
Agriculture Quotes

There are 8892 quotes

"Fueling our farmers that and feeding our farmers that feed Canadians and those across the world, this is what I feel like is where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing."
"Bakus, the fully electric and autonomous agricultural robot, represents a revolutionary choice in viticulture."
"The Metal Agro MA 301 lavender harvester...ensures the quality of the final product."
"Our modern society heavily depends on farming and global food systems; a Yellowstone eruption could seriously strain our way of life."
"The USA has the third largest agricultural industry in the world, behind only China and India."
"The two things internationally that worry me the most is that the most globalized economic sector is agriculture, and the most fragile one is agriculture."
"Thank you for watching this episode of Minecraft Monday. We all appreciate Speedy and we all learned a good lesson about what it's like to appreciate Speedy back."
"It's great to grow underground because you don't have to deal with weather, you don't have to deal with bugs... it's a more controlled environment."
"Here at Woodmill Orchards, we grow our trees the old-fashioned way, right out of the ground."
"The watermelons are growing at an unprecedented rate. It's beautiful. I'm bringing life to all melons."
"The spirit pneumatic seeder excels in performing multiple functions in one pass, including leveling, seedbed preparation, soil restoration, seeding, and rolling."
"I'm going to show you the greatest pineapple farm ever created."
"The fields, billions of acres of crops cover the land in waves of undulating leaves, the tamed wilderness was organized into rows, blocks, and circles, continuing on for hours and hours and days and days."
"We need to bring back some of these different kinds of foods in these complex farms that actually restore soil, restore human health."
"I would spend a lot of time with regenerative agriculture in bringing life back to the soil and back to the Earth."
"Our sugar cane has grown very well, and we're probably at a point where we can make a level 30 enchanting table if we want."
"The sun influences everything we do on Earth: growing crops, our economics, it even affects our physical, mental, and emotional well-being."
"If farmers don't win this battle, then soon... you will create a civil war in Europe."
"Remember, 12 olive trees though... olives were used for light, for healing, for food, for just all everything that you would need in your life."
"Disparities between those who have more and those who have less have existed pretty much from the moment agriculture enabled us to accumulate a surplus."
"Industrial commodities and agricultural commodities get cheaper because technology allows you to get more out of the ground at cheaper prices, or you grow more bushels of wheat per hectare."
"The majority of the crops that we grow, we feed to livestock animals...the grain that's used in this country alone could feed 800 million humans."
"And then between 10,000 and 7,000 BC, things changed, and we ended up living in large agglomerations of maybe 8,000 people living cluster together over long periods of time."
"The globalization and corporatization of everything is gradually making it more and more difficult for independent farmers."
"And suddenly you just switch all of that and you make that farmer a steward of soil instead of an agent of death for microbes and weeds, and their whole world shifts around. They find their own self-worth, they find their own passion for farming again, their mental health goes through a radical revolution."
"We are killing the soils of the earth, we are killing the soils within us through the same dependence on the chemical industry."
"Regenerative agriculture begins at this kind of change in mindset towards the soil but immediately has impacts on human capital and social capital."
"We didn't spend most of our history in tiny bands, agriculture was not some irreversible threshold of progress and inequality, and our first cities were often quite egalitarian."
"The popularity of the 8R Series tractors made sense for us, with the request in support of our customers, to look at putting a four-track solution on an 8R series tractor."
"You need those flowers to draw in those pollinators; you're going to have more of an abundant harvest."
"If we want to save the planet, we need to change what we put on the table and how we produce food."
"China has succeeded in producing 1/4 of the world's grain and feeding 1/5 of the world's population with less than 10% of the world's arable land."
"Falling temperatures mean hunger, because it would wreck our food supply, decimating crops and throwing the food chain out of whack."
"There's massive farmers' protests in Germany, on the back of those that we've already seen in the Netherlands and, by the way, in Poland as well."
"Africa's agricultural business will be worth one trillion dollars by 2030."
"Prune your plants and harvest a healthy crop of high-quality tomatoes. Don't believe us? Then keep watching to see how we grew ten thousand pounds of tomatoes in one season."
"There can be great innovations in the food industry, fostering growth in personal and community agriculture."
"This is a three billion dollar program to support farmers and provide food to our most vulnerable communities."
"These new products resulted in new demand for this tropical fruit, helping dragon fruit prices to stabilize."
"Corn is one of those crops you just cannot or should never skimp on sunlight."
"It's a beautiful farming area, I'm sure everyone will agree there."
"As a general rule, we have found that about 80 percent nitrate and 20 percent ammonium keeps a very stable pH in the root zone."
"Silica... makes [cell walls] tougher... and makes them more resistant to diseases, particularly powdery mildew."
