
Water Quotes

There are 2307 quotes

"The sixth man coming off the bench for the macronutrients is fiber, but that fifth player that doesn't get a lot of attention is water."
"Water is a privilege...most people, they don't have that."
"Mars has evidence of being warmer in the past and of having stable liquid surface water for potentially hundreds of thousands of years."
"It's a sad reflection of our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product."
"Researchers confirm water exists in tiny glass beads scattered on the moon's surface, a groundbreaking find."
"We are made up of mostly water... this can actually work hand-in-hand."
"Water actually does change its vibration based on what you give to it."
"Every life form we know on Earth requires liquid water, and it actually requires not only liquid water, but liquid water that's the right liquid water, not too acidic, not too much dissolved in it."
"Everyone should have enough clean, safe water to meet their fundamental daily needs."
"Goldman Sachs in 2018 said that water will be the new petroleum."
"Illnesses associated with water cause almost 3 million deaths annually."
"The science does not say that every living thing was created from water."
"The conditions of the water beneath the surface of Enceladus are ideal for life."
"Water doesn't offer anything good or bad that the other drinks do, besides just water, the most important nutrient."
"Through water, we are connected to everyone and everything that has ever lived or ever will live on Earth."
"Every place on Earth where we find liquid water, we find life."
"These are your five basic shapes that will appear in water when you vibrate it at different sound frequencies."
"Everything from the tallest, largest elephant to the smallest, teeniest microbe needs water."
"These bodies of water are a big reason why we have a planet so full of nature in the first place."
"The whole place is surrounded by water, which affects people's moods positively."
"Their main theory is that the water has the entity's consciousness in it, as well as the other people who have consumed the water's consciousness."
"The greatest power in the world is water, the oceans, the rivers; they will remove mountains but they do it with a softness from the lowest point possible."
"The reversing waterfall... the flow of water appears to defy the rules of physics by moving upwards against gravity's pull."
"Water is alive. Water holds memory, water holds spirits."
"If you were to remove all water from Earth's hydrosphere, things would go very badly, namely, we would all die."
"Scientists were able to confirm that water didn’t just cover this area once, but it was in fact episodic in nature."
"The water is now even cleaner than that in normal taps and is ready for the next shower again and again."
"Water is very important and it actually keeps you alive... you can take a Jacuzzi in it, you can shower with it, you can spray water guns. I don't know what people do with water, but there's just so many uses of water."
"There are 600 million people across the world who still don't have access to clean, fresh drinking water."
"Being able to go over there and see how much it affects his community... the people who were going out and fetching fresh clean drinking water now have time to get a job to support their family."
"I got to see the well I funded myself. I put in twelve thousand dollars with my own money to see my own well."
"The presence of water on Mars is a testament to the planet's potential for hosting life and the vast unknowns that still await us in the exploration of our solar system."
"Water: The second rule of surviving is water."
"But the mystery of missing water need not haunt comet scientists if they will question their theoretical assumption that water is necessary to create cometary displays."
"Earth is the only planet we know of so far to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface covering more than 70 percent of the planet."
"You can live longer without food than you can without water."
"Liquid waters the source of life, that's how life on Earth begun."
"Isn't it amazing how versatile water can be?"
"Everyone still needs water every day in some form to live."
"In a survival situation, your priority is water."
"Water could give a woman dignity, could make someone feel beautiful, you know, at the most human level."
"Water is the great connector of all life in the universe."
"For most scientists, the key feature of Earth is the presence of liquid water on its surface."
"Most modern video game water looks pretty damn juicy."
"If we've learned anything about life on Earth, it's that where you find liquid water, you generally find life."
"There's so much proof there was water there, so clearly there was life, it was totally a planet."
"Where there's liquid water, there's life. Water is lifeblood, right?"
"Water's role in hydration is crucial, ensuring blood viscosity remains optimal for smooth circulation."
"Water holds spirits and energy, family. Water contains different energy molecules, and your spirit is an energy."
"Water is a human right, stop stealing it from communities around the world."
"Water is a renewable resource. As long as you manage the area, water will flow in perpetuity." - Nelson Switzer
"Realistic Waters 2 massively upgrades the visual quality of water."
"Water is the basis of all life as we know it."
"Water should have a market value... personally, I believe it's better to give a foodstuff a value so that we're all aware that it has its price."
"Water is fundamental to health, hygiene, and nutrition."
"Running water wasn't frozen in time; it's called Laminar Flow."
"We must radically shift the way people value water."
"If I was a space-faring civilization visiting other planets, I would look for water. Sweet, let's go park our craft there."
"Crater Lake: some of the bluest water on the planet."
"Water is life. Water is an amazing substance."
"Water: don't pay five dollars for a bottle, free water stations are available."
"Water makes all the difference in the world."
"Scientists worldwide are striving... the secrets of water."
