
Paralysis Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"You could restore speech to a paralyzed person who's no longer able to talk."
"That was about six years ago. So a natural question was this, which is if we understand that electrical code, can we use that to help someone who is paralyzed and can't get those signals out of the brain to speak normally?"
"The more important something is, the more paralyzed we feel."
"Every human being on the planet is paralyzed in some aspect or some area of their life because they're concerned about what other people think."
"Avoiding the donkey problem is being stuck between an abundance of options and choosing none."
"The climate crisis is so serious and it's on such an urgent timeline that we feel inadequate as humans and we become paralyzed."
"Perfectionism leads to procrastination which leads to paralysis."
"Laughter causes my neck to weaken … I lose control of my limbs and become paralyzed on my left side … it usually only lasts for a few seconds but it is frightening."
"Satan understands that secret sin in a spiritual man will paralyze him."
"Fear is a paralyzer. Fear paralyzes your thinking, paralyzes your reasoning, it can paralyze your body."
"Being paralyzed and not making a choice is the real way that you lose all of the real possibilities in your life."
"German scientists have figured out how to make paralyzed mice walk again."
"Fear can paralyze you. We can be so worried about doing the wrong thing that we do nothing."
"You're basically paralyzed, you can't move, but you hear and potentially feel it. That's messed up."
"I didn't want to look either. I was frozen. I felt in danger."
"That dissonance between emotions and rationality very often paralyzes people."
"It's kind of like sometimes we get paralyzed by these decision makings because we're stuck in the moment."
"I hate being paralyzed by the burden of choice."
"If you're overthinking, your ambitions are crippling you."
"I couldn't move, I couldn't talk or scream, all I could do was move my eyes around."
"They were always paralyzed as soon as it started to get dark."
"Paralyzing an enemy, if you can do it, is fantastic for your entire party."
"Focus on what you can do and don't be paralyzed by fear."
"I laid there for a good five minutes trying my hardest to even kind of pull my arm to touch her and I couldn't do it."
"I think you have to learn to avoid fear because fear will paralyze you."
"Cervical stenosis is the most common reason for quadriplegia, for losing the ability to walk and losing the ability to use the arms and legs."
"She stood there completely paralyzed, tears pouring down her face just from the sheer terror."
"I instantly froze up when I realized what was happening."
"I couldn't scream, I couldn't move, I just collapsed as it towered over me."
"We were frozen in terror inside that dugout."
"An overwhelming fear hit them, and they were paralyzed almost like in a hypnotic state."
"Be decisive, don't take too much counsel of your fears, be thoughtful but not paralyzed by indecision."
"Customers can't figure out what to do, so they actually do nothing. It's a terrifying stat."
"I was completely terrified to the point I couldn't blink or even move."
"Imagine being conscious but unable to move, trapped in your own body but aware of everything that was happening."
"Quadriplegia, preserved consciousness, terrifying disease process."
"Concern leads to action. Worry leads to paralyzed."
"Laying on my bedroom floor, staring up at the ceiling, you got me paralyzed."
"It was a different kind of fear when you can't make your body move."
"The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I was paralyzed by sudden and overwhelming sense of dread."
"I felt paralyzed, not by fear, but by a pressure holding me down."
"The fear we felt was like a trance; I couldn't even move my eyes away from it."
"I was absolutely Frozen with fear, my heart pounding like a drum."
"That means she's coming. That means that's when you start banging on your legs or moving your wig, trying to wiggle your body, wake up, paralyzed, knowing this woman is downstairs in the kitchen."
"I found myself in a horrible state of paralysis, this encounter shook me to the very fibers of my being."
"I couldn't do a thing. I was frozen in terror."
"It wasn't that I was indecisive; I was willing myself forward but the thoughts just never seemed to reach my limbs."
"Fear is the number one blockage; fear will paralyze you."
"These poison darts are enough to drop monkeys and birds in their tracks; nerve paralysis is almost instantaneous."
"I'm so confused cuz like immortal's just done that well, no, she's paralyzed."
"The poison hit my muscle quickly, I can't move."
"He was always startling to think that the man could not walk that he really was paralyzed and had a terrible fear of fire as anybody who can't move around might very well have."
