
Differences Quotes

There are 744 quotes

"Understanding and respecting these differences ensures a safer and more enjoyable cannabis experience."
"We are all sharing this experience in more ways than we ever give credit for. We always look at the differences, but there are far more similarities."
"We conducted together and we have some real disagreements but...we find what we have in common."
"For present purposes, our differences are far less important than our unanimity."
"The similarities that exist between these two properties are infinitely outweighed by their differences."
"I just want people to understand that neurodivergency looks different on everybody."
"The differences are the consequence of both biology and circumstances."
"The path to a society where we don't care about these differences can't be a matter of caring more and more about them in the meantime."
"Even though you have differences, it's totally compatible which is beautiful."
"Our differences are actually what makes it exciting to walk alongside the person you love."
"The true challenge of our times is not in picking a side in the culture war, but in striving for synthesis and understanding amidst our differences."
"We were able to have a productive civil conversation despite our differences."
"It's these characters that genuinely represent one of the biggest differences between Brickleberry and Paradise PD."
"The two hemispheres of the brain collaborate and, in order to do so, they have to be different but able to talk to one another."
"Race and gender identity are two separate different things."
"The majority of these differences are completely immaterial and insignificant."
"I want to convey is that their material reality is very different from ours."
"What we're shooting for here is to kind of carve out a new mode... and hash out differences that we have." - Brett Weinstein
"One of these is different than all the rest which one is it if we work together we'll find it super fast."
"Eyes are different, guys. Do you see the last difference?"
"Religion and spirituality are quite different from each other, though the roots of spirituality are very much in religion."
"Through our differences, we seek understanding and acceptance and learn to love one another."
"I learned so much from Rob as a co-host... It's really interesting how two people can be different but really find common ground."
"Similar to in the movie, they're both gonna have a lot of differences but those differences are gonna be what brings you together."
"There's core fundamental differences in Resident Evil 4 remake."
"Cavalry is basically the same but with one obvious difference: their role on horseback."
"But that's kind of the point? They're from different dimensions so naturally they would look different from what we know to be Pokemon."
"He believes that in democracy we don't have to see eye to eye on every detail of every single issue in order to work together."
"Women aren't less than men; they're different."
"My mom's relationship is like salt and pepper, we share the same table but we're totally different."
"So George, Penny, and Mother all have the same jump scare however Father has a very slightly different jump scare."
"What I'm saying is in 2024 let's just cool it off a bit Yeah focus more on what you have in common and less on what makes you different."
"I've never had a friend who actively advocated for a different way of eating."
"You can have a thriving relationship and friendship with somebody who doesn't see eye to eye on you on everything."
"There's miles of difference between theory and experience."
"If you and I are not within the acceptable boundaries of what a society can tolerate as differences of opinion, we're totally screwed."
"The first thing you can do is to study the differences between dad style parenting and mom style parenting."
"Interests and personalities are kind of two different things."
"The things we share in common far outweigh our differences."
"We have some significant differences in how we view politics."
"What unites us far outweighs our differences." - Dr. Carson
"Communication matters regardless of whether people have differences of opinion."
"Virginity and chasteness aren't quite the same thing."
"Encouraging behavior and not condemning it strongly enough are very, very different things."
"There's such a deep love connection here but you might differ in a lot of aspects, yet you're still able to come together and love each other."
"They want to bridge the gap between your differences and reconnect."
"Despite our differences man, you're my best friend."
"They both realize that they're different and that they can actually both learn from each other."
"For some people, this is an annoyance, but it can be life-changing for others."
"Acceptance, tolerance, and love really are different things."
"You need to engage in civil debate and try and understand why does somebody have a different opinion from you."
"It's really weird because when you see certain things online versus the real world they're very different."
"Focus on the shared goals, the shared aims, the similarities, not the slight differences between us."
"Ridiculous in the NFL ownership is different in American sports compared to soccer football."
"We can coexist peacefully even if we don't see eye to eye."
"It's those tiny differences... that can make a big difference."
"We all have relationship problems. The goals between men and women, I think, are completely different."
"People say we're such opposites but that's what makes us such good friends. She's incredibly blunt, I love that about her."
"It's the things you have in common that attract you and it's your differences I think that keep relationships really interesting."
"I think it probably was... that was really the difference."
"Every man out here gonna have something about him that you're just not gonna like, you're gonna have differences."
"Despite all our apparent differences, we are all one."
"Everybody heals differently, girl, everybody heals differently."
"Victory means different things to different companies."
"It's like anything, working on it and working to be together because being with someone that's completely different to you and thinks different to you is a lot, and I say having a support network because that's even important for marriage."
"I think these types of conversations where you might have some difference but you can explore that difference in an open, respectful way I think they're helpful."
"There's beauty in all of it, you know? Some of us just appreciate different things."
"The essence of it, of course, the differences are insurmountable."
"It's all about perspectives and differences."
