
Immune Response Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"The cold shower is also going to activate your immune response but it's also going to activate your metabolism and also your brown fat."
"Your body's making white blood cells, things like neutrophils, natural killer cells, macrophages."
"Anytime you think about biology, think mechanical features and chemical features of a response."
"Just because the virus makes it into your body doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get a full-blown cold or flu."
"A person who gets infected... develops antibodies would have their immune system ramped up."
"For instance, hyperthermia, fever is a powerful pathogen protector for a couple of reasons. First off, it sort of ramps up immune functioning."
"Our bodies are constantly having to make decisions about what we're going to tolerate and what we're not."
"The immune system has a remarkable way of making antibodies on the spot and then remembering it over time to be able to target that specific organism."
"For some people, that immune response does not lead to intestinal damage, for others, it leads to neurological damage, liver damage, skin damage, thyroid problems, and joint pain."
"mRNA vaccines are only telling your cell to make a portion of the protein, which we want the immune system to recognize so that if it ever comes around again, the immune system is ready to attack it and to prevent it from invading your body."
"Autoimmune diseases weren't nearly as common 100 years ago... because our immune systems are always fighting bugs."
"Vitamin D deficiency increases the viral load, which when the adaptive arm becomes ready, results in a severe immune response, potentially leading to ICU admission or death."
"It's not the virus that kills the patient; it's the body that kills the patient. It's the super overdrive of the immune response system."
"Strong immune response in the elderly... encouraged to see immunogenicity response were similar between older and younger adults."
"Vaccines are great for generating immunity, but natural infection is also great for generating immunity, probably better."
"The immune response from the vaccine is more predictable."
"Stress shuts down the immune system to conserve energy."
"We are interfering in a way in which the pathogen is too far from looking like you."
"So, the viruses are infecting cells... and then the immune system comes and mounts that response and kind of over does it."
"Infections can kill you, but also the response if it's overblown can kill you as well."
"The Pfizer vaccine demonstrates strong immune response."
"This apparent immunity to reinfection was maintained for at least six months."
"I think even with non-mRNA vaccines, if you were going to get three shots in one year, do you start risking having an immune reaction to prior variants?"
"According to Everlywell's website, their food sensitivity test checks your body's immune response to 108 foods."
"You can see some kind of perception of T-cell response... longer and more robust than antibodies."
"This is an indication of the immune system working."
"Thyroid dysfunction can occur after pregnancy due to immune dysfunction and hormonal imbalances."
"Presumably are depending on T cells for their, so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their."
"I think it's surprising that it induces as high of level as it does of these memory cells, which will protect against serious illness."
"Vaccination is more than just antibodies against the virus to prevent infection; it also provides a substantial amount of protection in the T cells, and that translates into lower hospitalization rates."
"Moderna's vaccine candidate is showing promising signs, producing a positive immune response."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"Chronic emotions shape the immune response and gene expression pattern."
"Fasting... it's actually the first step in your body's attack on the virus."
"Fever... it's actually the first step in your body's attack on the virus."
"Maggots secretions calm our immune response, they eat Rotting Flesh leaving healthy tissue largely intact."
"Getting to a whole food plant-based approach often sets the immune system back off from attacking the nerve cells."
"Rocky's immune system is doing its job. He just needed a little boost to feel better soon."
"You're dumping enough into the system that enough cells pick it up that it results in enough of the immune system encountering it that you get a robust immune reaction that creates memory."
"We are seeing unprecedented rates... made worse by this assault on the human immune system."
"Complex system vaccination... it's a beautiful, beautiful invention of humans as a way to effectively trick your immune system."
"The Delta variant comes in like a hurricane but leaves a lot of immunity in its wake."
"The gap between the vaccines, the longer gap is better."
"There are no data showing additional vaccine doses are beneficial for healthy people with hybrid immunity."
"The findings imply that the mRNA vaccine may trigger a unique immune response leading to myocardial injury."
