
Medical Science Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"The single most important medical science of all, whether for professionals or not, is nutrition. It has an enormous capacity to reverse disease, certainly to prevent it, and at the very least to stymie its progression."
"The Bible speaks of quarantine long before medical science discovered the importance of isolating those with infectious diseases."
"The world needs a sporting event that embraces the future, particularly advances in medical science."
"You're very much interested in and have always talked about physiology, how the body works, and also how the body doesn't work, what happens to make the body go wrong."
"Surfactant decreases the surface tension and allows for the alveoli to expand."
"The immune system does cure cancer to some extent."
"Medical science moves slowly...but COVID is not moving slowly." - Colin
"There's no such thing as alternative medicine. There's just medical claims that are proven and all the rest that are not proven."
"I use real patients' stories to teach the science of how this medical approach to better health works."
"We all strive to live a long, prosperous, and healthy life. With advances in health and medical sciences, this goal is ever more attainable."
"I wanted it to be something different from what existed before, and a place where people would cultivate health in every possible way by every means afforded by medical science and by modern hygiene."
"Vaccines are one of the most important things that ever happened in public health."
"The human brain is the least understood thing in the entire medical field."
"Many of the greatest innovations in medical science came from Scottish minds."
"Autism is a complex condition we still don't fully understand with many variations and symptoms and severity."
"Vaccines don't cause autism because autism was already underway in early early brain development."
"Angiogenesis is a tipping point between a harmless cancer and a harmful one."
"Medicine is not an exact science. It's a science of human beings. Human beings are complex."
"Make the brains better; that's where almost all the benefit is."
"The ability to identify and prevent infectious diseases is the key to almost all of modern medical science."
"The reason why this area is important is because there's a high concentration of voltage-gated sodium channels there."
"The Pfizer vaccine demonstrates strong immune response."
"There is a serious biological basis to this illness, and it's a brain basis."
"Studying microglia offers an opportunity to understand a wide variety of conditions."
"Biological sex is determined every single medical field that involves human biology or animal biology. It revolves around this."
"We have the ability today to use nutritional science in a selected and targeted fashion to help people get well from most chronic serious medical conditions."
"There's genetic immunity and probably of a couple of different kinds."
"Natural immunity has always been considered superior to vaccine-induced immunity."
"Passive immunity is where you're given the antibodies ready made. It's a well-known principle in immunity."
"The more successful you are, the more over I stay, the more successful I become. It makes me look good, right? It's a win-win."
"The vaccines are safe and effective... they save millions of lives and they will stop."
"It was clear that the survivors of plague-stricken Europe had passed on a stunning legacy to their descendants: protection from the most feared killer of our time, AIDS."
"We will have a vaccine by the end of the year."
"The complete integration and harmony between medical experience and science just mesh together beautifully."
"The human body is just amazing in its complexity."
"Medical science cannot cure disease without taking care of what's causing it."
"I think we will have a vaccine sooner rather than later."
"The liver receives signals from the adipose tissue telling it to stop making glucose and stop storing triglycerides."
"I loved reading the science but you know getting people better in real life doesn't come from reading scientific papers."
"Another way to stop a virus is to create a sterilizing vaccine that actually prevents the spread."
"This is exactly what Dr. Weiskopf and Dr. Crotty at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology have done."
"This teenager has changed the future of medical science with her simple but genius invention."
"Actual medical science offers real evidence-based treatment."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"The body is fascinating in that it can heal itself within reason when given the opportunity."
"What's happened since then is we now understand that ketones are not just a fuel."
"We ought to expect an increasing discrepancy between efficacy and effectiveness in medical science."
"Many of these diseases are not individual diseases; they're dysfunctions in common pathways."
"And that's the vaccines, with a 95% relative risk reduction for symptomatic disease."
"It's not magic, it's our complex organism that we're dealing with."
"It's a real triumph that we've gotten the vaccines as fast as we have."
"The human immune system is the last great Frontier of medicine... we have been effing with it."
"If it turns out that mast cells are chronically active in long COVID, it’s possible that therapies aiming to bring them back under control could reduce or even eliminate long COVID symptoms."
"The Hallmarks of Aging: deregulated nutrient sensing, telomere shortening, senescent cells, mitochondrial dysfunction, damaged proteins, DNA damage, stem cell exhaustion, inflammation, and epigenetic changes."
"Vaccines work incredibly well at reducing the risk of hospitalization and death."
"Growth hormone has profound benefits for anti-aging."
