
Medical Technology Quotes

There are 560 quotes

"You could restore speech to a paralyzed person who's no longer able to talk."
"Medicine is going faster than probably any other thing on the planet... In the future, we will have avatars that tell us how we're doing and what we should eat."
"We believe in health optimization. We believe in doing things that are going to improve your immune system, things like sleep, rest, sunshine, living a healthy lifestyle, but also taking advantage of medical technology when it's available."
"IVF has rapidly increased...it's such a blessing for so many families."
"People believed her, a lot of people believed that there was this one pinprick of blood they could take out of your finger, put in a little mini capsule, and test you for hundreds and hundreds of disorders and diseases."
"Medical applications have the capacity to make people healthier."
"The metal's going to remain but the pain will be gone, and you'll have perfect mobility."
"Is it possible to live with a 3D printed heart? This is the bizarre past, present, and future of the human heart."
"Genome testing gives us way more data so that way we aren't flying totally blind."
"Sequential processing can be useful from medical signals to EKGs to prediction of stock prices to genomic or genetic data and beyond."
"Even at 23 weeks, babies can survive now with medical technology."
"This procedure feels futuristic. It uses a robot to place a computer chip into a human brain."
"I thank God I'm grateful that I live in a society where vaccines are possible and we can protect ourselves."
"It's not unreasonable to imagine that genome editing will allow diseases that are caused by a single gene to be corrected and cured."
"Infertile women that desperately want to be parents have found solace in IVF."
"We're very close to launching one of the most advanced brain regeneration projects worth tremendous amount of money."
"In the future, if you suffer from heart failure, a new organ could be grown on a cadaver heart scaffold using your own stem cells."
"It's an innovation that could transform the outcome for heart surgery patients across the world."
"I come home from the playground one day my mom says honey good news you're going to get arms."
"We can have medical advice for everybody that is beyond what we can get today."
"Gradually cooling the body slows down the metabolic process and can buy time for saving lives."
"I could tell you do you have COVID antibodies right now... we can detect that response."
"There is hope as Medtech was able to create a cure for their virus called Prevent."
"For the first time since a motorbike accident left him paralyzed five years ago, he's now able to walk freely."
"Theronos promised to save people from pain and disease through early detection."
"Advanced technology will unlock treats that unlock symptoms."
"The threads actually move with the brain even the normal pulsation of the brain and that help minimize stress within the brain tissue also and that has a long-term impact in the functionality of the device."
"Having a brain chip could allow someone who doesn't even have eyes to see for the first time ever."
"This tiny thing could be about to change millions of people's lives for the better."
"People who are in a wheelchair are now going to be able to potentially walk again."
"You could solve blindness, paralysis, hearing loss, you can solve a lot."
"We're interested in restoring movement and communication, helping improve lives."
"Lung ultrasound correlates with CT... we should only be seeing patients if there's a clinical question we can't answer with our lung ultrasound."
"There is utility of lung ultrasound in COVID-19."
"Vaccines are the technology that allowed us to, for example, eliminate smallpox from the planet Earth."
"We use a technology called photoplethysmography or PPG, and that's the lights at the bottom."
"It actually would be a coronavirus test the results of which come back in 45 minutes."
"Imagine having seizures for years, and then you get a brain implant that fixes all of this, and then you have to take it out because the company that made it is going bankrupt."
"Blood glucose monitoring has come a long way... There are a few companies who have long-term glucose monitors that don't require these annoying blood pricks."
"Robotic surgery: resulting in fewer complications and faster recovery time frames."
"This was unique and awesome and it's building on technology that's been developed over decades."
"If I lost my hearing I'd be first in line for a cochlear implant like let's go if you guys start getting into biohacking I'm in dude."
"Some of them are much lower cost than others. The mRNA platform, although in the long run it's probably the most promising."
"AI can actually help doctors predict medical events."
"This is not an esoteric test, there are 18,000 of these Little Toaster size machines all over the country in doctors offices and hospitals right now."
"We have 12 leads telling us about the electrical activity of the heart: bipolar limb leads, augmented unipolar limb leads, and precordial chest leads."
"Ventilators are easy; ventilators are a big deal. We are now the king of ventilators."
"Nanotechnology can also improve the way vaccines are delivered and how successful they are."
"The most advanced application of liquid biopsy is in that advanced cancer setting where the clinical utility is most pronounced."
"Ultimately sequencing improves diagnostics therapeutics drug discovery."