"The expectation is that the immune system is still going to be good at stopping it."
"Exposure: you are exposed to some virus and it doesn't really establish, it doesn't take hold in you. You're most likely to be asymptomatic."
"The mRNA-1273 vaccine induced an anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune response in all participants." - Moderna Vaccine Trial
"Of course, the ones that would suppress the whole all of the immune system are steroids. Steroids would suppress immune system plus inflammatory system and that is how they calm down the whole thing."
"Our immune system is perfectly well capable of dealing with the virus as evidenced by an infection fatality rate of between 0.14 and 0.15 or even less percent."
"Memory B cells and T cells show sustained responses, promising rapid antibody response upon re-exposure."
"High antibody levels were linked to lower viral loads."
"Cytotoxic T-cells actively eat up cells with abnormal antigens, preventing viral spread."
"Graft rejection: immune system attacks newly introduced tissue, common after organ transplant."
"Interferons... make it harder for something like a virus to keep spreading."
"Vaccination with the Oxford vaccine produced a strong immune response in the elderly, similar across all age groups."
"Understanding the immune response is crucial for addressing fear-mongering and fostering optimism about long-term immunity."
"If you keep little dose low then the virus has to divide many times to get to high levels and then the immune systems got lots of time to kick in."
"In the abnormal case, your body is still trying to protect itself. It overreacts with what's called a cytokine storm."
"Vitamin D supplementation decreases Aspergillus fumigatus specifically th2 responses and cystic fibrosis patients with Aspergillus sensitization."
"Your immune system literally scans the barcode of everything it sees."
"Neutrophils, about 50 to 70 percent of white blood cells, are typically on the front lines if you have an infection."
"So if they become more specific, more active, more in number that will increase their memory cells as well and that would improve the immunity."
"So what is inflammation anyway and why does it make us sick and fat well inflammation can be a good thing right it's part of your body's own defense mechanism if you have a cold or an infection you bang yourself inflammation helps your body heal."
"Fever helps to eliminate the virus by increasing the efficiency of the immune system."
"Those patients were on their deathbeds and their tumors have now melted. Why? Because their own immune systems attacked the cancer in their bodies."
"Our immune system is waiting to be stressed."
"T cells are what's really protecting us from severe disease."
"Reduced severity, quicker response by our immune system."
"The only benefit of a booster is ramping up of the immune system."
"As your immune system is trying to get rid of this bugger, it's creating collateral damage."
"What a third dose does is give you a kind of adrenaline rush of a 20 to 30 times increase in your antibodies."
"Estrogen is known to interact with the immune system in quite a few ways."
"When you over-vaccinate, and you over-tax the immune system at a very young age, you shift people towards allergy and autoimmunity."
"Exercise mobilizes large amounts of SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells."
"Vaccines are safe, well tolerated, and showed robust neutralizing antibody response."
"Clearing the virus quicker indicates the immune system working more efficiently."
"IV vitamin C inhibits the cytokine storm, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activity, and disrupts viral replication."
"The fever is enhancing that very portion of the immune system -- the innate immune system -- that's required to put an end to the progression of COVID-19."
"Hyperthermia in humans enhances interferon-beta synthesis and alters the peripheral lymphocyte population."
"A single dose produced a strong immune response in adults aged 18 to 59 with conditions like asthma, diabetes, and chronic lung disease."
"Asthma is your body's way of overreacting to a trigger, known as an allergen."
"Activated platelets produce CCL5 or RANTES and bring in more immune cells."
"IL-2 stimulates the growth of T cells and natural killer cells."
"The body is raising the core temperature in response to the infection to help kill it."
"The immune response can identify a threat, mount an attack, eliminate a pathogen, and develop mechanisms to remember the offender."
"The primary purpose of this T cell subset is to suppress an immune response and maintain homeostasis, preventing autoimmunity."
