
Diagnosis Quotes

There are 1953 quotes

"That's what a good doctor does, that's what a good clinician does, is trying to figure out where that pathway starts, so we address that goal earlier on, so that pathway doesn't even get a chance to form."
"Because only through properly understanding the patient and what symptoms they're experiencing and why they're experiencing them, can you make the right diagnosis then come to the correct treatment."
"All attention deficit is not Attention Deficit Disorder, right?"
"There is no clinical diagnosis for overtraining; there are no standards, there's no test or a blood panel you can pull that would actually identify you in that state."
"Being diagnosed with something does not mean you will struggle with it for the rest of your life."
"You are the same person that you were before you were diagnosed... That diagnosis doesn't change that, but what comes with it is more understanding of who you are."
"You've got to diagnose it and face that reality before you treat it."
"Narcissistic personality disorder is a diagnosis, but it's pretty rare because these folks don't show up to be diagnosed anyhow."
"It's more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has."
"Western psychology is really good at diagnosing the content of the mind... but I think Eastern psychology has a better handle on the process of mind."
"ADHD is the most over-diagnosed and simultaneously the most under-diagnosed psychiatric illness."
"Please do not self-diagnose from this video...these are very serious personality disorders."
"These serious diagnoses bring life into sharp focus. Suddenly, people realize what really is important."
"You got to get the diagnosis right before you can prescribe the cure."
"Especially women are known for masking neurodivergence and so it is very possible that someone could go through childhood without being diagnosed."
"It's very appealing for people to want to put a label on something to say, 'Oh, this explains it. Now I understand. Now there's a reason why I am the way I am. This validates me.'"
"ADHD is both the most over-diagnosed and under-diagnosed illness."
"A lot of people with ADHD don't know they have ADHD."
"Narcissism is no longer an individual diagnosis. Narcissism is fast becoming the organizing principle of our society."
"Identifying the underlying cause is the first step in the approach to treating epilepsy."
"We are changing from 20th century medicine that asked what is the diagnosis but didn't look for the root cause to 21st century medicine that asks why."
"There is no shame in believing that you have DID and then finding out that either you were given the wrong diagnosis or more information has come to light."
"It won't be long until doctors are diagnosing people suffering from misinformation."
"Over-diagnosis can lead to unnecessary medications and therapy, while under-diagnosis can rob people of the understanding and support they desperately need."
"It's important to emphasize that it's not a condition to be self-diagnosed or self-managed."
"For some people, getting a diagnosis is liberating because it offers an explanation... now I understand why my life has been this way."
"If you can't remember your trauma, that's totally eligible for the same diagnosis because amnesia is part of the diagnosis."
"If you see a drop in their platelets, think about microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. The basic concept behind this is that you are actually having some type of like small clots."
"Doctors once won gold stars for making the diagnosis. But in functional medicine, the diagnosis is just a first step."
"With all of this information, including collateral information from family members, work colleagues, information of that sort, it is possible to come up with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder."
"Patients are thrilled, finally they've got an explanation."
"A stark rise in ADHD diagnoses seem to mysteriously coincide with millions of kids being locked inside."
"How can we know when normal childhood behaviors may be a manifestation of mental illness?"
"You're the first one that hasn't diagnosed me with a personality disorder."
"There is no split. This is an organic problem."
"The feel of the skin, how sweaty it is, what temperature it is, you just know something as simple as that you can just get so much clinical information."
"Those puppies will get all kind of puffed up and distended, and we call that jugular venous distension."
"If there is tissue destruction like infarction, these molecules will leak out of the cells."
"Self-diagnosis is essential to the process of actual medical diagnosis."
"I saw some traits, but not the full-blown disorder."
"You can't cure what you haven't correctly diagnosed."
"How to tell if someone is possessed by a demon and not mentally ill."
"In fact, the entire front part of Cynthia's brain has atrophied, or wasted away."
"Self-diagnosis is arguably more important and we should hope to encourage accurate and helpful self-diagnosis."
"I think it's worse to get diagnosed with something and not be able to get it treated than never getting diagnosed."
"So, that's the diagnosis: an improper aftermarket harmonic balancer."
"There is nothing that you're going to find on this list that is going to tell you that somebody is hands down a narcissist."
"You've got to have a differential diagnosis and knowledge is the greatest purifier."
"So, what I'm hearing from you then is there are lots of things adding up to say this child almost certainly is on the autistic spectrum."
