
Skill Quotes

There are 31976 quotes

"The number one skill of an entrepreneur is communication."
"Through knowledge and experience, Will's movements were reflexive, eliminating obstacles effortlessly."
"If you can't budget a thousand and make it stretch, then you won't be able to budget a million."
"The ability to remain calm when disciplining is certainly a skill."
"He's going to target down the CC. The CC goes down. That was awesome tactical play from Parting."
"The skilled artists become the most successful."
"Honestly, I've practiced that game so much at this point that none of the DS3 bosses are really challenging for me anymore."
"Look, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's naming animals."
"I think you are a brilliant interviewer and your ability in cross-examination is incisive."
"You guys are master manifesters, especially in the material world."
"Poker is often considered as both an art and a science."
"Happiness is a trainable skill. You are learning to be with the moment without pushing it away."
"When you're really good at something, you can't be denied because you're good at that specific craft or whatever it is you do."
"When you're in great form, you seem to find the gaps effortlessly."
"Every time she catches her breath, she chases down the trick."
"I've always had a really, really good business mentality."
"You cannot be denied if you get good enough."
"You will be in contact with highly professional decision-makers; your knowledgeability and skill set will be recognized and appreciated."
"The problem with criticism is that it's very easy to actually give it, but it's very difficult to give it well."
"It's not about the size of the sword; it's about the sharpness of the blade."
"The greatest skill...fortune favors those who can read people."
"If someone says they're world-class, there's no debate."
"Skill, patience, and the ability to surprise are what define a true champion."
"Finesse, not power, it's all about finesse at this point."
"The real skill in boxing comes from being able to see the openings, knowing when to throw the shot."
"Confidence is not a personality trait, it's actually a skill that you build through action."
"Gameplay in Dark Souls is of course driven by your own skill, but it is also mandated by a series of statistics that you can review at any time, and raising these stats is how you increase your character's power."
"The true art of street fighting depends on endurance, not just the initial punch."
"What makes Tarkov so great are moments where skill, strategy, attention to detail, game sense, and experience shine, where they're not dominated by luck, kneecapped by RNG."
"It's not all luck; it's been a lot of effort and skill."
"That is just beautiful, strong flick of the wrists; the balance and the timing outstanding."
"He moves his left leg away, makes some room, and he really hit it well."
"Absolutely brilliant, that's why he was there. What a catch!"
"You won't see a better catch, that was absolutely brilliant by Shumo."
"The real thing is the hand that uses it, the brain that connects the hand to the hammers, that knows how to hit things."
"I got average skill but I have phenomenal will."
"The number one skill... human beings should learn to master [is] emotional regulation."
"Anything you practice, you'll get good at, including BS."
"Realism is the highest skill which an artist can obtain."
"Visualization is an extraordinarily powerful skill."
"Being able to visualize the board in their head allows chess grandmasters to see the board without actually seeing it."
"The greatest shooter of all time and he might be the best ball handler of all time."
"He's really aggressive, he's a credible shot, he's so flexible on what he can play."
"One of the most impressive things about Eli Ellis is his ability to shoot the ball the same way every single time they pick the ball up."
"Skill is more than just dribbling and shooting. It's passing, jumping, dunking, posting up, defense, block shots, rebound."
"Skill comes with consistency. How consistent can you put this skill?"
"Skillful players have counters. Can you finish with the right and the left?"
"He was able to move with his bending like no human had ever been able to do before."
"I'll tell you what, he's in dead stroke right now."
"Remote viewing is a talent more than a learned skill."
"Consistency and precisely consistent, that's really the key here just like the real thing."
"It's a country where young men can achieve celebrity status purely by being very, very good at computer games."
"This is sim racing at its best, get ready to watch some aliens because that's what the quick drivers are known as in sim racing."
"Knowledge without skill is absolutely worthless because you have to be able to take what's in your mind and use your hands to build something tangible."