"Immunotherapy, such as checkpoint inhibition, enhances the ability of the immune system to recognize cancer cells, leading to anti-tumor responses and cancer cell death."
"I think what the mTOR inhibitors are doing is not stopping people from getting infected, but if you get infected, there's a better immune response and your symptoms will be milder."
"Phagocytosis is a non-specific response, meaning that they will destroy any foreign item that they come across."
"The fever is actually a good response and it helps fight off the infection."
"...we were most likely eliciting the types of T cell responses that we wanted to elicit particularly as you think about vaccine induced enhancement for other respiratory viruses."
"We are eliciting very high immune responses in the upper quartile of what you see in humans that have recovered from COVID-19."
"So the point that you're making is that if you actually have a very low viral load, you probably don't get much of an adaptive response just because you don't have enough antigen dose and it gets cleared off."
"Diet quality was the number one factor influencing your immune response to covid."
"By doing this we can define a person's breast cancer by their immune response."
"Why do we get vaccinated for things it's so we can jump right to the secondary response that's the important key."
"Memory T cells have a hair trigger response."
"CD4 T cells produce a broad range of cytokines with diverse activities, primarily enhancing immune responses against pathogens."
"In mucosal tissue, shift to Th17 response during infection."
"TH1 cells stimulate both cellular and humoral immunity, including activating macrophages and optimizing antibody responses."
"Once the parasite starts to interact with the red cell stage it begins to release things into the bloodstream during its division cycles which the immune system picks up on."
"Checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy triggers an immune response that attacks prostate cancer cells."
"It also leads to good things. It increases immune response. So there's another reason to practice it because it actually may help our bodies physiologically fight off COVID-19 a little more."
"Antibodies activate complement proteins, leading to inflammation and cell lysis, fighting off foreign invaders."
"Antigens are molecules recognized by the immune system, potentially evoking an immune response."
"Helper T-cells activate other immune cells, regulatory T-cells control immune response, and cytotoxic T-cells destroy infected cells."
"Anaphylaxis is caused mainly by this innate immune cell called the mast cell that releases histamines."
"The response is inflammation, which is swelling, redness, pain, and heat."
"The treatments don't kill cancer cells directly but what the treatments do is they rip the cloak off of the cancer that's trying to hide from your own immune system."
"Just by eating like a cup and a half of blueberries a day, you can elevate your T cells by like 88%."
"Inflammation is the immune system's response to any infection or tissue damage."
"Inflammation... is a response that takes place whenever anything gets in and your white blood cells attack."
"Fever is a normal response to when you have an infection."
"The immune system also has a memory. So T cells that have expanded remember what they've seen."
"Inflammation is really important; we do need inflammation as the first step in responding to injury and infection."
"If you get a substantial immune response, it'll target the virus and it'll go away."
"The therapeutic efficacy of these viruses turns out to be a combination of the virus killing the cancer cell but also activating anti-tumor immune responses."
"Interferons basically interfere with viral replication."
"Neutrophils are the First Responders... they're usually the first ones to notice it."
"We see brain immune cells turned on in people with depression, anxiety, OCD, and bipolar."
"Antibodies can directly kill the cancer cells, they can recruit other cells of the immune system to come by and do the dirty work."
"Antigen presentation is a key step in the specific immune response."
"The first time your body fights a virus, let's say it takes 15 days to get rid of it; with the help of memory cells, the second time your body sees the same virus, it might knock that sucker out in like a day and a half."
"It triggers a so-called inflammatory cascade, a runaway reaction of the immune system and widespread organ failure."
"These proteins then are responsible for many functions in your body: organizing cell growth, reacting to external impulses, fighting infections, and so on."
"Our immune system... doesn't care what it is that's invading us, they just find it, start trying to kill it."
"Gut microbiota composition reflects disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with COVID-19."
"I think vaccines are one component. But they allow for initiating that immune response, but they may not allow for maintaining the immune response, since the immune response is well-controlled, as you mentioned, by multiple checkpoints."
