
Optimization Quotes

There are 8161 quotes

"Focus is the thing that you need to be optimizing for. The more that you can have singular focus on the task that you are trying to accomplish, the more that you're gonna win in life."
"Being able to discern what actually matters is the ultimate optimizer."
"Remember, we're not just interested in becoming functional; we're interested in becoming optimal."
"Normal ain't great, normal is just pretty mediocre. You want to get to optimal."
"Your growth will be optimized if you lean just beyond your fear."
"Rejection is actually giving me optimization data... the more rejection I face, the better I am at understanding."
"If you get good at something that the world values, that other people can't do, and you love it, you're optimizing for a life that fills you with joy."
"There is an inevitable logic about how organisms function, how organisms are built, how organisms have evolved solving this problem of optimizing the solution."
"An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first decision."
"In dynamic programming, we solve the sub-problems recursively and use the optimal solutions to construct an optimal solution for the original problem."
"Understanding how to set your baseline levels of dopamine at the highest possible level."
"Fulfillment is one of the most important things. The very thing that you were trying to optimize for is very simply fulfillment done in a joyful manner."
"Code that wants to be fast is left-leaning, does not mix hot and cold operations, does not make many decisions."
"What if AI helped merchants write product descriptions that will convert better?"
"A habit has to be established before it can be improved. Until you become the person who shows up every day, there's nothing to optimize."
"You have to standardize before you optimize. You have to make it the standard in your life before you have the chance to optimize it and turn it into something more."
"The angle between leaves...minimizes how much one leaf blocks out the next, allowing every leaf optimal exposure to sunlight and rainwater."
"Bringing the best out of the players you have at your disposal and...coming together with clarity."
"We all have a limited amount of time in existence, so we might as well try to optimize that time as much as possible for happiness, love, and well-being."
"Most of the time, we have to do a trade-off between saving time and saving space."
"Sometimes going for optimal is really really hard but going for very good is substantially easier."
"In gradient descent, we are modifying p data by a small step size in the direction of the gradient."
"For a misaligned mesa optimizer, the optimal behavior is deception."
"If you just line up the set of incentives correctly so that people, in their purely selfish behavior, are contributing to the optimization of the global function, that's it."
"Being an optimizer means that it has an objective and it chooses its actions to optimize, i.e., maximize or minimize that objective."
"Eat as perfectly as you can, train and sleep as perfectly as you can, and take the safest, lowest effective dose approach to what you're doing, whatever it is that your goals require."
"Neural networks need to be finely tuned and optimized for the task of interest."
"You guys are great at optimizing... You guys are good at min-maxing. You're going to be good at other stuff in the real world too."
"I'm making progress, saving time, finding small optimizations, improving stuff."
"Optimization, in my paraphrasing, is basically: you should never do anything unless you can get the maximum benefit, the maximum yield currently and forever, from the minimal waste and the minimal effort."
"Optimization is the process of getting the maximum yield for the maximum duration of time from the minimal investment from everything you do today, in the future, and from everything you've ever done in the past."
"For people who are actually trying to optimize and have tried all areas to optimize and could not get to where they need to be, whereby they have tried the lifestyle optimization, diet, hitting all your nutrient needs."
"The most complicated, most finely optimized thing that we know of in the entire universe... that's probably the human brain."
"Technically speaking, Svelte is a compiler that generates minimal and highly optimized JavaScript code."
"One of the most commonly used optimizers is Adam."
"The smaller the loss, the better our model is performing."
"For performance, we don't have to worry about the highest graphics quality."
"Optimizing display space on a smaller Mac is very important."
"If you give control to people to define what their long-term happiness and goals are, then that optimization can happen for each of those individual people."
"You need to be pushing forward, making huge demands of yourself because that is how you will optimize your abilities."
"The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming."
"Whenever you have optimization problems like this, you'll always need a constraint equation and an optimization equation."
"You will do portfolio optimization, you will do optimal control, you will do machine learning."
"The useCallback hook is good for when you want to prevent a function from being created on every single render."
"The story of Tesla is a story of endless optimization."
