
Collective Power Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"The only defense that poor and ordinary people have from very rich, very powerful people is that there's a lot of them, and the only way that they use that defense is by working together."
"Together we become powerful. Individually, even if we're famous or whatever, we got nothing."
"Our collective power as a people, if we ever learn to use that correctly, I think we'll see a real change."
"We stand together; no force on earth is more powerful."
"You get to express your personal identity while you are being stripped of collective power."
"If you think you're just a drop in the ocean, what is an ocean but a multitude of drops?"
"There's power in numbers, as we meditate together we're gonna be able to pull in energy and help one another."
"Determination is power, but let's flip it around: Together, we are determined to power everything!"
"There's power in numbers, and it's power in congregation."
"We are too small individually but if we stand together we can make a huge difference in this country."
"A witch on their own can't do that much but when they get together they're so powerful."
"We have the power to make change collectively, as shown by our efforts to increase voter registration in the NBA."
"That's what I'm talking about with the rest of us. Together, we're so much more."
"We have the power to change everything... when we connect as a collective, we can do so much."
"The power of the internet: We can band together and we are more powerful than the media manipulators and the elitists."
"I believe we have far more power unified than separated, and then we can find decency."
"The only power ordinary people have to protect themselves is that there's a lot of them."
"It just takes enough people to say no. No, I'm not doing it."
"Join in those mass meditations... the power of the people with one heart on one mind."
"Individually we are small jobs together are the ocean."
"They are more powerful than you individually."
"The power to change lies within each individual; together, we can shape a brighter future."
"This is our world... we can make this reality whatever we want it to be."
"True power comes from the masses, from the heart of the land itself."
"If we all believe hard enough, they can't make it a joke."
"Even when something feels so small and so insignificant... it's the power of numbers when tons of people come together that makes a difference."
"If our side has one strategic Advantage which is our numbers then our challenge is to turn them from numbers into an organized Force."
"People really do have power when they band together."
"When the masses come together we can achieve anything we want."
"We want to celebrate all that diversity. When we are here together representing all 5 million to the American political system, we have greater power."
"Uniting of our differing energies catalyzes something powerful that neither of us can do on our own."
"I don't think that creative people understand how much power they actually have and I don't think many have realized just how much power we all have together."
"In an ideal liberal political philosophy government is supposed to be a representation of our Collective power it's supposed to be the mechanism through which we all govern ourselves."
"If enough people recognize they do [have power], then that's where power actually ultimately lands."
"Part of what we're doing here is not just individually for ourselves but being part of a collective really expands our power for ourselves."
"Being able to have that and collectively stand up for yourself with a group of people and bring that power and that leverage that you have, it's really something that you can't really explain until you've been a part of it."
"The power of the people is often underestimated."
"It is a massive, faith restoring outpouring of support that instills in us such a wonderful sense of the power of community."
"Voting is about using the power we have and pulling it together to get a government that is more concerned, more responsive, more focused on you."
"When people collectively understand the power that they have as a unit, Anything is Possible."
"If all of us understand that and we all come together... they can't control that."
"He shows up in the most powerful way when we come together."
"So much power is created when we get together and we are speaking on this higher level."
"We are starting to see the emergence of real collective power for groups who until now have never been able to have this kind of media presence."
"There's power in numbers... we need to begin thinking about coming together for the purpose of supporting each other."
"Rather than a single Divine Avatar, the Identites feel it is more likely that the power of the God Emperor is likely to manifest through a group of people or more likely the entirety of mankind."
"Really it's about how we can begin to build as collectivities collective forms of power."
"Their collective strength possesses the potential to transcend even the mightiest of adversities."
"We have that power. So why would we collectively create dark and disheartening scenarios if we have this power? It's to open our eyes to what we truly are."
"You can create something very powerful together."
"It's not like putting a thousand bricks together; it creates a collective structure that has collective power but then it can disperse very quickly just as it formed very quickly." - Austin
"We have all the power as long as we realize we have the power."
"Practice group economics as the basis of power."
"A union is an association of workers formed to protect their rights and advance their interests - power in numbers, baby!"
"A hundred people who organize together and trust each other are far more powerful than 10,000 people who are isolated individuals."
"I believe we have more power in numbers, opposed to what the mainstream media actually wants us to think."
"Once you have everyone as one, the power of the people is completely unstoppable."