"Maybe fortnite is going in a very different direction to me and they just have different views on what the game should be."
"That's the difference between the five percent to 85 and the 10 percent."
"There's a subtle but important difference between a stuffed animal museum and a taxidermy museum."
"It's not worth it for me to try to convince or convert you... we're coming from two different standing points."
"Support difference is so big and it's going to be more noticeable."
"Secession is an approach you take when you have irreconcilable differences."
"The only reason men and women are different."
"Being horny and being in love are very different things."
"Honestly, I just feel like we are just two different people and we're just in two different places. And once that situation occurred, it's kind of hard to bounce back from something like that."
"I feel like I know this person and I know we're going to be friends even though we're a little different."
"Ignoring the fact that somebody sees a wildly different future than the one that would make you happy."
"Don't be afraid of being different. Celebrate the ways we are different."
"We need to come together, unite, put our differences aside, and compromise."
"The two sides have vastly different Heroes right."
"They literally live in a different universe than the rest of us, regardless of what evidence we have."
"Some minor and some major changes like in the original Novella called the Hellbound heart his brother was named Rory instead of Larry also Larry did not have a daughter."
"Someone's wanting to reconcile differences or make peace with something."
"We're equal to men in dignity, but we're not the same. We have beautiful things that are different."
"You're always going to be different from me. But you'll always be the person I love more than anything."
"The differences really are notably in the psychological sides of it."
"One difference between the show and the game."
"Be kind and compassionate, even if they are different from you."
"I don't know if you've noticed, but we're different."
"Godot's 2D works on a completely different family of nodes than 3D."
"Asking questions helps us map the disconnect between our differing points of view."
"Men and women aren't the same and they won't be the same. That doesn't mean they can't be treated fairly."
"Free speech on the internet is a different kind of free speech."
"What separates us but how can we come together in love and worship."
"Culture, am I right? Every country is a little bit different."
"Embrace their differences, embrace their lifestyles, and wholly lift each other up."
"Just because parents have their differences shouldn't stop their kids from being able to be friends."
"Differences are good; differences create attraction."
"We were a team... despite our differences, in spite of the terrible things they'd done, we were still a team."
"The biggest differences between these phones is the operating system."
"So how have we arrived at such different ways to take care of it?"
"We just seemed so different; she was extremely sensitive."
"You might have differences in body language."
"A lot of conflict comes from when two people have different ideas of what a relationship should look like."
"You're not bad people, you're just two different people."
"They were different in every respect except for one or two things: one, they were lightning-quick, and two, they were incredibly competitive."
"Don't compare this to Green Bay; it is apples to oranges."
"Cheating is awful, but the real relationship killer here is that they want different Lifestyles."
"To ignore the gigantic differences between these two films is to also ignore what made the first film so successful in the first place."
"The concept of world peace to a Scorpio is absolutely ridiculous. It's because of our differences that we grow and evolve."
"Both groups claimed to be true followers of Judaism, but their beliefs were considerably different."
"Love is not enough to overcome differences and core beliefs."
"The differences between families can be seen in the hairstyles."
"We are a match made in heaven even if we come from two completely different worlds."
"Both of them... they are leaders... everyone knows... we have to listen to him... they have different visions... but in terms of leadership... they share many things."
"Differences are not superficial but fundamental, yet they can be managed."
"I don't have a problem with my son going over there. I just think that we should just coexist without being friends or being... she's just a different type of woman than me, that's all."
"At some point you'll discover that on some level there's some kind of difference that makes for interesting dynamics."
"The Enneagram is at its most useful when it cuts through the and examines the fundamental differences between people."
"You save bees, and you're just very much like that, and I think that's our biggest difference."
"Not all the medicines are similar."
"Men and women are very differently wired when it comes to sex."
"He informs the two Heroes that they each lack what the other has: Midoriya's conviction to save others and Bakugo's desire to win."
"I married a Yankee. It's like we're from two different worlds, but it's a lot of fun."
"Me and her never had the same classes."
"Once you go state to state, you've got different rules."
"For men, skincare is not very different. It could depend because for men, skin is a little thicker and they are more exposed to pollutants generally."
"We didn't realize how different we were."
"Physically speaking you could be very different from your future spouse all right and they're gonna find these differences that you have physically very very attractive."
"She went from the dining room holding James by the hand, since he would not go with the others. 'It seemed to have such nonsense inventing differences when people, heaven knows, were different enough without that.'"
"Each color line has its strengths and its weaknesses and they all have their differences."
"At the end of the day, they try to do the exact same thing but they go about it in different manners."
"The fine distinctions or subtle differences within something or between two things."
"Writing tests: first things first, let's first learn about the major difference between end-to-end and component testing."
"Differences actually create attraction."
"Ultimately unsuccessful, we had our differences during this program I grant you, but it was all conducted. Thank you very much."
"Honestly, I think that there's enough differences here for you to find a place in your life for both of these devices."
