
Farming Quotes

There are 2140 quotes

"Fueling our farmers that and feeding our farmers that feed Canadians and those across the world, this is what I feel like is where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing."
"I really never felt more in control of farming for items in a loot game as I have in Last Epoch."
"The farmer's toil, the farmer's ability to respond to failure and change, that coupled with the land, produces a kind of yield, a kind of return which over time does multiply."
"The super Harvest Moon rises; your crops provide an exceptional harvest."
"I hope my discoveries help you in your journey to making Laz Farm a shining star of the whole farm world."
"Golden animal crackers which permanently double a farm's animal produce."
"People say, 'Oh, you just, you don't even think it was an animal,' but a lot of farmers, they love their animals, and they do really build connections, and it is hard."
"I think I can do the farming one, seeing that I have over 10,000 crops."
"Their welfare and their well-being is like a founding principle for what we do here at our farm."
"Wouldn't you rather just be next to that farm and then you're growing your own food?"
"I am a content creator... now I am a content creator, own my own company, work my own hours, and run the farm."
"I feel like as years go by and the more time that I spend living on a farm, the more obsessed I become with it."
"Farming is like an insurance policy—it doesn't win you the game, but it guarantees you won't lose."
"Farming in America could not exist without John Deere."
"I love like farming games and stuff so this is right up my alley."
"Perfect farm, regardless of the score, regardless of the camps."
"Turns out this Farm only works in a certain direction, I don't get it but it's working so I'm not going to question it."
"I love seeing the seasonal change happen around the farm here. This is now the fourth fall that I've experienced where I've had animals on the farm, and I feel like I'm finally getting into the rhythm of it all. It's pretty beautiful and magical."
"Billionaires across the globe, especially in the U.S., are acquiring farmland."
"I want to transition the farmers to more ethical businesses."
"Chickens love grass, they pick it, whatever's on the ground and it makes the eggs a lovely Rich golden color and the flavor is tremendous."
"Earlier in the video, you mentioned the challenge of starting a farm... how did you figure out that challenge of always needing to be here?"
"Outdoor farming would be cool to see in Starfield."
"I've met some of the most innovative American farmers."
"Welcome to Paleo Pines, a cozy farming game. However, this game has dinosaurs."
"Unleash your imagination, build, automate, and customize every detail of your farm."
"Raise animals, grow crops, craft machines, build your dream house, and explore the gigantic open world."
"You can design your farms however you'd like."
"I want to move my pig, so I've had a lot of animals in my 2020 garden area before. I've had ducks in there, I've had chickens rotate through there, I've had goats in there, and so now, since May, I've had pigs in there."
"It's an opportunity for innovative farming with future benefits."
"Daniel's childhood experience on the farm instilled in him a strong work ethic."
"Clementine, what you good at? Oh m'darlin, Oh m'darlin that's what you look like. You look like a farmer to me, you look like somebody that enjoys the fine fair weather craft of farming up some crops, that's what you look like."
"Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Hey, that's cool. Am I planning on making another farm? I plan on making loads more farms, but don't you worry about that."
"Farming is not all about driving tractors... sometimes you better get down to nitty and get a little bit of information in your app."
"Farming together, it feels like we're squad goals!"
"Check it out, we've got things like farming going on here, house building, and more."
"America's farmers are not just the keepers of a cherished legacy you are the guardians of a way of life a great beautiful way of life."
"In concept alone, this system for farming is nothing short of fantastic."
"A cow on a homestead, providing milk and having babies, and later on providing meat for a family lives a fantastic life."
"The farm is officially ready, our plants are ready."
"So just being able to know the date and how many we send in at one time, is beneficial."
"I want to be a farmer... I want to learn how to bake... knead the soil with my hands..."
"The crux of this issue is this: Should farmers be allowed to repair their own tractors?"
"Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant."
"I grew up on a farm right, so my dad owns a bunch of cows and you know you have to milk the cows and you shovel sh*t and drive tractors and you had to do all this manual labor stuff."
"I spent 100 days carrot farming is what I'm telling you. It was intense."
"Starting a brand new farm with a longevity mod... new crops, new things to consider."
