
Deployment Quotes

There are 816 quotes

"If you're joining the Armed Forces and you don't expect to be deployed, you may be having to have a couple of questions with your decisions."
"Look at how many stinking satellites this thing is deploying tonight."
"Kubernetes can deploy 100 Docker containers with one command!"
"Matthew's career saw him deployed for short periods of time."
"Machine learning provides support for code generation for deployment to embedded systems."
"The impetus behind it and the approach that it takes to deploying payloads aren't really that crazy at all."
"There goes that fairing and there you can see all 64 of those satellites."
"Congrats SpaceX into all of the 113 payloads on board pretty amazing they're still being deployed."
"The decision on how the god engines will be deployed and which role each will fulfill is a very important decision."
"The USNS Mercy will be deployed to Los Angeles to add emergency surge medical capacity."
"That is a successful deployment of the Dragon spacecraft."
"Payload deployment is successful for espace."
"Another successful deployment. Deployment, that's what we like to hear."
"Most of the soldiers don't know why they're there, they're being stuck sleeping on the Capitol."
"What the US military has that no other country can compare with is the ability to deploy its troops to any corner of the world very fast."
"Finally got the model deployed. I think it worked!"
"At this point, you have a number of options for actually deploying it to somewhere like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or your own hosting."
"Thorium is a lot less exciting. Can they be deployed in India?"
"Ballistae were deployed across Europe to help capture and defend new territories."
"It's not just running this locally, you can also deploy this into Azure."
"Christian in power knows this is a useful human modality that can yield strategic intelligence value therefore we're going to deploy it."
"That Master of Ambush redeployment trade that almost allows you to put a unit right up in the enemy's face and have them hitting them hard turn one."
"Anywhere that can run a container image, boom, you're ready to go."
"Deployment is a Kubernetes object that creates the replica set internally."
"In my tenure, I've deployed multiple times to Afghanistan, Iraq, a few months in Syria, several African countries."
"The easiest way to deploy a software package is definitely through the marketplace."
"A deployment is a collection of resources that are deployed and managed together using a configuration."
"Using a version control system as part of the development process for your deployments is a great best practice to follow."
"Successfully pulled image, created Container Engine X and started container Ingenix."
"That's how you could very easily connect different deployments together."
"Google Cloud Run is very nice because you can develop and deploy containerized applications in few seconds."
"I'm going to deploy Kubernetes using my open-source Pi cluster project."
"on the 15th of February 1945 an armada of over 600 warships and transports depart the Marianas Islands carrying three divisions of 70,000 Marines on route to Iwo Jima"
"You deploy a new product in the internet and it can be in the hands of billions of people in days."
"That deployment was probably the most fun I've ever had, and earlier, yeah. I mean, it's just that was the correlation of like the years of training and blood sweat tears."
"Starlink's ease of use and deployment has made it an indispensable tool."
"Once you actually deploy this, you learn so much."
"I was gonna get out after that deployment... but this deployment was just every day, dude, was like a gunfight."
"What's the point in having a machine learning model if you can't actually use it and deploy it?"
"China currently operates around 700 type 99As and 600 type 99s."
"...it could be built in the thousands it could be shipped in the thousands and it could be deployed in the thousands crewed by pretty much anyone and maintained by pretty much anyone with just a little bit of training."
"Docker solves the problems of consistent, portable, and efficient application deployment."
"Blue-green deployment minimizes downtime and allows you to roll back if any issues arise."
"Let's deploy this thing and then we're good to go."
"...it is certain that the enemy has deployed very considerable forces..."
"Deployment completed successfully."
"So, let's deploy some more apps and spread this workload around."
"...life on this floating city is not all work and no play. The USS Nimitz has a movie theater, a gym, and even a basketball court to help the crew relax and stay in shape during long deployments."
"The hybrid cloud deployment model offers the most flexibility in terms of control by combining the features of the public and private cloud models."
"We're talking about ZK sync era. The mainnet is live as of right now."
"Coming from his own personal experience, that was his idea to deploy along the water's edge."
"In the follow-up video, I'll walk through deploying this sample app to App Engine, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Run in both Python and Node.js."
"Now that a managed instance group is ready, let's verify that virtual machines have been created."
"Google Kubernetes Engine enables rapid application development and iteration by making it easy to deploy, update, and manage your applications and services."
"All you do is you deploy your function or your code to google cloud function and google will take care of provisioning the underlying infrastructure."
"Continuous delivery, in his words, is ensuring you are able to release but not actually deploying those changes to production. After pushing, you still decide whether to deploy them to production environments."
