
Alien Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"There is a creature that stalks the Nostromo: to some, it is a nightmare, a thing of incalculable terror; to others, it is a work of beauty, a perfect organism unburdened by conscious thoughts or emotions."
"The alien is a perfectly organized organism. Superbly structured, cunning, quintessentially violent."
"We are in the presence of technology that is so advanced that it could not be of human origin."
"His tales included trips aboard alien spacecraft meeting with advanced alien civilizations and receiving profound knowledge from a nearly 1,000-year-old Master."
"Get away from her, you [ __ ]." - Alien Franchise.
"Create human alien hybrids... More mental than physical... Let's grab his body, do something to it, and dump him back."
"It really would be like visiting an alien planet."
"Ripley explains what she knows about the aliens."
"At that moment the alien bursts out of her chest."
"The figure was human in shape, clad all in silver, and rapidly descended to the highway."
"What in the world would an advanced intelligences' agenda be with manipulating and harvesting genetics from this planet for so many thousands of years?"
"Number 13: We found a weird alien caterpillar in our backyard in West Virginia."
"The xenomorph has never before looked and sounded so good."
"Sometimes, I’ve played this, and the Alien will haunt my dreams that night."
"Alien means different. They might be really smart, they might be really good at all sorts of different things, but they're not gonna be like us."
"Half human half alien hybrids is a popular one in science fiction as a way to take over the earth."
"My mind immediately went to something alien-related or some sort of creature that perhaps we haven't yet discovered."
"He's sort of like an alien observing humans."
"You're watching a movie about Comanches fighting an alien hunter."
"Love the way this minifigure looks, another fantastic alien to add to the cantina."
"Imagine their disbelief when right before their eyes went dark, an object was rising from the surface of the earth. Could this be the world's first sighting of alien visitors?"
"Aliens with absolutely no regard for the life on this planet and will destroy it for the greater good of their own species just total uncaring Destruction like a kid kicking down an ant hill no care in the world"
"I felt like an alien that came onto earth and then was birthed onto earth and was like humans, okay."
"The alien introduces himself as Klaatu and says that he is a representative of a group of civilizations."
"I made an alien, and I burned the matches to get black for the eyes."
"They're masterminds, shape-shifters, they're just so incredibly alien and yet more like us than we ever could have imagined."
"A triple non-humanoid species from another dimension that has reached the so-called apex of biological evolution is certainly one of the most compelling aliens in Star Trek."
"It's the first film to feel like an alien, a proper alien sequel."
"The world is involved in a silent arms race to exploit and develop new technologies based off crashed alien junk."
"I'm pretty sure he's not from this planet, I think he is an alien."
"The technique, we soon saw, was mature, accomplished, and aesthetically evolved to the highest degree of civilised mastery; though utterly alien in every detail to any known art tradition of the human race."
"Existing biology would have to be wholly revised, for this thing was no product of any cell-growth science knows about."
"The leathery, undeteriorative, and almost indestructible quality was an inherent attribute of the thing’s form of organisation."
"Here was a woman who was unusual in more ways than just being a blind person who could see. She definitely was not from Earth."
"If it's a bit too isolating, why not just pick up an alien stowaway?"
"Nothing screams alien and non-earth more than tentacles. And yet, there's an entire class of animals right here on this planet that have exactly that morphology."
"What could be more terrifying than the prospect of having your mind and body taken over by an alien being?"
"The Tyranids have but a single purpose and desire: to feed."
"He's like an alien in there. He's got something that no one else has."
"It has been described as the most alien looking place on Earth."
"It's like something you'd see on Mars."
"It was like stepping into a different world, one governed by this eerie alien organism."
"It was an alien because Satan was not from this world, he was from another world."
"In the flashback, Emily met the alien leader inside the alien spacecraft."
"All night long the Martians were hammering and stirring, sleepless, indefatigable, at work upon the machines."
"I was absolutely blown away by Alien and Aliens when I saw them for the first time."
"The final 10 minutes... a full-on alien ripoff with the Intruder of the title."
