
Knowledge Acquisition Quotes

There are 529 quotes

"The main thing that you are lacking is focus. Because when you are a person who has a lot of focus and can focus in on a singular thing, then it's very easy to actually get the know-how...to accomplish your goals."
"When you really think about it, we learn to read and then we read to learn."
"To truly learn something, it takes more than just watching; you have to experience it."
"Read books that you can be sure are written by experts."
"Indirect knowledge by hearing or reading and direct knowledge by seeing."
"Intelligence is inseparable from learning... every intelligent entity that we know about arrives at its intelligence through learning."
"Exploration and exploitation are critical concepts in reinforcement learning, balancing the acquisition of new knowledge and the utilization of known information."
"You don't know how much you don't know. Then you know just how much you don't know. Then, you know that you know what little you do now. And then, you don't even know what you know."
"You can get everything that you need to know, the sum of human knowledge on the internet. But you also need that real-world experience."
"Unhappy situations must be alchemically transmuted into knowledge; they must become the basis of doing it better next time."
"The default position when you're born is ignorant, which means no understanding. You start off with life with zero understanding and then you build it up."
"Make sure you're acquiring as much knowledge as you can."
"We deliberately try to learn things we don't know."
"Neo can jack in, upload a program directly into his mind, and in a blink of an eye, he knows kung fu."
"Learning never ever ever stops... every single day I'm learning something new. It never ever stops."
"Authors spend an enormous amount of time and energy taking this vast array of knowledge and experience that they've gained over the years and put a lot of work into condensing it down to the smallest possible form. They put it in a book, and you can either read it for free or for less than $20."
"Science is the only method that systematically controls for our biases and cognitive errors and allows us to obtain reliable information."
"If you want to know about stuff, you go out and ask those people."
"If life were a video game, then reading is like cheat codes."
"Grades don't really matter. What matters is how much information you have in your brain."
"We use reason and logic to lever our way out of ignorance and uncertainty into knowledge."
"The Sun may have given you a mind to think abstractly with, but learning facts and skills to fill that mind are sadly not just beamed down to us from above."
"You have to hear something, read something, see something, be told something, evaluate that something, and then conclude whether you accept it or not."
"The most important thing that people can do is study this as much as they can and try and figure it out for themselves."
"Everything in life requires some form of research."
"You know it's real only when you have experienced it."
"You read the great classics, scientific and literary, historical, all of that, you'll get educated."
"Education is about nurturing curiosity, which leads to the acquisition of knowledge."
"All knowledge, not just scientific knowledge, begins with a problem and then continues with conjectures."
"If you really engage them in conversation, you'll come away with something that you didn't know, and that's a treasure."
"The best way to learn anything is to teach it."
"The biggest problem that I find in society is when it comes to knowledge, is we've learned how to memorize the answers, and we don't know how to get to the answer."
"So, I think we should never ever feel bad about not knowing something and we should never feel bad about asking questions."
"Your opinion on complex matters should come to you slowly, over time, within the context of new facts and experiences."
"I don't think I'm the smartest person in the world. I think I just know how to use Google."
"Education brings opportunities. Take a course, pick up a book, or find a mentor to teach you what your soul longs to know."
"Acknowledging that you don't have sufficient evidence to justify a particular conclusion is the beginning of finding the correct answer."
"Study hard, soak up as much knowledge as possible."
"When you learn a new fact, you make links, connections, synapses."
"Most students actually just appreciate getting greater knowledge."
"The only remedy is knowledge. And I know a great place to get a lot of it."
"You will emerge smarter than everyone else you know on this particular topic."
"Focusing on the knowledge and the understanding so by the time you do take the risk you've learned enough about it."
"Every time you learn something, your errors minimize."
"Know your content. You gotta put in the paces, you gotta study baby, you have to do it."
"If I could start all over I would seek knowledge faster and find a mentor."
"There is a way to access information beyond what we've taken in in our own temporal existence through our own five senses."
"Emerging from the water with the information that you've gathered."
"The day of stop learning is the day I die. I love learning new things."
"You always gotta stay up and kind of learn, you can't know everything."
"Imagine how much history has been influenced by people getting into the Library and bringing back knowledge they would otherwise never have had."
"You are not going to be the smart, well-rounded person that you could be if you stop learning."
"You failing at something doesn't mean that you're now less than it just actually means that you have more knowledge in that area now."
"Intuition is an underrated understanding of knowledge."
"Knowledge and academic training, it's hard work."
"I firmly believe there is a true hunger for knowledge on this once people realize that there's something to it."
"You can learn just as much from right as wrong, absolutely."
"If you don't know, ask. Keep asking questions."
"Instant knowledge, and it happened like that."
"Science is a self-correcting process. We need to be open-minded and critical to acquire better knowledge."
"You don't automatically start using the internet and get all that good stuff. You have to start digging."
"It makes us do the research, makes us the experts."
"Reading allows you to take somebody's knowledge and get 70 years of wisdom compressed into maybe a week or two weeks worth of reading."
