
Reach Quotes

There are 345 quotes

"It's not how many people have I reached, it's of the people that I reached, how many of those did I move."
"You're meant to reach a lot of people, whether this is locally or globally."
"Good explanations have tremendous reach. They are acts of creativity."
"The power of social media: It literally lets you reach everybody."
"Being a YouTube creator, you can reach the amount of people that traditional entertainment platforms reach."
"YouTube has been a huge way to actually get our music widespread."
"YouTube showed my videos to 226 million people in the last 90 days, which is insane!"
"Their reach, their influence, and their power is undeniable."
"TV is a more powerful medium than film. It reaches far more people on a regular daily basis."
"Cosigns create opportunities beyond your reach."
"My goal is to get this content out to the maximum amount of people."
"There's no critical thinking... this kind of anti-scientific thought... can reach its intended audience."
"Writing is a very good medium to reach as many people as possible."
"God's truth will always find where it's supposed to reach."
"The power of social media allows us to reach millions."
"We were showcased to 100 million households in the United States."
"You should reach even if it feels like it's unattainable just imagine you can stretch a little bit more."
"Tick tock is such a powerful platform... You can reach so many people so fast."
"You can get in contact with people even if it's just their work."
"Our reach in order to sell goes far beyond the actual followers and subscribers."
"It's freedom of speech but not freedom of reach."
"TikTok is amazing in terms of organic reach."
"Instagram's gonna start pushing it beyond your advocates and beyond your circle to people who don't even follow you."
"Man's reach should exceed his grasp."
"Focus on making reels because they're going to get you 120% more reach than photos could."
"Google's reach and influence in today's world is so categorically unparalleled in modern business."
"I've created my own content machine where every day hundreds of videos are going out and reaching millions of people."
"What an international audience we have!"
"It's remarkable how wide-reaching these videos are. People all over the world."
"It's organic reach, yeah so that's what I look for."
"The more media there is, the more reach there is."
"Jack Kirby's impact stretches to every niche corner of the universe."
"...you have the power to touch people all over the country, even all over the world."
"There was a time when no one could hear us, but now, radio listeners, we can talk to the whole world."
"There's a lot of Beauty in being able to have that platform to be able to like... reach people all around the world."
"Our influence is felt in many places."
"The versatility in reach of a pixel 7 Pro is what makes this camera so spectacular."
"Using popular songs or sounds for the audio will help you get extended reach beyond your existing followers."
"More engagement on your stories equals more reach."
"The gateway to millions of people is Google."
"Adding a small boost to your posts... can really help to give you a bit more visibility."
"Yeah, can I reach it? It's far. It's far. Let me check. It's far. It's very far."
"This is like a no-brainer good go-to easy dumb reach scent."
"...being the bigger guy, being the taller guy, the leg... he has more reach... but then his legs have additional reach on top of that."
"I can get to you in your own kitchen, I can get you anywhere."
"That was an incredible time because it had such an incredible reach... those records became a part of the culture."
"I mean, 32 million views, it's crazy to see a video with 1.3 million likes... it's a big reach. So that has already kind of proven YouTube shorts."
"That's where I got you 'cause I ain't got thousands of followers to reach in minutes."
"We come in the name of Jesus to reach, rescue, and restore."
"At the end of the day, your work is seen by and affects literally millions of people in a day. That's not something that anyone else in art can say."
"You have distribution with social media."
"Nothing beats reach, and this lens has plenty of it."
"Real good ministry can reach just as far high as it can low and maintain the same integrity going one way as it can the other."
"I have subscribers all over the world."
"Exponential growth of your reach."
"All four corners of the world, our cars go to."
"Wow, this is my platform from now on. This is how I can reach people."
"No better social media network to reach a global audience than on Facebook."
"...let's stretch out a little bit further..."
"Beautiful. Reach everything up towards the sky."
"The treasure is here, where the organic reach is."
"I don't think there's any app that has the organic reach that TikTok has right now not even close."
"Your messages that are focused on that one perfect customer avatar can reach hundreds of thousands of people if not millions of people."
"Micro content gets you the most amount of free organic reach."
"You can literally get tens of thousands of followers and or hundreds of thousands or even millions of views in a matter of days with very little effort."
"It's more like a lot of people are increasingly having access to the."
"Short form doesn't require both time and capital. It's the easiest way to get known and get reach."
"When you write a book like this you're trying to reach as broad an audience as possible."
"I've reached 52 million people's Twitter accounts. My followers have gone up 27,000 people in seven days."
