
Personal Advice Quotes

There are 1843 quotes

"If you're in toxic relationships, just end them."
"Have fun. Follow your heart, have fun with it."
"Step one to overcoming social anxiety is to realize that most people kind of suck and their opinion of you is literally worthless."
"I look at my future self and I ask myself what's that guy saying to me today."
"Embracing your femininity will attract the type of man you want."
"Don't avoid conflict because it's uncomfortable."
"Don't worry so much about work, you're gonna be making progress."
"Maintain your relationships and foster them. They're unbelievably valuable."
"Don't let people nickname you... go where you're going but be able to recognize yourself when you get there."
"Get out there and enjoy your life. One more time, for clarity and for truth."
"The easiest way to escape the debilitating nature of perfectionism is to remind yourself that you are good enough exactly as you are."
"You can have the best relationship you've ever had if you're careful."
"You need to watch some more Ted Lasso because you're never going to get anywhere in life trying to be furious."
"So I think that's why my advice is so specific. These are the things that I'm doing now. These are things I wish I had done in 1975, or at least in 1985, when I became aware of indexing."
"Trust that you know how to deal with the situation."
"They say you should spend the money on a good mattress. You won't ever regret it."
"You doing this is only going to drive yourself crazy."
"As long as the two of you can support each other, everything will be okay. But if that support is absent, it's time to move on."
"Create the life that you want. If the life that you want is with this person, there's your answer."
"Always choose you. I think that's what spirit wants you to do as well."
"Know your worth. This is not about you; this is about them."
"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"The inner confidence is always the most important thing."
"My last reminder to you is this: You go hard as fuck in every single set."
"Do it because you love it. Do it for that reason and that reason alone."
"Choose something that you really feel passionate about that you really love."
"Lean into who you are, don't follow the formula for success."
"Sleep is number one. If you get five hours of sleep and then you wake up, you feel like crap... It's not gonna work."
"Believe that right now, it is pivotal that with everything that is going on, we need the gift of discernment."
"Please do not be like me... Education is important."
"Your final words and wishes: 'Never think twice. You are good people. Just live it the way you live it because that's a lifestyle in itself.'"
"Avoid drama if you can. Not getting wrapped up in it."
"Be that person... it's gonna be the girl who can appreciate that, who's gonna be the right one for you."
"The best advice you can give people is to work on yourself."
"You gotta let go and let God; then you gonna be motherfuckin' happy, baby."
"When you're ready, move forward from a position of strength."
"We got to stay humble, chat. Stay humble, lest we fumble."
"Patience is a virtue. Okay, I'm taking my time."
"You're not gonna know, you don't. This is why I keep trying to push people, the only thing that I know seems practical is are you happy?"
"There's only one rule to remember: don't panic."
"Do not ever invest 110% into anybody... invest in yourself."
"Find something that you really enjoy doing. If you can do it, not everybody's lucky enough to be able to find that, but it's ought to be your goal."
"I'm sure most people who read this can understand what I'm saying when I say I wish I would have listened to the warnings about a certain romantic partner."
"Every relationship is not about you; they are about the other person. If you want to do you, stay single."
"When people give advice, they're speaking to themselves as much as they're speaking to you."
"Your instincts are good, but you let your emotions control you."
"If anything ever happens to you and the papers try to get involved, tell them to fuck off. They cannot be trusted."
"Stay safe, stay busy, ignore the noise, keep learning, and we'll be just fine."
"If I was starting over today from scratch, this is 100% the strategy I would do."
"Your livelihood and your future will be shaped by what happens in the economy. So wear your seat belt. By which I mean try to save a little once in a while, OK?"
"Just remember that life is better spent live."
"Just run with it, honey. Just run with it. Don't question it. Just cheers, just run with it. I like it. I like it a lot."
"Don't be fire up there, be water, because water is very fluid and flowy, and that's where real power comes from."
"Don't let people tell you who you are. You tell them who you are."
"Stop being stressed about being single; you won't be for long."
"You don't want to rush into things. You'll be fine."
"Don't be like my dad waiting until he's retired and looking back and wishing you could do it all over the right way."
"Be yourself and trust me someone will love you unconditionally for yourself." - AE Eaton
"It's not rocket science, right? It's just like, 'Hey man, slow the [ __ ] down, take a few deep breaths, tell me what's going on.'"
"Take care of your family don't take care of me baby."
"I always come up with something. Make good choices. Talk to you next time."
"Life is hard enough. Nikki, that's what I'm telling you. Life is hard enough. Like, I don't need your help."
"I love you, I love you, I love you and do something that makes you happy today."
"The softer and more gentle you can be towards a man..."
"You might just have to try a little harder to keep it in check."
"I'm actually gonna tell you guys that I do sometimes layer this with a new one with reboot cane. It just smells even more intoxicating."
