
Medical Advancement Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"The brain is sort of the last frontier in terms of rapid advances with the body."
"Vaccination has saved untold millions of lives. It's a tremendous medical advance."
"St. Jude has invented treatments that helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 to more than 80 percent in the United States."
"I'm no longer talking about slowing aging; I'm talking about true age reversal multiple times."
"If you detect cancer at stage 0 or stage 1, it's like 99% [cure rate]."
"It reduces the people with COVID-19 admission to intensive care from 50% to 1%."
"As the health of our elderly generation improves, thanks to advancements in medical science, people are not only living longer, they're also living more active lifestyles for longer."
"Michael Levin's work has direct implications for cancer research, the regeneration of limbs, the possible regeneration of tissue in general, and thus may aid with Alzheimer's research."
"According to a report from the American Association for Cancer Research in 2022, for the first time in history, more people are surviving cancer than dying from it."
"We live in a time when we are developing toward cures for diseases that have wiped thousands of people off planet earth."
"It's so clear that we're going to look back at cancer and aging in the same way that we're talking about HIV today."
"Expectations are sky-high for precision medicine, a new strategy that tailors treatment to individual patients."
"This advancement increases accuracy and safety while decreasing invasiveness and cost."
"Just because we can now have women give birth painlessly... doesn't mean they lose their natural strengths."
"Curing all kinds of diseases, ending huge amounts of suffering for millions, if not billions of people, the potential here is truly staggering."
"So there hadn't been a new Alzheimer's drug approved in almost two decades when Aduhelm came along."
"It's going to lead to longer and healthier lives for humans in a way that was really unimaginable just a few decades ago."
"We're making headway in a number of cancer treatments."
"Now, how about this, turns out that Moderna's vaccination, at least in the test, was shown to be 100% effective in adolescents aged 12 to 17. 100 percent."
"The modern-day pharmaceutical industry started to develop around the 19th century."
"The virus was identified and sequenced and made known to the public in the first week in January of 2020, and 11 months later, we had vaccine going in people's arms. That is totally unprecedented."
"Australia became the first country in the world to officially recognize psilocybin as a medicine."
"All three vaccines are highly effective...an incredible step forward and a new tool that we have now in our quiver to address the crisis."
"Vaccines are literally the single most important Improvement that we've made in public health."
"We can now do what we had thought was impossible: prevent Alzheimer’s disease."
"We now have the science and technology and medicine to upgrade your biological software and reverse chronic disease."
"Let's hope we can someday end the nightmare that is cancer once and for all."
"Effectively restore and even enhance our existing brain function."
"You would much rather get Covid now than Covid in March because now we have a drug that we can give you that reduces your risk of dying if you're seriously ill with it by twenty percent which is amazing."
"If we get the vaccine early, that's a great thing."
"It's a very impressive story, just like on the vaccine side."
"Before carrying out an amputation, he would stride across the blood-stained floors of his operating theater before holding his knife aloft, turning to his audience and uttering his catchphrase: 'Time me, gentlemen. Time me.'"
"It is similar to insulin, to penicillin, and certainly as safe and effective as the polio vaccine. It is exactly what we need to get America back on track."
"The disease that we could not solve in the past would be cured."
"We're years ahead on vaccines and they're going to be distributed very shortly."
"This could be a game changer for a lot of families."
"Transplants are not just life-saving, they're life improving."
"If we succeed in the production of a vaccine against Alzheimer's, this is an almost unimaginable expansion of our medical prowess."
"Whether accidentally or purposefully make discoveries which help alleviate pain and mental anguish."
"Never before in medicine have we had a tool so powerful in our toolbox."
"The impact of COVID-19 will persist until effective vaccines or treatments are developed."
"We will have a vaccine by the end of the year."
"This is record time, this is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trial."
"Vaccines, in general, have been a massive boon to humanity."
"We're going to have a vaccine, better treatments, and protocols."
"GF9 has been shown in clinical trial to increase mean growth hormone levels by 682 percent."
"It's an exciting day, an exciting moment... for humanity and it's important for the health broadly of people."
"You must learn healing... We won't need doctors or hospitals."