"There is nothing bad about having a defined online presence that will reach many more people than you will in print."
"There's been a huge drop of reach on content."
"There is no place or person that the glory cannot reach."
"This is just 5 pounds a day and you can reach over a thousand people every single day targeted in their industry."
"God loves us enough to humble God's self in whatever way is necessary in order to reach us."
"That means more speed with a T8… more reach… and reduced working distance."
"To reach people no one else is reaching."
"Word of mouth is more important than I thought it was and it can actually have a far reach."
"YouTube is just such an incredible tool that you can just reach so many different people. I just love it, man."
"Income potential is only limited by your reach."
"I didn't know when I made that first Mortal Kombat video that it would reach as many people as it did."
"If you have a Facebook page with 10,000 followers and you do a post, less than 300 people will see your post."
"...it's pretty cool to think the reach is going that far."
"...instagram reels and instagram stories in my experience tend to be the things that get the best reach, the best engagement, and really help you to grow your business."
"The TV show is what I mean if you think about a TV show just so many more people in the United States see it than any other kind of medium."
"...the fact that you can reach 78, 780, 7,800, 7.8 million people on these platforms to me is absolutely bananas."
"What if you could do something that reached hundreds of millions of people?"
"I think that this pulled in the most amount of new followers to the account and just overall reach."
"No one is beyond the reach of God's grace."
"Radio reaches 92 percent of adults in the US every week. 41 million adults 18 to 34 use radio each month."
"...just goes to show that if you make really excellent content you can get a 4-Hour video out to millions of people and that to me that alone is inspiring to me."
"The more engagement your post has, the higher reach it's going to have."
"820,000 people liked the reel, it reached like 9 million people or something."
"A hungry reaching out for the desired thing."
"I've been to some pretty cool boxing events here in Australia, the reach that these guys have got is just crazy."
"...you reach more people than all the media outlets combined."
"This guy's got the power to send it anywhere."
"It's not just local, it's worldwide."
"It's pretty cool to hear who's listening where."
"Our reach should exceed our grasp."
"I've always dreamt of being able to reach people all over the world."
"Netflix is the biggest streaming platform, and there's so many other people to reach."
"The power of being everywhere is real."
"Southern hospitality reaching farther than we thought it would reach is probably the most important thing to me."
"I need one place where I know all 837,000 are definitely gonna see this because I'm getting guaranteed delivery."
"Radio reaches out and captures the interest of virtually every family in the land."
"Did you ever dream that his word would go around the world?"
"Love is not a finite resource but an expansive ocean, its tides capable of touching multiple shores without losing their essence."
"There is nobody beyond the reach of God."
"To understand what Jesus has done to make salvation available to all of God's children, that infinite redeeming reach."
"If you have a good product today, you can reach billions of people if you have a good strategy, you have good marketing, you can handle the logistics."
"You're not doing it for the hundreds who will reject your message, you're doing it for the millions who will accept it."
"It's amazing how many people you can influence."
"Anything is within reach to a man that has purpose."
"You can reach out and grab a hold of your blessings."
"The power of a single meme is so incredible and far-reaching."
"If you kindle only one candle in the room, that light would reach every part of this place."
"If you've just launched your radio station, or maybe you've had a radio station for some time and you don't feel like you're maximizing your reach... stay tuned for today's video because it's exactly what you need."
"The well-defined feel that you have in The Sweet Spot expands way farther than on other paddles."
"You can share a kind and beautiful message, and it can reach millions, if not billions, of people instantaneously."
"Explanatory knowledge has reach; it solves the local problem only for it then to go on to solve problems elsewhere at different times."
"There's nothing you've done that is beyond His redeeming reach."
"It's reaching a long way and I'm very impressed by that."
"Donatello was always the best in every video game, in my opinion at least, it was because he had such a good reach with his long bow."
"Take an inhale, try to reach those hands up."
"Individuals have limited resources but a large reach."
"The bigger your keyword list is, the bigger your reach is initially."
"I care about my reach, I care about responsibility in my content."
"There are very few lenses that reach out to 800 millimeters and certainly very few of them that give you good image quality."
"With these powerful casts, I can easily reach the areas that I need to at the beach."
"Yoga straps help to give you a connection when you can't reach a body part on your own."
"For quick results, by making a relevant ad copy and by targeting the right keywords, we can increase availability, brand awareness, and traffic."
"Keep reaching and reach all the way forward."
"They immediately demonstrate the ease with which large audiences could be reached without the government's ability to control their transmissions."