"Water is Mankind's most precious good... Life as we know it would be inconceivable."
"There's just something about being around water."
"Water can grant life but it can also be a dangerous force."
"Water, when consumed, is nothing short of a miracle worker."
"Unidentified flying objects emerging from or descending into the water."
"The best thing in the world you can drink is spring water."
"Water is good for you. If you don't drink water, you're gonna die."
"Makes any water look amazing, just beautiful."
"Water has continued to evolve and improve with time."
"That's not dodging. Okay, dodge roll, great! Dodge roll, great! So he doesn't attack when you're in water. Oh, wait a second."
"The possibility of liquid water anywhere in the solar system is the stuff that geek dreams are made of."
"You might have heard how whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting."
"Water is a portal. We're born through water and we're born again through water baptism, the narrow gate."
"Water is the elixir of life, it's the energy that flows throughout our planet."
"Water is best for keeping you healthy and hydrated."
"In this verse water is pointed out as the origin of all life. All living things are made of cells."
"Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water... over the earth."
"Your health starts from the discipline to take clean water."
"Water not only does water have zero calories but it can help reduce hunger and assist with weight loss."
"Evidence of water currents... long-lasting lakes... potential to support microbial life."
"Aquarium Park is an actual good water level."
"The universe is so built for life, every solar system has habitats and an energy source and they now know that water is all across the universe." - Linda Moulton Howe
"Water is literally liquid life. This underground water supply rests 400 miles beneath our feet."
"Without surface water, there would have been no life."
"So now it's okay, you buy your bottled water, but before you drink your bottled water, you need to boil."
"As long as I have water, I'm good for days without food. Yeah, you can survive a lot longer without food than water. You need water."
"Oh my God, look at my face through the water, dude! It's refraction of refraction!"
"Being near the water is amazing for me and I'm sure it will be amazing for you guys to see me there."
"It’s no accident that one of the most widely reported childhood fears is of a shark lurking in the deep end of a swimming pool."
"The importance of liquid water for life as we know it cannot be understated and all that comes with it."
"We live on land that honestly, in my fencing I did this past week, if we dig two foot deep in the ground, the hole fills up with water."
"Water should be looked at as a human right and not a commodity."
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water."
"Long life comes from drinking distilled water."
"Clean drinking water is a basic human right and everybody deserves it."
"The thermal capacity of water is much greater than that of air."
"You don't have to be perfect. Make mistakes, but finish the game."
"The water is a conductor of energy, drink a big glass of water."
"Water is so nice. Water doesn't call me an idiot."
"Water is the source of life. Help us to provide our brothers and sisters with this basic necessity."
"Having clean drinking water, no matter where we are in the world, that's pretty spectacular."
"The ability to have really safe, clean drinking water, no matter where we are in the world, that's pretty spectacular."
"Let's not complain too much. It's clean, pure clean water."
"Nothing in the world is softer and more yielding than water, yet it wears down the hard and strong, and none can overcome it." - Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu
"Our planet is covered in water. This water is what gives life to every living creature on it. Without it, nothing here would live. It is a source of extreme beauty where many colorful and interesting things live."
"Imagine what it feels to be moving with the water on the boat."
"Water, a terrifying force filling all available space with its soulless blue mass."
"Right now, the United States uses approximately 148 trillion gallons of fresh water a year."
"Let water connect us and not divide us like we can share it but it requires true conversations about equity."
"There is nothing that gives me a better feeling than a jump in the water."
"I realized one thing about myself that is very important for me to live by the water."
"Water takes away a lot of negative energy."
"When you're stressed, just jump in the shower, have a cold bath; it has such an impact on feelings and everything."
"The connection with water, such a tranquil space to sit and enjoy time."
"Your fingers actually get pruny after you spend too much time in the water."
"He managed to build a good system that ensured every home had access to clean water for free."
"You just don't make the flowers traditionally, you actually have to sprinkle water at the end also to complete it."
"It might surprise you to learn that there are more than 18,000 desalination plants operating across the globe."
"Of course, desalination is a viable solution in many situations, especially in places with large populations and severe water scarcity."
"'Water you can only live three days without water. You need a gallon of water per person per day.'"
"Of all the planets we know, ours is unique, the only one with water."
"If comets brought all of Earth's water, then the water we drink, wash, and swim in is older than the planet itself."
"It's really exciting to have come up with a new solution to one of the most fascinating and important questions that humans face: why do we have any water?"
"Where there's water, there's life."
"Look at that water, just gorgeous."
"Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has this thick icy shell and underneath that is an ocean of liquid water."
"If you let go and relax and allow and do nothing, you'll understand water."
"It's amazing to see Sierra be so comfortable in the water. It's so special, and she's just like blossoming."
"We absolutely love our Berkey water filter system."