"The balance in machine learning is not stopping too late or too early but finding the right moment where the model is just right."
"Everything about this place is set up for efficiency, and they keep continuing to make it more and more efficient."
"Machine learning is just optimization based on data."
"Train optimally; don't burn yourself out, don't undertrain, find the optimal zone for you."
"We are equipped, after millions of years, to deal with all those states of mind to become the best in the moment again and regulate."
"We can't change our DNA but we can optimize our DNA to serve us."
"Tesla is an endless optimization machine, and they are never satisfied. This isn't good enough, it needs to be better, it needs to be cheaper, it needs to be faster, it needs to be more efficient."
"If you want to find meaning in your life without having children, optimize your functioning along the dimensions that are left to you."
"After some further testing, I think I might have figured out why there is more noise when using that profile."
"The fact that over years and years and years that graphics processing units got optimized heavily to work with two-dimensional arrays of color information, pixels, it so happens that all this matrix stuff could be used with GPUs as well."
"Privilege status is just incredibly good because it increases your damage output by 40% as long as you think about it and control what gods you're gonna see."
"You can make it pretty. That's like the best problem to solve."
"So given the gradient, we now take a step in the direction of the gradient in order to update our weight, our parameters, right?"
"Focus on getting every single module to level one. All of the level one upgrades are invaluable in one way or another."
"One of my favorite things about this firmware is that it has optimized default settings... when you turn on an NES game, it looks the way an NES game is supposed to look."
"Efficient use of energy and resources...is when you catch the current and you can get maybe a little bit more bang for your buck."
"It's really focused on performance... it does all of that building beforehand to give you the quickest page load time as possible."
"Pricing gives the most bang for your buck; you should work on pricing if you've never touched the pricing of your product."
"A four year old iPhone 6S running iOS 12 would launch apps 40% faster, the keyboard would appear 50% faster, and opening the camera from the lock screen would be 70% faster."
"The world is optimized for the human body type."
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil."
"How can we make it the right answer to bring seven, ideally eight, melee?"
"We've carefully optimized for both quality and efficiency."
"If you guys are going to go with the ultimate performance power plan select the ultimate performance power plan."
"Optimize your GPU drivers for peak performance."
"The new AdWords experience and Google Optimize were built to help you work smarter, so you can build the assistive experiences that your customers expect."
"Find the best people that you can continue to serve by 80/20ing your existing customers."
"Startup performance improvements. We spent months optimizing launch and game loading time so in our tests, launching RimWorld and loading save games are roughly 37% faster..."
"I never thought I would see the day where Apple software is not capable or not optimized well for its hardware."
"Click-through rate should usually inform the algorithm."
"But again, a little clunkier, you're just much better off finding a web in the colors you're in."
"These cards are smoothers. They make sure that your curve is smooth, that your play is smooth, that your land drops smooth, and everything smooths out."
"But this is one of those ways that you can get two cards a turn, basically."
"Resistance mode makes the most of what's here."
"An upgraded bash is already good, especially with a deck this small. It'll mean that we can use bash over and over."
"The dream is just to make your spell weakness as high as possible."
"It’s a good example of why experimentation and collaborative work can lead to some significant optimization - even in things we thought we understood pretty well."
"Optimize the quality of the photos you take."
"They're taking full advantage of the current generation of Hardware."
"Keep it fresh, always try something new and don't forget to test and double down on what's working."
"Maximize our saleable lots and design our neighborhood."
"With all options set to maximum, the PC is great."
"We can condense hundreds of lines of code into just a few lines of code by deferring update logic and rendering logic to each individual entity."
"The ideal angle for a solar panel installation is somewhere between 30 degrees and 45 degrees."
"The foundation of brain optimization is Health optimization."
"I mean don't have globals, if you can avoid them, obviously."
"Well, if you run it, and I'm gonna print run it with O zero here just because the code later on that we're gonna look at, it's gonna be that much easier."
"Every time we call a function that's in a DLL, the first time we call it, there's this expensive process where the lookup happens, and after that, it's free, cheap, I should say."
"Find one tactic that works extremely well and then exploit it."
