
Regeneration Quotes

There are 890 quotes

"The body has unbelievable capacity to adapt, to repair, to regenerate."
"Your body's not degenerative, it's regenerative."
"Like many crustaceans, stone crabs have a remarkable ability to regenerate their claws."
"I would spend a lot of time with regenerative agriculture in bringing life back to the soil and back to the Earth."
"Oh my goodness, the block regenerates. So, that means we can keep breaking it, and it's infinite."
"Baptism is an outward sign of inward regeneration."
"We are so regenerative as long as one cell can hear its neighbors and what they need and what resources they have available in case injury happens."
"Sleep is when the body renews and regenerates, repairs itself."
"I see the body as regenerative, not degenerative."
"Your body is constantly recycling and regenerating itself, which means that physically you will be a new person in a year from now."
"Another intriguing amphibian quality is their remarkable ability to regenerate even large tissue fragments when wounded."
"Sunflowers are significant to me because they are such a symbol of regeneration."
"Our natural protective system gets regenerated."
"As the storm expands and engulfs us, time begins to rewind, and the damage is undone."
"Humans regenerate, and now we can actually try to coax this regeneration to go faster. It's one of our defense systems."
"The best thing to do might be nothing, letting the world repair itself from all the damage we've done."
"The immortal jellyfish... has the ability to go back to a previous developing stage whenever it's endangered or extremely hungry."
"The doctrine of regeneration is the lost doctrine of the age."
"Mother Nature is being given a chance to regroup and to breathe."
"But what if we could turn back the clock and replace worn out or damaged body parts with completely new ones?"
"Once you get into him, there's so much damage and also there's so much regeneration potential to just keep on going and going and going."
"The decision to regenerate represents the continuation of life."
"Spirit tap is gonna give you a 100 percent bonus to your spirit for a period of time. It's gonna help you regen super quick, reduce that downtime. It is super super good."
"Can a star come back to life after it's already passed through an evolved state? Yes, sort of."
"Stem cells are specialized cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cells."
"Stem cells work by enhancing the body's natural process of regeneration."
"If we control inflammation...our body knows how to regenerate."
"Just a little skin sample and we can make you again."
"Our fires are not the fires of destruction and annihilation; ours are the fires of justice, creation, and regeneration."
"I'm actually regenerating he does have really good melee defense the trickster's helm was a good choice here."
"Eventually you will crave to do something else and you'll want to get into the planning but you have to allow yourself to regenerate in order to even get inspired again to start creating new plans."
"Your ability to regenerate is stronger... it helps you cope with health issues."
"All religions fundamentally are concerned with regenerating man and laying the foundations for the regenerative process to proceed."
"Believers are born again when they believe, and for a Christian to lose salvation, he would have to be unregenerated."
"The battle machine held the defenses while using the ability to regenerate that health."
"It's really about regeneration, transformation, and the myth of the phoenix."
"The immortal jellyfish has the ability to revert its cells to an earlier stage of development, essentially reversing the aging process."
"You are protected. You will regenerate and heal."
"Everything is in alignment for rebirth and regeneration."
"Regenerating new tissue in the brain might essentially do a factory reset on a person."
"It's all about regeneration, rebirth, and a better plan."
"Jupiter conjunct Pluto enhances the need for regeneration, for rebuilding on the ashes of what's been destroyed."
"Wolverine has a regenerative healing factor, a byproduct of which is that he's supposed to stop aging."
"Sharks never run out of teeth, they can have five to fifteen rows of teeth arranged in layers."
"Many animals are known to shed their skins and fur, but did you know that each year bull elk shed their giant antlers to grow completely new ones?"
"Imagine you had a big chunk taken out of your arm. You inject stem cells in that area and they will create new and healthy tissue."
"The body does have an incredible ability to regenerate itself."
"The beast of nurgle... you can make this one do a lot of work for you, it's a very good unit, it regenerates passively."
"The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate completely."
"Pluto: your ability to regenerate, to stand for what you want, and to be resilient."
"I think the US has tremendous ability to regenerate itself."
"Great scientists and writers... they all have their kind of rote activity that they do that helps them replenish and regenerate."
"We are the regeneration, that generation that can see themselves as part of a much larger group of human beings that can regenerate."
