
Public Engagement Quotes

There are 946 quotes

"I didn't do anything publicly until COVID, nothing publicly. And I'll tell you why I went public during Co because at the beginning of COVID, I knew immediately this is going to cause the biggest and fastest ever increase in inequality."
"I went public during Co because at the beginning of COVID, I knew immediately this is going to cause the biggest and fastest ever increase in inequality."
"It was a battle; people that have come forward who are parts of these programs to reverse engineer these craft, Pilots coming forward...every inch of this has been fought for through public will."
"We're listening to the American people, we're taking action to hold Biden accountable."
"We tend to shy away from engaging directly with arguments about the meaning of goods in public life."
"This just made me really excited. It's a bringing space down to Earth for everyday people type of thing."
"Bringing space down to earth for everyday people."
"Making it open to the public, that they actually have to think critically about it and see the evidence for themselves, is really important."
"This evening is an opportunity for presidential candidates to share their views and engage with the public on topics of concern to Nigerians."
"You have to be a public entertainer, not just a public speaker."
"Voting is secondary. The real change happens with the people who are out in the streets every single day, making it happen."
"Live coverage of the InSight landing is a moment where people all over the world are watching."
"I think we, in our posture of listening, also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out."
"Science may be full of mysteries; it doesn't have to be mysterious to us. Citizens can learn, in general form, what some of the leading questions are in any given area of inquiry."
"I always felt that if I was going to be a historian, it should not be for some tiny exclusive audience confined to ivory towers, whether in Oxford or Cambridge or Harvard."
"All politics is about everyday life... This is about everyday life."
"My greatest political anxiety right now is not whether or not people around me will stand up for justice... my anxiety is that all of that desire for change will be swallowed up by the void of apathy displayed by the rest of us."
"People are probably happier with Biden in office... being less engaged."
"The moment that the academic world stops engaging with the public, it drives people towards pseudoscience."
"The law becomes, collectively, what is invested into it by the people who practice it, comment on it, and are affected by it."
"We need an inversion; we need people to say, 'No, don't leave me alone. I'm here, I'm pissed off, and I'm not going to take it anymore.'"
"I think there's a lot of proposals that members of Congress have been debating and talking about, the first part is you have to have a serious conversation with the American people, not a political conversation."
"Just to put a freeze on people just getting like the average Joe who's out there working, coming out wants to have a good laugh, and someone's like, 'No.'"
"People are just really into the idea so it keeps getting brought up like all the time."
"Particle physics doesn’t have that. The fact of the matter is that you can televise a moon landing. You can’t televise the Higgs Boson."
"We showed up in San Diego, 5,000 people showed up on the beach."
"Civic virtue... meant people who were willing to engage with others in public deliberation."
"We have to engage the public, to speak the language that people speak. People want to know about meaning, about their role in the universe."
"You don't even know your schedule; you're too busy writing 30 tweet storms about Hunter Biden."
"My words were I wanted to darken the skies with a lot of satellites and spacecraft, and I wanted the American people to share in the excitement."
"Your questions, your concerns... we've decided to give as much of our interview time with the federal leaders over to you, the voters."
"Isn't it wonderful to see that science and curiosity have reached a place where three thousand people can convene in New York City in an arena to listen to two scientists talk about the possibilities and wonder that is indeed science."
"What a turnout, what a crowd. And I really think this is time now for everybody our country to come together."
"Public outcry and engagement are crucial. Even our leaders need to react to the will and desire of the people."
"I don't know what a pollster or a consultant could tell me that I can't learn from listening to people that I want to represent and serve."
"Not only do I think it is the right thing to do to be everywhere and to listen...I think it's the only way to win."
"A point I often stress is that a civilization with a well-informed public that’s strong-willed and eager to tackle problems is one that is not guaranteed to get through a crisis but has way better odds in its favor than civilizations missing those."
"I believe that we as scientists have a moral obligation to share the data, to share the discoveries in a way that our tax-paying public, who pay our freaking salaries... can appreciate."
"He is out, he's looking strong and steady on his feet, there is a smile on his face."
"Presidents used to do fireside chats with the nation, and I actually think that was a good thing."
"Richard Wolff, he's an internationally known economist... the only economist that I find bearable to listen to without, you know, passing out and hitting my head on the desk."
"Most academics don't know how to talk to a normal human being."
"All political engagement is rhetoric at the end of the day. Very few people care about policy."
"Your opinion matters. If you think that this is an important thing, then share this talk with people."