"The adaptive immune response is slower to develop but more precisely targets a particular foreign microorganism or antigen."
"Inflammation is the sign that your body is working to fight whatever has gotten in there."
"An antigen is typically a protein molecule on the cell surface membrane of non-self cells; the presence of that antigen is what triggers the immune response and the production of antibodies."
"Vitamin C is involved in improving the movement of white blood cells, neutrophil phagocytosis, and the maturation, proliferation, and function of B and T cell lymphocytes."
"Acute inflammation is good; it responds to tissue damage, foreign invaders, or toxins, activating an immune response."
"Inflammation is our body's natural first line of defense."
"Prior vaccination enhances immune responses during SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection with early activation of memory T cells followed by production of potent neutralizing antibodies."
"The purpose of inflammation is to neutralize and destroy invading agents, limit the spread of the infection, and also prepare the damaged tissue for repair."
"The majority of the T-cell response is preserved."
"When you get sick, like if you get the flu, the aches and pains, the fever, all of that, that's not caused by the virus; it's caused by your inflammatory response against the virus."
"Once the pathogens are killed, the neutrophils themselves will die and they collect at the site of infection as pus."
"Lymphocytes are the primary cells of the immune system; they respond to pathogens or infected and diseased cells."
"Primary inflammation: a normal fiber surrounded by inflammatory cells, but they don't invade them."
"Macrophages are proliferating in our lymph nodes and that's what's making them swell and become tender."
"The reason for shipping fever is usually I have gone from one environment to another very different environment, and my immune system isn't prepared to deal with those pathogens."
"The immune system now throws everything it has at the invader."
"An allergic reaction occurs when our immune system mistakes a benign substance for a toxic one and initiates a major defense against it."
"This approach of detecting the host's immune response to SARS coronavirus, as opposed to depending on detecting the actual viral RNA, will overcome the significant false negative rates."
"Initially, HIV replicates unchecked because the host immune system has yet to fully develop a response."
"That's how CTLs kill infected cells; it's a very effective mechanism."
"Autoimmune diseases is when you cannot recognize the self, therefore you will attack yourself."
"Immune complex mediated reactions are seen in conditions like serum sickness and SLE."
"Inflammation is the body's general response to an attack or injury."
"Cytokines are the master manipulators of any immune response and can be potent in boosting one."
"The immune system protects us in lots of different ways."
"Combining immune checkpoint inhibitors works in melanoma because patients almost have like almost 50 percent response rate."
"In order for celiac disease to be present, there has to be immune activation which results in intestinal damage and then a wide range of clinical manifestations."
"Every CTL has the ability to kill multiple target cells, and we call that process serial killing."
"Treating fever can prolong or worsen illnesses. Our immune system actually works better at a higher temperature."
"The reason your lymph nodes enlarge is because of this massive clonal expansion of T cells and B cells."
"The real stars of inflammation are all the cells that eat bacteria essentially through the process of phagocytosis."
"The process of inflammation all starts off with some kind of inciting cause."
"Once the immune system recognizes a disease, the T cells become activated and start to frantically proliferate."
"The major leukocytes that are involved in this process of recruitment are phagocytic cells."
"There's going to be ongoing immune dysregulation, inflammation that may be causing not only symptoms but also some of the multi-organ dysfunction and severe damage we see in those with more severe diseases."
"Inflammation is a biological response of the immune system to defend against some sort of stimulus, usually harmful but not always, and to eliminate the cause of injury."
"It generates an immune response and nobody's having serious problems with it, so it's safe."
"It's going to be really important to understand how best to stimulate immune responses with these types of vaccines."
"Our immune system normally destroys bacteria and viruses."
"The main thing that causes our immune system to weaken is getting older."
"When you get sick and you feel lousy, your body's immune system starts to attack that bug that's making you feel sick, and you get better."
"Those people that have a good night's sleep before they get the vaccine have much better antibody responses after the vaccine."