"Civilization today is 100% based on agriculture."
"One of the biggest selling points... is that regenerative farming produces far less CO2 and in fact can kind of act as a carbon sink."
"Farmers may be the most underappreciated group of people in the world."
"It is estimated most billionaires in Africa will come from the agricultural sector by 2050."
"If you want to be a billionaire, don't go into medical schools...study agriculture."
"So much about how we grow our food right now is inherently unsustainable."
"Agriculture is the single most powerful force unleashed on this planet since the end of the Ice Age, no question."
"It is an important policy tool to reduce harmful emissions fueling the climate crisis and threatening farms and Food Supplies."
"The reason that the farmers are doing this is rather simple: they are rising up against a government proposal that would put severe limits on nitrogen emissions and, in the process, it will put about a third of the farmers out of work."
"The beginnings of agriculture mark the beginnings of civilization."
"Farming made civilization a natural possibility. Essentially without agriculture, there'd be no culture."
"Any skin color, any sex, any nation you come from, if you want corn, no exceptions, you have to plant corn."
"More than 70% of the entire production of food in the world comes from farms less than 25 acres."
"The Justice for Black Farmers Act... would award 160 acres, a home mortgage, a loan for farming equipment, and agricultural training to 200,000 recipients over 10 years."
"It isn't the farm that makes a farmer; it's the love, the hard work, and the character."
"Depression and suicide are rampant among U.S. farmers due to the isolation, the high demands of work, and the financial highs and lows that come with this noble occupation."
"If we don't have pollinators, we don't get fruit."
"That suggests that we would be able to reduce fertilizer and pesticide use by 80 percent and maybe even double yields."
"Animal agriculture contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than all of transportation combined."
"A seed is planted because the farmer believes more is coming. It's an act of faith."
"Technology can help there, researchers in Sydney are working on robots using artificial intelligence to help grow more food on less land with fewer people."
"The water that's cleaned the dishes then flows to the rice fields, providing an additional source of nutrients for the plants."
"Growing vegetables is good for the environment, whereas farming animals impacts the environment."
"I always give people the example of the tractor. When the tractor came around, it's not like people were like, 'Hey, we're going to make less food now.'"
"It's only with fertilizers that we're able to keep eight billion people alive."
"Being so close to the river, the soil here is spectacular."
"The fact that Konoha arguably has the least harsh weather...makes it a green belt of incredible agricultural promise."
"I think I can do the farming one, seeing that I have over 10,000 crops."
"Industrial agriculture uses 75 percent of available farmland yet produces just 30 percent of the food."
"The United Nations has talked about how animal agriculture is one of the most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems our planet faces."
"The Neolithic Revolution was one of the most important turning points in human history."
"The great resiliency of the human race is that if we had enough time to catch up to this, to revise the way that we farm, a lot of these farmers... invested in new equipment just to try to keep up."
"Traditional farming of cattle is carbon positive, but regenerative agriculture is clearly carbon negative."
"Imagine if we took corn and soy subsidies and gave that to farmers doing regenerative agriculture."
"Research has shown that if we took that cropland... and instead grew human-edible foods... we could feed another million people in full."
"The potato, humble hero of collective learning, is a root vegetable first domesticated in Mesoamerica when farming was first getting started."
"We're going to have a food crisis by the fourth quarter because the world's largest wheat exporter just invaded the fifth largest one."
"The size of the vertical farming market was $2.2 billion dollars. As of last year, the global market has nearly doubled to $3.9 billion dollars, an astonishing annual growth rate of 32% with fast-growing markets all around the world."
"This isn't likely to be a niche market either. To date, Infarm have distributed more than 500 units around the world and have received over $400 million dollars in funding."
"A mostly plant-based diet would free up 50% of the land that we currently use for agriculture."
"If we adopted a fully plant-based diet, we could free up to 75% of current agricultural land."
"You got to grow some of your own food; that's going to be the only way we fix any of this."
"With the development of farming, people began to live in permanent settlements rather than leading a nomadic lifestyle."
"Temporary foreign workers are absolutely necessary for our farms and our agribusinesses, filling over 60,000 jobs across the country. Our very food security depends on them."
"We're also doing what we can to help smaller packets of grain go through land routes."
"Farmers are the one profession that keeps their reputation. Why are we standing by while they get dumped on the hardest?"
"Without cows, up to 30% of the world's carbon wouldn't be safely sequestered under the soil."
"Farmers aim to break even. In most years, they won't. They budget that they hope three years out of ten they will make money, three years they'll lose money, and four years they'll break even."
"All of the demonization of meat and... the propaganda you've been sold... she makes the point in this interview that Netflix documentaries give a perspective that may not be completely accurate."
