
Self-presentation Quotes

There are 753 quotes

"Be yourself not because it works to not be yourself, but because you will not be happy with the outcome if you're pretending to be someone else."
"Be others focused. That's a really good time to be others focused, is when you're doing a job interview."
"People feel like they must present a certain way to check off a box based on where they are, who they are in their life."
"The most common reason that you didn't get the job is you weren't able to articulate why you were the best person for the job."
"Your answer to this question is your personal statement of who you are and why you are ready for this position."
"Being able to understand how best to present yourself so you have a better chance in the dating world."
"Should I begin with a brief introduction of myself after all this time?"
"But then from there, we've got to start reframing this whole idea that thinking about how you're presenting yourself is an act of taking, and we've got to show that considering the way you're presenting yourself and understanding others is actually the ultimate act of selflessness and giving."
"Are we doomed to a reality of fake existence, doomed to give birth to different, horrible, altered versions of ourselves just so we can appear perfect on social media?"
"Your face is only as good as the energy that comes from behind it."
"This person is wearing a mask; they're trying to make out that they're more confident than what they really feel."
"I was so scared that you would reject the real me and leave me, so I put on my mask and felt like I could never take it off again."
"Present yourself based on what you would like to become, not just on what you are right now or what you have been in the past."
"I could probably trick a few people into thinking I'm really lean but in actuality, I'm probably between twelve and fifteen percent body fat."
"A job interview as a sales presentation. You are selling yourself."
"You're a product, and you're trying to sell it to people. Welcome to business."
"Before you walk into a room, if you can get yourself right, if you can show up as your most confident, competent self, that makes you super contagious in a good way."
"I'm gonna step on that stage looking the best I ever have."
"The idea behind this website was to build a portfolio for myself to just display some of my work, showcase some of my articles, any past projects and just build a platform for somebody to be able to come in and get to know me a little bit better."
"People are asking three questions: Who are you? What do you have? And why should I care?"
"Your data science portfolio and resume is your opportunity to represent the best of yourself."
"Allow others to experience you, not what you provide for them."
"You're walking in there like a bag of money."
"I just want people to know what I'm capable of."
"Making an entrance is drawing attention to yourself."
"Fake it till you make it; fake it while you make it."
"Whenever you show up as yourself, it really puts you in a position of power and strength."
"It was a nice experience and I'm thankful for that."
"Assume your position with strength and grace, be seen for who you are."
"Partner up, knowing there isn't any ego there."
"The best way to present yourself is to stand up forthrightly and to stretch out, you know, and to occupy some space."
"Confidence is the easiest thing in the world to fake."
"Lead with your best foot forward... make sure that it's highlighted on your resume as the first project."
"The first thing you have to understand with regards to trying to come to terms with the conception of the shadow is to understand the idea of persona and persona is the you that you present when you want people to accept and like you often like."
"She seems to believe that if she presents herself in a certain way and adopts a very specific character with very specific traits, it will give her the best chance at evading the consequences of her actions."
"I think authenticity really plays, and I think the thing that has really worked for me is being authentic."
"Everyone should be free to express themselves and present themselves to the world in the way that makes them feel best."
"Exercise, diet, clothes that show curves, cosmetics, hair, motion, and posture—all play a role in enhancing attractiveness."
"Tyler said he multiplied his personality by 20. An over-the-top meat head who didn't take himself too seriously, a stranger who joked like a friend."
"For me, it's like a CV. Somebody can look at it and be like, 'Okay, so this is what it's about. It's impressive, right?'"
"Almost everything that she's saying is minimizing or maximizing to make herself look good."
"This is your presentation of yourself in the world and your presentation is very important right now."
"You should always be seen in the best light, that's my motto."
"Fix your posture, fix your crown, fix the way that you walk and fix the way that you position yourself."
"Sometimes it's okay to be a little fake. You can have embarrassing secrets. We all do. You don't have to publicize them."
"No, I'm not going to win this because I really didn't showcase anything besides my fabulous personality and my amazing aesthetic."