"Having separate compilers for development and deployment will give you a fast dev cycle and make sure your production app runs as fast as possible."
"Being able to deploy the code that runs everywhere without worrying about picking locations yourself and always being a couple of milliseconds away from your users, like what's not to like?"
"...Microsoft offers both general purpose and business critical service levels with the managed instance deployment option..."
"Docker allows developers to deploy containerized applications."
"Docker is a tool that allows you to deploy applications without worrying about the underlying operating system."
"Everything about them right like because you're just sitting there nothing to do and you know about like what they're gonna do when they go home after the deployment and family and oh God everything everything."
"Coinbase uses step functions for deployment orchestration to process and deploy dozens of serverless applications at once."
"It's actually pretty impressive how fast we can get this deployed out."
"Our app is complete so now it's time to deploy the Beth stack."
"Running SAM locally is a very useful tool, especially for testing your application before deploying."
"SAM Deploy guided mode asks basic questions about the application."
"Always confirm changes before you deploy to avoid unexpected outcomes."
"With few lines of code, I was able to deploy a complete ECS Fargate application with load balancer and it was actually working properly after deployment."
"With twenty-six bomb groups stationed in England, an overwhelming twenty-three were being deployed to Bremen."
"If your servers go down, and you can press a button, go grab a coffee, come back, and 20 minutes later, your infrastructure is just redeployed as if it was never gone. It's a very nice tool to have."
"Deployment is done, click on go to resources and click on containers."
"This might give you some confidence. My application is working locally. Now it's time to deploy it on AWS."
"If you want to scale up your applications to more number of users, you can very well set up a new instance and run another one to invite more users to your application."
"...as you've seen in the more likely use case for these devices being deployed in these services being deployed is going to be where you have a series of clients that are scattered around in different locations."
"The first wave would drop us off and then they had to go out and pick up the next wave."
"You don't have to worry about all those inner workings exporting the solution unpacking it all those mechanics it's just I want to deploy my solution wait a minute interface on top of devops now that is cool."
"Model engineering is the core of ML workflow, involving training, evaluating, and deploying models."
"Edge Computing was correct for deploying servers and storage to all of your company's facilities so that scientific equipment can forward data at the right speed."
"The benefits of using the service add-on: It's easy to start deploying with less code."
"We are at the most cutting-edge stage of seeing SMR deployment today than any time in history."
"Using Microsoft InTune you can deploy application policies security policies configuration policies and conditional access policies."
"Jenkins is an open-source automation server used for continuous integration and continuous deployment."
"So the real goal here is is we want to teach our model something based on a lot of training data but then we don't want it to do well in the training data we want it to do well when we deploy it into the real world and it's seeing things that it has never seen during training."
"Independently deployable is the defining characteristic of microservices."
"The deployment went ahead perfectly well. The whole bundle or the war file that was built as a part of this Jenkins job gets transferred onto the other server and gets deployed. That's the beauty of Jenkins and automatic deployments."
"By automating environment-specific configurations with terraform, you can ensure consistency and reliability across deployments."
"This is not just a question of some technology knowledge it's just a question of hey how do we make sure that this stuff gets deployed so that really the benefits of this are protected."
"The whole point of this is I want to kind of create this JSON configuration file that deploys whatever this resource or this application spec is."
"Definitely go to the repo, not only will you find the code, but you'll also find links to all of the code Labs guiding you through all of these deployments."
"Google Cloud Platform is one of the primary options for cloud-based deployment of machine learning models."
"Hopefully this gave you some insight into how to start deploying your FastAPI API over to AWS Lambda."
"So now that we have done that, let's deploy this container on Kubernetes, right?"
"Let's promote it into production with a single command line inside the pull request."
"What we will do in a nutshell is we will create the project, push the code to the source repo, build the container images, push them to the container registry, and deploy it to Cloud Run."
"If only there was a way you could represent infrastructure as code and then automatically deploy it via maybe an Azure DevOps pipeline or something like that. That would be a utopia to me. Only such a thing does exist."
"The deployment led to one of my best experiences in the military."
"If we wanted to use this in a script of some sort, we could actually go back in the policies and set this up so even your ARM templates would be able to extract the secrets that you have in Key Vault and use them dynamically as it's deploying new resources."
"Deployment is about putting the needs of the team above the needs of the individual."
"...you allow Cloud providers like lenode, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., to handle that deployment and orchestration for you."
"They just whatever you're like the grunt of the team you know yeah um so for me I didn't get my chance to go to sniper school before that so I went right after I got back from my first deployment so went to sniper school and then I did two deployments after that as a sniper."