"We're on the side of the farmers... we're asking you to do is just think critically... follow the money when you're looking at these things."
"Our farming strategy is working. I think 'working' is an understatement."
"Healthy soil is the foundation of healthy food, it is the foundation of a healthy ecosystem, and it is our answer to the climate crisis."
"We've all seen the cyber attacks over the last month on the grain co-ops that shut down farmers' ability to harvest for a bit. These were more of regional disturbances, but now to see this being raised at a federal level through all these agencies is something that we need to talk about."
"You want to do it gradually so you don't destroy the livelihoods of these farmers who've been doing it for generations."
"You can grow 17 times more calories on a piece of land with starch than you can with animal food."
"The domestication of plants decreased the diversity of our food, which was a negative, but the positive was that it increased the overall food supply."
"The introduction of modern agricultural techniques by Western settlers enabled Crusader States to undergo what professor Malcolm Barber describes as an agricultural revolution."
"First order of business is absolutely to create a ten-year plan to eliminate all chemical spraying on our crops."
"Something like 90% of the seeds that we use to produce our food right now are owned by the big six pesticide companies."
"Working with the amazing people who work on these farms is every bit as important to me as actually trimming the cow's feet."
"You can produce massive amounts of food on small space if you got the organic matter to support it."
"Unfortunately, with our heirloom seeds, if we're not careful in keeping pure strains, then that variety can be lost forever."
"Sunset Lake has a great product — tinctures, gummies, CBD fudge, and coffee. They use integrated pest management, no pesticides, organic fertilizer, and they use regenerative farming practices."
"The president of the National Black Farmers Association, John Boyd, will be visiting with us, talking about the class action lawsuit announced today on behalf of black Farmers against the U.S. government."
"Meat and milk contributing to greenhouse gasses but if the animal is grazing on grass and in an integrated agricultural system, some of those greenhouse gases are actually sort of the carbon is returned to the soil and environmental impacts are reduced."
"We are able to grow thousands of dollars of produce in our garden and we're only growing in 2000 square feet."
"There's a 400% increase in the productivity of seeds that were stored in the pyramid."
"Farmers who grow their own seed, save their own seeds, don't buy pesticides have threefold more incomes than farmers who are locked into the chemical treadmill."
"Through the control of fire, the rise of agriculture, and the growth of our civilization, we've been molding the Earth's environment to suit our needs."
"A world that will certainly have a much smaller animal agriculture industry."
"In 2016, detector dogs like Murray quarantined 1.7 million items intercepting more than 60,000 harmful pests."
"The potato is extremely important as far as our future is concerned."
"It's up to us to put in place new agricultural systems that will provide for them and protect mother nature from a dire fate."
"Sugarcane to ethanol is an incredibly efficient process."
"Animal agriculture is worse than human slavery."
"It's all about control and what you do with the control that drives plant expression, increases financial performance."
"Environmental control is your best form of crop insurance."
"These small farmers provide a great deal of resilience."
"Food security is an important consideration."
"We're gonna grow our own hamburgers, it's gonna be amazing."
"I like knowing exactly where my meat comes from and with moink I know it's coming from small Family Farms all across the country."
"Heat waves, droughts not seen in centuries, crop failures, hunger, mass migrations, rising sea levels, wildfires."
"Monoculture is the downfall of the food supply during weather extremes."
"Slavery was not a small deal, it wasn't just agriculture."
"Yeah, it's pretty amazing how spreading manure now can affect you in the next couple of years."
"Sometimes you have to pick your battles and some battles are definitely worth fighting."
"Number 35: Kansas doesn’t have a ton to offer in exports but it does produce a large amount of wheat, soybeans, and beef."
"Number 31: Nebraska will have no shortage of food as it already exports more cattle than any other former United State."
"It's where we are going to grow all of the food that will keep us, our wives, and our babies alive."
"If you have energy that's non-polluting and at no cost, you can grow oranges at the south pole in a dome."
"Food production is starting to look a little bit better."
"From the fields where they're grown right to the end consumer."
"The Nile still enables Egypt to be a top five Global producer in a dozen different agricultural products."
"Without the life-giving water that the Nile provides Egypt would simply die in the sun-baked Sahara."
"Egypt would stand to lose approximately 28 billion dollars in agricultural output if the Ethiopians insisted on filling up the gerd's reservoir in five years."
"Things are being done to a god-centered way. Our farming has to have a foundation, and it has to be successful if it is a god-centered program and a family-centered program."
"It is human right to be able to grow food for yourself."
"Our farmers represent the Dutch Spirit more than just an agricultural sector."
"Our farmers, ranchers, these are great people, great Americans. Never complain. They never complain. They just do what they have to do."