"Optimize your system for better performance."
"Model training involves passing data, making guesses, measuring performance, and optimizing parameters to improve accuracy."
"You need to have a certain amount of resources in order to optimize your use of resources."
"You're gonna be able to eliminate losses without eliminating wins in the process, that is the magic cake right there."
"That lowest point is the best because it is where our error is the smallest."
"Remove features that aren't turning out to be as valuable as people hoped."
"You don't want to do multiple fetch requests if you already have the same data stored, just to save a bit of network usage."
"We're gonna create a mix of content depending on your skill level and make sure that you can find what you need."
"We want to make our own technology better and optimize your game."
"The goal is to accurately assess what Society is capable of and maximize happiness within this environment."
"We want to maximize both the content and the style."
"But that's not enough. Now that we know that XG Boost is the best model, now we can say, okay, let's optimize this model."
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil... in programming." - Donald Knuth
"Machine learning is all about optimizing for an objective function... we are minimizing a loss or error function."
"This is kind of thematic in computer science-- spend a little more space, and I bet I can decrease the amount of time it takes to find anyone."
"THX for gaming may fix the HDR-VRR image quality mismatch."
"Optimizing your critical CSS can be a bit of a time investment but is something that can just make sure that your page is getting styled as soon as possible."
"Purely optimized gameplay in terms of driving and movement can make a speed run interesting without needing tons of glitches."
"When you're doing the same logic for every client request, that's definitely a good case for caching or even database normalization."
"To this day, this is regarded as one of the most optimized world records in the game's history."
"Fine-tuning the selection process for precision."
"This port would probably run at a locked 60 fps on a damn raspberry pi."
"Not only are you getting the best-looking version of this game, but on top of all of that, it's gonna have the best optimization, you know, less bugs. That's good stuff for all of us."
"There's always a better, faster, cooler, or cheaper way to do it."
"Anything AI can optimize, it can also break."
"You can optimize choices based on environment, education, and culture."
"It's like hacking the body, smart way to hack the body to upgrade the body to be at its best performance."
"It finds an optimal solution, the best path to the goal."
"So it seems that when we're trying to get the most damage out of our weapons..."
"Gradient descent will automatically take smaller and smaller steps as you approach a local minimum."
"We've got the gas ballast open on the vacuum pump, okay, until we get it to about 1500ish microns, and then we'll close it so that way it's kind of saving the oil."
"Let's go ahead and talk about the top 5 things you could do to your brand-new Nvidia shield TV or TV Pro to get the best experience."
"Understanding what makes a successful or unsuccessful campaign will help you optimize your strategy moving forward."
"The game offers tons of incremental performance tweaking with great scaling potential to match your needs."
"Spend a tremendous amount of time optimizing your product pages."
"In any economy, you wanna go for the route that gives you more of the thing, that allows you to upgrade more."
"For reducing input latency and boosting performance on practically any PC... we are able to achieve some massive gains if we actually de-bloat our GPU driver."
"It almost simplifies things in a way. It's like you have these two variables, training, nutrition, and you've just got to optimize those."
"Your next step is to optimize, optimize, optimize."
"Selecting 'hide' and turning off all the stats resulted in roughly double the FPS we started off with."
"Leveraging digital technology seeks out ways to optimize organizational and individual performance."
"I had to squeeze maximum opportunity out of this position to win it."
"We want to maximize good. We want to maximize growth and sustainability."
"Ads with a higher click-through rate tend to perform better in the long run."
"Turn off the losers and leave on the winners. See we're always trying to beat our best result."
"Create the character that can win the games that it is best at."
"Optimize your ad placements for maximum impact. 🎯 Choose wisely to reach the right audience. #AdvertisingStrategy"
"It's mostly down to just sort of trial and error you're just looking at which ones are performing the best then you're gonna go and turn off the ones that are not doing very well."
"Mastering sprite groups is the key to efficient game development and optimized gameplay."
"Don't optimize the fun out of this new game."
"I'm all about optimization, how to make things faster, more efficient, more effective."
"This might be the most glitchy and the best move in the game."