"Most people infected with the bacteria develop bloody diarrhea vomiting and the infection is usually diagnosed by testing a stool sample."
"I guess your doctor gave you the wrong diagnosis."
"You do have a fatal diagnosis from a doctor, he just can't tell you if it's six months or 60 years."
"The physical exam is fundamental in medicine, both for diagnosis and for building a connection with patients."
"Now I'm the car D now we'll try to focus in on this stomach you see the stomach."
"If you see the number 12 then you have some degree of red-green color blindness."
"A ring that looks golden brown is called a Kaiser Fleischer ring."
"By starting treatment for the most likely diagnosis right away, while running tests to identify the specific problem, doctors have a better chance at stopping the disease before it gets really bad."
"Nine doctors couldn’t diagnose her, and she’d almost given up…that is, until she found medical surgeon, Dr. Quinton Gopen, from UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Medical Center."
"Protein in the urine is the best predictor of the future decline of your kidney function."
"Unexplained weight loss? It could be more than just a diet."
"I'm your 90s doctor dad and yeah, she's got brain cancer for sure. I got a hundred percent."
"The symptoms of inattention... might actually be a phenomenon related to the OCD."
"The principles in management... confirm the diagnosis... assess the severity... think about treatment."
"Alzheimer's is a diagnosis, not the cause. Functional medicine helps you figure out what that is."
"Symptoms typically point to some problem or condition that can be addressed through mental health treatment."
"It's like you're running your finger up in their mouth and you feel like a swollen gum and like aha, that's what it is, it all makes sense now."
"One of the ways that the doctor can determine whether you have a nerve that's being irritated or pinched in your neck area is by doing just a couple of real brief simple orthopedic tests."
"I think what happened is this capacitor was squished up against the drive chassis and was shorting against the chassis."
"Diagnosing autism is critical because it allows the individual to access resources to help them cope with this diagnosis."
"But the short answer is yes. You can have a number of mental health diagnoses and you can have personality disorders."
"It's a privilege to be able to get diagnosed."
"Make it your goal to be 100% correct because it's a very expensive and time-consuming misdiagnosis."
"These blood tests helped us identify low iron and anemia."
"Those are very typical behaviors for children with reactive attachment disorder."
"Gender dysphoria is an actual medical condition that is diagnosed by specialist doctors."
"Before we diagnose something as psychological, we should take a look and see if there's actually something causing it."
"I was recognizing all the symptoms here and here are two experts that are really finding the root causes."
"She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder, bipolar disorder..."
"Calling this phenomenon that is narcissism by its proper name becomes really important."
"48% of all the referrals to the Tavistock were either diagnosed with autism or had autistic traits."
"She's a very unwell person I don't know her exact diagnoses but I know she's been diagnosed with a plethora of things."
"Diagnoses can be very empowering. They can be scary at first, but they can also be very empowering because it allows you to have a name to what you're experiencing, to feel less alone."
"You can't write a prescription until you know what the problem is."
"This is the best way to diagnose something to find the culprit and then you can actually fix it."
"The diagnosis was syphilis so advanced it was eating away at his brain."
"Everything's diagnosable. Nothing's a personality trait."
"Understanding what's going on is the first step and one of the things that I say on stream pretty often is good diagnosis perceives good treatment."
"Borderline personality disorder is a basket diagnosis."
"It's time to unify all these diagnoses into a single one—a diagnosis of personality disorder."
"If somebody has depression for real, if they're diagnosed with depression, then whether or not it's a chemical imbalance or not is aside the point."
"E-noses can already smell lung cancer with a sensitivity of 95%."
"Hopefully, getting diagnosed changes your life for the better."
"Maybe he's got it or more likely maybe he figures people will forgive his sociopathic tendencies by attributing them to this particular diagnosis."
"Tease out the subtle signs of vertical deviation."
"Dr. Arram believed he had figured out what was wrong with them."
"People need to hear a proper diagnosis so that they can run for the proper cure."
"We never stop to consider that perhaps we are not so much diagnosing boys as we are diagnosing Boyhood."
"Schizophrenia, he had divided personalities."
"When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras."
"The history is the story that the doctor composes to help him diagnose and treat the patient."
"In rheumatology, we need the history and the physical exam of the system of complaint and other body systems."
"The easiest way that you have white smoke, bubbling coolant, and overheating is you have a leak in the head gasket between the cooling jacket and the cylinder."