"His music reaches everybody, and he's a storyteller. That's what it should be, to me."
"No one is beyond the reach of God's hand."
"Brachiosaurus remains a true giant; it reached high using its neck in an unusual direction for sauropods."
"The entire solar system will not be spared from our reach."
"The stars are beyond my reach, and so I grasp my spear and take aim."
"Paying to reach ten million people with your content can literally cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and here they are getting it for free."
"I like to practice things until they're just out of reach but they're close, so that there's that feeling of needing to go a little bit further."
"Your listeners are everywhere, so make sure you can reach them anywhere."
"Now imagine that teacher could reach not 30 kids in a classroom, but millions of students all over the world."
"Making it tight is going to reach more people, and I think the information is helpful."
"You're going to be able to reach your target audience."
"Makima's abilities are as far-reaching as they are powerful."
"We've got a platform for 10 million viewers."
"Barney was watched by two million people a day and became an international phenomenon."
"Artists can bring their music to more people around the world."
"That's just huge for me, you know, because I never thought my music would be able to reach that far."
"These flashlights could reach across the park at night when we were playing hide-and-go-seek."
"It's insane and it's showcasing that the reach that Shonen Jump the magazine itself has goes a lot further than what Jump Plus the digital app can do."
"And then tap back, reach, reach, just like this."
"It's going to be distributed in 125 countries."
"Not only known locally my flow is universal."
"I'm a good guy who knows the bad guys. I've got reach, and I will fight for you every day."
"Stretch up, touch the ceiling for long."
"It's really something to be able to handhold this kind of reach."
"The wider the applicability, the more and more patients that this company can reach and help."
"132,542 people streamed your songs for the first time."
"I'm kind of astounded by the ability of NFTs to actually reach people at a whole new level."
"No matter where you're coming from, God's redeeming love can always reach you."
"WJR has something for everyone; that means the cumulative one-week audience is in the millions."
"Even if it only reaches two or three people, it's reached someone."
"The organic reach on TikTok is nothing compared to anything else."
"It's been estimated that at its height, it was seen by over 200 million people each week."
"The Lord uses parables, allegory, symbols to get His word to reach more people."
"No other book was translated into as many languages as the Bible. It has been translated in more than one thousand languages and dialects. Do you realize that?"
"Every single video that we make has the potential to reach someone."
"I'm not entertaining hundreds of people, I'm entertaining thousands now."
"My arms are stretched out still for you."
"Forget those things which are behind, reach out there for everything God says you can have."
"That's technology right, you can reach every corner of the planet."
"I love the fact that we have a long reach with this weapon and the blade is so sharp."
"His wingspan is pterodactyl-like there, I mean my goodness."
"Reach is the total number of accounts that saw your content."
"Covering everything will allow us to reach a wider audience."
"We need a treatment that can reach all the parts of the brain and the gut that are affected."
"Reach the arms up overhead as much as you can reach, reach, reach."
"Humans have explanatory knowledge, which is the stuff that has infinite reach."
"It went way farther and wider than we ever expected."
"The potential reach is incredible and it's a huge opportunity."
"Skippable ads that will enable your brand to reach as many people in your target audience as possible at the most efficient price."
"Crime Watch reaches places ordinary investigations find it hard to reach."
"Lift yourself up, that waist is working, reach over."
"The music is better than ever and the music is getting to more people than ever."
"It's not about numbers, it's about reach and the influence that you have."
"If you're looking for more of an outdoor folder or you just need a folder with maximum reach, that's really where this is going to shine."
"There's almost no other opera singer who's had that massive mainstream reach and really shown people who wouldn't have otherwise seen opera the power of the form."
"Stretch the arms out, flare the fingers, reach of the fingertips."
"I never in my wildest dreams thought that we'd reach as many people as we have."
"As long as it's situated in the center of the house, it will reach every single portion of the house."
"If you reach up one day, you will be able to seize it, the Everlasting dancing light."
"Mobile is well north of two billion, and so you know you can reach more users."
"The Navy really is the tentacles of the U.S. military."
"YouTube's main advantage is just reach, like incredible reach like you can get nowhere else."
"At the end of the day, the artist's goal is always going to be to have their music reach the masses."
"It provided entertainment for fans worldwide."
"Within my reach is every answer I need."
"It's not about picking good or bad ideas, it's about making sure that the most extreme polarizing ideas don't get the most reach."
"That is a future that's in your reach now, and that future is with that word called the Sustainocene."