"Using energy from the sun is nothing new. Optimizing it and making sure that everyone has access to it, that's what's going to help us ensure that it's not too late."
"Our goal now is to have the sparkvue take up all of the height remaining in the screen once all the other widgets are placed."
"We want to make absolutely the best version of Call of Duty for any player on any of those platforms."
"Orc: Best in slot stamina damage race. Extra stamina, health, and weapon damage."
"Give yourself your best chance by getting your best players in the best positions."
"Rare should be better than unique items in terms of ultimately chasing for the final sorts of your build."
"This is yet another problem engineers have had to think carefully about in their quest to optimize solar cell efficiency."
"Just freshening up the pack for the specific qualities."
"For freeze Ganyu, we really only have to focus on two main stats: attack and crit damage."
"Command protocols just got crazily better no positioning restrictions and you get your favorite buff all game long which is really big for armies like novak with a dedicated melee one for example."
"We are moving to an attention economy, optimizing for attention rather than time well-spent."
"Prevent battery aging with optimized battery charging."
"Essentially, all steps in the searcher persona workflow can be optimized. Effort in each step—and perhaps by each team—is crucial to making your company's goals a reality."
"I'm going to put it at doom stack because you definitely can make a doom stack out of it."
"There's never one answer in optimization. It's about analyzing data, identifying issues, and finding solutions that work without breaking the game."
"I watched mahar's video and he really kind of destroyed the performance on a highend PC I kind of waiting for them to optimize it a bit but I may I may grab it check it out and then return it if I'm not getting a good experience with it."
"Build the PC around our graphics card, then focus on getting a CPU that's just not going to bottleneck that GPU."
"Topology optimization allows us to generate the perfect structure for our application."
"Now that we've got the system booted up it's really important to run a couple basic utilities to ensure that it's firing on all cylinders."
"Numerous console CPU optimizations and memory and IO improvement leading to fewer instances of NPCs with identical appearances spawning in the same area."
"We already have the highest possible progress we could have."
"Optimizing your system, tweaking settings, ensuring the best FPS possible."
"Helping you have the best gameplay experience possible."
"Minimize startup programs, close unnecessary background processes."
"If everything is broken, nothing is broken so the pro teams and the analysts need to figure out which one they optimize around."
"There's optimizing when you balance everything out."
"To optimize sleep, those practices have to be in place."
"A console should be designed and built and optimized for one thing and one thing only: gaming, playing at f***ing games."
"Everything gets better when the code gets smaller pretty much across the board."
"What is wrong with the design of the interfaces to these chips that they require so much extra work how do we get it down so it's the same as Linux was what can we simplify because I know that we can."
"I'm all about optimizing everything in my life."
"Test, test, test different ads and targeting strategies to find what works."
"It's just a pack full of Dan Biggums it's just everyone's everyone's optimized."
"A simple, quick, and effective optimization to reduce input latency and increase FPS."
"Make the game feel way more snappy, more responsive, and reduce micro stuttering."
"What's going to get you through is those core stats: life, resists, armor, and pure damage."
"It's always possible to optimize something a little further."
"Just wherever you live, do your best and try to be as optimal as you can."
"Dynamic Programming is a powerful way of solving complex optimization problems."
"Gradient descent is surprisingly effective for continuous optimization problems."
"We concentrated to make sure the moment-to-moment gunplay feels really good."
"I actually find that people operate at their best during a crisis."
"You want to live hard, you want to live clean, you want to live optimized."
"He's literally maximizing every single second in this game."
"I find that four percent movement speed is nice and all, but you'd only do it in maybe an Act 10 world record."
"Less green for sure, but just one plant per cell so they'll be a lot happier."
"Isn't that amazing? Instead of just 24 plants, we have a total of 73."
"SEO is very important so you might want to download one of those plugins and then fiddle around with it and get your site fully optimized and ready to go."
"The setup looks pretty ugly but for this boss it's really good to maximize your prayer bonus."
"Sony's Ambient Optimization technology adapts the picture and sound to your environment."
"If you want the best offensive build in the entire game for guards, you guys have come to the right place."
"Understand what you're optimizing for in your life."