"The best way to figure out if you have a hormone imbalance is to ask for a hormone panel."
"When I finally got the right diagnosis, I was like, 'Oh, it finally clicks. It makes sense to me.'"
"SIFO has to be diagnosed based on the clinical picture."
"Part of our job is diagnosing equipment and finding out why things failed."
"Personality comes first, diagnosis comes second."
"Essential tremor diagnosis is going to be a clinical diagnosis."
"The doctors started pushing meds and doing blood draws on this guy to see what was in the system."
"It takes a careful assessment to figure out what's what."
"I know much quicker how to diagnose them and how to figure out what's going on."
"Human psychology is very predictable; medical diagnosis is also just pattern recognition."
"The mission of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition is to ensure that children with Inattentive ADHD are diagnosed by the age of eight, and that adults with Inattentive ADHD receive prompt and accurate diagnosis when seeking help."
"Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies in males and is being diagnosed more than ever before."
"I found out I have this thing called dyslexia."
"Good luck to anybody who's in search of trying to find a diagnosis. You will find it, just keep searching."
"Bipolar disorder type 1 is characterized by episodes of mania alternating with episodes of depression."
"By keeping the diagnosis rooted in objectively observed behaviors, the DSM has made it so that ASPD is a reliable disorder."
"Early diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are critical to improving quality of life and preventing irreversible damage."
"The history to a neurologist is the most important thing."
"I would put all this information—family history, symptoms—all of this and say, probably we should try to give thyroid hormone and see if it's going to be better."
"We obviously have some major problems with the variable valve timing on this engine."
"Diagnosing social anxiety disorder can have positive effects by providing a pathway for treatment as CBT for social anxiety disorder is very effective and produces long-lasting results."
"What did they show? Hypoxia, no inflammation. They showed lack of oxygenation."
"Diffusion imaging... shows us a healthy spinal cord."
"A correct diagnosis is three-fourths the remedy."
"An objective clinical lesion is what's discovered by the examiner."
"Visual evoked potentials look for signs of optic nerve injury."
"MRI is very important in the diagnostic criteria but you have to be able to interpret it."
"She definitely needs to be evaluated to see if she has OCD because from my own experience with other family members who do have OCD, this definitely fits the bill."
"When a patient has right upper quadrant abdominal pain, jaundice, and features of infection... these are very suggestive of ascending cholangitis."
"The pads have a ton of life left, so there's a good chance the caliper is stuck."
"If you're having shoulder pain and you've been given a diagnosis that you're trying to understand, you've come to the right place."
"Pain at night is going to be more commonly rotator cuff problems."
"Cause of the ailment is known, it is possible to extinguish it."
"recently I was actually diagnosed with thyroid cancer it's called papillary thyroid cancer back in August I went in for my physical and I had an ultrasound on my thyroid since I've been suffering from the autoimmune disease called hypothyroidism"
"Undiagnosed autism in adults is a lot more common than most people think."
"No, I've definitely been diagnosed with PTSD."
"You are not the calories you consume, you are not your diagnosis."
"Brian's hair loss progression and presentation suggest that he's probably facing androgenic alopecia, also known as pattern hair loss."
"Diagnosed with a personality disorder amounting to psychopathy."
"We all have ADD together, but we don't know that because we haven't taken the official test."
"What's important is not necessarily a diagnosis, though that may be important for you."
"Most back pain cases are mechanical, meaning something moves out of place."
"20th century medicine was about what is the diagnosis. 21st century medicine is about why."
"I want to try and wrap my head around what I consider the curse of a late diagnosis of autism."
"How do therapists diagnose? It's based on three pieces of information: What someone tells us, what we see, and other forms of objective information."
"So my reaction to the diagnosis was, I was actually kind of excited about it because if I did actually have ADHD, then it was something that I could maybe manage."
"80% of autistic women are undiagnosed by the time they reach their 18th birthday."
"Always investigate, don't rush when you do diagnosis."
"The biggest problem in ADHD is misdiagnosis."
"No one knows exactly what's wrong with him."
"There still is a short to ground somewhere in the motorcycle that I have to diagnose."
"I always knew I was different. I knew I had a problem. I found this answer on my own and when someone was able to corroborate this and say, yes, this is what you have, it was, you know, a huge weight off my shoulders."