"This optical illusion obviously requires an incredible level of mastery and study to pull off correctly."
"In a sense, Scump might quite literally be like the perfect Flex player for a game like this."
"I feel like in the hands of a skilled player, they're still going to be a pretty fearsome opponent."
"Striker, probably the best Tracer in the world."
"What makes Profit the best Pharah in the world is not necessarily his aim, but his movement."
"Feeling like you're good at what you do is a manifestation and expression of mastery."
"It's not about your individual skill anymore; it's about teamwork."
"As long as you've got skill, you will always be able to feed your family."
"It was fun to kind of flick your mouse and try to get that hit, it felt very rewarding, it felt very satisfying."
"There are some people that are so ridiculously good at Minecraft, they are building full-on worlds in this video game, and it's beautiful to watch."
"I think this character is insanely good, in terms of offline theoretical maximum potential."
"Extreme resilience required. The most profitable, but takes the most amount of skill to run."
"It was known that the Wudang warriors were extremely skilled at fighting."
"Imagine, for a normal person, it would be exceedingly difficult or even impossible to smash an iron bar or run an electric drill over one's head, but for Shaolin Monks, these activities are commonplace."
"If trading was impossible, nobody would do it, and if trading was easy, everybody would do it."
"Being able to disrupt the batter's timing and balance is key, alongside controlling the ball's velocity and placement."
"We're gonna make a cake. I'm really good at that."
"Your ability to create value, whether you're the owner of the company or you work inside the company, is going to be determined by how good you are, not how many hours you put in."
"I know how to elicit certain emotions from just about anything."
"Introspection is one of the most valuable skills we've developed over the years."
"I'm not going to lie, I'm getting pretty good at this. Never mind, I shouldn't have said anything."
"He is there because he is a fantastic player that he's more than capable of beating Magnus Carlsen."
"Proficiency means that you're good at something. It shows that you're advancing, either yourself or others."
"The flash has caught him, but he's turned, and it's two quick ones."
"The thrill of being the trailblazer, of taking on an unknown enemy and succeeding not through knowledge of the encounter provided ahead of time but through skill and adaptation to the challenge in the moment."
"You do not make it this far in this tournament without being good."
"Emotional agility is the ability to be with your thoughts, emotions, stories in ways that are compassionate, curious, and courageous."
"By coming this far, you've proven that you possess the skill and wisdom to make good use of these powerful secrets."
"It's better to be lucky than good. It's better to be both lucky and good."
"Finesse is the ability to handle any difficult situation with delicacy and ease."
"It's not about the size of the racket; it's about figuring out how to be so good at this, no matter what size racket I have."
"Happiness is not a factory setting that is unalterable; it's a skill you can practice."
"The design that defines each battle is what sets them apart, from failed chaotic messes to unforgettable clashes of spectacle and skill."
"Juan Soto... for a young guy, to have such incredible plate discipline."
"Strength is not just a quality of the body but it is a skill."
"You should hire people that are better than you at their specific disciplines."
"Obviously the reputation women had for being inferior and less skilled was false."
"I've got special gifts in bringing order to chaos, and I enjoy it."
"Be so good at something that they can't ignore you."
"Back in the day, I feel like people had to really have the skill set to be a celebrity... it wasn't because of followers, it was really because based on real talent and real ability."
"If you have excellent technique and you're pushing it hard, we got mad respect for you, and you're doing it right."
"The more competent you are, the more comfortable you are executing."
"It's how you adapt, and the fact that he can adjust... that right there is what separates him from many."
"Knowing how to win is a skill. It's not necessarily quantifiable."
"Battle royales are cutthroat, man. If you win one gunfight in a battle royale, guess what, you got a 1KD, you're a demon."
"You know what, this should prove how good of a builder I am because I don't use any of these items and materials for a reason."
"There is no such thing as a born entrepreneur."
"The most dangerous six-man was Jamal Crawford. He was a six-man that was going to embarrass you."