"We are healed okay we are infinite beings of light here on earth let's start regenerating our bodies regenerating the planet and each other."
"The immortal jellyfish has the ability to regenerate its cells back to their original state... can have infinite lives."
"Planarian worms have amazed scientists with their apparently limitless ability to regenerate... human trials are coming soon."
"Our bodies are so good at repairing and regenerating that we take health for granted."
"A time of regeneration is coming, with a positive outcome."
"The Axolotl is one of the very few animals that can regenerate themselves."
"Project Zero Dawn was not a project to prevent the destruction of all life on earth. It was a project to restart life on Earth after the machines had gotten through wiping everything out."
"Tyrande was given a new world seed imbued with the souls of dead calderai, which most likely means we're getting a new world tree at some point..."
"I've seen it work for me... regeneration working people's lives."
"Your skin completely renews itself every 27 days."
"You can do this, you can rise above, you can regenerate just like that star."
"Crumbling is bad news; you need to offset it with regeneration."
"Wolverine regenerated in his stomach and then blasts out of it with his adamantium claws."
"The divine prayer restoration relic, by the way, every 15 seconds I get a prayer point."
"One question cut off, two more will appear in its place."
"You are regenerating something in your life, you're stepping into more of your power."
"The Doctor has technically regenerated properly 13 times already."
"You can grow a new human being faster than most missing toenails can grow back."
"PSA: It takes exactly seven years and seven days for the human body to change each and every single cell with a completely new one."
"Whereats can actually regenerate lost limbs and pretend to be dead."
"You're regrowing a new mind, a new heart, and a new soul."
"The modulation of the regen is so smooth and controllable."
"Our body replaces 98% of the atoms within it every year."
"Our planet has an incredible ability to regenerate and to see new growth."
"Our stem cells heal us from the inside out."
"Sleep allows the body to regenerate energy and restore tissues used during the day."
"We are washed, not by deeds of righteousness which we have done, but by the washing, regenerating power of the Holy Spirit."
"Regeneration happens when you see that tree... it's got lots of new leaves on it."
"This is really cool to see this all replanted, some of the healthiest trees I've ever seen."
"The immortal jellyfish can revert its aging process and essentially start its life cycle anew."
"Regeneration means it's an increase, it's making it better, it's improving the health of the soils, the air, the waters, the land, the carrying capacity of the habitats."
"Forests and vegetation return to lands where they had not been for thousands of years."
"The young generation of the forest takes care of its fungi, and they support the newly created forest."
"If you're missing it, I'm telling you diet can actually grow it back which is a wonderful thing."
"Pluto represents regeneration, deep transformation, the ability to sustain long painful effort and situations as well, the ability to get up when you fall and to go on again."
"We're not looking to degrade land in the process of creating meat, we're looking to regenerate land and meat is the byproduct."
"Transformation, regeneration, brutality, ruthlessness, dictatorial energy, maybe something good, courage happening here."
"Lotus has regenerative properties; it can create from its own seeds."
"It's amazing to even think that there's something out there that can help our bodies to regenerate and restore themselves from within."
"We're talking about salamanders who have the unique and enviable ability to regrow entire body parts."
"But you also get a rebirth, regeneration, new energy, new love, new light into your life."
"It's about being able to regenerate yourself from within to heal yourself."
"Doctor Who has always been famous for its rotating lead role, keeping things fresh and moving the show in a constant forward motion."
"The promise of a fresh new regeneration cycle is the perfect character dangle in front of the master."
"A dirty tune leads to more frequent and less effective regens."
"Regeneration is about healing our macro relationship with the planet, not just the carrot on the plate."
"Sea cucumbers are absurdly good at regeneration."
"How does one die of age or of cancer if we are regenerative machines?"
"Our body is meant to rejuvenate itself."
"So you are a 100% regenerative Farm."
"It was until very recently the only case of the doctor's clothes regenerating along with their body."
"This project aligns with broader initiatives aimed at stimulating investment fostering regeneration and catalyzing economic growth within Great Yarmouth and its environs."
"The exact same intervention that regenerates legs in adult frogs causes regeneration of tails in tadpoles."
"Some parts of your brain can actually regrow."
"Live regeneratively and let's grow together."
"...everything starts to go into this Rapid Repair and growth mode so that organs are healing including their skin and their hair and everything else."