"Guilt is one of the most powerfully paralyzing forces there is to the human spirit."
"This device is made to be inserted into the brain allowing people living with paralysis to control their phones, computers, and beyond using only their thoughts."
"Analysis paralysis is a real thing and it is so much more important to be into tune with what brings you Joy and just get it put it in your house like let's go let's go let's not just be paralyzed for so many."
"Fear will not only paralyze you, it'll make you ask those questions."
"And then he didn't even know I had what you call 'fear paralysis'. That's when your jaw locks and you just can't move."
"Despite finding a small sword, he is temporarily stunned by a dark Knight's voice and is unable to move."
"United Nations now is paralyzed, incapable of addressing the issues."
"The first time it happened I wasn't able to move and I tried my hardest to scream or yell or make some connection to the real world through physical action."
"I could not talk nor move and I see a shadowy figure hanging over me."
"I see my fly sink to the bottom but I can't move. I can't do anything about it because I don't dare to move."
"My blood turned to ice. I felt powerless. I felt paralyzed."
"I was pretty much frozen and petrified at this point. Usually in bad dreams as a weak kid, you would call out for your parents, I was too frozen, too scared to do anything."
"My soul just keeps rendering because I'm paralyzed."
"The love of this world and the fear of death paralyze us."
"Don't get caught into analysis paralysis."
"I just felt like I couldn't move, honestly."
"It was standing and just observing me. I was somehow paralyzed and couldn't look at that thing directly."
"That was the first time she had ever been frozen from fear."
"Making a decision, even if it's not the most optimal decision, is way better than doing nothing and being stuck in analysis paralysis."
"Fear will hold you hostage. Terrorizing fear wants you to be paralyzed."
"I felt like I couldn't move. I felt frozen in place."
"I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares the ones where you have to run run till your lungs burst but you can't make your body move fast enough."
"Shame is the number one tool of Satan. Shame is the number one thing that will paralyze you. Shame is the number one thing that will keep you from ever achieving anything."
"The pain was so intense that it put me on the ground with my arm in a state of paralysis for nearly five minutes."
"Stop flop or no, it can get you out of this sort of paralysis."
"You are dramatically losing every single day. Your analysis paralysis is a poison to your brain. You are already losing, and your analysis paralysis is actually the poison that's keeping you there."
"Paralyzed man communicates first words in months using brain implant. 'I love my cool son.'"
"Churches are paralyzed for a lifetime because of bad feeling against other Christians."
"It was very, very weird and scary because again I wasn't moving my body."
"When we initially feel fear of change and we haven't done any work around it, usually what happens is that initially before we understand how to work through the fear of change, the quality of the fear is very paralyzing."
"Fear is what cripples and paralyzes us more than anything else."
"Nothing paralyzes us more than discouragement and doubt."
"The painful consequences of a taser... beyond the literal paralysis of your nervous system."
"People, paralyzed by the lies they tell themselves to make their lives more manageable."
"Every fiber of her being is screaming at her to run, to get out of there right now, but she can't move her feet."
"Felt purpose pursued purpose as opposed to rejection distraction from that purpose that comes from listening to the void within cuts through the paralysis."
"Neuralink is perhaps the most promising answer, aiming to provide paralyzed individuals with the ability to control devices solely through their thoughts."
"No, I can't move," Menma thought. The others thought the same.
"I was frozen to the spot, utterly paralyzed by fear."
"Every fiber of my being screamed run, and I was simultaneously almost paralyzed by the fear."
"It's tapping into paralysis and offers a process out of paralysis."
"I wanted to get up and leave, I even wanted to run away, but I was paralyzed."
"I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn't scream or move. I just lay there watching this thing slowly move down my bed until it stopped right in front of my face."
"I laid there in complete panic unable to move."
"...it was like my feet were glued to the ground. I was petrified."
"I was terrified, frozen in place."
"Paralyzed by fear to address your feelings."
"The venom would paralyze the contacted limb and cause severe pain in the victim."
"I was paralyzed for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a second"
"they are basically paralyzed they can't really do anything now the best part is we can continue to keep them hypnotized so long as we continue to spend our action each turn to keep it going."