"Why add more stress to your life... don't set yourself up for that."
"Do not let people get you down. I gotta tell you I know they don't."
"My mom was my hero, she always told me that the best part of you is you, just be you and believe in your dreams."
"That's the key man, just keep doing what you're doing."
"Go find something funny to watch doesn't really matter what it is as long as at the end of this you go laugh that's what matters to me."
"I relied upon something that John Wayne once told me."
"I think everyone can use a little organization in their life, you know what I mean?"
"You can't pick your life but you can make things less stressful than they are."
"Life is not going to be perfect... if you expect it to be perfect, you're fooling yourself." - Michael Strahan
"If you are unhappy, there's things you can do, just try and hang in there."
"Don't waste your time and you really think you have all the time in the world, you don't."
"Don't dismiss it; someone's character, I think, yes."
"There isn't a formula to success. There's just your formula to success."
"These are just things that have worked in my life... if it helps one person then we made a good video."
"You got one life to live on this planet you might as well not regret things."
"Take my advice, let no trifling diversion or amusement or company to coy you from your books. That is, let no girl, no gun, no cards, no flutes, no violins, no dress, no tobacco, no laziness to coy you from your books."
"You got a lot going for you, and you're pissing it away."
"Young men should aspire to find a good woman and start a family with her. That's what you should be aspiring to do."
"Your advice here is to think about the past, think about where you came from because this is what mercury retrograde is often about."
"I don't give advice to the player themselves because the player is the one who's mentally going through the problem."
"Yeah, just always be yourself... and it's gonna be good."
"Move forward, you can't be a perfectionist weirdo about everything."
"It's all about confidence when it comes to sex, am I right?"
"It's the best thing you can do, ride every sort of different horse."
"Be the best piece of advice that I can give you."
"If you got time to complain about it, you got time to pray about it."
"Selling puts, man, it's something I should be doing."
"Guys, don't make the same mistake I did, go out there and be embracing of people who are different from you."
"If you can do that, mental health will be yours forever."
"It is a guarantee that it might not change your life today. It might not be one of those 'But wait, there's more' kind of moments, but you will thank me three, four or five years down the line that I can promise you."
"You've gotta love what you do, you've gotta enjoy what you do."
"If you're true to yourself and to others, and basically if you think of it in reverse, like what would you want to see from a YouTube channel?"
"Remember everything that I've taught you. Just go on, go on, give it to the bastard."
"You have to stay focused, man. You have to stay focused."
"Dump him. Move out in the middle of the night. Never talk to him again."
"Max tells Gwen that what Ben is doing is right, but tells Ben he's better than that."
"Don't waste your fire on things that don't matter."
"Take the next two months and start looking... This is exactly your number."
"It's important that you keep yourself away from that influence."
"Look after yourself, that is the key amongst all of this."
"No matter what you choose, most importantly, have fun."
"Listen to that inner voice if something feels wrong."
"Forget about the beef, forget about the stupidity, forget about all that stuff. It's just not worth it."
"I do encourage you guys to try something similar."
"Practical advice for the next couple of weeks: You are good enough."
"Definitely do your research before planning your wedding."
"We showed up, that was our best show, that was great, bright, funny, good, everyone was sharp, all winners."
"It's like, you know, sometimes you gotta be your own guy. Give yourself advice."
"Good luck, Alex, I hope you're not on those myths again, dude, please switch it up just for me."
"A date a day a day a day keeps the blue balls away."
"You just gotta feel your feels, right? Whatever you're feeling in that moment, lean into it."
"The first thing I want you to do... talk to somebody about preparedness."
"Yeah so if you're curious, just try it out because you'll never know."
"Honestly, you'll have success. Let me show you how I've had success using these very rules and my own designs."
"The only thing I'd like to see is truly for her to properly cleanse her skin."
"Find a woman who values honor Above All Else."
"If you start there I promise you your life will be better and that's the only thing that I started to do in my life that made the biggest effect and the biggest difference in my life."
"It's easy to make money, it's easy to get you in shape, but if you don't have a good wife or a good husband... everything that we're going to do is going to fall apart."
"If people can't accept you, they are not the people that you need in your life." - R
"You're either happy now or you're not, you know. You can't postpone happiness, you can't be like happiness come back in like a week I'm busy now."
"So don't ever put yourself in this situation, because learn from me, don't do the expensive carwash."
"You have to be loose and you have to be able to do it."
"It's always better to be yourself than to be anyone else."
"Just make one, it's literally I am evangelizing to myself in the past."
"I love you, only your friends will tell you."
"Stop paying rent, it'd be the first step to real estate."
"Stay as far away from him as you possibly can. Don't trust him."
"You've done plenty of things that you're worth more than, you don't have to do this to yourself, you didn't have sex last time, okay, you can have sex another time."
"It doesn't feel real great out there right now, but this is where you have to do what your plan is."