"Practice telling your accomplishments and good stories."
"Own you and be congruent. Be who you present yourself to be."
"Wearing that has gotten me so many more compliments."
"Present your best self to the world."
"Looking sharp, half the game is how you look, you know what I mean?"
"One of the most attractive things a man can do... is how he carries himself."
"The image is more important than anything, always keep that on your cap, y'all."
"I spent a thousand on this [ __ ] hair makeup."
"Truly deep down not having anxiety or fear around what's going to be said about me knowing that the deepest regret would be to not show up exactly how I want to show up."
"You are not pitching your show, you are pitching yourself."
"Show up as your true selves and then watch the magic happen."
"Show them who you are, show them who you're going to be, and most of all, kick his ass."
"If you were battered, if you were sexually victimized, why are you over sexualizing yourself?"
"When you go on a date, you're opening the door to let your charisma, your masculinity, your leadership traits, your qualities come out and speak for you."
"And if you can introduce yourself clearly and confidently, you'll make a great first impression with people that you meet."
"We should try out new ways of thinking, challenge our identity, and redefine ourselves."
"If you don't give anybody any good things about you and you're like hey uh this thing about me sucks then nobody is gonna stay."
"Knowing this pattern of how these interviews are structured can help you prepare better... for the tell me about yourself section."
"I want to present myself to the world as an evolved version of yesterday."
"In the end how you present yourself to the world is also how you're going to be treated"
"You giving her a perspective of you that don't exist, who you really are at your core, who you going to be when ain't nobody looking and she ain't around, that's who you need to expose as quickly as possible."
"Every single day almost flexing a muscle trying to appear the way that you want to appear."
"Silence in taking your time tends to sound more confident than anything."
"My talk is huge, my talk is pretty useful, pretty cool, pretty heavy as the kids are saying now."
"It's honestly very simple: Your grace, your class, your poise, your confidence."
"Commit to something, take what is yours, and present yourself as big."
"The trick to dressing well is to dress for your body."
"The way you speak, the way you act, the way you carry yourself teaches the world how to approach you."
"You are never fully dressed without a smile, so turn that frown upside down."
"You got to be interesting, I am very fortunate to have presented my branding online as me."
"Why am I making a front-facing video? Why have I learned to speak in the rhetoric of an influencer?"
"Imagine if that guy said knock ding dong hello hi, here's some position paper I have on how interesting I am. No, no, show me a video where you just kill it, and you got me."
"It's one of those things that you should keep in mind. All stuff. But it's like if you are going to put yourself on camera for everybody, then maybe make yourself a little presentable, you know?"
"Change your posture, change the way that you exude your place in the world."
"It's time to say no and it's time to stop presenting myself." - Patrick Wood
"The most attractive thing about her at some like that was like your confidence which is there really yeah you carried yourself with a lot of confidence like that's just attractive in itself it."
"You're showing people the real you and making big bold changes."
"Be your authentic self, show your beautiful side."
"In the end though, I hope to show myself through actions and not words."
"My appearance, as you can see, is quite charming."
"That's right, saved the best for last // I'm Miss Coulee, but did you gotta ask?"
"I think makeup is just another sort of thing you may put on the tool belt that makes me think, oh, how I present myself and how I come off to other people does make a difference."
"It's about walking with confidence, being confident out there."
"You walk so good in your spirituality, you walk so good in your faith, you carry yourself like a goddamn goddess."
"Approaching in person, you can compensate for your lack of looks with other aspects of your personality."
"The most perfectly naturally hot person has never had to make themselves look that great."
"Your portfolio is what you're saying to the world: 'Hey, come look at my work, this is what I want to show off.'"
"Your ideas are like your children. And you don't want them to go into the world in rags."
"There is so much you can do to master visual chemistry that you actually have control of that has nothing to do with looks."
"A mysterious woman is modest about how she feels, thinks, carries herself, speaks, and dresses."
"Wear shirts that make you look bigger and badder."
"How do you want the world to view you? That's your social media."