"I was literally frozen with terror."
"The enemy has paralyzed us... but I believe God is going to move in this place."
"I was so terrified I nearly fainted on the spot, my body simply wasn't able to function, I could not move or run."
"It's called kirari. It paralyzes you entirely, but you will feel the full intensity of any pain we inflict. Make no mistake, you'll feel all of it."
"Many of us have genius within us... but when it comes to using our genius in our own behalf, acting on our own dreams and ideas... we get paralyzed."
"Overthinking something and trying to find the perfect solution is just going to paralyze you."
"If a patient who's paralyzed thinks move my left arm the brain fires those neurons even though the arm does not move."
"Analysis paralysis is the worst enemy of any operation whether it's a hobby or a business."
"I spent most of this movie kind of in horror, shocked paralyzed."
"I was terrified and frozen at the same time."
"I tried some of Beach's stupid cleanse juice, and it paralyzed me. No, no, no, I can move. It's just that my stomach and I have reached a detente, and engaging my muscles in any way could break this fragile truce, like NATO."
"Fear is paralyzing, fear can keep you in a state where you do nothing at all."
"Suddenly, my whole body gets paralyzed on the tattoo table."
"Fears can become irrational; they can paralyze us."
"Even the government is paralyzed by expertise."
"So we really need to push up the percentage that's been paralyzed if you're looking for scalability."
"I'm terrified to sleep every night. I awake and I can't move at all, and then all of a sudden, I see something dark slowly crawling from the edge of the bed by my feet, climbing up my legs all the way to me."
"I didn't, I just, I couldn't. I, like, froze."
"I felt like I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move or scream."
"Don't be so cautious that it paralyzes you."
"You don't want to be immobilized to the grave."
"The blow was very powerful, so much so that now he could not move his hand."
"Don't let your own perfectionism paralyze you."
"I'm definitely awake and I cannot move."
"I couldn't move and could barely think. I remember something that I was brought up to believe."
"He never walked again. He never made any movement. Any movement he made was involuntary and it was due to gravity pulling his body down to the ground. When you sustain an injury to your brain like that, that ceases all movement."
"Once Paul received that second shot, he never walked again. He never made any movement. Any movement he made was involuntary and it was due to gravity pulling his body down to the ground."
"I absolutely froze and just laid there, uncertain of what I saw for a moment. My heart was racing and my feet and palms were sweating. I just froze."
"It was like I was frozen. I stood there looking at him in the mirror and absolutely couldn't move."
"I was honestly so scared that I could not move. I was literally frozen."
"I woke up in the middle of the night... and couldn't open my eyes or even move."
"I wasn't able to move as it stared at me, but it was at this point that my girlfriend gasped, which seemed to break me out of whatever was stopping me from thinking logically."
"I was trying to scream but nothing came out of my lungs and I couldn't move."
"I was anchored to the spot like a sailor caught in the Gaze of a siren incapable of doing anything other than observe the chilling sight before me"
"But standing that close to such a monster, staring at it, I was frozen with fear."
"I wonder why we get paralyzed so bad because that's the only thing I can compare it to. It's just getting paralyzed by the... Is it the fear?"
"This feeling became so strong I could not move."
"Scared? Not scared so much as paralyzed, hung up there immovable on the top of a diminishing moving mountain."
"I couldn't move my legs and then I realized that I was paralyzed."
"Phobias can paralyze people with fear and anxiety."
"Just one bite from this snake can paralyze the nervous system in three seconds."
"It's almost like you're in a trance and you're paralyzed."
"Overthinking is one of the number one things I see that will just cause people to not only fail but also like literally just never get started."
"I am certain these weren't dreams, as I can recall the fear I felt being very real and very paralyzing."
"They felt paralyzed like they can't move on without you."
"When I watched it on the screen, we all kind of were paralyzed at that moment."
"You cannot live without faith, and every day that you live without faith, you become paralyzed and incapable of creating the future God designed you to live."
"The whole idea of a brain-computer interface is to help a person who is paralyzed to be able to move again."
"The risk of not performing spinal immobilization could result in paraplegia, quadriplegia, chronic pain, a financial burden for that patient, major life impact, and possible respiratory arrest and death."