"What about Stacy? She wants to go stay with my mom till my deployment ends."
"And then, you know, their next deployment is somewhere like the Arghandab and it's just dull and full of dread and horrible."
"Fast track for Microsoft 365 helps organizations and their partners accelerate deployment and gain end user adoption at no additional cost."
"They reacted by uninstalling the new code from the servers it was deployed to correctly. In other words, they removed the working code and left the broken code."
"With that we've managed to turn the deployment of our app into infrastructure's code using terraform."
"We had all of our men and massive firepower had been deployed."
"The ability to kind of deploy apps and then have them be used... that I think is insanely powerful."
"Let's go ahead and set up our africore core Troopers along this little desert road."
"That would be your zone three...when you deploy the type 2 A's muscle."
"With GitLab CI/CD, you can automatically build, test, and deploy your software project using GitLab pipelines."
"We've got an application that's observable and manageable in production."
"Once you feel ease and comfort in deploying the applications, then you have no fear in deploying lots of them."
"We deploy at the end of every sprint."
"...and then you can use base path mapping to build out to a V1, a V2, a prod, a beta, however you want it to do."
"Creating Go code, bundling it up, and deploying it to AWS, that's one of the best things you can add to your resume right now in my humble opinion."
"When we're ready to move this to production, we have a single deployable jar which is fantastic."
"What are the key takeaways? We discussed about what is CloudFormation, the components of CloudFormation, and then we discussed about how CloudFormation actually works, the procedures involved in using CloudFormation and deploying the environment."
"Blue/green deployments for less downtime."
"Kubernetes is playing a very important role in the deployments nowadays."
"If you want to learn more, then make sure you check out the webinar that I'm doing with Microsoft on May 9th where we'll be talking about automatic deployments and going through some more advanced topics related to GitHub actions."
"With that in place we're now ready to potentially run this so we already have um our two containers there really but let's go ahead now and just run compose up and that will pick up our new service of course."
"Parallel deployment is one of the very great features which micro services brought."
"Now this Acorn file will specify our entire application and pretty much describe how it should be deployed."
"Paving a path to production on Kubernetes."
"This means you can now deploy whatever, anecdotally roughly for a lot of scenarios but certainly not all of them, maybe 10 of these for every one that you would deploy on the JRE."
"What this is going to do is just under the hood, deploying it to AWS."
"Test rollback mechanisms, do beta testing, and have a deployment strategy in place."
"ArcGIS Insights offers flexible deployment options. You can implement Insights as a part of ArcGIS Online which gives you a powerful analytics environment that's fully hosted by Esri and scales automatically to meet user demand."
"The benefit of using Helm chart: a single command takes care of deployment, service, and ingress YAMLs."
"It's extending the capabilities of azure to on-premises to other clouds AWS gcp article it doesn't care because it's running inside of that operating system I'm going to light up a consistent deployment mechanism no matter where the servers are."
"So both the build stage and the push stage, both of them are successful. Perfect! So we are done with one microservice. Now similarly, we will have to create for the other microservices, right?"
"The military is a very male-dominated field... when you deploy you're fully invested in that, you're living there, you're working there, you're sleeping there, you're eating there."
"Now you can deploy the individual items, you can deploy to data source, you can deploy to data sets, you can deploy to reports individually but there's a far more efficient way of doing this."
"The session will be starting with the types of migrations and followed by the hybrid deployments."
"Rolling update strategy is actually the default deployment strategy."
"The ability to install Payload into any Next.js app right alongside of your front end and then deploy it all in one click... that is something that we've needed for a while now and we're about to get it."
"The beautiful thing about containers is that they spin up extremely quickly."
"You can then design that business rule and then you can deploy the business rule somewhere in the organization."
"What happens when we make that accessible and permissionless for anybody to deploy to mainnet?"
"Here you can see our pipeline has gone green, there is no deployment failure."
"Platforms like Spinnaker allow you to automate the process so that you can release your software changes at high velocity and with confidence."
"Any enterprise deployment is not complete without securing your environment, and Spinnaker provides pretty strong mechanisms to secure it."
"What Kubernetes already gives you out-of-the-box is a rolling blue-green cutover."
"The forces of the dead are deployed to the north, they have a large body of at least 100,000 Whites."
"The Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud service model is specifically designed to enable businesses and developers to host, build, and deploy consumer-facing apps."
"For less than 20 dollars, I actually have a way to deploy an 80 meter dipole at closer to ground level to make it perform like a NVIS antenna."
"So why is this? No worries, I think the key thing is if you get code into containers, you can run it in all the different environments and real systems."
"Understand the microservice architecture, an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are independently deployable and loosely coupled."