"If you look like you need it, you'll never get it."
"Interesting people have interests. So if you're posting these thirst traps and you're like, 'Guys just treat me like a...' well, honey, your social media is a commercial for who you are."
"Half the time we faking it until we make it, and that's just being real."
"But don't walk into an interview saying I'm a fan, no champ, oh dig his belt!"
"Show up as your more healed self. Let people see how you walk and move as a more healed version of yourself. Let them see how you're modeling how you show up."
"Friends, Romans, countrymen... It is your Emperor and mighty warrior Savalum."
"It's so hard to fake who you are for that long."
"Every interview question is asking you, why are you a fit for us?"
"It's beyond you thinking that you're just there to answer some questions. It's not that. You're there to convince and persuade."
"You have the ability to showcase... that you are the top candidate for the position."
"Who am I, you ask? Well, the answer is simple: they call me the ball guy."
"Asking yourself, 'What is the greatest expression of myself that I can present to the world?'"
"I'm standing on business, you know how I'm coming."
"I want to make sure that I show up authentic in every situation."
"Your paradigm dictates how you show up in the world."
"I was in prison, man, I had all my laid out like I was the best, like a professional."
"In the interview, talk about what you're going to do for these people, this company, this individual, not what you've done in the past."
"It is time gentlemen, it is time to show the world who we are."
"Before I even tell you who I am I need to make sure that I'm, you know, presented well. I'm joking."
"Don't be afraid of being the center of attention, people will appreciate you for showing up."
"It's still on your own and how you put yourself out there differently, you try different things."
"Relax your shoulders, center your voice, because... I hate the way that when we get noticed as women, we kind of start screaming and shrieking, and our voices go high."
"Before you walk into the room, think about not how am I looking, but what is it that they're looking for? You are helping them make a choice. It's not about judgment on you; it's about helping them think clearly."
"Every day I don't even put powder on for the show anymore. Like, I used to kind of try. He tells me, 'One take, two.'"
"You're Reinventing yourself here, you are completely Reinventing yourself, and then you're coming back out in the world being like here's who I am now, Incorporated 2023, September. Like, yeah, you're Reinventing yourself."
"Maybe you can teach me your vlog voice inside one of my videos. First of all, that's so mean to say that that isn't a version of myself. Like, I'm faking it for the internet. Do you?"
"Most of you don't know me... I'm Radio Rebel."
"You want to look nice. This is as nice as you're going to look."
"Violence is just the reel, but at the end of the day how you carry yourself makes you."
"How do you become the person that's not hiding something behind the curtain? Yeah, how do you become that per? How do you not become that person by not having a curtain?"
"Always look your best even when you feel your worst. Can I get an amen up in here?"
"The app is the best place to put yourself forward, like a job with a CV."
"Nobody's gonna know who you are if you're putting up this front."
"You've got to hide it, fake it till you make it."
"There's a lot of lying also... it's more like making a character out of yourself."
"Ultimately, it is your responsibility to manufacture, maintain, no different than sweeping your porch or brushing your hair, this halo effect is your responsibility for you to maintain."
"It is so important to advertise yourself as what you authentically are."
"They made an incredible showing for themselves."
"You can either present yourself as a guide or you can present yourself as a guru."
"I'm here to show the world that I'm one of the best."
"Show up how you want to show up and you feel just as good either way."
"There's something important about trying to hold an energy of elegance."
"I could be spending time asking questions and learning about other people, and then through that conversation, then they get to know who I am as well."
"Show all sides of yourself... stop just showing the perfect stuff or the highlight reel."
"This is nice to be on one end and like have a focus. Like you can just kind of chill versus also this is my good side. I'm really happy about it."
"I want them to see that we're hard-working, you know?"
"Change your stride, put your shoulders back and walk tall."
"Be at ease. Be real and your confidence and cool will come."
"Character is very important. How do you stay yourself? How do you present yourself?"
"I think I'm finally at that point now, I'm finally at the point where I'm happy with everything and I'm ready to show everyone."