"The three great successes of Western medicine: surgery, antibiotics, and vaccines."
"I hope that my work helps people sort of reverse the type two diabetes."
"It looks like the world will have its first RNA vaccine this year."
"There's a promising new topical cream that could help with skin cancer."
"We will come out of this, we will have drugs that treat it."
"Vaccines have been an incredible public health advance."
"The pills cut death risk by nearly 90 percent."
"I think we're going to have a vaccine very soon."
"Lucky us, there is now a vaccine for one of each of those things."
"The long-awaited malaria vaccine for children is a breakthrough for science, child health, and malaria control."
"We dream in drug development of something like a 35 mortality reduction. This is a major advance in the treatment of patients."
"Survival rates from cancers keep getting better and better and better."
"Could there be another massive plague outbreak? The answer is that it is very unlikely because we can treat it before it spreads."
"Humanity has begun conquering diseases around us or at least has the idea of how to ease the suffering associated with them."
"Now this is huge. I mean having worked in healthcare for 40 years, we've always dreamed about an antiviral."
"Even with the number of medical mistakes that we have today, it is still the best time in human history to get sick or injured."
"We had all the advantages that Americans didn't have in 1918. We had a record-setting vaccine, as far as time goes, to get a vaccine out in less than a year. Nobody expected that to happen."
"We've made a lot of advances with several vaccines that are in the pipeline."
"Boyle predicted that in the future mankind would have the ability to cure wounds by transplantation."
"This is the only the second in the world and the first in North America of a baby delivered ever after uterus transplantation from a deceased donor."
"The UK became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for use."
"If they managed to create a vaccine, then the world might have a chance to bounce back."
"It was a spectacular improvement over amphetamine, it was a psychedelic that had very interesting effects."
"Up to 11,000 more Americans could receive heart lung and liver transplants annually so heart lung and liver that would be up to 28,000 American lives saved every year."
"Science is amazing. In nine months we came out with a vaccine. It is a triumph of science."
"We have very good news potentially about the vaccine now."
"A greater understanding of these implants would undoubtedly benefit us all."
"It would be the first pandemic in history that could be controlled."
"I wish if I could give genes to those adrenal glands I would every single time."
"This island is home to a research outpost, a Conclave of enlightened men searching for a cure."
"We are certainly encouraged to hear this morning's news that the Pfizer bionic vaccine with 90% effectiveness may be available by the end of the month."
"You know what we have to realize? That since the inception of the polio vaccine, there have been no outbreaks because of the polio vaccine."
"Over time, it’s possible that gene therapy could be as common as chemo and radiotherapy in treating genetic cancers."
"In JJ's heart of hearts he truly believes that he's going to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis."
"Our health care system, while not perfect, produces the best doctors, medicine, research anywhere in the world."
"It's fantastic that we've got so many vaccines coming to this level of maturity."
"We hear good news about a successful vaccine trial."
"Through the power of American science and medicine, we will eradicate the China virus."
"We hope we're going to come up with a good vaccine."
"If early detection were possible, patients who have tumors detected early can be cured surgically."
"Frankly, the therapies to me are the most important because it takes care of people right now."
"Humans are on track to achieve immortality in seven years."
"It's a real triumph that we've gotten the vaccines as fast as we have."
"But it does show that medical science is getting there."
"Let's find a cure to every disease known to mankind or womankind. That would be my ultimate."
"Heart transplantation took off like wildfire."
"If you cured all the age-related diseases... you could see a 30 or 40 year life extension."
"You know I'm lucky as a physician I've got this new drug that actually extends life for everybody."
"This is the moment when experts shine. Getting a vaccine into phase 1 in a matter of months is pretty amazing."
"The establishment of medicine is incredibly important; it's increased health both mental and physical across the entire world."
"But what traders really want to see here is the development of a vaccine."
"Vaccines turned COVID into the flu. We should celebrate that we have created a gigantic scientific miracle."
"Early treatment with pegal interferon Lambda for covid-19 showed a 50% reduction in hospitalizations."
"This is going to make the medical field more powerful and we're going to heal things together, heal the Mind, heal the body, heal our society in our world."