"When the humble people of the earth shrug, the entire world moves."
"Apart, we are Broken. But united, we are God."
"Power in the hands of many will always exceed the power of few."
"If we are prepared to stand together, last that I heard the 1% may be very powerful, but they're a hell of a lot more people in the 99% than in the 1%."
"If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action."
"Thank you. You see how easy that was? Those two words can shift your entire vibration and frequency. They can help you see the light again."
"You can move mountains, you can do anything as a group."
"This is one of the first times that we've seen genuine pain inflicted on them by a bunch of small people uniting together."
"It's powering in numbers... someone did it before me and then now more people can march."
"Just imagine the power that that can determine if everybody was like on the same mid soon."
"God's power is exponential when we come together."
"Separated they are weak, but together they are strong."
"I believe there's a lot of great power when believers get together as groups, even if we could get thousands of people on the streets praying together."
"What we believe is literally like if all the people come together and make it true, right? That's literally all it is."
"Humans are actually a massive boulder, but we've all been led to believe that, 'Oh, what can I do?' You know what can I do, I'm only one person. But like seven billion one people is like a lot of grains of sands and a lot of boulders."
"The power of the people is the only power on the planet think about it eight billion of us if we all decided to not buy anything for a week everybody would shut down they would all go bankrupt."
"There's always more of you than there are of them."
"The demolisher, the vanquisher, even the mighty death strike missile launcher pale in comparison to the sheer firepower of trillions of lasguns unleashing hell in unison." - DK Diamantes
"Witnessing the power of the people... it's absolutely beautiful."
"There is absolutely nothing that can stop the freight train of love, and that's exactly what we are."
"The largest army in the world of people who could change things."
"eventually if we wake up if we speak out if we fight back there are so many more of us than there are of them."
"You can make manifest anything when you all get together with one thought."
"Every day people when they band together can have more power than dictators."
"We have the collective power right now and the technology to completely redesign the way this stuff works."
"In all men, in you, you, the people, have the power!"
"I think there's a big emphasis on the individual. But I actually think there's a lot of power in working together and collaboratively."
"Together we magnetize... collectively."
"We collectively have so much power, it's crazy."
"You have power inside yourself, you have power in groups."
"There is power when we come together."
"Our greatest weapon is all of you."
"So this Uranus is pretty much telling us that at the end of the day, you know, we need to believe in collective power."
"The people have the power if they utilize their resources."
"This is the power of the people, right? What people can do if they come together."
"To get a feeling of what autonomy is like, what it means to have that power in your hands for communities for yourselves, that's some really great stuff."
"Never underestimate the power of hundreds of voices demanding change."
"The purpose of democracy is to manifest the sovereign role of the collective electorate."
"There's only one thing on this Earth more powerful than evil. It's us."
"If we all vote and all the votes get counted, we win."
"Power doesn't belong to one person; it belongs to everyone."
"We have an alternative model now where, in principle, you have much more direct control; you can form collectives that can wield power within the governance of the service."
"When you are alone, you're easily broken by an outside force, but when we are in unity with one another, there's nobody that can stop us."
"There's nothing stronger than the decisive will of millions of people."
"When two or three are gathered together, there is much universal power."
"If we all came into agreement, we can have anything we ask for."
"When tens of millions of the weakest are gathered together, they become one being of unparalleled power."
"The ability for Anonymous to be everything and anything is its power."
"As individuals, we have an impossible. As a collective, we stand a chance."
"A company alone has power; collectively, we have impact."
"Collectively we have way more money than Kanye West, collectively we have more money than Jay-Z, collectively we have more money than Robert Smith."
"GPUs would be more like a swarm or a school of piranhas where each individual processor itself is not very powerful but in their masses they're still extremely powerful."
"We're stronger united, not divided."
"Anything can happen when we come together."
"The power of the group as a whole cannot be underestimated."
"When our awareness changes and we do it together, how powerful that can be."
"Practicing meditation or prayer as a group during the worst of the solar storm can boost the good effects and use the power of the group to bring about greater spiritual growth."
"The mastermind alliance gives one full access to the spiritual powers of the other members of the alliance."
"It took a group effort and this is part of the reason that I'm glad that we have power collectively as women."
"When we unite as one, we're unstoppable."
"If we band together, I really believe that we could do anything."
"Your gathering and seeking together with open hearts and open minds generates a power that resonates with the creation."