"The other key factor explaining differences of opinion is speed."
"It's not the same. Men and women are not the same."
"These are stylistic differences, nobody knows the difference between Bernie Sanders' democratic socialism and Elizabeth Warren's capitalism."
"The differences physiologically between men and women are not just hormonal. Women have a different hip angle, they have different heart capacity, they have different lung capacity, I mean, there are profound physiological differences."
"So there's gonna be some very considerable differences, and the book canon is gonna be quite different from the show canon."
"It's always different for men and women."
"I would definitely say that they, uh, regular guy and a celebrity, their outlook on life is very different."
"You've turned into an intellectual snob who has nothing in common with his wife."
"Unless those differences are related to something sinful, those differences are not only okay but preferred."
"Men and women are different. We gotta admit it. We're different."
"You have more in common with the people you are fighting with than those you most loathe."
"Our differences, more so than our similarities, are what create something bigger, greater than ourselves."
"ENFP and ENTP are the same. They look for the same things, but they have different tool sets. It's like their tools are different, but they are looking for the same thing, which is experiencing the world, having fun, living life to the fullest."
"The polarity here is very strong."
"Differences set the stage for conflict, and conflict is story."
"Oh dear what well we are from very different worlds aren't we I'm not sure if I can help you."
"Everybody ain't got the same heart as you. You're continuously trying to validate the belief that everybody essentially has the same heart as you, they don't."
"Men and women are gifted differently."
"Even the basics of their close quarters combat would be significantly different."
"Even if we're Bound by Blood, we're nothing alike."
"At the end of the day, this person does not know me, I don't know them, so it's fine for them to not like me, you know, it's okay. And I think we just also have to realize that in life, it is okay to not necessarily get along with everyone, it's fine."
"...I'm glad we get to do this together because I think it's fun to see how each of us do this differently."
"Even with their differences, they were the best of friends."
"It sucks to have to consider breaking up with someone even though you're in love and you like them, and you have this one life difference."
"The difference clearly: your brothers, clearly we're sisters, clearly we don't look like each other."
"No matter what kind of difference you're gonna have, this person's for sure gonna find it attractive about you."
"Europe offers above Treeline slopes for exponentially longer stretches than even the most famous ski resorts for high Alpine bills in North America."
"Men and women might seem like completely different species sometimes."
"Everybody's essentials are different."
"Sometimes those subtle differences make all the difference in the world."
"That's the bottom line, don't try to look at someone and think they're the same."
"Nobody's doing it for partisan reasons, nobody's doing it for political reasons, but we just have different views."
"The belief in order of difficulties is the basis for the world's perception. It rests on differences, on uneven background and shifting foreground, on unequal heights and diverse sizes."
"Lean into the similarities, not the differences."
"If you really love someone and it's deep love, you're going to have differences with everyone. It's human nature. But if you love someone that much and you have differences, you learn to live with them, you adapt."
"The difference within the most dissimilar characters seems to arise not so much from nature as from habit, custom, and education."
"Every marriage has irreconcilable differences. That's the way God designed it, to complement one another."
"She wants to run things her way, and I want things to kind of go my way. There's no compromise."
"Overlook your differences in non-fundamental areas."
"It's fine to have differences, it's fine to disagree. Obviously, it's not fine to not be interested in what others are thinking and not to desire to learn more about it."
"Men and women talk for different reasons. Understanding these differences is crucial for better communication."
"What's the biggest difference between this marriage that you guys are in that's so easy? Oh jeez, I could go on."
"The French and the Japanese get to the same point, they just have completely different ways of getting there."
"Once you understand what these differences are, it's going to lead to a successful and much better outcome."
"...but the ingredients are actually quite different."
"There's a lot of overlap between males and females; one might even say there's more similarities than differences."
"Their marriage survives sharp differences of personality and temperament."
"Having just a couple of variations can make all of the difference."
"And Peggy and Marian clearly have their differences, but they can relate about the difficult relationships in their families."
"One of the secrets of communication is to really realize that we are different, and it's as if men are from Mars and women are from Venus, like a whole another planet."
"Charles Xavier was the finest man I knew, despite our differences."
"Michelle initiated the breakup, thinking that she and Vin were too different, however, the ex-lovers remain good friends."
"You might have different trellises than I have."
"The Magic Kingdom's version of Pirates had significant changes compared to the Disneyland version, including missing scenes like the grotto or cave scene."
"You're motivated by one desire and they're motivated by another."
"The differences between how East and West approach experience of intellectual struggle."
"The male is not like the female. This is what Allah tells us, brothers and sisters, dear guests. The male is not like the female. Science tells us, reason tells us, experience tells us."
"This difference is also something that you guys find very attractive in the other."
"You look very good with each other and this difference it's gonna highlight it even more."
"The language is Portuguese, obviously, but it's a lot different actually than the Brazilian Portuguese."