"Politics should be boring. It shouldn't be what people are investing all their time and emotional energy into."
"Monumental moments don't have to always be on a big stage in a large venue."
"It's really important that the public gets involved in the debate on CBDCs...this is somewhat un-American."
"At least it puts these political issues on the radar and gives us excuses to talk about them and produce content about them."
"It's important for WHO to reach people where they already are."
"Imagine if I did run for office... I just go live and be like, 'Hey guys, here's what I'm thinking.'"
"Our ability to build power comes from public support for better solutions."
"Once you have the people and people know you got the people, you're going to be successful because they're going to show up to support you."
"Own your agenda, be honest and authentic with the public."
"Citizen science... close to my heart... connect to the public... share the excitement... exploration and discovery."
"I think showing science to the public is the most philanthropic way of doing it."
"What a great look by the way; they were chanting at Rand Paul 'say her name.'"
"They let him too close to home. Rufo was now able to crack through, express some ideas to people who would normally never hear them succinctly, precisely, and correctly."
"The show consciously weaponized controversy to turn the curiosity of the audience in their favor."
"I forgot a thing that I like: they've released a picture of an actual black hole."
"These small bronze objects had rested in the ground for almost 2 000 years now they sit center stage at the Yorkshire Museum on display for people to visit and to make up their own minds."
"What's happening is everybody wants to listen."
"What an intro! That energy is mad, I love it, absolutely." - Callum Nicholas
"The scientific community starved the public on this topic for many decades."
"Most people don't bother to look at the facts or do any independent research."
"People need to demand genuine political change."
"Welcome everybody! Thank you so much for joining me."
"I think having a rational welcoming conversation to the people who are uninformed is actually the best way."
"It's the kind of the apply application of science to public right it's public science in a way."
"The Astro Awards is our chance as the general public to lift up, celebrate, and thank those who dedicate their lives to furthering our knowledge and understanding of the world we live on and help us understand our place amongst the vast universe."
"We ain't gonna do no fake [], fake [], because I don't give [] about big ears or small ears, or show cheers, or how tall he is. I call you the [] out and no [__]."
"Her goal was to engage an external audience in a conversation about our country's commitment."
"They will generate a huge amount of conversation, and all the conversation is centered around the article."
"Engaging Joe Rogan and his viewers, you're completely blowing up the political system."
"What pisses you off? What are you not happy about? What's frustrating you? Speak to me, people want to know."
"Several months ago Spotify announced what is reported to be a deal in excess of a hundred million dollars."
"Just to give you one illustrative example, Edward Snowden... on Joe Rogan's YouTube program and already within five days more than five million people have watched that program."
"16 million people watched the Snowden interview with Joe Rogan just on YouTube."
"Donald Trump speaks in a way that holds people's interests."
"Bonnie's rise in popularity came as quite a surprise to her, she didn't expect to bring in as many people as she has."
"It turns out that when you promise a whole bunch of things that help make people's lives better and you actually deliver on them people get excited and they turn out."
"This shocked everyone and they cheered her to accept his proposal."
"Democratize access and research to the general public."
"Can you imagine 30% of the entire population comes out in the streets."
"Hate brings money, hate brings likes, hate brings views."
"Political campaigning began in the first place because people wanted to know where their candidates stood on the issues."
"They're not indifferent. They know he does things they don't like and they call him out. They really do."
"We have work to do, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you kinda for watching, it's been a pleasure as always."
"You demanded the audience to get on their feet, and I think you would be absolutely perfect for team Joe."
"This whole country will come out, they love AJ, they've been running after him all day."
"That $30 price increase makes the Quest 2 a headset that other companies can actually compete with."
"When we talk about not hearing the people or hearing the people, a lot of people have said that if the community was involved from the beginning to get their input, that might have made a change."
"The hopeful thing... is the huge number of people who have become awakened."
"We share the collection as always with the public, we do our best to make sure people can get in here, feel the cars, occasionally drive the cars, check out HQ."
"We have to go to where the people are at. That is how we win."
"Anybody feel like you've been updated? Make some noise, holla at your boy!"
"Through the National Osteoporosis Society, Camilla has found a suitable cause to launch her charitable work."
"I seek to look beyond the doors of the White House, into the hopes and fears of men and women in their homes."
"How do we teach the lay public to talk about the matter in a scientific way?"
"It's okay to be interested in UFOs or UAP, you have our permissions."
"He's the media's go-to person for UFOs and he's made appearances on numerous TV shows and documentaries."
