
Daily Appreciation Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Take care of your family, take care of your friends, cherish them, cherish these moments, not just during the holidays but every day."
"I feel very blessed to have this view from my balcony, so I try to make sure that I take time to appreciate it every day, even if it's just for a minute."
"I take every day as a joy. It's a good attitude."
"Late stage cognitive dissonance... means you've been wrestling with the idea for a long time."
"Life is short, embrace every day. Finding joy in every day."
"Thankful for every day that I wake up in the morning."
"Be appreciative for every day that you have."
"There's never a reason that one shouldn't wake up every day thankful for the good things in their lives."
"There isn't one day or a moment that I take my vision for granted, and I am so thankful every day that I can see my daughter."
"Every single day, man... appreciate all of it."
"Tragedy that I've experienced in my life... I just want to live each day to the fullest."
"Every single day I wake up deep divers it feels like I've won the lottery."
"Thank you for making today a beautiful day. And thanks for those kisses, Apollo. All right, everyone, have a good day. Lots of love and light. Take care."
"You've got to live your life, you've got to enjoy every single day while you can."
"Every day is bliss and every day is beautiful."
"Every day there's something good in my life."
"Enjoy this beautiful day. I'll look forward to seeing you in tomorrow's vlog. Peace."
"Hug and kiss the ones you love, tell them every single day tomorrow's not guaranteed."
"We forget that we are in an exquisite miracle of beauty every day."
"Everyone should enjoy life every and each day as much as you possibly can."
"Living every day like, 'Hey, today could be the day.'"
"Every day is a gift, every day is a journey."
"Each day's a gift, you know. I feel that with my kid."
"Every day is a blessing, you can't take any day for granted."
"I genuinely feel such a massive gratitude every single day, every single day I thank God for you."
"Let September be small, minute, mundane, easy, and momentous."
"Just enjoy a drink and enjoy the beauty and the magic that's here every single day."
"Life is just not all that serious. If you're not being graded on the outcome, you're giving yourself permission to experience that jolt you get when you open your eyes as the sun comes up each morning."
"You're amazing and it's crazy... I'm so thankful for every day."
"Do not worry about having everything figured out instead Savor the beauty of each day."
"There is a profound tragedy in taking for granted the daily miracles of life."
"Every day of your life is the best opportunity for you to be using it because you are alive."
"Another day on Earth, beautiful just like all the days."
"Just seeing him throughout my day and loving him and just having such a big love for him has really helped my mental health."
"Every day you wake up it's like, oh what's today, yeah, that's a gift."
"Every day that I come to work, I give my wife a kiss goodbye. I give my kids a hug and I tell them I love you. I don't tell them I'll see you later because at the end of the day, you never know."
"We're very, very, very blessed people and so grateful every day."
"I count my lucky stars every single day that I get to do this."
"Every day is a beautiful day in K-Town."
"We appreciate you guys every single day."
"I love every day. If you're in my life and I love you, I love you."
"Most of all, it has taught me what truly matters in life, and that is making the most of each and every day."
"I thank God every day that I'm able to wake up and enjoy life."
"Good morning, what a wonderful day we have here at Huntington."
"Waking up to her kitchen never gets old."
"Fondness and admiration is really about thinking about your partner on a daily basis about the things that they are doing correctly."
"Now I'm going to show her how much I appreciate her, every day."
"I woke up and I just romanticized my day."
"I feel blessed, I feel thankful every day, not just today."
"I'm grateful for being alive, for waking up every single day."
"I just try to be grateful every day, you know, that I have this gig and that I get to race and do what I love."
"I won the lottery every day when I wake up."
"As always, hope you guys enjoyed this video. Don't forget, be thankful for every single day. We'll see you guys next time."
"Every single day you guys are awesome."
"What a beautiful morning it is this morning."
"Enjoy the freedom that you have in this country; we thank God for our freedom every single day."
"I'm happy and grateful, and I appreciate every day."
"Every single day that goes by, be grateful for another day."
"I'm grateful every single day for that support."
"Once you have found yourself truly being present in every moment, each day will be a gift."
"I thank God every day for every day."
"I'm grateful every day I wake up."