"With the onset of the agricultural revolution around 10,000 years ago, we started to see the onset of modern disease, compounded in the last 100 years with the increased intake of processed food and the significant carbohydrate component of that."
"The massive resurgence of outbreaks in China in 2022 has hit food production hard."
"Brexit is impacting inflation... food production has been lower, food rotting in the fields... prices go up, it's obvious."
"When we do industrialized agriculture, we are often damaging fungal communities."
"The opening of Ukraine's Farmland Market will provide a major boost to the country's already powerful agriculture section."
"Australia has more arable land than Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos combined."
"He realized that he must do something about this as the overseer of this land as well as for the people who are working in the field."
"The potato saved a bad grain harvest in 1785 from becoming a disastrous famine."
"Potatoes provided an easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense food supply for the Industrial Revolution."
"Matching your colors early on is only gonna benefit you later on."
"Johnny Appleseed very famous guy actually existed I forget his real name off the top of my head real dude he would go around helping homesteaders set up apple orchards with his apple seeds."
"While baby carrots are a type of carrot that's harvested before reaching maturity, they grow in inconsistent sizes and shapes and aren't usually what you buy when planning a dip-fest."
"The once fertile crescent that gave birth to the world's agriculture is now a desolate land and is now practically unrecognizable from the last decade."
"Small farms will continue to exist because these three populations aren't going away."
"And what makes the farming revolution even more momentous, is that by planting seeds, we begin to put down roots causing much more than just food to grow."
"The people who feed Canada are the people who are free in Canada."
"Your stocks on crypto can go down by 50 overnight because of an economic crisis but you will never wake up one morning finding out that your Farmland is worthless."
"Doubling food production put enormous demands on labor."
"The UK produces around 50 percent of all of the food that's consumed."
"People are cultivators, they produce their own food."
"As long as there are trees around, you're going to be improving your food production one way or another."
"Kim Jong-un clearly considers the reform and revitalization of the country's agricultural sector a core aspect of his policy."
"Farming is cyclical... seeds that are not planted today will not become vegetables tomorrow."
"The sugar maple tree responsible for syrup is stressed to the point of decline."
"Soon we'll see the impact of these crop failures at the stores as peanut shortages begin to spread."
"Global corn production had already sunk nearly four percent from what it would have been if the climate had warmed."
"Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 51% of global carbon emissions."
"The biodynamic preparations are all related to growth forces."
"I want to transition the farmers to more ethical businesses."
"The consequences of Ukraine and Russia's wheat being blocked off from the global market will be profound."
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, so let's get to work."
"Food supply will be severely impacted by climate change."
"Kelly is a relentless advocate for Georgia farmers."
"Starting your farm means more than just overcoming financial obstacles; it's about passion and perseverance."
"The farming industry is under a bit of pressure."
"Why not grow food the best way we can the most organic way possible using regenerative agriculture?"
"Yeah, I think you're gonna see ugliness from the food industry, from the farming industry."
"Labour was also extremely scarce in the agricultural sector. Women's labor powered the plow and ensured food supplies for the armed forces and the urban population."
"Our farmers got through a very rough period."
"We have always found ways to improve agricultural productivity much quicker than population growth."
"The studies suggest that the birds were domesticated in Southeast Asia around 3,500 years ago in rice fields."
"Farming should be an option, not a requirement."
"The next step in the chain is you want to have a cultivated bee."
"We need to actually get back to farming again, we need food."
"Israel today supplies billions of dollars of fresh fruit and flowers to Europe and the Arab world."
"Encouraging private and public investment in post-harvest activities."
"Leafcutter ants arrange entire mushroom plantations and use finely chopped leaves as a substrate."
"Agriculture is really in good hands when I look at someone like you and hear you speak about topics you're so passionate about and really can make a difference." - Kate Stephens
"You can be someone from the city, from the town, have no agricultural experience, think that chocolate milk comes from a brown cow, at the end of the day you can go out there and make a difference in agriculture." - Derick Williams
"Agriculture is connected to all industries, and I mean that's so important. So any passion or interest you have can be directed to agriculture and in turn used to make a positive impact." - Kate Stephens
"Boom! Check this out, man! You don't got time to be farming, you got an automatic farm!"
"Did those agricultural engineers... devote their lives because of Ezekiel said it? No, it's because God promised."
"But there's young people farming in ways that are regenerative. I've seen people at scale like building soil in ways where everything comes back in natural abundance."
"But come harvest time, the change shows, and one of them is still green."
"The farmers and the fishermen in Netherlands or just like in all over the world, they tend to be patriotic to that land."
"Feeding grain to animals creates hunger on the planet."
"Animal agriculture is a catalyst for climate change."
"Humans will put seeds in the ground and they grow food like pizza."