
Subjectivity Quotes

There are 3417 quotes

"There's no one-size-fits-all answer. There's no score where you're like, 'If I feel like a five out of 10, that means I need to go see a doctor.' It just doesn't exist, unfortunately, because mental health is a very subjective space."
"Art is subjective and each person's taste of art will be different from the next person's taste of art."
"Ethics and politics are no longer about divine commandments or about alleged laws of nature; they are about feelings."
"That just goes to show you that just because one person doesn't like your art... that doesn't mean that the art doesn't have value."
"Tier lists are very subjective, and everyone has their own opinions."
"The reality is the line is different for each individual person and that's why it's so hard to determine when something is too much."
"Sight... far from objective truth or external reality, it's this personal virtual reality we create for ourselves."
"Humor is subjective, of course, but using subjectivity to claim so much more about a show than necessary is a problem."
"Common sense to me is kind of arbitrary. What is common sense to someone could be completely oblivious to another."
"Art is not a science; there is no means to universally or factually prove worth."
"A review is nothing more than a description of an experience."
"The religious claim to objective moral values is ultimately based on a subjective recognition of the superiority of a person's particular religion and the feeling, rather than the fact, that the morality of that religion is objective."
"The hard answer is... it is a matter of opinion."
"Ugliness or beauty is all dependent on your perception."
"Subjectivity is a blind spot or blind spots. It's attitudes that can be ingrained in us and as we shall see, not necessarily inherent but they become like second nature."
"The willingness to pay more is where we'd call like, if we're going with the subjective theory of value, this is what value would be."
"Nostalgia is a powerful tool because it's a hundred percent subjective."
"For Kierkegaard, we can't just sit around and think about things all day in hopes of getting it right; we need to take risks and leaps of faith in creating our own subjectivity."
"Yes, people can share their criticism or what they think, but that doesn't make it correct; it's just their observation."
"No list is ever going to satisfy everyone; different people are going to have different opinions and preferences."
"What's so great about art is that it is subjective to a point, and there are so many different styles that so many different people will like."
"Art is subjective; it can mean a lot of different things to different people."
"RPG players want good choices and that's very subjective, but they want to feel like that's valid for them."
"Morality, in its purest philosophical terms, is of course subjective... we can by and large try and understand morality as being something that is seeking to reduce harm and suffering."
"There's nothing certain I could say about art, nothing objective or pure, other than it is everything."
"Beauty is such a subjective thing. It depends on who you're asking. Anyone could be beautiful."
"Our understanding of the past is always filtered through the lens of a witness or a writer or a photographer, et cetera. It's never entirely objective."
"I think perfect comes down to your singular experience with music."
"Empire is about the denial of the subjectivity of others. It's about monopolizing agency."
"Now obviously, coolness...you can't exactly debate that any more than you can debate whose favorite color is correct. It's green, by the way."
"Art is subjective. Your interpretations and opinions of it are valid."
"Morality without religion is subjective and baseless."
"In most years, at most awards shows, and in most categories, there are multiple nominees that could be valid winners depending on what the voters value in art."
"We're all perceiving the same things differently."
"What makes a woman a woman is not just the performance but the internal acceptance of the performance as an expression of their own subjectivity."
"Opinions are subjective, and we may come at things from different points of view."
"Beauty is no quality in things themselves. It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty."
"Different people consider different things to be spoilers."
"Perfection is people's perception of what they consider to be perfection. There's nothing gonna be perfect, no one's gonna have a perfect life."
"You can't measure anything without disturbing it, so the human observer can't be extracted from the theory; it becomes unavoidably subjective."
"It's an opinion; it can't be right or wrong."
"Truth is subjectivity, which for Kierkegaard meant that something is only true for you if you appropriate that truth into your life in an active and passionate way."
"Ideas, rather than being universal and objective, are actually quite often historically contingent."
"Things are about to get real subjective real quick."
"Each person owns their own pain, and there is no way to ultimately objectify it."
"The biggest problem with them is that they're purely subjective, not scientific in nature."
"Beauty is subjective, so by saying this is beautiful makes people think, well does that mean this isn't beautiful?" - Reflecting on the subjectivity of beauty.
"We're both subject to subjectivity. We all have our own point of view. We're all receiving information in a subjective manner."
"Whether a Pokémon is cute or not is highly subjective and in the eye of the beholder. Who am I to judge a Pokémon on its appearance and deem whether it's worthy of being called cute or not?"
"Accuracy is indeed in the eye of the beholder."
"Robert, turning objective science into subjective art."
"The vast majority of them is going to say yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Whatever people think, all this stuff is based on just what you think and what your opinion is, none of it is really right or wrong."
"All conscious experience is subjective, right? We are subjects, so we have a subjective conscious experience."
"Art is so subjective. You can call anything art."
"The subjectivity of morality doesn't lie at the level of the action; it lies at the level of the motive."
"History is always written from somebody's perspective, which is somebody's angle... History is a lie agreed upon."
"Poetry is completely subjective. What you like and don't like is completely up to you, and there's no right and wrong there at all."