"So long story short, let go, dude, just become."
"Get a vibrator. So many of my girlfriends are like, 'I don't know, is it normal?' Should I get one? I'm like, 'Get one!'"
"You need to be yourself, you need to be yourself, you need to be yourself."
"Don't feel pressure to hang out with people you don't vibe with."
"Make sure you prioritize that husband, you know, children, just family right."
"Don't stay in jobs that make you miserable unless your life depends on it."
"Have fun! If you're not finding enjoyment in it on some level, I think you're doing it wrong."
"Follow your heart, that's all I can say right now."
"Embrace your natural unique features because then you will attract a man who genuinely likes those features about you."
"I think that's like if you value your friendship more that because sometimes it could really ruin the Friendship yeah like really think about it yeah if you're unsure don't [__] say it then don't."
"You don't have to be perfect; you just gotta do it."
"Stop trying to play their game, the only way to win is to not play."
"Do not get overwhelmed with all this... Your pursuit of game... If you got accuracy on your side... you're going to kill it."
"Marriage, I would go for it. So yes is what I'd say to you."
"Call yourself that when you start doing nothing and I tell people all the time you know whatever you're afraid of doing it's generally only that scary once."
"Get naked, don't let anybody have anything over you."
"Man, just keep it honest, man, keep it real."
"Trust your eyes, trust your ears, and trust your heart."
"Most of the time it's pretty important to be gentle with yourself."
"Don't feel like you have to map out your career well in advance."
"I think you just got to follow your dreams, Matt. Yeah, we're not really giving much guidance."
"People don't take the time to to just figure out like where is this train really headed you know so it is I I'd highly recommend people do that."
"Know Thy situation, understand the dress code."
"Approach everything like that, as you should."
"You just gotta go be yourself, you don't have to be nothing but yourself."
"Get you a group of friends who don't want you to go broke."
"Get off the phone and go for a walk or something."
"Just enjoy college a little bit more. It's such a short time, even if it seems so long."
"It's time to move on from the stress and negativity."
"Be yourself, be yourself, that's my message to everybody."
"Stay calm, enjoy life. I will see you all in the next video."
"They gave me the best advice to be you, you know, trust in yourself, believe in yourself. I got this far."
"A girl like you shouldn't be walking home alone at night."
"So, I feel like if you say, 'Be mindful of something,' it's more, 'Be thoughtful about it.' Kind of more than inner feeling like, with yoga."
"Don't change who you are; that's what got you in the building in the first place."
"Don't be a [ __ ] bell end... have some people around you who are going to be completely blunt with you."
"Don't Focus your energy on the [ __ ] that ain't for you so you can find what is."
"I would say start now... use what you have. Don't wait."
"This show is all about morality tales and life lessons, you know like a kids show should be about, you know in the minds of creatively stereo adults."
"Sell that watch, yeah babe, sell that car, sell that motorcycle, let's say that diamond, so sell, sell, this and then start working out, only purses baby, no."
"You have to figure out what you most want in your life. Go do that."
"Try to be yourself. Do not let anyone tell you that you're just a number because you're more than that."
"It's not that bad at all. If you have a lot of student loans and you just feel like you're stuck in the mud, you don't know what to do, you don't know how you're going to do it, I promise you it does get better."
"Here's my early wedding gift: keep doing you and I wish you the best."
"Just have fun, be original, get some good stuff up, and honestly, that's all I can give you."
"The most important thing here is that you should definitely enjoy life, allow yourself to enjoy it."
"Just go out there, have fun, and enjoy what you're doing."
"I would open up, like I would go there and make sure."
"You don't have to be like me, but you do have to be who you are."
"Stay in your lane, there's no traffic in your life."
"You have to take a chance, man. You have to. You've seen a billionaire, [expletive]."
"Be careful who you interact with... Interact with quality people."
"Girl, just be happy. Just do whatever makes you happy."
"Don't forget to drink your water mind your business and be safe out here it's your boy little finesse jiggy hippie i'ma see all y'all when i see y'all peace."
"Do something you love with someone you love as much as you can. Have a great day; it should be a day off."
"My encouragement is to be cautious but calmly prepare."
"Don't listen to other people, listen to yourself."
"Love yourself first... Make sure you have that."
"Trust your intuition on this, my beautiful Virgo."
"Look at the relationships that matter, do what you need to do to bring them into balance."
"You have a mind of your own, use it. Trust your intuition, make your own choices, stand strong in your convictions."
"Don't rush into love, don't rush into all of these things too quickly. Pace yourself and you'll be fine."
"Guys, that is my list looking at some key accessories I think every watch enthusiast and collector should own at some point if you do take the hobby seriously."
"Some of the things that Tristan gives for advice on like building an Instagram account how to message women like all this [ __ ] it is probably the best advice I've ever heard in my entire life."