"So as far as practical solutions go, an attachment on the back of your tractor is probably one of the most practical solutions you can get."
"Maybe the coolest way to get yourself some extra ballast weight is to go ahead and get yourself a set of duals."
"Really, it doesn't matter how you slice it, you gotta have your ballast weight check your manual. It's amazing how much ballast weight you actually need just to hit that minimum threshold there."
"Most farmers are portrayed in movies as lazy and stupid, typical racist country hicks."
"Holding wheat in your hand is usually a pretty safe bet for moving around cows and sheep because wheat is what they eat."
"Big Mike said, 'You know what, why are we rushing the calf? We don't cut Danuch anymore.'"
"New livestock acquired... we found a turkey."
"You can use any flower you want with a bee farm and you only need one flower per bee farm."
"That's actually an experienced farm so cactus being smelted gives you a lot of experience."
"I moved my farm over but I kept the same design."
"I think I wanna get a second horse before we get a cow or a llama."
"Farming is also a pretty nifty skill to level up."
"Farmers are supposed to be poor but I don't think you're poor. I think the idea of poverty is a mindset."
"Farming is like one of my main skills. I love farming, not only because you get the food, but it's just connecting with nature."
"I genuinely believe that one of the things that makes this farm so different than many other Farms is the fact that I see you guys, the viewers of our YouTube channel, as stakeholders."
"If you want a bunch of cobblestone and a pretty efficient farm, then go ahead and make this, it works pretty perfectly."
"The ethics by which you farm influence your profitability."
"A small family farm can still be self-supporting."
"I want to farm first. It's more important for me right now."
"This farmer boy has some definite dad tricks up his sleeve"
"Farming is a very unique skill because you actually have to wait a long time to grow trees."
"Coral Island is a re-imagined farm sim game inspired by the classics that we love."
"A New Leaf Memories is a cozy farm game where you transform and manage your own unique farm."
"One Lonely Outpost is a farming colony game where you can choose between traditional farming or high-tech options."
"Officially, we have 2056 bales hooked up to the big bud."
"You can quit your job and start farming. Here's Joel Salatin, the master himself, for some inspiration and know-how."
"Let's rock and roll, we've got a whole bunch of bales to make!"
"Hopefully, your dealership included a block heater for your tractor."
"Join the moink movement today!" - Supporting American farming and sustainability.
"I like the concept of farming. You plant one and you get two."
"I'm going to just plant orange trees all over my farm and never pick them. Can you do that? Say less, I'm doing that."
"If you convey your farm as an extension of yourself with hurdles and obstacles to overcome and successes to be had, your customers will want to get in that boat with you."
"It was real fortunate that the cow was lying there the way it was."
"The dream is to have a working farm, raising children on responsibility."
"Some things are better farmed, some things are better scavenged for, and some things you cannot farm."
"Farmland has some weird restrictions that dirt doesn't."
"A farmer's job is not exactly a sort of easy holiday."
"Gigajuicing maps: an end-game method for sustained tower farming."
"One Broody hen can make all the difference on your farm."
"Unity is what makes us who we are, America at its best."
"Thank you so much for watching and if you excuse me, I need to go milk this cow."
"I want to build my freehold there and I want to be out there farming and watering my plants. I can envision it now."
"Build your farm to thrive in every situation."
"That's the static you hear that play farming soup yes we are farming we're simulating farming right now here in eco."
"That Harvest made us seven thousand and seventy-one dollars!"
"I think our potion station with another word farm with some other farms, it's gonna be absolutely fantastic."
"This farm layout is all about foraging, and that means your farm naturally produces things you can forage and harvest."
"I just bought a tractor... I'm really looking forward to showing how I learned to be a farmer."
"None of that new fancy John Deere equipment's here at our farm yet... in just a few short weeks we'll have some nice new pieces of equipment here in the barn to show off."
"Setting up this farm was a lot of work but by the end of the day it's finally ready for action."
"Watching these calves grow up has been very gratifying."
"You're a pro at farming, maybe semi-pro. You'll improve."
"I hope you guys have enjoyed this glimpse into the day in the life of a part-time farmer."