"As this would have been the conservatorship's worst nightmare, the case may have settled, but the movement did not. The public knew the truth, and the fight would continue to rage on."
"In moments of stillness in the crowd... be filled with delight at the spectacle of the forms of humanity."
"You here and in the room and out on the phone have rocked the world."
"In politics, if people are attacking you, if they're not throwing rocks at you, you're not doing anything... I'm no longer making a difference, I'm no longer taking on the entrenched status quo."
"He hands-down created this public desire for a media that had been a fringe medium for centuries."
"Could you film it maybe so we can see that? Because all we are getting is the guy on TikTok saying he likes chocolate chip cookies."
"If you give people the information and you give them a sense that they are important and you give them a chance to talk, they are actually worth listening to."
"We need to win people's hearts and minds and have conversations about issues that matter."
"The only thing that's actually going to fix this is the mass majority of people saying no we're not [ __ ] doing that and then not do it."
"Let's not let us stop here... let's keep on talking about her and don't let her name die."
"It was a good day, I saw a lot of people on Twitter say they actually got systems, they actually got them."
"Rather than pretend the ride didn't happen, Kings Island would use the ride to announce its replacement."
"This is sort of a call to action to the audience."
"Blueberry may not be ready for its second city audition just yet, but Kory has a higher purpose: making AI relatable."
"We did, we heard the sonic booms as it made its way back. We were able to find early on as the parachutes were deploying. It was very exciting for everybody who was gathered here."
"Live show sounds interesting. Crowd-sourcing stories is a fun dynamic."
"The community is in the best shape it's ever been because more people are speaking out, being genuine, and doing the things that they want to do."
"People now have the opportunity to actually capture these bizarre and strange phenomena in the sky and post it to social media."
"Did you see it? What appears to be three dark shadowy figures flying just above the river are captured on camera."
"The only way we root out this crony capitalism... is when we the people stand up and make sure that our voices are heard."
"Dictator Biden has turned all comments on the White House YouTube channel off, but it was the will of the people that voted him in."
"Elon Musk not just that tweet he's been liking a number of other tweets throughout the last 24 hours that can be a telling sign as well"
"People didn't understand why and that's what I want to do, I want to make people curious."
"As soon as I took that helmet off it was like I'm touching I'm I'm you know I'm able to reach so many more people than I ever did when I was playing football."
"It's time for the people to start stepping up, getting ticked off, and flexing."
"What do you guys think? I think this is way you reveal a console."
"Clear communication early communication with members of the public is absolutely essential."
"People want stuff, you know, maybe not in a big way politically, but they want something in the park, at their kids' school, or that second sequel book from their favorite author."
"I just loved the audience reaction and I was like I want to do more of whatever this is."
"It's so humbling to see how much support I have."
"Your salient voices on what's happening... could not be more important than the moment that we find ourselves in right now."
"It's an active act of resistance to take up space and to be loud and clear about your position in these times."
"We are making history today. We are making history in this process and we're showing the American people that this process works."
"We're always honored that people want to freaking hear us ramble about these things, the things that we're always trying to work on ourselves."
"The great horror in some ways of being a thinker of being a philosopher is not that other people don't think but rather that they don't listen."
"We need the support of the people and the communities across this province."
"Blaine's performance impacted thousands of New Yorkers who halted their hectic lives just to look up at him."
"The real thing will touch the people here, whenever you're honest then you will connect to people."
"Russell Brand and his uh his new show today that was released early today."
"The season 7 premiere was so good and got so many people talking about it."
"It's amazing and very heartening how many people are waking up."
"Throughout the first year of this campaign, we saw how hungry the American people were for this message of unity."
"Twitter particularly, and Twitter basically mirrors what you see on other things like TikTok and so on and so forth, actually enables us to derive quite a good picture of what's going on."
"In the end, the big problem you have is that regular people do not want to engage."
"It's time for a paradigm change and we can do this and we can do better and we can help so many people and I'm so excited to see such a crowd here."
"Journalism is about letting people hear the story, letting them decide for themselves, letting them see the evidence, and then just leaving it there for the viewer to decide what is right for them."
"That's huge. That would be of interest to everyone."
"I just had to come on here and tell the truth about the whole process because I think us as humans we have a right to do that."
"Yes she was out raised by Joe Crowley ten-to-one yes she took no corporate PAC money but what they didn't get was she was going directly to the people."