"Medical science is remarkably effective... The expectation that science will bring forward large numbers of things which cumulatively will get on top of this is not an unreasonable one."
"Vaccines can be efficacious against SARS coronavirus too."
"If it's too high, okay, it'll actually raise your blood sugar's way over here and kind of nullify insulin to some degree."
"This is outrageous and not based on anything that's medical science." - Dr. Michelle Fiskus
"The MRNA covid vaccine is magical and it is safe and effective."
"Every vaccine is going to have those three layers of complexity."
"When you use the science of functional medicine... we're able to help people where no one else can be helped."
"Understanding the retina won't give us a full understanding of how all this works, but if you don't have your retina, you also won't see. You won't even have a chance to see."
"Medical consensus changes because people can debate."
"The discovery of the ability to enhance the body's repair systems and to rejuvenate the body has come out of aging research."
"There is no proven clinical benefit of the infusion of plasma from young donors in the prevention of conditions such as aging, memory loss, dementia, Parkinson's, sclerosis, Alzheimer's, heart disease, or PTSD."
"And now for the first time just a two months ago there was a release of the information about a drug which if you like sucked the amyloid out of the brain and that had a beneficial clinical effect."
"Stimulating the vagus nerve can actually calm seizures."
"There's a lot of things where there's certain genetic conditions that people might have."
"And we need that in psychiatry. That a lot of our hypotheses for the major diseases have had the same hypotheses for 60 or 70 years."
"We know that if you treat newborns and neonates early, very early in the first few days of life, that we can really limit and restrict these reservoirs. If you treat early, around two to three months of age, by 10 years of age, the reservoirs are really reduced."
"Nicotinamide supplementation boosts cell mitochondria of optic nerve cells and may rescue the injured or impaired retinal ganglion cells."
"There's information in that blood that somehow causes an immunity to very powerful viruses, contemporary viruses. Somehow the cell cannot let the virus in. It just has an intelligence that's greater than its environment."
"There's information in that blood that's anti-carcinogenic. Somehow there's a change in the person's microbiome immediately. They're a different person, different microbiome."
"Serum LDL is a Mickey Mouse observable. Why are we so laser focused on LDL when it may not even be a meaningful measure of anything?"
"If we knew how to tell groups of cells what it is that they should be building, we would be able to resolve birth defects, traumatic injury, cancer, aging, degenerative disease."
"There's a great Paradox in this story of these injections because the people who seem to respond to them most impressively losing the most weight are the people who don't have as much weight to lose."
"The physiology does not care about the cut points that medicine comes up with. We just create them for classification."
"Gene therapy... could rewrite those wrong instructions... like catching a design flaw early before countless defective products get manufactured... introduces functional genes into a patient's cells to compensate for the flawed disease-causing versions."
"I'll never say never with somebody because you don't know what medical science is gonna come up with."
"The basic things that are needed for any healing process include energy, trigger for any regenerative process, stem cells, and angiogenesis."
"It's like, 'Oh, if I can regrow new tissue, maybe I don't have to get surgery for a tear or maybe if I have osteoarthritis, I don't have to go get my joint replaced, maybe I can regrow cartilage.'"
"Science, Medical Science saved my goddamn life."
"What happens when you're under anesthesia in that medical coma but your body is still keeping score because nothing is sealed in your body? Everything is connected, including your pre-operative anxiety state."
"The primary driver of pain and disability is the sagittal balance."
"In the Modern Age we understand the principle of a vaccine."
"We've shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine, in some cases many years."
"We're always retesting and evolving treatments in the cancer world to find what works best."
"Plasticity of the brain gives us hope for some of these diseases."
"Star Wars: a technologically advanced society with medical technology sufficient to save a man covered in second and third degree burns over 75 percent of his body, where a woman has no idea that she's having twins. Did Padme just blow off seeing an OBGYN? OBGYN Kenobi."
"The cause of AIDS remains unknown, but the evidence suggests that it's probably caused by an infectious, transmissible agent."
"Nerve repair is completely possible for a severed limb that's been surgically reattached."
"If nerve repair is possible for a severed limb, shouldn't it be equally possible to repair a peripheral nerve that's only been partially damaged?"
"Looking at an image at one point in time and saying that there's amyloid building up in the brain does that mean that that person is on the path to Alzheimer's disease?"
"There's no scientific explanation and there's no medical explanation why you're still alive."
"Their story is a testament to the strength of family bonds and the leaps in medical science."
"It taught us that remission was possible. That we could take a person with normally a lethal disease, and put them into remission that could last decades."
