the Ukrainian resistance; he's been shocked that NATO is now talking more like Winston Churchill than Neville Chamberlain."
"This is the army that took on the greatest superpower in the world and refused to be beaten."
"She was bold, unashamed, and amongst a crowd of mockers, she held her own and did not back down."
"I need you more than ever. I need your hand in this resistance."
"Rise up in courage and see if you can resist it. It's better for you and it's better for the people around you."
"May the church in her militant little remnant fight and resist unyielding to any compromise with the world."
"Genuine compassion properly placed constitutes part of the power that can be used against the tyrant."
"He who introduces a new order of things has all those who profit from the old order as his enemies." - Niccolò Machiavelli
"If the darkness reaches out, we must reach back."
"You will always know how powerful you are by the force the enemy uses in an attempt to take you down."
"Any new advance is first ignored, then it's ridiculed or violently opposed, and then it's accepted as self-evident."
"Unity is our most powerful weapon against the system."
"He just fought the system. He said, 'No, no, I'm battling on.' So there's something heroic in his story."
"The biggest threat to the matrix of lies is the conscious and educated little guy like you and me."
"Evil is powerless against a mind that refuses to accept or defend the truth."
"You've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, by all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop."
"The Red Summer really marked some of the first race riots in which black people in number stood up to the white supremacy, resisted, and fought back."
"The creatures didn't seem to like getting shot, imagine that, but yet the bullets seemed to have no discernible penetrating or stopping power."
"We are actively seeking to build that parallel economy to fight back against censorship and manipulation."
"Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for very long. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them." — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
"You can jail a revolutionary but you can't jail the revolution."
"You may jail a revolutionary, but you can't jail the revolution."
"They want to instill fear in people who might resist. That is not a bug of this system; it's a feature."
"When you threaten people's financial and physical security that way, they don't just go and take a nap. We have an instinct to fight against any threats that we perceive to our well-being."
"People don't resist change; they resist being changed."
"Oppression is bad no matter what. I'm not a big fan of oppression because that leads to hate and discontent, and then people will rise up."
"The Bible says if we resist the devil...he will flee."
"The greatest weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."
"My heart would change, Johnny. I gave you my grandmother's name, a woman who bore nine children, educated them all, who held off six white men with a shotgun when they tried to drag one of her sons off to jail for not knowing his place."
"Resistance is nothing more than oppositional force."
"What can people do in the face of cancel culture? There is only one thing you can do, and it is say what you believe."
"The Ukrainians, to their credit, their bravery, they've been holding."
"I embrace it in the same way that Matt Damon embraces Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting: under duress and wanting to punch it too."
"Elements of control which you can identify are elements of control you can rally against."
"An aesthetic sensibility deepens the sanctity of life and, in so far as you deepen the sanctity of life, you create some potential of resistance against violence and cruelty and against tyranny."
"We did not give in. We rose up. On this night, we take back our world!"
"That's how we're gonna win, not fighting what we hate, saving what we love."
"The Scottish people have a long and storied history of resistance, dating all the way back to the violent clashes with the Roman Empire."
"Every incentive pushes you in one direction, but resisting those forces is crucial for maintaining a sense of integrity and mission in journalism."
"Mass culture is a site of both domination and also a site of resistance."
"I love that I'm fighting Skynet but in the shape of scorpions."
"Resistance is a predictable reaction to anti-racist education and must be explicitly and strategically addressed."
"Never, never, and never resist somebody who wants to make an improvement."
"No longer how much it take, we will continue to resist until we gain our freedom."
"Jeff Kaplan fought corporate BS until the bitter end."
"To me, this raises an important question: if the alt-right is under the impression that a piece of media is for them, are we just going to roll over and let them have it?"
"All throughout the religion is a constant reminder that you should be fighting against this institution, you should be getting rid of it, phase it out, resist it."
"Muslims were one of the groups who resisted oppression and slavery in the Americas."
"I'm fighting against the most powerful people in the world trying to silence me. I have enough battles in my life."
"Away with you, Satan, for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve."
"Together and only together we can take this world back from those who would prefer to put us in chains."
"It's not just about fighting what we hate, but saving what we love."
"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."
"We might be better to develop our resistance to them, to do that we need to learn to recognize and understand them."
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God." - Attributed to John Knox
"The ability to resist tyranny is as important today as it was during the time of our founding."
"I can't stop until it stops... nothing would persuade me to stop because the more people tried to stop me, the more I think I'm right and I'm on the right path."
"Nobody that fights the power is not going to face the power trying to fight them back."
"An excessively strict diet where you take out all of life's joys... eventually, your body fights back."
"These tiny acts of rebellion are almost like digging a tunnel that allows you, over time, to escape."
"I am willing to spend the next eight years in jail, but I'm not willing to spend one day under the tyranny of people who believe they can take our freedom and conscience away."
