
Food Supply Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Fueling our farmers that and feeding our farmers that feed Canadians and those across the world, this is what I feel like is where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing."
"It is important for us to be mindful of the really close connections... food supply in Canada is very closely connected with the US economy."
"He who controls the food supply controls the people."
"Adding all the food to it, building tons of automatic farms inside of it so I literally never ever run out of stock."
"The domestication of plants decreased the diversity of our food, which was a negative, but the positive was that it increased the overall food supply."
"Let's talk about Butcher Box everybody shout out to the Butcher Box baby OG been in a game with us for a long time got my freezer stocked full of meat."
"Number 31: Nebraska will have no shortage of food as it already exports more cattle than any other former United State."
"It's hard to argue with his point that once living animals are eliminated and replaced by patented plant-derived alternatives private companies will control the food supply and therefore control the people yeah right."
"America is depending on what you have - the food we need to feed our families."
"Our food supply chain is proven to be very resilient, just like the American people."
"Expect shortages of some foods into next year."
"Soon we'll see the impact of these crop failures at the stores as peanut shortages begin to spread."
"Production keeps going down, and supplies will get increasingly smaller at our local supermarkets."
"Remember to plant a garden; fresh veggies are starting to get a little tight in supply."
"There is no shortage of food available and more is arriving at shops every day."
"Our job is to keep our supply chain operating fresh, affordable food and essentials."
"Canned fruits: a symbol of hope and resilience, providing vital nutrition and variety during challenging times."
"It's very important that we deliver cheap food and plentiful food for people."
"We cannot haul all the food we'll ever eat to Mars."
"It's potentially crippling a food producer that hundreds of millions of people rely on."
"This global food supply issue is not going away. The coronavirus is not going away anytime soon."
"In the age of this pandemic, nearly every step of the food supply chain has been negatively impacted."
"The longer your supply chain for food, the less healthy you are likely to be."
"You had an endlessly flowing supply line of food you can brood over humanity and the meals of our hope..."
"I think we can survive one month with these tacos."
"They're pushing things like GMOs like Monsanto's in order to feed the masses."
"Without water, there is no food. California grows a lot of the nation's fruits, nuts, and vegetables."
"Better wake up the very last thing any country in the world needs is a government in control of food production and Supply because if you control food you can control everything."
"I'm a firm believer that you should take as much control over your food supply as you can."
"More food means more people which means more food."
"Extra rations for everyone for only $500 lovely."
"The invasion of Ukraine threatens the world's wheat supply."
"Do you want to keep getting juice from the other side of the world that sits in a vat for six months?"
"It means you have a need to have a second one so you have a lot of meat."
"I want to be a pro wrestler... I want to be a pro wrestler."
"Agriculture is how America eats. Where will we be without food?" - Courtney
"The meat industry dodged the permanent shortage bullet, but the last year has shown how vulnerable the food supply can be."
"Peace to other people tending to the crops to make sure we you have food in our grocery shops."
"Farmers and ranchers feed America, and that's never been more true."
"The meat shortage continues as the impact of processing plant shutdowns heavily impact many stores and restaurants around the country."
"A reduction, even a very small relative reduction in global grain supply can have severe consequences."
"Listen to this: three U.S. planes are flying potatoes to Japan to help with the country's shortage of French fries."
"We need our farmers because that's how we get our food."
"I don't think we have a food shortage. I think what we're facing at this time is a food crisis."
"It's funny because it's true; why wouldn't it be a chicken shortage, why would it be a wing shortage?"
"New technologies like mechanized farming and chemical fertilizers enabled the growth of the food supply to keep up with the population."
"Anything that increases the food supply of those, particularly the critically endangered southern resident killer whales is gotta be good. Can't be bad."
"Nobody knows how to procure or prepare food, and if the trucks stop running, then who's in charge of the food?"
"The more that we can protect our children to believe in agriculture, to believe in eating a great steak and some potatoes at dinner, and trusting their family farmers and ranchers, we can raise a generation that's going to protect our food supply."
"The working theory is that because we have domesticated the majority of our food supply and have selectively bred for hyper palatable and easily chewed Foods."
"When this column appears prepare one year's worth supply of food when this column appears generally the scholars and in another hadith it's described as a hooter a loud sound that shall occur a hooter."
"America and the UK teamed up to deliver 4.6 billion pounds of food and supplies."
"We supplied food for the British soldiers who will feed us now?"
"...we believe in being prepared and being resilient and that's one of the reasons that we like to have at least a year's supply of food in our home at all times if we can."
"Efficiency, that's their biggest problem. If we're talking about efficiency, their biggest problem is getting food to people before it goes bad. And that's why vertical farming has so much promise."
"I think this could be enormously attractive to a lot of families... It would create a much larger local supply of food."
"We're very concerned about the food supply, but we don't test very many cows, right? We test less than two percent of slaughtered cattle."
"Now is the time to start re-looking at our food supply."
"Everybody wants there to be a secure, environmentally sustainable supply of safe food for everybody."
"If you're on Denali for 20 days and you've horrendously misjudged the food situation, it is a big deal."
"They were able to turn things around to improve the supply of food radically."
"We want to decentralize the food supply as much as we can... it leaves a lot of sketchy things up to the manufacturers."
"Remember the next time that you're eating some seeds, that it was probably delivered by a trucker."
"We have offered as part of our support that we can export rice and wheat at subsidized rates."
"They're also responsible for pollinating one third of the human food supply."
"That's more food than we need for a week, and that's awesome."
"Africa has the potential of being the food bank of the world."
"These are significant enough to potentially forever change our modern food supply."
"Rivers are like conveyor belts of food, they're fertile environments have incredibly high carrying capacities capable of supporting many more fish per acre than most lakes."
"This fruit orchard is going to supply a ton of food for us and even our animals."
"The conflict in Eastern Europe is putting a strain on the global food supply."
"If you miss the farming season, this impacts food supplies for the next few years."
"About a third of the American food supply depends on bees."
"America's 1.4 billion pound cheese stockpile is dwindling."
"Humans need more fish to eat; the only place that can come from is fish farming."
"Looking at a patch of potatoes like this, this is a really big space and that is so much food."
"It's the epitome of local: we tracked from rooftop to the produce department at about a hundred steps."
"Increase food supply system efficiencies; that is improvement in supply chain management and inventory control."
"It really makes sense to have a short-term supply and a long-term supply of food."
"Our main goal is to help decentralize our food supply and create a parallel market where our producers can actually earn what they are worth."
"I just wanted to have my house fully stocked with groceries to the point where we don't have to worry about it for a while."
"Aquaculture has been responsible for the impressive growth in the supply of fish for human consumption."
"Our brains evolved in a world and in an environment and with a food supply that was much different than the one that we are currently supplied with."
"Now birds that don't need to migrate will find food in a particular area all year round."
"That's a lot of eggs. Well, I guess the daylight's helping; we have plenty of eggs to eat now."
"Lincolnshire is the biggest or one of the biggest farming counties in the country. We produce a huge amount of food from Lincolnshire."
"The bottom line is that aquaculture is going to play an increasingly significant role in global food supply."
"I never understood how supermarkets always had food. I thought they'd run out."
"Our family tries to maintain about a one month to three month food supply."
"Kubota's rice Harvester is truly a giant step forward in agriculture and makes a significant difference in providing food to communities."
"We've become an important part of the food community and the community at large here."
"That comes out to about 30 to 40 percent of our overall food supply."