"Efficiency meets sustainability: crafting farms with renewable resources in mind."
"This is gonna be a crazy farm, boys, already just looking at this, it's insane."
"Once we have a nice little animal farm over here it's going to be a lot easier for us to get a decent supply of good food."
"It turns out the videos from the Great American Farm Tour got over twenty million views."
"We've really enjoyed the cattle, both dairy and the beef cattle, and that's something that we want to continue."
"The wild birds actually are like sentinels that protect our hens."
"What do you think I'm going to specialize in on the farm?"
"Two farms are better than one, you darn skippy."
"It's nice to have three possible farming days instead of two."
"This is the life of a farmer, you're always kind of looking at the next thing to do, the next year."
"That's our chicken sustainability, man. We like to keep a rooster just in case one day we need to breed our own chickens."
"One plus one equals two with hobby farming, what you put in is what you'll get out."
"Most farmers want to windrow the dirt up on top of the trench."
"Good luck with your auto wood farms! I'm eager to see how it works for you."
"Your pastures are filling up quick. Let's show you everything you need to know about organizing them to their max potential."
"I realized like that was kind of a missing piece for a lot of farmers."
"My butt's heading to the farm, I'll grow my own bleeping food on my own bleeping land."
"Never a dull moment when you're a damn farmer."
"Thank God I have fed my chickens, now all you need to do is give me some eggs so I can profit off of this!"
"The design of the farm makes you more efficient."
"One of the farm projects that we have this year that we're planning on is trying to build like a garage barn."
"We're going to sell our milk today, awesome!"
"Character farming is your number one priority."
"I like the idea of farming... being a big part of the culture over here."
"We're gonna have so many strawberries, it's gonna be actually insane."
"So kind of like a swamp cooler that's a great technique that I've learned from people like Eric Schultz out at set fest farm and Rose Creek Farm ray Tyler."
"You do not need 40 acres, you don't need a hundred acres if you are a small family, a couple acres you would be amazed at how much."
"Utilizing space: maximizing efficiency on the farm."
"Our farmers are resilient, Mr. President. They embody the American values and spirit of entrepreneurship, risk-taking, hard work, and those American values."
"I've made so much money legitimately on my farm again."
"The main thing with farmers marketing is being very consistent and building relationships."
"Liv Morgan and Bo Dallas have a farm together that they run."
"Let's trap that in the barn, let's use one of her leads and bring it over."
"What's your farm dream? It's okay to be absurd."
"Designing a farm for every single item in the game of Minecraft. Let's see where the true limitations lie."
"Just ignore the chickens in there, we're gonna leave this chicken farm, just ignore anything that you've seen here today."
"There's plenty of farms through here to collect the resources that you want."
"The main plus to being an Egyptian farmer is that every day, you got to bring your pet cat to work."
"I like quality I like good machinery and I'm telling you this is a great tractor great bang for your buck if you're starting a first generation Farm or if you've been farming for five generations these tym tractors really hold up."
"Farming like a madman from behind is a viable strategy."
"Not fully thinking of your farm like a business is arguably the biggest mistake folks make when starting a farm."
"If you don't treat your farm like a business, then you probably won't be farming for very long."
"What is going to keep your farm going indefinitely is not just your love of farming but your ability to stay organized while managing, monitoring, and also believing those numbers."
"It is a huge time, energy, and financial commitment to start a farm."
"There is no shame in keeping a second job while you establish infrastructure and growing space."
"I wake up early every morning to tend to my crops and animals, and I go to bed exhausted but satisfied with a hard day's work."
"June and Neville, with the acquisition of White House Farm, were able to make their dream come true."
"Five years ago I met a guy named Andrew at a farm to table dinner, and today we are at his farm which he manages all by himself while working 35 hours a week and grossing over six figures a year."
"To farm your own land and not have to labor for and share your produce with a wealthy landowner."
"He went back on the island and decided to leave things of the village to Anel for the time being while he would focus on farming out here on this island."
"It's a beautiful day, Sun's shining, life is good out here at Hearttone Family Farm."
"We'll do our part, we're farmers, we'll let Mother Nature do hers."