"AI systems still require really a large amount of work to be deployed in lots of jobs."
"Azure SQL provides three types of deployment models: single database, elastic pool, and managed instance."
"Azure Static Web Apps makes it really easy to take your code from your local machine to a source control repository like GitHub or Azure DevOps."
"Azure Static Web Apps is a service that automatically builds and deploys full-stack web apps to Azure from a code repository."
"The Azure Static Web Apps are is a service that automatically builds and deploys your full-stack web apps."
"The Tomcat's first operational tour came in April 1975 as part of operation frequent wind."
"All you have to worry about is getting your app tested and deployed quicker."
"C40 trackway's rapid deployment and recovery process saves time and enhances the ability to respond flexibly to emergencies or short-term work requirements."
"Each virtual machine is designed to operate as a runtime environment for compiling and deploying Ethereum-based smart contracts."
"Azure Artifact for generating deployable artifacts."
"I just announced about nine different services that will help you build deploy and operate your application of the cloud without the fear of being locked in to any specific vendor."
"With the help of slots, you can actually go ahead and deploy different versions of your application."
"How often does our deployment cause some unplanned outage or other issue?"
"We use gitops, where git acts as a single source of truth for deploying kubernetes manifests."
"Argo CD watches the git repository and deploys changes to the kubernetes cluster."
"Argo CD will automatically take that and deploy to the cluster."
"Welcome to another Synology Partner Online Training today we're going to be talking about installing migrating and managing a new deployment with our operating system DiskStation Manager 7 also known as DSM 7."
"Ensure proper tagging of Docker image for dynamic replacement in Kubernetes manifest file."
"If you think in the past, we've written Docker files for deployment. We would define your environment, so for instance with Angular, it needs Node."
"Kubernetes uses containers for deployments of apps."
"SageMaker provides scalable and cost-effective ways to deploy machine learning models whether it's one model or a large number of models."
"We have the ability to do things like rollbacks, so basically, all the good design principles about CI/CD that we apply for applications, we are also able to apply for infrastructure as code here."
"SageMaker Studio makes it easy to deploy and manage machine learning models at scale as a fully managed service."
"You can check out the video 'Accelerating Machine Learning with the Feature Store' for more details on deploying Feast APIs in practice."
"And before we deploy your system into the final production environment, you would like to ensure that there is a good level of quality and safety of your system."
"And then do git commit and production ready."
"One-click deploy method on DigitalOcean makes things really a lot easier and a lot faster."
"You can choose the thinnest, smallest container for your operating system and just deploy the tiny thin jar."
"I'll actually got to write a pipeline that can build your Dev data Factory uh code like package up all of your code and deploy it to a uat data Factory and a production data Factory."
"We deploy resources from an Azure DevOps pipeline using pipeline jobs and Bicep files."
"Continuous deployment, continuous integration."
"Now we're gonna run Docker Compose up in the remote server."
"Machine learning ops engineers ensure seamless deployment of AI models."
"Deploying your AI app is just the beginning. From here, you'll continue to use a platform like Cloudflare to monitor your app's performance, costs, real-time logs, and make iterative improvements to ensure long-term stability, security, and an exceptional user experience."
"And toward the end, you'll push your project files up to GitHub and learn how to automate your project deployments with a feature called Cloudflare Pages."
"At the end of the day, you'll have a fully deployed Blazer application in an Azure web app with a custom domain name."
"I was four deployments in before I went to the Delta Force."
"And, for you, sort of focusing on this mission for a few years, were you afforded training opportunities to go learn skills, train up with these teams before you deploy?"
"...love containers, love working inside of containers. Working inside of a container is your first step to understanding how to deploy the containers."
"We push our code into a GitHub repository and then deploy the website to the world wide web using Vercel."
"How much is left before I deploy?"
"Everyone that purchases your course won't be able to see your content because it's all in sandbox, it's got to be over at live."
"Everybody thinks they want to do five combat deployments, and then after two, they're like, 'Man, [ __ ] I need a break.'"
"Empathy is about the deployment of object-centered objectivity."
"He served the next four years partly in the US and partly overseas."
"So as a developer I would write my with my application that I want to deploy and more importantly I would create a service account called basic secret."
"Knowledge can be incredibly useful, especially when it comes to something like deployment."
"Now that we have an image, let's go ahead and run a container from it."
"Docker nowadays is the standard for software deployment."
"So, in order to deploy this code, first we want to make sure that our development board is connected to the computer using USB cable."
"Deployed pre and post 9/11 including into Afghanistan just after the Twin Towers fell to hunt bin Laden."