"She nervously laughs as the magician walks off stage and looks back at her boyfriend when she realizes that it's an engagement ring."
"I know it's a big ask to come on to a public platform and be so open and share such a personal story and case with the world."
"The whole world had its eyes glued to the screen."
"Forget John Major, I want to hear from you." - Nigel Farage
"Instagram live is closer to everything that's going on in real life."
"I think overall it's good for the game... it makes it more fun... people watching the game."
"Are there ways that we can get green energy to grow exponentially by making cool solutions as opposed to telling everyone you need to switch out your electricity with a windmill?"
"If people are gonna get pissed off, you might as well take the choice that makes you happy."
"People have to be part of it and they have to know the facts."
"Some people always comment like couldn't they launch like another rocket next to it so we can see like side views of the rocket, well there you have it, they stacked two of them, that was amazing."
"November 5th is going to be phenomenal, everybody got to come on down."
"Hello hello is it going yeah somehow I don't think all of that applause was for me oh it definitely was Emily was yeah thank you but so it's been ten years since last Jonas Brothers album why did you all feel like now is the right time."
"The more that it's out there and the more people that are out there speaking, the better it is, because someone may relate to a Aon and not relate to me, and think I'm an idiot."
"Your thoughts do not actually scare the people...inspire them to come out and do something."
"One of the ways Alex Jones engaged his audience was by giving them a mission to investigate Sandy Hook."
"Label your question! Now people are going to come in, so start writing your questions."
"Thank you so much for spending time in your busy schedule and helping educate people."
"I think this is good news regular people we're trying to win this is the information war of the fifth generational conflict that we're facing the cold civil war you can say we're in the recruiting phase."
"It's been ages since I've done like an event or you know had the chance to meet and greet people."
"Okay, well I got the money let's see what's going to happen and if they don't respond I'll just outright make the public offer, boom there it is."
"It's an opportunity to engage the broader public in doing science."
"It is still up to the public to remain skeptical and vigilant."
"Our leaders are not truly listening to the people."
"Keep using that megaphone, that's the right play to make."
"It's really a celebration of coming together with our community."
"So where are the Trump supporters in your audience? Where is the robust debate? Where's the diversity of opinion?"
"It's the title not the person that the people are there to see."
"Thank you all so much for coming. So about a week ago, we circulated a Google form, and by like 11:52 a.m, we had 100 RSVPs which I think is sort of a testament to just how much interest there is in this world of AI and open Ai and GPT chat GPT."
"Pop science is the market's answer to fractured attention spans and vast storehouses of available information."
"Trump is obsessed with ratings. Even bragging about the number of viewers his daily coronavirus briefings drew."
"I only want to hear it, you know? I just wanted to give it to the people, man, and let them take it and live with it and breathe it, you know?"
"But really this isn't going to be about making fun of Blair or calling names, anything like that. I simply want to use this as an opportunity for some education."
"Everyone on the internet was going wild because... they were going to be having a debate."
"We're not going to take this forever. I say no. We're going to keep on showing up and using our voices and talk about what we believe in."
"Public engagement with satire is different from private jokes among friends."
"If you're not changing people's minds, what are you doing? Collecting followers?"
"What an incredible day now thank you so much for continuing to tune in with us to watch this historic launch of astrobotics paragan lunar lander on its Journey To The Moon."
"Hopefully, we are one step away from Peyton [ __ ] Manning getting on Twitter and that'll be a show."
"Americans need to stand up and say no, you know what, I've had enough, I've had it."
"Even if they rescind the invitation, we're still going to do a town hall in Daytona Beach."
"It's being positioned as Occupy Wall Street 2.0."
"One of the lessons that I've taken away from the last five years really is that the deeper divide is between people who pay attention to people who don't." - Love it
"There's some Congressmen in this room right now, there's some Congress women in this room right now."
"The next significant development came in July when the official site plan was released to the public for feedback."
"I think we're gonna see history made in a very short amount of time. We're going to be seeing this history and we're going to be living through textbook War."
"I think sometimes the online conversation that we're all in is we spend a lot of time just trying to go after them and debunk their and not enough time pushing out to people what we want our message to be."
"I just want to promote productive discussion right yeah and I think Tesla's FSD beta program is an amazing kind of pushing the envelope with technology and it's a momentous important issue at hand."
"I'm just glad everybody got their questions asked, and we got it documented."
"Come out and support black Asians, get this knowledge, come see me, come see us, and come have fun."
"The government has failed to listen to the people."
"I am very passionate about making people laugh."