"While some people might try to convince you otherwise, objectivity has no place in the discussion of art."
"Pricing is entirely subjective, there is no tangible way to judge what a product's price should be."
"I don't think that I can objectively win the argument with you or that you could with me."
"Every review is going to be a subjective experience of the content creator."
"You can't talk about quality without talking about opinion."
"People are very good at picking out what's subjective in the opinions others have that don't agree with them but they're very bad at figuring out what's subjective when it comes to their own opinion."
"Critiquing of art, whether it's film, video, or music, is an entirely subjective process; it's one of the beauties of being a human."
"Fashion and trends is completely subjective."
"At the end of the day, you're stuck with your subjective reality."
"The beauty of fashion is that it's always subjective; you can make fashion what you want. It is an art at the end of the day."
"Who's the person that's deciding what beauty is?"
"What I love about fashion is that it's all really subjective; one woman's boring is another woman's class."
"Interpreting art is by its nature relative and you can make cases for countless interpretations of the work."
"History is way more subjective and interpretive than the experimental sciences."
"Art is subjective, and so because of that, there is such a wide array of variances in what is to be considered 'good art'."
"What is or is not extremism is incredibly subjective and incredibly contextual."
"Success is very subjective because you have somebody who looks at what you have going on and said that is the bar."
"None of them are wrong. Some are more right than others, and some are a lot better than others."
"Experts' opinions are subjective in a lot of ways. The science can be the science, but their interpretation of said science can be different from one person to the next."
"I think there are obviously whether you enjoy something is subjective, but I think there are objective measures of whether something is done well."
"Judging skateboarding versus traditional sports is extremely difficult because it's super subjective."
"Fighting is a very subjective sport because we always can speculate, 'Oh, this guy is better than this guy,' because we don't really have the data, you know?"
"There's an immense push in our society right now to insist that identity be entirely subjectively defined."
"Pure objectivity is impossible; we all have biases."
"Beauty is subjective, you can be older, heavier, and still be beautiful."
"The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."
"I realized that sometimes a book has an average rating of three and a half Stars not because most people think it's mid but because some people really don't like it, most people, and then some people absolutely love it."
"Heiser's contention that Sitchin is wrong is based not on indisputable facts of mistranslation but on Heiser's own subjective choices as a transliterating scholar."
"Facts are not more important than feelings, okay? They're just not."
"Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"My morality is an objective system. Subjective morality, if it's consistent."
"I just wanted to know if you guys thought the same thing that the inherent subjectivity of the god belief because it is all just in your head and it's entirely dependent on the experience that you have."
"The inherent subjectivity of that experience is all the more reason why it should not ever be considered in lawmaking."
"It's a really valuable thing because everyone's experience is very subjective and their own."
"Ultimately, no two beings have to agree on what is beautiful or what constitutes art."
"All the rules are bullshit, everything is subjective."
"It's so personal, the criticism is all personal."
"There's nothing wrong with music taste; it's completely subjective."
"Making it is subjective, just living and enjoying [__]."
"The reality is that we all hear differently, audio is subjective."
"A world that is 99.9 perfect in whose opinion?"
"Just because you were offended by a joke doesn't mean the joke was inherently offensive."
"The phases are just arbitrary made up things."
"We define game worlds in subjective interpretations."
"We depend on interpretations from the companions of the Prophet. We don't rely on our own subjective understanding."
"Music is subjective. You just listen to it, either it feels great or it doesn't."
"Why is your point of view the only acceptable point of view?"
"Skincare is super subjective and very, very personal."
"I think certain music is subjective. If I hate it, it's trash for me."
"It's just the feeling. You can visually show it, but it's just a feeling."
"Such things are not concrete. They are merely interpretations."
"The definition of cozy is very different from person to person."
"Like coziness is so personal to you, like what you feel the most comfortable in."
"Relevance is relative, and it's also subjective."
"Point of view is subjectivity and point of view is super important."
"Value is subjective and based on perception."
"There's no right or wrong, it's whatever works and whatever has been for you."
"What is boring to you is interesting to someone else."
"Is it overrated? Well, that all depends on you. I honestly don't think so anymore but that wouldn't affect the fact that I still get so much entertainment out of this classic."
"Art definitely is in the eye of the beholder."
"Comedy, like horror, is and always will be subjective."
"Two people can enter, find something completely different, and both be correct."
"There's no right or wrong with this stuff, it's personal preference."
"When dealing with morality, we are dealing with objective facts that are relative to subjects. They are not just opinion."
"Perfection, of course, is subjective, though so here comes the part I've been waiting for the entire video... What is your perfect Disney park?"
"Evidence is meaningless, you choose reality, it's your choice."
"It doesn't make my opinion right; it's mine."
"Art is expressive, it is subjective, it is so many of these great things that make it individual, even when we're following the same reference photo, even when we're following the same lesson."
"All meaning is subjective, open to interpretation."
"Just because you don’t like something, or it wasn’t what you expected; that doesn’t make it objectively bad."
"I think that meaning in a video game is something that's very subjective."