"Basically, farming is my passion. It's hard to make a living from agriculture anymore, but it's great fun and in the end, farming is what feeds people, nothing else does."
"Soon the young woman contemplated starting her own farm which would grow healthy and environmentally friendly produce."
"Early on when we first opened the farm, we had issues with people just randomly driving back and exploring, parking wherever they felt like it, and even stealing fruit right off the trees."
"Every farmer knows the composition of the soil of every field they own, what that value holds, and what it would be best suited for."
"We enjoy these eggs ourselves here on the farm, but there's no way that we could eat all these eggs we have."
"Y'all are the best little farmers ever. I enjoyed you guys helping me today and I can't wait to see you again."
"I've got a full-time functioning farm, we farm small grains, five thousand acres."
"We're doing things that honor the land and honor the animal, and we get the benefit of learning the lesson along the way."
"We have a farm so we do raise a large amount of our own vegetables, our meat, our eggs, and our Dairy here ourselves."
"It's just kind of a lifestyle because we're farmers and we grow a lot of our own food, we naturally have a lot of food on hand at any given moment."
"I produce 95% of my food on just 3/4 of an acre."
"It was only with the advent of farming and animal domestication that suddenly this idea of like I need to pass down my wealth to my children suddenly started to enter the minds of humans."
"It's kind of nice to get a crop in the ground and get it going."
"The real deal is in the practice, it's in the practical aspect of pig farming."
"We're getting better at this farming deal, I promise."
"We got all the corn done, ladies and gentlemen."
"If y'all want more tractor content, me and my dad are definitely in."
"As of February 2023, there are approximately 2.03 million active farms in the United States."
"Millions of strawberry roots have been shipped here from a nursery."
"Currently around 35,000 acres of land is used to grow strawberries in California."
"We don't have to water. We don't have to fertilize and we don't have to weed. Only thing we have to do is pick it won't pick itself."
"The only thing that's ever grown corn for me is writing jokes."
"Those guys that are always standing in those fields of cranberries and water."
"Without farming, you would be hungry, naked, and sober. That's the facts."
"So perhaps in this world, farmers take these sort of flying whale sharks and they basically use them to fly above their farms to eat fruit flies."
"Every morning we can come out and right here reach into the nesting boxes and get breakfast."
"If you don't have a farm, you can't go hungry."
"Me looking down on my cow farm after giving all of them wheat."
"This is our little microgreen farm."
"You're not making the margins you should be. You're not getting... it's so insane to me how farmers do 95% of the work all for the 5% left of that work to be the most margin by far."
"I think everybody should go watch that whether you're Farm oriented or not it was probably the most eye-opening video that he has ever produced uh especially at the very end."
"...as the granddaughter of an Iowa beef farmer..."
"Long before I had livestock Guardian dogs, donkeys, alpacas, electric wire fencing, or anything else, I was using geese to protect my livestock."
"So you are a 100% regenerative Farm."
"People generally like to support farms, as we provide a good amount of products that are used in everyday life, so without us, you would not be able to have eggs with your bacon or milk in your coffee."
"My farm is not quite back to the scale it had been before, but we are slowly getting there, and I have high hopes that it will be even better than it once was."
"How many pigs do we have on the property right now? Oh yeah, we have about 22 pigs here right now."
"Terraces offered Farmers larger amounts of arable land which in turn provided food to support the growing populations in nearby Urban centers."
"I've been dreaming of this. I'm so excited. Honestly, since I was a kid, I always wanted to be on a farm with animals and plants."
"I think that I may have finally made my goal of having enough onions to last our family all year."
"This is probably the best harvest I could ever ask for."
"...in order for that farm to hunt better throughout the season and for you to be a herd influencer, you need cover."
"Obviously, I'm not going to make a lot of money doing these square bales but I thought it was a fun way to kind of get outside, get a workout, kind of go back old school with a small square baler."
"Organic crops... that's a better path."
"The combine harvester is a major investment for any farmer."
"Dairy farming is the more sustainable route."
"Look at this, boys. We got it all disked up, tilled up."
"Many local farmers prioritize farming methods that are not only ecologically sound but also regenerative to the land."