"Perform the TEG scans to catch it before it's too late."
"This is a remarkable day because we have state of the art testing...to save lives."
"Neuralink aims to transform treatment of neurological disorders."
"Ventilators are critical in treating the most severe cases of the coronavirus, where inflammation prevents people from taking in enough air on their own."
"I'm honestly I was against bypass at first back then but oh my God am I glad bypass is the thing now."
"From today, plasma can be taken from blood donations in England to produce life-saving medicine."
"Neuralink achieves a significant milestone obtaining approval for its inaugural human implantation."
"Explore the intricate process of implanting a chip into the human brain as Neuralink strives to redefine brain-machine interfacing technology."
"If we could leverage the eye to inspect your body on a regular basis without even a doctor in the room, maybe when you take a shower or have you, I know this sounds creepy, but then we might be able to save millions and millions of lives."
"This technology seems like it's going to really help Radiologists detect pancreatic cancer a lot sooner than previously been able to."
"Ghost hearts... building tailor-made human organs."
"If vaccines are sometimes not safe which we discover in testing and sometimes not safe which we discover after they've been released to the public there's nothing inherently safe about this technology."
"mRNA is a technology, it's a fundamental tool, it's being used for rare diseases, oncology, and of course for infectious diseases."
"Technology redefines life, transforming medicine and opening new interfaces with our body."
"Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail contract: a bioengineered version of convalescent plasma."
"Pretty much every chemotherapy drug used in cancer treatment was produced in a nuclear reactor."
"The plans for the trans Dura implantation, well that is brilliant."
"Our technology now has the ability to predict health outcomes and save lives."
"The first group to figure out how to actually unlock this capability would usher in a new era of medical technology for humanity."
"While it was a medical equipment (or testing) company, it was based in Silicon Valley."
"Eventually printed liver cell layers will be used to create transplant organs."
"The shoe fitting fluoroscope was emblematic of the era which produced it: an era of boundless optimism and blind, unshakable faith that cutting-edge science and technology could solve all of mankind's problems."
"Nobody has built the medical device for the lower extremity that is patient-centric."
"It's like gold, literally that they're taking out of the blood when they spin that. So that's where all the healing properties are, that's where the magic is gonna happen."
"The extremis virus basically improves on human physiology which is to say it rebuilds damaged organs."
"We have some studies going on with something called continuous glucose monitoring."
"Passing current through the spine, sinuses and skull has some exotic effects."
"MRNA vaccines can actually be designed and manufactured incredibly quickly."
"By adjusting the type and location of the stimulation."
"A greater understanding of these implants would undoubtedly benefit us all."
"We've used this to find cancer, and it's really amazing."
"He hoped this breathing system would help ensure oxygen was forced into his body."
"We can put backup copies of that mitochondrial DNA into the nucleus, into the nuclear DNA with regular gene therapy."
"He had a total artificial heart put in, it's a bridge to transplant so he can get a heart transplant for him."
"Nanobots are being studied so that they can help assist in medicine and Healthcare including cancer treatment."
"Imagine you had a big chunk taken out of your arm. You inject stem cells in that area and they will create new and healthy tissue."
"I'm just so grateful that he was born now and that we have access to the science that we have now."
"Negative pressure ventilation: actively pulling down to passively pull air into our lungs."
"Positive pressure ventilation: pushing air from the inside out to open up the alveolus."
"We now have the technology to actually take on other types of diseases."
"If early detection were possible, patients who have tumors detected early can be cured surgically."
"Masimo was able to obtain far higher levels of accuracy than what had ever been achieved before."
"We have vaccines and boosters now, treatments and other tools to mitigate risk and lessen the severity of illness."
"We think that there's a huge difference between something that you get to use two hours a week at the hospital versus something that you're living with every day and your brain is adapting to as much as the device is adapting to your brain"
"We can combine the genome with multiple modality testing."
"Algorithms that can cause a tumor cell to light up very brightly."
"Teleporting or remotely printing chemical compounds tailor-made to fight viruses."
"It's an extraordinary moment in science... turning into a technology that can be used widely for treating diseases."
"The most impactful uses of CRISPR... continue to be in editing somatic cells."
"I went on wanting to try to figure out what went wrong."
"Telemedicine dates back to the mid 20th century."
"She surprised Everyone by happily running around on her new legs."
"Lasers overall are probably the most effective thing for treating most anything."
"Robot docs join the U.S. Air Force exercise, giving glimpse at potential battlefield of the future."