"Please continue to prepare, please continue to gain more knowledge."
"Equipping yourselves with the right strategies, knowledge, and tools is key to maximizing your experience."
"Intellectuals need to go outside their framework and question themselves. Introspection and self-challenge are the basic precepts of how we acquire knowledge of the world."
"It's all right to not know something but what's worse is not to know how to learn."
"Science is testing things against other things."
"We're not perfect and we make a lot of mistakes and we gain more knowledge as we move forward."
"I think a little bit of research goes a million miles."
"It's beyond the time limit, but understanding is key."
"How did you learn? And how do you teach, so others could learn?"
"You have to be the one to ask questions if you don't know all the information about a subject. That means you have something to learn, which is not a bad thing."
"To really understand something, you know if you hear something you learn a little bit if you do something you learn more, but to learn the best you have to teach somebody else something."
"Are you ready to take your first step into a life of knowledge, security, and potential for true generational wealth?"
"Know when to stop doing research, know when you understand enough."
"Sigma males love to learn and they typically read, study, and acquire as much knowledge as possible."
"Google is real free but books are a beautiful companion to Google."
"Put the majority of your time and energy and focus into gaining useful information."
"Unless they actually try it for themselves, they're never gonna know."
"You have to decide in order to achieve the goal that I want to achieve what knowledge or skill do I need to acquire."
"The best way to learn something is to actually teach it."
"Through doing so much research, I've gotten really fast and efficient at actually figuring out the stuff that I need to know."
"History will record today as the day we ceased to be a Democratic Republic."
"Step number one: understanding knowledge. Get as much of that as possible before we jump into the next step."
"Garfield's mind was like a storehouse for knowledge, he could absorb books like a nerdy sponge."
"Soak up as much knowledge. That's the best interning that you can do."
"Look for information, then knowledge, seek insight, and make connections to wisdom."
"The more you know, the more you're responsible for."
"Speak to people that know more about something you're looking at than you do."
"How does what I know get in the way of what I don't know but may need to learn?"
"Critical thinking is an essential skill... we're going to learn exactly why it is so valuable and also show you how simply asking questions can open the door to an entire world full of knowledge and wisdom."
"Intuition is the immediate knowing or learning of something without the conscious or use of reasoning."
"Books are knowledge, but life is in the acting."
"Once you have it, you learn more, you move on."
"Knowledge base is out there whether it's on outlets like YouTube or well-written articles."
"Read, understand, and memorize: A single book can change your life. It's never been easier to get access to valuable information, strategies, and advice. Read more, but read to understand and comprehend."
"Information doesn't come from nowhere. It has to come from somewhere."
"True objectivity comes when you see it yourself or when you do it yourself."
"You gotta adapt while maintaining who you are."
"The information the knowledge it just gets faster and faster yeah putting a jigsaw puzzle together the more pieces you put in the quicker you can put the later pieces in because you can see how it works."
"There is spiritual knowledge that you need to acquire, and when that spiritual knowledge is acquired, there is something in your spirit that changes."
"One of the upsides to being possessed by this demon is that they will grant you knowledge of every language in the world."
"There are only two real components to good learning or good knowledge: understanding plus memorization."
"You will receive from others, it could be some gifts, or inheritance, or even some sort of deep knowledge for liberating."
"I am confident that everything that I need to know this day will be revealed to me."
"If I don't know something about something, I research it."
"Getting information from multiple places really helps you get multiple perspectives on the issue."
"Focus on being able to understand a ton of stuff."
"Examining our blind spots is the quickest way to acquire knowledge where it's currently lacking."
"Always be growing your education and get as smart as you can."
"Knowledge is the first thing that you need to focus on in order to get to the next level in your life."
"It's wonderful when you know I Can Walk Away Learning something and having takeaways too."
"My claim is that we can know through observation and testing."
"I don't think you have to know the thing, I think you just have to know a thing."
"The art and science of questioning everything is the source of all knowledge."
"You gotta leap first and the knowledge comes from the iterative process."
"You gotta hunt for the knowledge. Stay off TikTok and start Googling what you need to have done right now."
"Unimaginable wealth of knowledge drifting between our fingertips but we simply haven't figured out what we should be looking for."
"You can get a lot better than people who may have inherent talents if you have the right amount of knowledge."
"You cannot miss an opportunity to gain knowledge."
"I feel the knowledge flowing through my body. I feel happy."
"Knowledge is everywhere, even in darkness and silence."
"The only way to form conclusions about the world in reality is through the scientific method."
"Understanding every pattern that you could potentially be asked."
"You're going to have the understanding and everything you need to finally come into a place of healing."
"Everything you need to know and understand is coming to you."
"Knowledge can only be achieved when you learn it from someone, not from yourself."
"Science is one of many ways to get knowledge, it's not the only way."
"All the information is out there and I think the more that you learn about something the more comfortable you get."
"Become very comfortable with the fact that you will be learning for the rest of your life."