"Santa knows how to wrap a present, I'll tell you that."
"Hylissang is obviously one of the most insane playmakers in the league."
"You have never been mighty at anything unless you were a little bit scared of it."
"It's really hard to sell something; hardly anybody is a good salesperson. It's an extremely demanding job."
"I've always wanted the most skillful options to be the most lethal."
"Could you imagine having that much skill or talent in anything?"
"The fact that the instructor managed to land this plane after losing control of the elevators as both engines failed is nothing short of miraculous."
"It's crazy to see how skill-based it can be."
"It's not like that cute little Cessna primer. This is a man's primer."
"At the end of the day, you just got to focus on making good contact."
"People lose their mind when Harry is spitting anti-disestablishmentarianism."
"The incredible human magic of your brain coordinating with what your hands can do, whether you're making lasagna or dining-room tables."
"I had to be good at business because I was never the most talented guy in the room."
"It's not about money; it's about how she has used her personal skills as a chef to unite, to galvanize, to inspire an entire nation."
"You only landed one." Flynn snorted, eyeing the hole through the heart of the target. "No she didn't," Emmet murmured, just as Hunt saw it too. Three shots so precise that they'd passed through the same small space.
"To increase your odds of success, reduce your dependency on luck not just to gain success but to maintain and grow your earnings."
"In Battlefield, it's always been about a balance rock-paper-scissor gameplay and it's still this. You really have to... play the game to earn gear, and skill is really key."
"Is there a better tee to green player than, or driver of the ball, you know? Listen, his iron plays off the charts, but I think the way he hits his driver and has hit his driver for the sustained period of time he's been on tour... He's an absolute flush, isn't he?"
"I always noticed one thing about really good players is they bounce back quick after a bad score."
"The way we reach flow is the perfect balance between the challenge of a task and the skill of the performer."
"I love João Félix; he's really skillful, but I'm not sure about Premier League physicality."
"Skill, mental focus, and endurance are important."
"In Gwent... the better player will win the majority of the time."
"I guess what I lacked for in technique, I made up for with enthusiasm."
"The skill of a writer is what readers and editors are looking for."
"The Stroke of Luck that landed such skilled craftsmen for this project was nothing short of miraculous."
"Kyrie Irving just might be the greatest clutch shooter in the game right now."
"Lionel Messi, decision-making is possibly his most outstanding attribute on top of his mind-boggling technique."
"Whether poker was a game of chance or a game of skill... the more skillful players won."
"The move that he put on the seven-time world champion was brilliant."
"This man can clutch, yeah, thank you, my dude."
"What a goal. Yeah, that's brilliant from Saka. See, I'm watching it, and I'm thinking, 'Saka's run into Smith Rowe's space,' but it's a great finish."
"The keys to your success are your entertaining jokes and sarcasm, not shying away from controversy, and the fact that you're just better at chess than 99% of your viewers."
"True skill is being able to navigate complexity with simplicity."
"The KTM is a performance machine. If you have the skills, you can do almost anything. It reacts like a sports bike on street. It's amazing."
"Felipe Pena showing off the craftiness and the skill and the technique, he was the champion that day as well."
"Real rally drivers are crazy, dude. I got so much respect for those guys, just driving at the edge of the car's limits, right on the edge of some trees and stuff, they're amazing, man."
"Training dogs is extremely impressive. A lot of things in entertainment are not that impressive."
"Paulo... his ability to dominate one-on-one matchups is really impressive."
"Cutting a bob isn't a difficult thing; what makes it difficult is just not being consistent."
"He made it look easy, too, buddy. He made it look easy."
"You're going to begin some of the best players to ever touch Call of Duty. You push them all the way to the very end."
"You love coaching those girls, and you're so good at it."
"Bruno Fernandes... he's got the ability to just put a ball on a plate."
"Being good at speedruns is one thing, being good at talking while you're doing it is another. That takes practice."