"ECT in its modern form: safe, does not cause permanent brain damage in most cases, does not cause permanent memory loss."
"The purple skittle, the best kind of skittle."
"What has changed this debate more than anything, more than the legal arguments, more than the political rhetoric? Imaging ultrasounds."
"The EKG gives a plethora of very useful information."
"I don't think I've seen a better tool...than a CGM."
"X-ray passes through an object and outlines the picture on sensitive media."
"MRI visualizes detailed internal structures using a magnetic field."
"EchoGram generates a picture of internal structures using sound waves."
"Amy was better at figuring out medical diagnosis than primary care physicians, confirmed by specialist doctors who evaluated the study."
"Trying said rise of AI making the importance of Neuralink grow by the day."
"I'd love to see a world where we can scan the brain or test the blood of someone with a mental health condition and determine which drug would suit them best."
"Medicine will be revolutionized by nanotechnology."
"Technologically we have come to the point where we can disconnect childbirth from the pains that women have to go through doesn't mean that we should."
"Robotic surgery: making surgeries less invasive and more precise."
"Elon Musk's brain implant startup, Neuralink, is changing the game."
"If you're a radiologist you better embrace it because it may help us out more than we think."
"Thanks for watching this video. I want to know what you think in the comments below about this article and about AI and radiology."
"Monoclonal antibody specific neutralization of the virus... will prevent infections and it can basically hopefully have a dramatic beneficial effect on people that are currently ill."
"Chestling is the first fully autonomous AI medical imaging product with the CE mark."
"3D body scanner could change how we diagnose diseases."
"The brain chip...will be able to do anything from cure neurological diseases like Parkinson's to help people communicate through text or voice messages."
"One of the biggest problems with existing basic BCI's is electrodes eventually getting moved around by the blood flow within the brain."
"Technology has been rapidly advancing in the diabetes space."
"E-noses can already smell lung cancer with a sensitivity of 95%."
"Well, believe it or not, robots are already in the operating room..."
"MRI has truly changed the nature of medical diagnosis and treatment."
"A big upside of artificial intelligence detecting cancer much earlier."
"I think vaccines are fantastic they're wonderful advents of technology that have allowed us to basically triumph over over nature."
"Point-of-care ultrasound can be performed quickly at the bedside."
"Researchers developed a camera capable of detecting cancer cells very early in their development, inspired by the mantis shrimp's sophisticated eyesight."
"Injectable brain robots: nanobots delivering targeted treatment."
"Origami motions are also being used in medical devices."
"Doctors can control them in the body... to perform minor surgeries."
"That's happening now... people who were at once blind are able to see objects."
"He's one of the last people to use an iron lung... I've never given up and I won't start now."
"3D bioprinting is really important because... you would be able to save dramatically amount a huge amount of lives."
"The sentro chip... allows people with severe forms of paralysis to control a computer using their thoughts."
"The robotic arm can be worn on the stomach and controlled by breathing."
"Ultrasonics allows us to use procedures that do not damage normal tissues."
"Some of their promo material indicates that their main goal is to revolutionize prosthetics technology, solve paralysis, and allow people to use their brains to control prosthetics."
"David's pacemaker ended up being the key to the entire investigation."
"The gyro glove is a beacon of hope for those suffering from hand tremors."
"Dad said one day they would be able to take a drop of blood and diagnose the condition of the human body. The time he said it, it was ridiculous, but now it's a normal procedure."
"The key thing about smaller incisions is faster recovery, less narcotics, and less disruption of the normal tissue in the back."
"Cages that have osteogenic and osteoconductive properties are very exciting. They stimulate the bone to grow into that cage and helps the patient heal."
"...an implant specific that made for the patient that can fill in all those gaps with metal and that's sent over from France."
"A very humane type would be the use of it with IVF to make sure that some hereditary disease like hemophilia is not passed on."
"...it is amazing that we have the ability to directly observe brain and the vascular tree."
"This is the world's smallest artificial heart. It saved the life of a 16-month-old baby until the donor heart became available."
"Obi-Wan plunges into the back to tank. It's a good old-school back to tank, you know, the vertical setup with the wires and the harnesses."
"The development of particle accelerators has led to innovations in cancer therapy, particularly through the refinement of proton beam therapy which allows for more precise targeting of tumors with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissues."
"We can now digitize bladders, skin, noses, ears, heart valves... even a beating heart."