"Every morning when you wake up and go about your queer life, you are inherently shaking the foundation on which dictatorships are built."
"When you have unlawful oppressive governments, it's good if the citizens can resist, but it's going to be a lot harder for them to resist if the government has complete control over their money."
"I'm tired of functioning around an enemy and living my life dictated by what the enemy says I can do."
"The persistent resistance of African people during enslavement, fighting for their humanity, made them world leaders."
"Resistance is very important and speaking out is essential."
"Our resistance to it is what causes our suffering."
"Now's our best chance since the Monokubs are gone. The Exisals they were protecting him. Now's our chance to get together and kick Monokuma's ass."
"We won't let Kokichi do whatever he wants anymore. You better be ready, the remnants of despair end here and now."
"The electric barrier turned off, everyone let's go. We won't let Kokichi do whatever he wants anymore."
"This is my home. Are you crazy? I'll never feel pressure here."
"This battle against authoritarianism... by presenting these human stories, it is a way to push back against autocracy because autocracy dehumanizes."
"Chris uses the cotton to plug his ears and resist the hypnosis, so the symbol of slavery is inverted to become his tool of escape."
"The job of the era is for people to say no, to resist the crowd."
"If you stand up and you fight back, no matter how much they try to back you into a corner and bully you, if we stand together... we win."
"The evil one is not wanting this message out, and it's all the more important reason why you are with us."
"People wherever they can, will fight like hell to get those things, and hopefully they'll fight like hell to defend them and keep them once they've got them."
"Resist the enemy and he will flee. We stay to the word and use Armor of God."
"I appreciate what Elijah had to say about incrementally adjusting your resistance to what's going on in the world today."
"The Ukrainian Army set an example of great resistance to the occupying forces."
"Women like me can't be bullied out of resistance."
"Remember only their greed, their cruelty, their pride. Is anything left for us but to retain our freedom or to die before we are enslaved?"
"We're in the resistance together, the war's behind us, right? Let's make peace."
"We will still continue the fight in such uphill battle even nowadays the judicial system is under hardline control from Beijing."
"People can get used to anything, but I'll tell you one thing I can never get used to is oppressive tyranny."
"Believe it or not, we are winning. The establishment is faltering, the truth is beginning to illuminate the dark corners of their shadowy world, and together we will be victorious."
"Raymond Loewy said that human preferences are torn between two opposing forces: on the one hand, there is neophilia, a love of new things, and on the other hand, there is neophobia, a fear of anything that is too new."
"This is what happens when you work to change things: first, they think you're crazy, then they fight you, and then all of a sudden, you change the world."
"The powers that are are so entrenched in the system."
"We will fight till the end...in the streets."
"Now is a good time to push back because as far as I can see, so many of these tactics and measures are on the horizon."
"Ukraine is alive because Russian tyranny has lost control."
"They're not taking Trump's BS and that's a good thing."
"You're not gonna keep me or guilt me into not being a part of it."
"Black love is seen as a radical Act of black resistance in a white supremacist Society."
"I'm not going to submit to evil for 45 minutes."
"The democratization of information... gives the populace the ability to rise up."
"The French could have just rolled over and died but they didn't, they kept fighting. This is epic."
"Resist the devil and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
"I will not be manipulated or brainwashed by anyone anymore."
"I think the beginning of the rollback against all this is simply to say no to the abuse of monopolies."
"Like a rock in the center of a raging stream, Bastogne reduced the momentum of the German assault."
"They are not going to do this to America. There is more of us than it is of them and we are going to fight."
"I'm not compromising with apostasy because I haven't been brainwashed."
"Push back with all that's best, that's highest in the human spirit."
"We must resist government run amuck taking advantage of a crisis. This is how your Liberty dies. Stand up, America, and resist!"
"We must resist resorting to the same tactics as our ideological opponents."
"We successfully pushed back against cancel culture."
"Sarah stood firm against Chayon's manipulative tactics, refusing to be swayed by her ulterior motives."
"It's funny how the backlash to progress always happens before anything really progressive can actually happen."
"Primarily she resisted the invitation from Professor Linda Gates the head of the voice program to study acting in a theater."
"Our battle is not against human beings. We should focus on resisting the devil and his demons, for they are the ones we should combat and defeat."
"The most powerful way to push back against this is to emphasize our common humanity."
"Nothing short of a gun to my head will make me get this vaccine."
"He was going to get strong poison resistance and eat it, but the effects of the Eternal Flame is changing the tendon into something incredible."
"Every act of resistance against oppression is elevated."
"Our modern-day Berlin Wall is destined to fall, and there is nothing our corrupt, decrepit ruling elite can do to stop it."
"The ruling Elite can do whatever they want to try to thwart it but this Berlin Wall is coming down."
"The last push is to push against everything that keeps us from your presence."