"That left hook, he just jumped into it and it paralyzed Jamie Stevenson."
"If you're lost, paralyzed, you don't know what step to take next, I'm here for you."
"Gastroparesis, or GP as most patients refer to it, literally means paralysis of the stomach."
"Sometimes when you're dreaming, you're in a certain situation and you need to move away as fast as you can but it's like you're stuck in the mud."
"We're all scared that some weird fluke is gonna happen and we'll be conscious inside of our own paralyzed bodies."
"Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon wherein during the period where you're falling asleep or waking up, you're fully aware of your surroundings but you can't move or talk."
"I was so paralyzed with fear, confusion, and general horror that I just stayed sitting on the Argentine Pampa, to no good purpose."
"This is what a woman's sexual power can do: paralyze and incapacitate, and yes, kill and destroy."
"This paralysis is triggered by the pons and the ventromedial medulla that suppress skeletal muscle tone during REM sleep."
"I was so overwhelmed by gratitude that I could not move."
"This word 'rebellion', it had froze them up, As fish are in a pond."
"I was petrified. I couldn't move. I couldn't even scream."
"I stopped, frozen, my mind blank."
"I want to end the paralyzing effects of not being able to choose."
"The assassin bug's venom attacks both the nervous and the muscular system, paralyzing the prey in just 3 to 5 seconds after being injected."
"It's actually very similar to the botulism toxin, it causes paralysis leading to difficulty breathing."
"Paralysis by analysis... they never just start because they're so intimidated by all the information that's out there."
"During REM sleep, you have an active brain in a paralyzed body."
"My digestive system is pretty much completely paralyzed; doesn't work, cannot digest food."
"The city was paralyzed with fear."
"It's the weirdest feeling knowing you have something attached but you can't move it."
"The toxicity of fear is killing people; it keeps you stopped, slows you in your tracks."
"Fear is paralyzing and it also makes you easily susceptible to influence."
"What Sinestro said is true: fear is paralyzing."
"There were moments of overwhelming lassitude when, like the victim of some poison which leaves the brain clear but holds the body inert."
"He's forced to watch, terrified and paralyzed, as a terrifying demon enters his room and creepily walks towards him."
"I couldn't move, paralyzed not by fear, but by an overwhelming sense of responsibility."
"'I heard it breathing. I swear I heard the thing breathing, and I froze, man. I just froze stiff. My mind shut down, and I couldn't think what to do,' he continued."
"I remember feeling very scared, like that paralyzed type of fear."
"The soul has bandaged moments when too appalled to stir."
"I woke up sweating, unable to get my body to move, but with my limbs shaking and flailing rapidly, almost inhumanly."
"I remember every hair on my body standing up and feeling completely paralyzed."
"I stood there clutching my rifle, honestly too scared to move."
"If you stare at a blank canvas and think about the fact that you can do literally anything, then it's very easy to become paralyzed by your own freedom."
"I paused, unable to move or speak, because I was afraid I would collapse if I did."
"I felt as though I was in a trance; I wanted to run but couldn't."
"Sleep paralysis is when you wake up but you can't move your body."
"Everything in my body and mind was telling me to run, scream, do something, but I was frozen from fear."
"Next time, I won't freeze. I won't let the fear paralyze me."
"Every instinct screamed to run, but my feet felt glued to the ground."
"The temperatures are so extreme that the Midwest is paralyzed."
"Perfectionism, as Winston Churchill says, can be also spelled paralysis."
"Your brainstem... sends one down the spinal cord and it paralyzes what's called the alpha motor neurons of the spinal cord that control your voluntary skeletal muscles."
"So you are locked into a physical incarceration during REM sleep, during dream sleep."
"If you wake up paralyzed in the middle of the night, consider perhaps that there is a very good reason why."
"The Sage Art White Rage Jutsu... creates an intense vibration that paralyzes everybody that's in the area."
"The brain paralyzes the body so that the mind can dream safely."
"REM is similar to wakefulness as seen on EEG, however, the body is paralyzed."
"It leads to fears that we feel which can then paralyze us, which then can lead us into lines of reasoning that are not particularly good for us and keep us from realizing our genuine good."