"If you have back pain, you need a proper assessment and diagnosis."
"I had shingles, like 100% had shingles."
"All of our diagnoses are always hypotheses that can be revised based on getting more data."
"Be clear on what the underlying issue is for your skin."
"I recently was diagnosed as someone who has autism spectrum disorder."
"To be actually diagnosed with autism is a very real thing."
"A hell of a lot of autistic people are undiagnosed and kind of the older you are the more likely people in your generation are to have not been diagnosed."
"You find your hope in something that doesn't change, in a diagnosis that never changes."
"Their behaviors are on that scale of narcissistic personality disorder."
"If we don't talk about it, what I worry about is that... clinicians who are only using the DSM... have no idea that they could be sitting across from somebody in their office who is high masking with these qualities."
"Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder... a diagnosis comes through a thorough physical examination ruling out any other etiologies."
"The problem with this board is a tiny teensy itsy bitsy Teensy tiny little capacitor."
"Do you have signs or symptoms with mast cells misbehaving in at least two or more organ systems do you get better with medications that target the mast cells or Masel mediators and classically again we use histamine blockers as an example."
"Prior to 1980, if you saw fatty liver under the microscope, that patient was an alcoholic. But today, 25% of children in the United States have fatty liver, and they don't drink alcohol."
"So, if someone says to me, 'How do I determine if I can't get a tubular bone score what that bone quality is?'... there's things that give me clues."
"Is there some kind of test, doc? Possibly a blood serum test."
"It's got a really loud tapping noise."
"Wires one and two are crossed, and wires three and six are crossed. So that straight away shows what you've done wrong, which is really, really useful."
"I think the biggest part of his message was self-awareness... as an image consultant... his job was to diagnose people's problems."
"A decrease in libido or difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection are telltale signs of erectile dysfunction."
"You've lived with undiagnosed ADHD, which basically has made you resentful of yourself."
"That blood work, you know, ultimately saved my life."
"Colonoscopies are one of the most effective ways to find colon cancer."
"I knew it wasn't my period and I knew it wasn't childbirth, but I still wasn't yet, like, it really wasn't until they told me, like you have cancer."
"The way to treat this is going to be surgical removal of the gallbladder."
"In this triad of fever, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and jaundice, is known as Charcot's triad."
"...it's turning, oh, it's turning. Alright, please be super dirty, please be super dirty. Please don't be totally clean with no issue whatsoever."
"This car I must say, but yeah that feels a lot better and a dead giveaway for me at least for the cats being clogged was how different this car sounded right when we first started it up."
"The CT angiogram gives us additional information because it shows us both the calcified and the non-calcified plaque."
"Nicocado Avocado, you are officially bipolar."
"Breath testing is the most common way of diagnosing SIBO, based on the idea that excess bacteria can ferment sugars and produce unique gases."
"We see people who are really obviously low thyroid and then we see people who are kind of that their thyroid numbers might be normal but they have symptoms of low thyroid."
"They feel cold all the time, they're constipated, they feel low energy, maybe they've lost hair, the outer part of their eyebrow."
"ADHD is a clinical diagnosis; there are no brain scans or psychological tests that will make this diagnosis in the absence of a comprehensive clinical interview."
"The bottom line is that dry eye is a very common problem and we need to better understand the pathogenesis and diagnosis and improve future treatments."
"Yes, there's about 10 or 20 depending on how you define it, lose your diagnosis as they grow up, and it happens even in childhood, like you know before reaching 18. So yes, I definitely believe that that would be the case in adulthood."
"With all of that being said, this is also called bulky disease."
"One of the things that breaks my heart is when someone comes into our office and they've done two three four five thousand dollars worth of lab work and they don't feel that they've gotten much better for it"
"It's amazing what shows up on the feet as imbalance."
"Fever, weight loss, fatigue, and changing murmurs are common clinical features of infective endocarditis."
"tyler said it's highly unlikely it's going to be the gearbox because it's 66 000."
"Anxiety disorders are disorders of anxiety that are diagnosed by a constant and overwhelming anxiety and fear."
"I got my official diagnosis at the age of 23."
"The true diagnosis arises when we know what it is that's causing the clinical picture."
"In these patients, just by looking for clots using a D-dimer, I have found them and have treated them, and these patients are hopefully on their way to recovery. Time will tell."
"I seen that from the moment when I seen the laptop on but it's not taking current, you know how shady does the chipset."