"Some of you may be returning to better times and to keeping your dreams alive."
"The FDA approving a new drug to treat Alzheimer's."
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind." - Donald Trump
"I've had the opportunity not only to help to understand the very fundamental basics of the nature of HIV but my Institute under my leadership has been responsible for developing the therapies that have transformed HIV disease."
"The vaccines that we have are absolutely fantastic."
"We are on the verge of crossing one of the NTDs off the list for good, and eradicating our second-ever human disease."
"I'm hopeful that Johnson & Johnson in the next month will get approved because that's a single dose vaccine, very cheap, highly scalable."
"We've made great strides in neonatal intensive care."
"If you've got a vaccine which is 90% effective against even transmitting the virus then... this is looking better than anyone could have imagined."
"Raising that profile, trying to get some more funding into aging research is the way we're going to solve this problem."
"The first malaria vaccine to meet the WHO's target of 75 percent efficacy has reached phase 3 trials."
"There's no doubt that the most important and positive thing we've seen in the last couple of weeks is a couple of vaccines."
"Can you imagine solving the diseases that have bedeviled humans for thousands of years... because of developments in A.I. and synthetic biology?"
"Tuberculosis became curable for the first time in human history."
"The science today shows us that it's possible to slow, stop, and possibly reverse aging."
"We're going to be able to cure diseases that we never thought it would be possible to cure including cancer."
"My dad beat stage 3 colon cancer this past year, thanks to some truly amazing treatment and detection methods."
"When we talk about extending lifespan, we're actually talking about extending health span."
"She was actually able to get a face transplant now that is amazing."
"The pacemaker: one mistake that would save many lives."
"Good news on the Moderna vaccine, this is going to be the second vaccine approved."
"Many people will come together to find the cure."
"Operation Warp Speed: developing a vaccine in record time."
"Help is on the way, vaccines being developed at a historic pace."
"Tonight, a major step forward for a breakthrough COVID treatment drug maker."
"Fleming's rush to take his vacay wound up producing one of the most important antibiotics of the last century."
"I really believe this will be cured someday."
"Every single person can take their glasses or contacts off, restore sight, and see as good or better than with glasses."
"An amazing news: 50 to 80 percent reduction in hospitalization from omicron."
"He just got the vaccine for polio. It's groundbreaking."
"PCR testing is very important so let's hope it grows."
"This is a very big moment in Operation Warp Speed history."
"The vaccine is weeks away. There is a light at the end of the tunnel."
"RCT revolutionized medicine, establishing causality."
"We have four great companies already [working on vaccines] and it's going to be added to very rapidly."
"21st-century medicine is fundamentally different, and now we're beginning to be able to say, here's how this very, very complex machine works."
"The pandemic will come to an end because these amazing vaccines were invented in a year."
"There is good news on the vaccine front Astrazeneca's CEO announcing its shot could be ready for large-scale vaccinations as early as this year."
"That would be huge for any diabetics or anyone that just needs to measure their blood glucose levels regularly."
"So much has changed in the field of heart rhythm management. It's a very technical field with lots of medical breakthroughs and changes in technology." - Dr. Navin Sani
"We need standardized medicine, something that you know which effect is going to produce in you."
"We have come such a long way three historic scientific breakthrough vaccines."
"It's amazing what people can do medically these days."
"That is as close to a cure as we can ever get."
"These drugs really do massively reduce or reverse obesity, and a few years from now we'll have 50% of the population taking it."
"They saw amazing medical progress that changed everything, from antibiotics to the polio vaccine."
"The inventors of insulin gave away their patent for a single US dollar."
"It's nice to know that if you actually have a more severe case of essential tremor, that there may actually be therapies that are better at helping."
"One of the big pharmacological frontiers that we're on the cusp of seeing are drugs that intentionally shrink the aperture in the pursuit of increased depth of focus."
"If you can make the pupil small pharmacologically and get it into the sweet spot, you can suddenly see up close again because you've expanded the depth of focus."
"We're going to give you today an update on the state of the art of what is an area that is transforming the care of cancer patients today: the use of our body's immune system to fight cancer."