"Never seen an android regenerate before. Part of my upgrade. It's what makes me superior to humans."
"Stem cells are an undifferentiated cell and they've got two main functions: differentiation to produce different cell types and the second function is that it is capable of giving rise to many other stem cells, ie it can regenerate new stem cells."
"Bolas's regen is vastly superior, healing wounds within seconds."
"...with tb500 Administration there was 42% more skin and overall like collagen formation over an open wound compared to control."
"...tb500 is the first known molecule that's able to initiate a simultaneous myocardial and vascular regeneration after systemic Administration."
"Pines were dependent upon fires for their regeneration and propagation."
"The ecology of these big pine trees is that they are dependent upon fires for their regeneration and propagation."
"We have the potential at any age to rejuvenate, to repair, to regenerate, and to become super healthy."
"I believe in the power of rejuvenation and the power of regeneration."
"More stem cells, more regeneration, more repair of the heart, longer survival. Less stem cells, you're in trouble."
"In hyperbaric therapy, it regenerates blood vessels, it regenerates tissue, it rebuilds scaffolding."
"Intermittent fasting helps us develop a more fortified immune system. Part of the reboot at the stem cell level is to make new immune cells."
"The necessity of regeneration: there are no exceptions. You can't go to heaven without it."
"Regeneration is about becoming a new creature, not about outward works or reforms."
"Regeneration is not about water baptism or reformation. It's about being born again spiritually."
"As the bright light of the Regeneration skill fills the area the princess opens her eyes for a moment wonders if the man standing in front of her is an angel and then faints again."
"Not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy by the washing of regeneration."
"Nobody could believe, nobody could be regenerated, nobody could be born again if there weren't a Holy Spirit present, because that's all the work of the Holy Spirit."
"Most healing and repair of the body occur during sleep."
"Many local farmers prioritize farming methods that are not only ecologically sound but also regenerative to the land."
"Now ladies and gentlemen I have hope and I see an exciting future for regenerative AG and it is growing."
"The Doctor gets replaced with a different actor who is subsequently playing the same character but with different unique traits each time."
"We repent of divisions and say yes to being mentored in regenerating creation."
"You've had the capacity to regenerate."
"Things have really fallen apart in my life. I am trying to heal through regeneration and come back stronger."
"When we're working with these regenerative systems, we have a couple of mantras that we use: one is water access and structures so fix the water cycle first then figure out how you're going to access the property and then place the structures on there last."
"More than 50,000 of your body cells were replaced by new cells in just a few seconds while you were watching this part."
"Our cosmos awaits the new day when we too are reborn, when all the cosmos is regenerated."
"If you have more stem cells in circulation these circulating stem cells will replenish the tissue that have been exhausted by the use or the overuse of these stem cells"
"Early succession giving way to regenerating trees."
"...we make that distinction between the beginning and then the life that flows out of that beginning, both in terms of natural birth as well as in supernatural birth, which is what we’re describing in terms of regeneration."
"I became obsessed with the concept of regeneration which is going A Step Beyond sustainability keeping things the way that they are and actually replenishing natural systems and improving quality of life."
"Regeneration is not only the reproduction of the species; it is the reproduction of the light units within the individual."
"Taking control of the flow of our energy to regenerate ourselves."
"Doctor Who is a show that's always been changing and regenerating itself."
"With unfettered access to information, the body never dies, never diseases; it's in constant regeneration."
"Our bodies are designed to not only heal itself but also to regenerate itself."
"You just keep going. That's what they mean by immortal. You just regenerate yourself. Nothing can snatch nothing from you."
"Sleep enhances autophagy is one of dozens of reasons why we need to make sleep a priority."
"You can activate your own stem cells. You can do this at any age by taking away some of these injurious things and adding in the things that help activate."
"Regeneration is not just for so-called lower animals. The human liver can regenerate, and deer can regrow their antlers every year."
"Flatworms can regenerate every part of their body. We've altered the bioelectric pattern stably stored by the tissue to remember how many heads a planarian is supposed to have."
"These intestinal stem cells have two key properties: they're multipotent and they can renew themselves."
"Any cell can make a mistake, but stem cells can renew."
