
WHO Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Exercise. WHO recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day for adults and one hour a day for children."
"The W.H.O. argues in a 2021 report that universal coverage would limit catastrophic health spending."
"Every day, WHO is talking to ministers of health, heads of states, health workers, hospital managers, industry leaders, CEOs, and more to help them prepare and prioritize according to their specific situation."
"The World Health Organization identified the four big lifestyle culprits... being a sedentary lifestyle, excess of alcohol, tobacco, and an unhealthy diet."
"But the consequences of pulling out of the WHO for the world, I think, would be quite deadly."
"We're continuing to push very hard for Taiwan to have meaningful participation in the WHO."
"Please follow the directives of the World Health Organization and the health experts in your area to do your part for all of the people who can't."
"It's a serious issue that affects 650 million people globally according to the World Health Organization. And those numbers are on the rise."
"It's important for WHO to reach people where they already are."
"The World Health Organization, what has happened there is a disgrace."
"Thank you WHO, you want to do a very aggressive contact tracing, you want to do as much testing as you can."
"History will eventually show that the countries with the fewest WHO-related restrictions may have done the best."
"They lied to the W-H-O as of January 14th the W-H-O was still maintaining publicly that there was no human human transmission of this thing."
"This pretty much proves that the WHO's investigation into the origins of the coronavirus is just a big sham."
"Wash your hands. I mean, I think, you know, when the WHO had this whole thing about like we don't want to stigmatize..."
"The World Health Organization plans to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday."
"Anti-vaxxers listed by World Health Organization as one of the top ten health threats for 2019."
"At the tip of the spear of these failed approaches was the WHO."
"No doubt that the World Health Organization is doing all that they can to control the flow of information."
"The World Health Organization could have governing powers over pandemics, even punishing countries if they don't comply."
"Africa cannot and will not be a testing ground for any bugs, thank you, World Health Organization."
"It's to support the WHO's COVID-19 solidarity response."
"Exciting that we got to see the WHO director... Can we reassure you that things will be okay?"
"By May 9, 2015, barely a year after the epidemic started its exponential growth, the World Health Organization published its momentous message: the Ebola outbreak in Liberia is over."
"As long as Tedros at Hannam Runs The Who, it does not seem like we are in good hands."
"The test group was given 600 milligrams a day of Plaquenil, which is on the WHO's list of essential medicines."
"The world health organization declared that loneliness was a worldwide major health concern."
"The WHO completely eradicated smallpox."
"...Amir Shahid... he is someone I met in Geneva in the last few days and have talked incessantly with... he's a young man who works for the WHO, he's incredibly interested in philosophy but he is practically interested in bringing clean water to the world and he is unmissable."
"We need to provide more funding for WHO and put them in the position of leadership."
"To be a part of something like the World Health Organization's 'together at home' project is so neat."
"We need to continue to engage with WHO and through WHO build relationships with other countries."
"The World Health Organization suggests Idli as a really healthy food."
"Four years ago this week, the World Health Organization declared a global COVID pandemic."
"The disease was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1979."
"It's the WHO estimates that about a third of the world's population in fact have latent TB."
"Smallpox was declared, by the WHO, eradicated everywhere on the globe."
"The World Health Organization has taken a decisive stance, categorizing processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen."
"Follow the World Health Organization, WHO, CDC, follow those."
"The rod of Asclepius is the symbol of the World Health Organization."
"Smallpox was certified by the World Health Organization to have been eradicated."
"The World Health Organization and many healthcare providers commonly use this one-year timeframe to define infertility."
"The WHO said they're likely to declare the end of the pandemic soon."