"In the future, everyone will be using metabolic therapies and cancer will not be the horrible death sentence and the terrible tragedy that it has been for the last however many hundreds of years."
"Having a diagnostic test that will identify individuals at risk for developing Parkinson's disease would be an extremely important advance."
"There's no cure to blindness... until now."
"Our very first drug in scleroderma got approved, marking a significant advancement."
"Our work is making it possible to replace defective mitochondria with healthy mitochondria."
"It was the first demonstration that lymphocyte transfer as a sole modality could cause tumor regression in patients with melanoma."
"I think that chromovitrectomy has made macular hole and epiretinal membrane surgery, macular surgery in general, much safer. And I think that we're going to continue to see that with some of the other agents that we can stain the inner retina with."
"A one-time gene therapy could theoretically lead to lifelong production of medication within the eye and basically free patients from that treatment burden of monthly injections."
"With the advent of laser, you're able to reduce the risk of severe vision loss... from 60% to 2%."
"Prior to 2023, we have never had any medication besides the AREDS 2 vitamin to treat patients with dry macular degeneration."
"Treatment, a gene therapy for LCA... is the first FDA approved treatment, gene therapy treatment in the eye and not just in the eye, in children."
"The success of immune checkpoint inhibitors really has revitalized cancer immunotherapy."
"IVF is extremely important for helping countless families experience the joy of Parenthood."
"Developed many new techniques, including the use of ligatures to tie arteries."
"With what we know today, we should be able to prevent all or at least most cases of type 2 diabetes."
"This is a time of riches for our patients, an extraordinary development in cancer Therapeutics."
"The approval of the first CRISPR-based therapy is a crucial step towards more targeted and effective treatments."
"The conquest of disease made huge strides."
"These new medications are a big development and can be life-changing so it's very exciting."
"It's reasonable to think we might have a universal or some kind of broader flu vaccine at some point."
"We've taken a disease that was essentially uniformly fatal and right now, if you put people on the proper combination of drugs, you can essentially allow them to lead almost a normal life."
"It's hard to believe that in any of these diseases we didn't have this kind of tool in the past."
"That's a tremendous success story when we can use immunotherapy to really help people."
"Soon you might even be able to get tested for cancer just by a simple blood draw or even a saliva sample."
"Immunotherapy is revolutionizing the treatment of lymphoma and many other cancers."
"So what's really exciting is that in the last four or five years, there are now blood tests that can detect these proteins, the amyloid proteins and the tau proteins, and with very high accuracy, as good as spinal fluid or PET scans, tell us whether people have Alzheimer's."
"Stem cells are here to stay and the facts speak for themselves. This is no fantasy anymore, this is the real thing."
"We can cure diseases and we can just raise the standard of living."
"In modern Cardiology, you do not see very many things that have an absolute reduction of 27% in mortality."
"Without the echo, we would not have been able to detect hypertension."
"Who can see a time when we can control and cure all cancers? We can."
"Endovascular therapy has changed our life and most importantly has improved survival for a lot of these patients."
"I think the future looks bright if we can get one tissue or one organ be reprogrammed."
"If we can get one tissue or one organ be reprogrammed, the future looks bright."
"Immunotherapy might be a good option."
"Early cataract surgery can be a huge advancement."
"Apparently, they were able to reattach his wood. Oh, now they definitely got alien technology if we regenerate penises."
"The clinical application of biofilm science has clearly eliminated indescribable suffering and has saved lives."
"The Shingrix vaccine has been a giant leap forward. That's been amazing."
"Did I say cancer has been solved? All sorts of cancers? They're all solved."
"One of the most significant advancements brought by AI and machine learning is the ability to analyze vast amounts of EEG data rapidly and with a level of accuracy that we've never seen before."
"Silta cell brings significant clinical benefit compared to other approved therapies based on improved efficacy and has changed the treatment landscape for late-stage patient care."
"If patisserin had been available 18 years ago, I would not have needed a heart transplant."
"This means the study of these molecules might help unlock new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease."
"As a result of a safe and effective vaccine and curative therapy, in the year 2000 and blank, HIV was eliminated from 90 percent of the countries on earth with the promise of eradication not too far behind."