"What makes these cells unique is not that they undergo mitosis, but rather that when they do so, their progeny is at least one stem cell again, and there has to be a mechanism in place for making that happen. That's very unique."
"Stem cells allow your body to heal like it did when you were a little kid."
"You're seeding a new version of life."
"The good news is that we can restore the soil food web to most soils within just a few months."
"Pluto, when it is in harmony with the sign, helps the person regenerate."
"Regeneration and sanctification are inseparably bound together. Everyone who has regenerated is being sanctified."
"Unlike humans, regenerating injuries is not something special for curses."
"They were yours. They regenerated, yeah. They took them out of my blood, harvested them over 10 days, and then plugged them back in."
"Chlorogenic acid also helps promote our stem cells for recovery, so it actually helps us, our stem cells repair our own body from the inside out."
"The basic things that are needed for any healing process include energy, trigger for any regenerative process, stem cells, and angiogenesis."
"Maybe what hyperbaric therapy might do is actually regenerate these cells from the ground up."
"We are in a rebirth energy, regeneration. We are in a new leadership energy."
"Regenerative breaking is designed to convert much of the kinetic energy lost when decelerating back into the EV's battery."
"Wherever there is regeneration in the heart, we will see love in practice."
"The liver regenerates at a very, very fast pace."
"Here you can walk among trees over 300 years old as they fall and Decay they make room for younger saplings to emerge."
"You have to understand something very profound is that the spirit of a regenerated man, one that is born again, your spirit and the spirit of God becomes intertwined."
"It's like, 'Oh, if I can regrow new tissue, maybe I don't have to get surgery for a tear or maybe if I have osteoarthritis, I don't have to go get my joint replaced, maybe I can regrow cartilage.'"
"Humans could heal more rapidly by leveraging cutting-edge developments in fields such as regenerative medicine."
"Love every part of your journey. You are a master of regeneration."
"But the opportunity I got right now to be 20 years old, to be 19 years old and to do something with barbering that's never been done before to be able to inspire regeneration of people was only going to last for a short amount of time."
"Regeneration made the Borg scary again."
"It's about regeneration, conversion, new birth, being born from above, a spiritual supernatural miracle that changes you on the inside, and that becomes demonstrably clear on the outside."
"Baja regenerates the soul, a place where people stop to help each other and where cell phones become just cameras."
"Every cell in her body is constantly torn apart and stitched back together over and over."
"A justified life is a sanctified life. Practical holiness is the outworking of regeneration and new creation which is concurrent with justification."
"Management can cause desertification or it can lead to regeneration."
"Life will grow in destruction triggered by the Muto's radiation."
"Miracles are always the recreation or regeneration of something."
"Nature always rises from the ashes."
"Humans have the capacity to regenerate, sparking big ideas in science."
"The goal of a sermon is transformation. The goal of a sermon is regeneration."
"True Eileen could regenerate but Kakaro was no easy opponent for her to defeat."
"There's no physical limit. Your cells and your body completely regenerate. There'll be no cells in your body the same today as they are in seven years."
"Faith precedes regeneration, it's explicit in numerous texts."
"It's not a matter of betterness or goodness. Regeneration doesn't make you better, it makes you alive."
"If you cut an arm off an octopus and say it's trafficking, what happens? It grows right back."
"You can overcome anything, just like how the Earth regenerates."
"Amniotic membranes are used for many advanced ocular surface diseases such as ulcers on the surface of the eye and toxic burns to the surface as well."
"Phoenixes are real... Immortal Bird that's what is that heals an immortal Bird that's regenerates from its otherwise Born Again obtains new life raising from ashes it combusts it does not heal so they added the healing thing."
"Perhaps the biggest advantage of microneedling is that it stimulates your body's innate repair and regeneration mechanisms."
"What you're looking at are fresh new skin cells."
"Here's exactly what I was talking about. The plant will regrow from the base. In fact, it has many, many little side shoots here, including one that's even producing a little baby fuette."
"Knowing that this farmed meat is helping capture carbon and regenerate lands that were severely depleted from decades of industrial agriculture has made me rethink what conscious eating really means."
"Doctor Who constantly regenerates and reinvigorates itself."
"Protective Spirit, 15th level. This provides you with a kind of limited regeneration."
"Nature's generative power may be employed as regenerative power."