
Patient Empowerment Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"My life mission is to help fix the gut health of as many people as I can."
"I think we need more empowerment of patients."
"What would constitute a successful doctor-patient interaction to the doctor? We reverse your diseases, you over time move into a state of health that feels incredible and powerful."
"I think that patients should be empowered and I think they should be empowered with knowledge."
"We're not here to shame anybody, we're just saying are you interested in creating meaningful change along with patients? Yes? Okay, then let's work together."
"Patient empowerment is taking advocacy and care into their own hands."
"Patients to have sort of ownership and autonomy over their health."
"It's time to change the conversation towards how you truly empower patients."
"I think patients could do something because if people realize that they're being harmed..."
"I challenge you to get to know your condition better than your care providers know your condition."
"We're putting American patients back in charge and we're putting them first."
"So I wrote this book because I really feel like if patients have this information and they know that that's what the goal is and that's how people can die, then they won't be so afraid of the process."
"Most important thing you can do as a patient has become educated."
"Trust your doctor. If you don't trust your doctor, find a doctor you do trust."
"Anything that a patient is willing to do...exercise is also an important tool for psychiatric help."
"No doctor knows your injury like you do, no doctor knows your past like you do, no psychiatrist psychologist know what you tell them."
"Giving patients control is a huge motivator and a huge stress reduction piece."
"You can get more advanced lipid testing without your doctor."
"We all deserve access to our own health information."
"The goal is to empower you so that you have more information, higher quality conversations with your doctor and you can make better educated choices."
"Empowered patient is the future of healthcare."
"An informed patient is a patient in a stronger position."
"Our whole goal is to put Health Care back in the hands of the patient so they have a sense of what's going on and see everything in one place."
"Every major progression we've had in this space has come from patients standing up and telling their story."
"Helping people to have as much knowledge about their illness about the way that it's treated gives them power and it gives them a voice and that is particularly important with people of color who go to Providers and so often concerns are dismissed."
"The concept of harm reduction puts the patient in the middle, empowering them to make decisions about their own care."
"I want you to know what questions to ask, that you don't have to fall victim to uninformed providers, especially in this realm of psychedelic medicine."
"Empowering patients like David to be more engaged in their recovery helps hospitals catch complications like infections earlier and prevent costly visits back to the hospital."
"The future of healthcare won't just be about what your doctor or your nurse can do for you but it will be about what can I do as a patient to manage my own health."
"I'm interested in empowering patients, taking back control of their health, and doing those deep dives to figure out what the patient in front of us needs."
"The system is broken and without transparency on these doctors, we as patients can only do so much research."
"The more that individuals begin demanding access to their own health information, the more we're gonna shift the system."
"Patients should have access to information to make informed decisions."
"Physicians and drugs don't heal patients, patients heal themselves."
"A key part of the strategy is how we empower the patients."
"Knowing what your options are and participating in the development of your treatment plan is really really important."
"Shared decision making is an emergent concept in oncology care that, I believe, is an important one."
"Don't be afraid to communicate with your health team; they need to know about the challenges you have so they can help you to overcome them."
"I fell in love with educating and preventing illness and really like empowering the patient."
"The mission of our website is real simple: we want to educate and empower patients just like you."
"Enhancing a patient's sense of control can positively impact their psychological well-being."
"As a physician, I educate my patients every day to be their own best advocate."
"I strive to promote and empower my patients whenever the opportunity arises."
"As a physician, I intend to dedicate my life to empowering my patients in their medical autonomy."
"It is an absolute joy and pleasure to be here today to discuss with you what a patient along with her physician can do and steps that she can take to help ensure a very optimal prenatal care both prior to and during her pregnancy."
"Patients' control of their own data is another big thing."
"Using your own body to heal is becoming popular, not only by patients but by doctors too."
"Promote self-efficacy in your patients to actually take charge."
"I'm very passionate about educating my patients because you can really help solve your issues without having to pay to come to the doctor too."
"Give everyone a machine capable of automatic adjusting high and low pressure and let the doc or the patient turn on whatever features they want."
"Patients can actually just log in using any app that they want and grab their information and do new and interesting things with it."
"As patients get more access to their own information, they're going to take greater responsibility for possession of it."
"This is where the informed patient and patient decision making and advising and shared decision making is critically important."
"But I think, as patients, they should not shy away from asking these questions and holding us to a higher standard."
"People who question their doctor tend to have better long-term health outcomes."
"It's an unpredictable disease which makes treating it and giving power back to the patient so rewarding."
"Seeing patients' lives change and giving the power back to patients is awesome."
"Patients are often times viewed as vulnerable, weak, needing, disabled — all the things that patients should not be viewed as because we need engaged patients in our healthcare system."
"Remember with healthcare, you are your biggest advocate and you know your body the best."
"We are going to fix healthcare in a way that the patient is now in control."