"...immune health is using the immune system to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease."
"There are drugs called senolytics, which destroy senescent cells."
"Interrupting the blood-brain barrier does not somehow predispose the patient to getting infections in the brain that would normally be excluded by the blood-brain barrier."
"The anti-cancer efficacy of the treatment itself I don't think should be called into doubt at all that it would be effective."
"We might even develop a cure for disease."
"Dean Ornish has shown reversal of coronary artery disease in 99% of patients according to PET scans."
"Transplant rejection does display hallmarks of the adaptive immune response."
"Hyperacute rejection occurs very quickly because of pre-existing antibodies."
"...whatever was happening to him was outside the realm of Medical Science."
"Most of what is happening with CARs is that the tumor is wily and escapes by changing that exact feature that you targeted with the immune system."
"She managed to reverse partially the ones that were partial blockages and the 100% blockage had already managed to reroute itself. That's incredible, and she lived for another 33 plus years and never passed from her heart conditions. Angiogenesis is definitely pretty cool."
"Those tubes are pressurized and that is exactly how they preserve the blood."
"Why is the fact that 80 percent of epithelial cancers have novel neoantigens a totally staggering feature?"
"Simulation of heart dynamics is crucial for understanding heart function and potential treatments for heart abnormalities."
"Simulation plays a vital role in understanding the stability and strength of bone and how it's affected by disease."
"We're the ones our hope to know that by the way god help us um there's a diagnosis and a treatment plan for every disease."
"We're evolving and saying that intraocular pressure maybe is not quite as important as we thought it was."
"Freedom of medical scientific expression is crucial."
"Before I was born, Dr. Kempner had disproven concepts that are still held as true by most medical doctors today."
"The number one medical science of all in my view has the greatest to offer, it's not even offered in a single medical school in the country."
"I reserve the right to change my opinion about treatments, drugs, surgeries because the science is incomplete, because often there are horrible biases in the science."
"German doctors are attempting to reverse death and resurrect humans."
"I wish he would say, 'Hey, get vaccinated. Medical science, good thing.'"
"Vaccines are deeply counter-intuitive...actually injecting a disease agent into your body."
"Just because it has affected a very small number of people does not mean to say that that medicine is not beneficial to the vast majority."
"Recent science changed the way we thought about fluid exchange and how all forms of edema like lymphedema come about."
"Without his contributions, immunotherapy definitely wouldn't be where it is today."
"Immunotherapy uses our immune systems to cure cancer."
"Immunotherapy is very real and very legit."
"Radiation is really one of the three major treatment options for cancer and it's not an ancillary service; it's really a primary treatment for a lot of types of tumors."
"Radiation really complements surgery and chemotherapy very well."
"Marshall and Warren were proposing that stomach ulcers were caused by a bacterial infection."
"Using Python libraries for medical research gives a tour of AI in medicine."
"Age is just a number and I think that that is becoming more and more true as Medical Science improves and everything else"
"...the old idea that higher testosterone contributes to the development of prostate cancer is not supported by the current evidence."
"...there's no relationship between androgen concentrations and the development of prostate cancer."
"...higher Gleason scores are associated with low testosterone levels."
"...it's not high testosterone that's associated with bad prognostic features it appears to be low testosterone."
"Exercise has been shown to be a very important prognostic factor."
"...a bioidentical hormone made by a pharmaceutical company will be composed of the same molecules that are identical to the molecules in your human body..."
"Malignancy... metastatic cause... they disrupt the blood-brain barrier... blood to seep into these areas around the tumor."
"As much as we'd like to study injuries and pathologies at the atomic and molecular levels, at least at present, cell and tissue levels remain to be the most easily and economically accessible forms of ourselves for diagnostic and for treatment purposes."
"To study the histology is really to study our anatomy at the cell and tissue level in depth both figuratively and literally."
"OC instability we see in a variety of pathologies traumas obviously classic."
"Thymus regeneration is an important aging intervention, it's a strategic one and it has potentially early clinical significance."
"In the vast majority of cases, lymphedema is not hereditary."
"It was time to propose a similar challenge to medical science."
"When the treatment works, it really works well. Scientists and clinicians are very hesitant to call it a cure, but I would say, 22 years out from diagnosis, I've never taken anything after chemotherapy, you know? I would say I'm cured."
"And I just found it so fascinating that large numbers of people were improving on the placebos."
"Medical Science has changed over 10 years and people have now realized the old way of thinking isn't necessarily the best way."
