
Health Philosophy Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. You've heard that many times. I think we're rediscovering, in fact, what the ancient Greeks really knew."
"Chiropractic is a study of health and what causes man to live."
"Optimal health is about the presence of the good, not the absence of the bad."
"Sick people need drugs; it's not keeping you healthy. Okay, your body can be healthy because it's designed to be healthy."
"Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." - Hippocrates
"The goal of medicine is not to make you happy in the moment; it's your overall wellness, your overall well-being."
"Good health does not come out of a medicine bottle."
"Your body is not a bank account. It is a chemistry lab."
"Health is a positive state of balance, equilibrium, wholeness, and resilience."
"Disease is the absence of ease, and I wanted people to be at ease."
"Health is the capacity to enact our lives in the way that we wish to do so."
"He presents a very reasonable and and reasoned line of thinking I don't know what to call it that proposes that we we don't have to die when we do and we don't have to age the way that we do."
"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, and when diet is correct, medicine is of no need."
"We're not talking about removing entire food groups from your diet, it's really additive stuff which is what I love so much about this philosophy."
"Metabolic health is wealth and I tried to corner that phrase but too many of us are talking about it which is fine but I think it's important to understand that our health is currency."
"All sickness and disease mean is the loss of power, the lack of Vitality."
"Intuitive eating isn't like other diets with predetermined sets of one-size-fits-all rules. It's ultimately a mind-body eating framework informed by a set of principles."
"The baseline setting for human health is good, vibrant health. You only muck that up if you're putting things in the system that shouldn't be there."
"I am against pursuing intentional weight loss and won't promote it I'm against fat phobia in the notion that thinner is always better I'm against diet culture promoting weight loss as a key to better health in a better life."
"Our external health is a reflection of our internal health."
"I am absolutely not against intentional weight loss; I just want to flag that intuitive eating shouldn't be labeled as."
"Rooted in self-care, intuition, and enjoyment rather than diet culture and pseudoscience."
"It's not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
"Health happens on the inside, it's not what we look like on the outside."
"Your body is your temple, which it is, you only get one body and you have to protect it."
"Life quality counts so much more than life years. Health span versus lifespan, absolutely."
"You are not what you eat, you are what you save from what you eat."
"You get one body and your body is your temple." - Commentator
"Healthy on the inside, healthy on the outside."
"Your body is made up of everything you put into it."
"It's not about living 10 more years, it's about the years you have being able to feel the best that you can possibly feel up until the day you're taken from the yeah amen so you can get the most out of life."
"The cure for any disease is a healthy immune system."
"That’s where body neutrality comes in. Its message is that the body should be respected and accepted for its functionality as an instrument, rather than loved for its beauty."
"Health isn't a destination that you arrive at. Health is really something that you cultivate and you attract to you continuously."
"The human body has an innate intelligence; it will start to heal if we remove the cause."
"Lean proteins and higher grade. I am a fan of eating leaner cuts of meat and I know people hate on me for it but it links with exactly my philosophy here."
"Remember, the goal is not perfection when it comes to health, it can't be, and that's why it makes no sense for us to judge what anyone else is doing."
"True health is about mind, body, spirit." - Kip Anderson
"I think that all of them share the commonality in my opinion this is the conclusion that I've come to of if you are eating real food stuff that is meant to be food came that way the closer you can eat to that I think the better."
"Chiropractic respects the body, respects human potential."
"The philosophy: the body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"The name of the game: sickness and disease live in what influences inflammation."
"There is no magic answer to medicine there's no magic answer to disease but there is a magic answer to health that's allowing the innate wisdom within ourselves to work at its optimal potential."
"Health is wealth, and not just in a wellness-filtered way."
"We should be strong, robust animals like every other animal on earth instead of getting up to 25 and then just trying to like just hold off death for the rest of your life. That's not normal, that's not natural, and it doesn't need to happen."
"The body is self-healing and self-regulating... The body has an innate intelligence that guides its development."
"Your mind is the chemist that determines the composition of your body's culture medium."
"I just think you eat what you're supposed to eat and your body's going to work the way it's supposed to work."
"My body is a temple and God has given me these abilities."
"That's how you reclaim your birthright to radical optimal health: getting organs along with your animal-based diet."
"So the point at the end of the day is make this a central dietary philosophy."
"The human body heals itself, we just got to get out of the way."
"The body has innate intelligence, we remove the interference and this inner physician goes to work."
"We're really not talking about food versus medicine... it really is about this totality."
"If you live by my motto of 'brain first,' then a lot of your other health issues fall into place."
"The sages do not treat those who have already fallen ill, but rather those who are not yet ill."
"Balance is key... it's not that there's wrong foods or bad foods, it's just having balanced, intuitive kind of eating."
"We do not believe in curing one disease by producing another."
"I would like to suggest that not being dead is not really what we're shooting for when we talk about health."
"Even deficiency is caused by blockage."
"I believe that the healthiest version of us is a functionally moving, jumping, running, and playing good looking human beings."
"Root cause healing is so important."