"Presentation and being authentic, you have to be the full package."
"You have to do both at the same time, learn how to present yourself and be the authentic guy."
"I always wanted to put my best foot forward."
"Time to step into the spotlight; it's time to show off."
"I never try to hold myself out as anything other than a guy just giving his opinion."
"You want to be seen as great without with effortlessly. Yeah, great so you want to be like, 'Oh, you want to see my audition?' and someone sees it and you want to feel like everyone's like 'That's amazing.'"
"Dress to project conviction, not to attract attention."
"People like to call it faking it to make it."
"You're showing me a lot of personality in here."
"The more we try to control how people want to see us, the more we're going to lose energy and not actually focus on what we were actually created to do on this Earth."
"It's important for me to come across as a winner."
"You might as well look good while they're watching, give them something to look at."
"I'd like to present myself how I see myself: unapologetically authentic."
"This is your new era. Show people who you are again and show them that you're not what you used to be."
"I gotta put my best foot forward, baby. I gotta put my best foot forward, straight up."
"Sometimes it's more about unlocking the opportunity to show someone just how effing amazing you are."
"Your body's alright or you need to show up I would say I'm gonna try to like flirt and say humble brag of the century."
"Classy lady, this is my only new piece of gear."
"The person you are all watching on TV isn't me it's a curated version of myself."
"The best thing a girl could wear is her smile."
"At one point you want to be yourself on camera because I think that's really important but it almost has to be like a bumped up version of you."
"You need to understand how to tailor yourself to the opportunity that's in front of you you need to be able to demonstrate your fit for the role."
"We keep up a front for everyone else. Why can't we do it for ourselves?"
"You have to project the best out of you, you have to design your 'as' differently."
"Your first impression is key, you know the universe is going to attach to you."
"To look great, it's just the matter of every element that works together."
"It's all about what you choose to let people see."
"Pickup is about presenting your best, most authentic, and most genuine self to the girl."
"Introduce ourself correctly, you know what I'm saying?"
"They desperately want to show up as this authentic person."
"They just have been waiting for a chance to show off what they can do."
"The way you present yourself to the world is your reflection on how you look at yourself."
"If you're gonna take nudes, make sure you look super fucking hot. Don't take half-ass nudes."
"Stacking the odds 99 in your favor, you're gonna do your hair cute, you're gonna look cute and it's gonna be great and like he's not he's not gonna know what hit him."
"The world needs you, but it needs the real you, not the one with the mask looking to blend in."
"The clothes that we wear has a big impact on how we conduct ourselves."
"Just be like, 'Yeah, I got a playset of the Moltres.' Ah, yeah, I'm cool. Like me on Instagram. Actually, don't do that. I don't know how to do Instagram. I don't know how to do any of that."
"Your air is your asset so having a cute haircut definitely will help you to elevate your game as well."
"I want to come out looking like a million [ __ ] bucks."
"You've just blown their mind with the way you carry yourself, your own energy, how you show up, how you express yourself."
"I know everyone always says don't apologize for how you look or your lighting just like shut up about it but this obviously needs to be addressed."
"Your image is more important than anything else."
"With my new attitude and improved self-confidence and self-respect, I am radiating and glowing, and people are taking notice and flocking to get to know me."
"The way that I run away so good, what a strange, strange punch. I think you'll see me again as well."
"It smells like an adult woman who's got her crap together."
"They're very prepared, so like the way they carry themselves, the way they go about things, they're very put together and very prepared."
"You have the chance to show the world what you can do now."
"We all want to glamorize our lives, and I think in the age of social media we do that more than anything else."
"She presented herself as a victim. That's survival."
"It's safer to come out from behind the screen and be seen as you really are than it is to hide behind an image of what you want people to think you are."
"Vulnerability is the number one thing on the list for me. I might try to figure out something they might want more but it wouldn't be authentic. So I'm just going to show up and be myself, and that's the best thing I can serve."
"Act like a professional: pick a business name wisely, have a professional website and email, get business cards, and showcase your work."