"The clinical application of biofilm science has clearly eliminated indescribable suffering and has saved lives."
"Viral immunopathology is nothing new."
"Dr. Victoria Clark is a physician scientist, a person who has both MD and PhD degrees."
"I think there may be uses of it to correct mutations that would otherwise cause terrible disease."
"PBS series American Masters researched Dr. Fauci for two hours."
"MRNA is a new idea, it's an idea that was shrouded in some skepticism."
"The vaccine efficacy has been in the early stages really striking with over 90 percent or around 90 percent for both for the mRNA vaccines."
"Platelet-rich plasma is an attempt to harness our body's healing regeneration potential."
"This is really an extraordinary moment in terms of thinking about cures for genetic disorders."
"I'm basically investigating immunotherapy for cancer, so hot topic right now, just won the Nobel prize, it's very exciting."
"Understanding where the microbiome is important and how we might be able to harness that is also fundamentally important."
"Exome aims to capture the protein coding regions of all 20,000 genes in the human body."
"We define cure in two ways: one is called a functional cure and the other is a sterilizing cure."
"Genome editing also paves the way for the creation of models for human disease."
"Henrietta Lacks - a remarkable woman whose name is finally making its way into the history books."
"Pharmacodynamics is what the drug does to your body."
"Vaccines can work against cancer. We have this substance or protein that's given to the patient, that protein teaches the T cells to recognize that protein, and then the T cells then migrate to the side of the tumor where they can kill off the cancer cells."
"The mechanism of general anesthesia is incompletely understood."
"The blood gas partition coefficient is our next topic."
"Currently, there's no cure but this is really an active area of research."
"If we can understand and eventually modify biological aging, we can have an impact on all these different functional declines and diseases that go along with old age."
"Enzymes from the human gut that can turn Type A and B blood into Type O."
"The fact that we can see visually that people's organs are younger and that functions being returned is how we know that that's part of healing."
"Medical science is going to eradicate cancer, heart disease, respiratory illness."
"Clinical pharmacology is the study of drugs and biologics in humans."
"I've never seen anything change people's lives like stem cells."
"The delivery of oxygen is a product of cardiac output, which while on pump is the pump flow, multiplied by the oxygen content of the blood."
"Stem cells have the ability to restore, repair, regenerate, supplement almost any tissue in the body."
"These changes induced by the stem cells repair the vessels that correlate with a functional recovery."
"The convergence between DNA sequencing, artificial intelligence, and gene editing is going to cure disease."
"Despite severe atrophy, the spectroscopy was reflecting her functional, her clinical, her personal experience of improvement in her symptoms."
"HeLa cells have changed the world as we know it and saved innumerable lives in the process."
"Stopping that alpha-synuclein pathology, that spread... we can have a real disease modifying impact."
"Everything we do in medicine to save lives is based in science."
"Immunotherapy is essentially trying to recruit the immune system to get rid of the lymphoma."
"The retina is the gateway to the body."
"Turns out the human body was quite complex."
"Medicine as a science of uncertainty and an art of probability."
"The complacent assumption that modern medical science and public health had the tools to protect society and to eradicate diseases one by one was once again punctured."
"We have lots of very exciting ways that we can use viruses to help us."
"For the next 60 minutes, you will see how the love of family, selfless acts of heroism by total strangers, and the marvels of medical science joined together to make miracles."
"Gene therapy is a process where they modify your cells, the DNA in your cells, to correct genetic defects."
"The blood-brain barrier is unique in that it severely limits which substances can pass through the vascular endothelium."
"Science saved monkeys, science is going to save my sweetheart."
"The brutality of modern warfare coupled with advancements in medical science meant more soldiers could survive life-threatening wounds."
"Previously considered a sign of treatment failure, the placebo effect is now seen as an indicator of alternative non-pharmacological mechanisms at work."
"The scientific triumph that we had vaccines coming along very early, far earlier than we would have expected."
"The vessels that supply the low resistance organ like the brain, liver, spleen, kidney demand continuous forward flow throughout the cardiac cycle."
"The receptor that we're interested in is the one HIV protease."
"I think vaccines are one component. But they allow for initiating that immune response, but they may not allow for maintaining the immune response, since the immune response is well-controlled, as you mentioned, by multiple checkpoints."
"The HIV virus itself targets CD4 T cells, which are particularly responsible for defending the body against atypical bacteria, fungi, and parasites."
"Millions of lives being helped and saved because of them and because of Henrietta Lacks."