"Beauty is in fact subjective, if you ever want to test that intuition just go and stare at the London Eye for long enough."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and since this is my channel and I'm the beholder Wendy's gorgeous right."
"Why like just because I think that's his art man?"
"Morality, like art, is subjective in the absence of the divine because if you draw your morals from divinity, they're pretty much set in stone."
"Are we really going to admit that it's art just because .0001 of humanity believes it to be so? No, I don't think so."
"I'm reminded of an idea that I think we sometimes forget: the notion that enforcing the law is often subjective and therefore arbitrary."
"Every top ten list is subjective, and this is mine. Let's dive into mine."
"Just because you interpret something and it's a widely accepted interpretation that doesn't mean it's what the artist intended."
"Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's a bad game."
"Right or wrong don't exist in reality. We have no idea if you think a movie is good and they think the movie's bad. Who's right? Nobody."
"Failure is a subjective term... What are our goals?"
"Every human experience is subjective through that human."
"Opinions are simply opinions, just because someone says something doesn't make it truth."
"People can like whatever they want to like. That's just the truth."
"Just because I didn't like this one installment... that doesn't mean you're not going to have the experience that you want."
"Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man."
"Your perception is different, right there's millions of different factors."
"Definition of intelligence: If you think like me, you're intelligent."
"Appearance is such a subjective and personal choice."
"Instead of delivering an objective story to its audience, Rashomon says, no, you don't get the neatness of objectivity, only the messiness of human truth."
"The universe is trying to remind you that fear is natural, but what is healthy, that is a subjective word in itself."
"The feeling is kind of unique, and there's nothing like it right now anywhere else."
"Remember, these top ten lists are all subjective, right? This is my list, you have your own list."
"Hate speech is just a made-up subjective term used by butthurt people."
"Our perception of reality is not absolute but a dynamic and subjective experience."
"This isn't even like subjectivity half the time, this is straight-up objectivity for most of these people."
"Morality is subject to a person's own views."
"Well, at least one thing's becoming very clear: Archaeology is all about interpretation."
"The concept of integrity and morality is subjective and depends on various factors."
"Art is in the eye of the beholder, man. We're talking about pictures. You don't know what something means to somebody or inspires."
"There is no good or bad, there's only perception."
"Art is subjective. All I can do is tell you how I feel. And this is how I feel."
"Boldness can be sexy, it just depends." - Bran
"It's all arbitrary; there's no bunch of shitty reasons to it."
"Believe what you want, art is interpretive after all."
"So many of the values we hold, so many of the things that we aspire to... it's very subjective."
"Music is subjective. Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?"
"Justice is an elusive thing; it means different things to different people."
"I think it was pretty penisy so I don't want to hear about it."
"I'm not saying you have to like it, but the detail is intriguing."
"I never think that you should take reviews too seriously at the end of the day, it is just somebody's opinion that is it."
"It's fine to not care about plot holes but people who do aren't wrong."
"People care too much about their player being seen as the best. It should just be about how good do you think he is."
"That's what's so beautiful about art... it's completely subjective."
"Horror is subjective. What makes you urinate out every orifice in terror is like a gentle itch to others."
"Just because you don't think they're beautiful does not mean that they are not beautiful."
"All that really matters is how you feel about them."
"We all have such different tastes in games that ultimately no matter what I say and how objective it may be, we just game differently."
"It's literally just a different art style, like it doesn't have to be better or worse."
"There's no such thing as something objectively looking better in terms of art style."
"Sometimes people need a good old kick up the backside."
"Art is subjective after all different qualities of different Works will resonate with different people"
"I've experienced this and yet because it's a subjective experience it's very hard to put into."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean that there isn't some social consequence from doing the wrong thing."
"I 100 have self-doubt, design is so subjective."
"Trend lines aren't definitive, they're subjective."
"The Rorschach test has attracted considerable criticism with many psychiatrists and psychologists dismissing it as anachronistic, overly subjective, and diagnostically useless."
"That's the beauty of movies right there. Some can hit you so hard you feel kind of offended when someone says they don't love them the same way."
"Music and comedy are very similar when it comes to the subjectivity of its enjoyment."
"A seven or eight out of 10 show that appeals to me is, in my opinion, more important than a perfectly crafted 10 out of 10 classic that doesn't."
"Trying to define exactly what it means to be good or whether evil is this or evil is that—it can be a subjective nightmare."
"It's very subjective what you like or dislike is totally up to you."
"Guard yourself from that. You've got to be able to separate fact from fiction by understanding what is objective and what is purely subjective."
"All film is subjective, man. Just because you hate something doesn't mean other people are going to hate it."
"There is no objective definition of virginity... the only person who can tell you if they are a virgin or not is that individual."
"So the Rolling Stone in all of their infinites rock wisdom compiled a list in 2015."
"We don't have to assign a false sense of importance to some art over others."
"There's no such thing as a wrong opinion. That's why they call it an opinion. It's yours."
"Trouble will find me is the best national album ever made and while that's not actually true you'll believe it when you're listening which makes it real in the moment if nothing else."
"Art is subjective and can express different things according to each individual."
"But which of them was the best painting? Well, that's for you to decide."