"medical doctors will soon be able to get almost instant access to newly published clinical data"
"Lasers are classified based on their output power level, and with IR lasers because the near IR laser isn't visible to the naked eye, and therefore won't trigger a blink reflex, IR lasers in the near IR range are actually technically classified as medical devices."
"For all our 21st century advances in medical technology, we still haven't come up with a functioning prosthetic eye device."
"Another job of these medical nanorobots will be to measure the bloodstream for optimal levels of these resources, puts some in, takes them out, ferry out toxins, ferry in nutrients or hormones, basically overcome malfunction of your organs."
"It's the marriage of spine principles and medical technology to advance spine care."
"Hey man, everything medical in the future is about messing with your DNA."
"Novel mapping techniques which are an amazing way to look at non-pulmonary vein rotor-based changes in your atria which we can now detect with these advanced mapping systems."
"I think for me, OCT is most useful in early disease and in glaucoma suspects. That's really where OCT is irreplaceable."
"The CGRP medications are exciting, but there's also been the devices that have come out that have been just really exciting to help reduce the disability that patients have from migraine."
"...how it is programmed to attack tumors."
"the EKG provided definitive diagnosis"
"TruSeq RNA Pan Cancer targets cancer-related RNA transcripts."
"The preservation of the three-dimensional spatial information of a tumor is one of the biggest advantages in using immunohistochemistry and is one reason why it remains a standard technique for tumor biopsy analysis."
"Multi-color flow cytometry is an increasingly important tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of hematopoietic neoplasia."
"The device will help patients who have undergone heart or lung surgery to recover smoothly."
"Since you're delivering all the radiation in one day with stereotactic radiosurgery, you can't miss because you don't have another 29 days to correct the mistake."
"It makes no sense to be irradiating parts of the patient that radiation isn't going to strike onto the detector."
"The future is that one day we can research our way out of surgery and research our way out of radiation."
"Because it's only with brachytherapy that we really get that sufficient dose to that area where the cancer started."
"Focused ultrasound has the potential to revolutionize therapy."
"Home pregnancy tests work very similarly to our rapid COVID test."
"...the longitudinal strain can help identify patients that can benefit of a defibrillator or other cardiac implantable devices because it can not only help to estimate the risk of sudden death but it can also identify patients that can benefit from cardiac resynchronization."
"Echocardiography has played a central role in the response to this virus, both in its acute and chronic manifestations, and the evidence suggests that strain has much clinical value to offer."
"Speckle tracking echocardiography is just the software that tracks the kernels, and then the value or the main value that we get there are lots of values available, the main value we get is called strain."
"Neuralink is perhaps the most promising answer, aiming to provide paralyzed individuals with the ability to control devices solely through their thoughts."
"Our ability to detect atrial fibrillation is just getting better and better."
"The stem cell... it's like six years ago, I think I remember."
"When spectral domain OCT was first introduced, it was very clear we were seeing far more structure visible on the image than had been seen previously."
"When complications occur in atrial fibrillation they can be very dangerous, so we take obviously the technology and the procedure very seriously."
"What the time domain OCT did to detect a macular thickness map, some places still have time domain OCT."
"She might enjoy it Pacemaker it was out to here yeah it was a big lump my my great grandma is actually getting uh she has a pacemaker."
"...what you actually do is take what's called a pencil beam so the beam is much smaller than the size of the tumor."
"This would be the first feedback way to apply proton therapy without screwing it up."
"...if we can use cells as drugs we can make them precise we can make them long-lived we hope that we can make them less with fewer side effects than conventional chemotherapies."
"Pulse oximetry has changed everything we do."
"New capabilities to compile molecular data on patients on a scale that was unimaginable 20 years ago."
"Increasing success in utilizing molecular information to improve diagnosis and treatment."
"Gamma rays are used to sterilize surgical equipment because of their high energy."
"The continuous glucose monitoring is a way to convince even the worst skeptic."
"Custom Endo Prosthetics have really opened the door to salvage almost any Anatomy that's out there that's involving bone or joint."
"...you should all be thinking about using ACR Thyroid's or they're using at the moment, that's great news."
"We will soon be able to print perfectly sized replacement bone that means fewer medical procedures, less time and anesthesia, more precise grafts, and reduced costs."
"So what's, what once had been misdiagnosed with some frequency as, as asthma or pneumonia, is now vetted via the use of pulse oximeters and, and if necessary, chest x-rays to reveal that."
"The future of surgical robotics is here."