"And so if you want to find the most knowledgeable people, they’re going to be on Twitter."
"I've always made it a point to be a student, never stop being a student, never assume that you know everything about everything or everything about one thing."
"To achieve the primordial knowledge, the very first knowledge to be able to understand the rest, the entire journey all the way into the future."
"Be careful about what you think gives you knowledge, this process of two non-scientists talking about science would not give you knowledge."
"Stacks knowledge, stacks. You'll be able to take it with you wherever you go."
"Designing a study plan that prioritizes breadth before depth in learning and iterating to increase your depth of knowledge over time."
"Reading both fiction and non-fiction have changed my life... it allows you to learn pretty much anything that has ever been written down."
"It's not enough to just acquire the information; it is vital that you understand it."
"Don't let what you don't know be an excuse why you don't go get what you need to know."
"Many people make the mistake of thinking 'Because I know this, this, this, and this, I have a lot of knowledge, or I'm a very smart person,' but the smartest people look for what they don't know."
"We seriously learn something new each and every time."
"When you get to a point in your life and you're certain about what to do, pursue, ask a question, and gain knowledge."
"You've got your hands on some of the stuff you really know things about."
"The greatest wisdom any human being could ever grab hold of is the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of counsel."
"I felt my head getting like larger with facts and knowledge and I thought let's do this again."
"Books physical books are something which are going to be indispensable and the most reliable way to get knowledge after the proverbial shizzy hits the fizzy."
"I think I just, I kind of absorb that kind of knowledge like a sponge."
"You enter a new season in your life when you access new knowledge."
"What can I learn today that I didn't know before?"
"Knowledge precedes words and deeds. You have to seek knowledge before you do or speak about something."
"Remember, experience brings knowledge, and knowledge truly is power."
"Books are by essence prescriptions. People read books because they want prescriptions. This is so common sense."
"We got the code now guys we know exactly what they want."
"It's incumbent upon us... to learn as much as we can and to be as strong and healthy as we can possibly be."
"Knowing stuff and getting the right stuff is how you do this."
"Just knowing, just seeing it one time, you're infinitely better."
"I have more answers than I used to have, but there's a lot of questions that keep popping up."
"Don't be afraid... you're now smarter than the person you were about an hour ago."
"Gain new information, access new information."
"It's not necessarily like I know everything immediately. It's just that I'll get an idea or read something cool, and then I research it."
"Read more to understand the perspectives of others."
"Consciousness really can be used to give us information that might otherwise be unobtainable."
"If you spend two hours studying anything, you will be more informed than 98% of people."
"If you're wrong, that means you learned a new thing and you're now smarter."
"The more you know, the more you get, the more you want."
"I think it's fascinating and we actually need to learn from them."
"You are achieving a higher level of knowledge and learning and wisdom around this time."
"Don't let the world tell you that you're not going to understand."
"Every second of the day, I learn something I didn't know."
"Already we're learning guys, already we're learning."
"Wisdom and knowledge, aha downloads, insights and your honest brings change."
"Start reading every possible paper there is because it would be a fun process and it's a great way of getting knowledge on that."
"Science is a process of discovering and understanding the way that the physical world works."
"Knowledge has no chance to penetrate you don't give it a chance to form."
"I was not aware of until I read your book in full."
"Science is just philosophy with better data."
"How this is framed is that it is the main source of Odin's knowledge of Yotnar magic as well as their own knowledge of Ragnarok."
"Information is power, so I want you to acquire as much as you can."
"Basic research is about seeking new knowledge, while applied research is about solving real-world problems."
"Science isn't a big book of facts, it's a process of finding things out."
"It's seriously a testament to what they're doing is unreal."
"Our most important forms of knowledge rarely come from logic or proof."
"You need to learn the right thing at the right time and in the right way."
"There's gonna always be something interesting to learn about."
"The acquisition of knowledge is worth any expenditure in resources or lives."
"Information came into knowledge, changing the way you look at someone or your own path."
"No matter whether you're feeling like you're having a good time or a bad time during a full moon, you can pull a lot of knowledge and a lot of information."
"Always do your research, arm yourself with knowledge."
"There are no stupid questions. If you don't know, the best thing to do is ask."
"The pleasure was the information that was downloaded, it's like as if all the secrets of the universe were downloaded to me."
"Learn from anyone that has something to teach you."
"You can't walk up and say, 'Hey, I'm coming in to get this knowledge,' the teachings were to empower a person to learn how to go deep within themselves."
"You're going to have the clarity. Everything you need to know is already here."
"A trip to Apocrypha could arm the traveler with an understanding of the entire universe."
"When you decide to follow the truth, you become a sponge. You begin to absorb all manners of truth."
"Learning lots of lessons is extremely valuable, and having more knowledge and experience in this world is going to benefit you 110%."
"Every question that you're asking has already been asked, and there are some really great answers out there to the questions that you're asking. So read, read, read."
"All any of us know is where we learned about a thing."
"Read, bro, read. Please read. There's so much information you could learn from reading."