"When you start to see any kind of life, insect life, wildlife, plant life, it usually indicates there's got to be water somewhere."
"Even though the data acquired by spectral analysis of TOI-700d can't be enough for making conclusions, there is a chance that there is liquid water on the planet's surface."
"The free and liberal use of water in terms of supporting your immune system."
"This water is the source of all life."
"Water is a fact of life down here."
"Look how clear this water is, there's tons of life."
"The Continental Divide is basically what decides whether the rain that falls runs to the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean."
"I just reunited with my spirit, it came back into my body, and I burst up out of the water."
"Water is very elegant; there's something so pure and beautiful about water when water runs free, it's always elegant."
"You may have been told you must drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. That is a lie."
"These Hull Windows... they really do deliver lovely views out over the water."
"New York is known for having soft water which helps the gluten develop in the pizza."
"I think it's the water, the New York water."
"Water is the key to Las Vegas all the way back to the beginning of time."
"It's the biggest thing that's ever been done with water since Noah made the flood look foolish."
"It's remarkable how something as ordinary as water flow can cause such immense damage."
"Being on the water reduces stress and acts as the best medicine for your nervous system."
"Water. You can live only 3 days without water."
"Water bring oxygen to your brain, bro, makes you have better dreams and everything."
"There's something about walking and connecting your home to water, particularly when we're so close to it, it's very tranquil, very relaxing."
"Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."
"We have seen so many water rescues out today with fan boats and rafts."
"Once you're underwater, do you feel like all of those anxieties that plague you drop away?"
"There's no way to be out on the water and not be somewhat relaxed, which is amazing."
"The water has run dry, you're not getting this for free anymore. Period."
"Water is always in flow and the life cycle of water is the life cycle of the soul."
"Water is closely connected with the other world, with the idea that a body of water can be a portal to spirits, information, and also a connection to the other world itself."
"If you follow the one gallon of water per person per day rule, that's enough for one person for around three weeks."
"Water can freeze and boil at the same time; this is called the triple point."
"Water represents emotions and love and connecting and intuition."
"As long as we have this water, we have some hope."
"Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink."
"Without water, the human body will pretty quickly collapse and die after just a few days."
"There's just something special about real fresh water."
"Snow is way less dense than water, and that's interesting."
"This is the difference, and the final thing that we want to create is a little reflection of our water."
"Ember is fire. She's not something on fire. Wade is water. He's not something wet."
"Water comes up as a symbol for Kendall in the show"
"It's beautiful. I can't believe how clear the water is and how blue."
"Scale matters; the underlying physics works in the same way but the motions of the electrons are slowed down with more water."
"There's a little switch right here that when you undo this switch, all of the water will come out on the ground."
"That unique DNA strand that you have, which is 99.99 identical to mine, but that slight difference in the way that the water lines up on yours creates a different antenna crystal structure of the water in your cells."
"So, I'm intrigued by the possibility that your self-identity is this amazing dynamic between the physics of the grid and through electromagnetic field transit of your body and this water expression on earth."
"We are done if you want to help in a Spartan Victory bring them water."
"The swamp water stops things from decaying."
"All manner of glowing things in the water."
"97% of Earth's water lies in the oceans so if we just remove the salt problems solved, right?"
"As the water pours away, the wreck of the Robert E Lee is revealed in extraordinary detail."
"You can feel the heat that's coming off of the water that is coming out of the spring."
"The trick is filling it with water then it becomes a large magnifying lens."
"Once your hair hits water, it just softens and kind of like melts out of your hair."
"Nothing tastes better than drinking sink water straight from the spout at 4am."
"Water and access to water is a basic human right."
"The Pure bag is a simple, low-cost, all-inclusive, and easy-to-use system designed for capturing, treating, and storing water."
"Water seeks its own level. You can force it higher or force it lower, and then it'll immediately go back to whatever level it can function in."
"The water that runs to this ancient city is Crystal Clear. It's cool, it's so fresh, and that's because it comes from a glacier which you can hike to."
"We're just going to get water, a silly argument."
"I think a lot of people assume that they can only soak up the sun's rays while on land, which is not true."
"Water, water, water, you gotta drink your water."
"The one thing that most people also struggle with daily and that you can actually change right now is to stay hydrated. So number two: drink plenty of water, especially if it's hot outside or if you are more physically active."
"There's something about being in the water that is so like cleansing."
"Water is a real asset. But in conditions where you don't have it, you can still grow things."
"Spring water is kind of this naturally ripe water the Earth has filtered and seasoned with minerals."
"The defining property of water is that it likes to combine with stuff; it's clingy."
"Water compartmentalizes itself inside the body."
"The best tasting water in New York State comes from South Huntington."
"Water is always trying to get back into flow."
"Much, if not all tap water, believe it or not, much if not all tap water contains things that are bad for the biology of our cells."