"This must have taken some serious planning, a lot of time, crazy attention to detail, and impeccable line work."
"This ain't a black or white thing. It's about who's nice."
"He's so good at it and I have such a high respect for him."
"He's so sick. His advantage state is amazing. He's just funny and he's so scary to play against."
"What an entry, threw it on at that first corner and it worked out. That was either going to be beautiful or a crash, and it was beautiful."
"Being most popular means you're the best at being popular. It doesn't mean you're the best at being the best."
"It's going to take a little bit of wizardry to try and get this thing to run nicely."
"It's going to take a lot more energy and a lot more skill wherever you are in this process."
"Jin is quite literally the best thing to happen. He's by far the coolest champion."
"Ghost's awakened ability if you're very good at playing the champion just adds so much more damage output."
"OG reaping the rewards versus just Eagles, super solid. I think OG is the strongest skill is making you regret using utility."
"I'm the best Giant versus tiny Obby player there ever was."
"Whenever you see an extreme outlier, it's always the combination of great skill plus great luck."
"You're not going to see anybody else do what I'm going to show you, you're not going to be anywhere near this as precise, you're not going to be as consistent."
"Not many people can evaluate companies correctly, especially consistently over a period of time."
"The new core competence in business is storytelling."
"No matter who you are what your skill level is you can play this game and be successful."
"Spraying is not a newbie way to fire the gun... there's a lot of skill that goes into memorizing and learning how to do those sprays." - The War Owl
"He's right footed and left footed and he curled it into the top corner."
"He's someone who's very comfortable in the ball."
"Inumaki was the previous record holder of consecutive black flashes."
"The best XCOM players are those who have a backup plan if their shots miss."
"The dude guardar is the best player... he just does everything right... he's a warrior."
"Passion with technical ability and application as well."
"He strikes the ball so well with his left and right foot."
"Sephi quickly comprehended the composition of spells and even without chanting she could vividly recall the characters that formed them."
"Demon Slayers with black blades are the most talented swordsmen."
"One hit means you're dead. But there's a select group of gamers who can do even better."
"Oh my goodness, how did I do that? That's, it's not, you know, magical editing or anything, that actually happened."
"The traversal is similar in goals to web of shadows and it wants to be extremely accessible but still retain a high skill ceiling."
"It's not about luck, son. It's all about skill."
"I mean, I'm usually pretty incredible at everything I try."
"Let me just hit this Parry real quick, you know I got it."
"It's a great goal even Harvey Bell I think with the turn."
"Some players just don't carry with gold, players like Irelia King, P Zang, TF Blade, if you give them gold they carry the game."
"He does come off the zone a tiny bit early, yeah, that looks really impressive, that was fun"
"Simple, he's so sick he doesn't have to see it."
"It hurts to be this good, never didn't have it guys, it was there the whole time. Why not?"
"Two surgeons out here performing surgery on this track."
"I love the precision of Forsberg even in the chase position."
"Level seven already? H guess he really does have some tricks up his sleeve."
"I knew I could tattoo, I just didn't know if I could draw it."
"He's without a doubt submitted himself as the best shooter of all time and arguably the best point guard to ever play the game."
"He's got what I call unconscious competence."
"Sword dancing, this move... it's just so good."
"A good experience or a good challenge should be solvable, not through being necessarily correctly prepared, but through having the skill to adapt to the situation you are in."
"I got so adept at the combat that I finally achieved the validation I seeked five star rankings baby not just on normal but even in the new game plus hard mode."
"That was a very good head movement from Lopez right there and then fired back at the right time as well."
"He just fitted in as though he's been in City for ages, and that's the sign of a really good player."
"The best people in the world at anything do the basics really good."
"14 corners just over four miles overtaking opportunities at turn one if you're brave turn five if you're good on the brakes."
"Wraith is pretty much the hardest legend to punish in high-level play when played the right way and that means that she's always going to be valued."
"I mean, we are just that good at the game. What can I say?"