"HR Giger designed all the alien stuff."
"Alien puts that fear in you which I love in my monster movies."
"Alien puts the focus on great characters like Ripley."
"Alien is the best monster of all time."
"The best movie monster of all time hands down is the alien xenomorph from the Alien series."
"Alien feels like a complete package. It established itself at the very beginning, picked a simple concept and ran with it for two hours."
"A great job everyone! It really looks like the kind of place an alien would call home."
"...it's truly the most alien creature he'd ever seen. And he must have seen some pretty wacky things."
"What if an alien species was like, 'Wait a minute, you guys like kill and eat stuff?'"
"He's the referee and this makes sense because he is both a Looney Tune and an alien."
"The weakest tribe in the alien mind."
"You may one day stand upon an alien planet. But you never know, I may already be there to greet you."
"I'm actually an alien from Arcturus, and that's in the Bootes constellation."
"They said they were researchers trying to 'produce a child of an earth man' and then they said they would come back so he could meet his kid."
"I like the idea that David was created, so many alien hybrids that he eventually ended up creating the original alien. I thought that was good."
"He's a traveler not of Earth, he's small and his form is hideous to humans."
"When Ira insists that her military friends did it, a fly-like alien suddenly tears Harry's suit."
"If this next story is to be believed, there is allegedly a secret alien base with advanced and unconventional weapons hidden in the icy waters of the Antarctic."
"I love the idea of a xenomorph saying, 'I don't want to talk about the freak.'"
"It looked kind of ghostly, it wasn't fully defined and it was whitish, but the face was basically an alien. I couldn't see the body. The head, which was huge by the way, was at my bed's height, so it was probably crawling or something. I don't know."
"The last thing that happened, yes, when he won't you know, it opens up. It's like so alien."
"It's a truly alien sight to see a tree filled with fishing cranes, their translucent strands running down to the water like strange adornments."
"It looked more alien-like to be honest than it did a giant insect."
"He was attracted to you in the first place because you are an Earth man. You possess another alien brain he can study and manipulate."
"True alien or true gray comes into the room, they radiate an energy, and I had mentioned earlier that's not comfortable. It's miserably uncomfortable."
"Discovering remnants of an extinct alien civilization could serve as a profound warning for Humanity."
"He looked about now a touch wildly the buildings were low but it was a cold Planet most of the structures were probably Underground."
"Lifeless rocks stretched away in every direction with cold indifference. It was like driving on an alien planet."
"Xenomorph is the scariest design of anything ever, personally."
"He might have been an alien, but he was very definitely the male variety."
"She froze in his embrace, the alien seeming to sense her sudden reticence and pulling his face back a few inches, giving her just enough room to get a good look at him up close."
"He leaned in close until they were only inches apart and breathed deep, taking in her scent."
"Exploring in places like this is about as alien as you can get without going to another planet."
"When other artists were brought on board most of them did not like H.R. Giger's design but in the end Ridley Scott chose Giger's work to bring forth the creature we know today as Alien."
"I just feel like I'm from outer space."
"'Eden' is a fantastic and creative first contact story set on an alien world, with aliens that feel truly alien."
"The concepts are interesting so one of them being Solaris which in this one the alien is a planet that is pretty much an ocean."
If I walk on an alien ship and there's something that I've never even conceived of on there, I don't see it and go, "Of course, this is how you do this."
"Gather your crew and take on, fight, and eradicate the ever-growing numbers of these terrifying aliens."
"The xenomorph egg and facehugger steal the show."
"I absolutely love this alien queen; her colors are awesome and her sculpt is incredible."
"Definitely the best alien in this line; you don't want to miss it."
"That little alien knew more about being human than you ever will."
"Hey, I'm not the alien here, you are!"
"I look like I was raised by aliens."
"The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick your finger down his throat."
"This world's grim and lonely and mysterious."
"They resembled humans in many respects, but still, they were not like anything I had ever seen."
"Hedorah is an alien organism that feeds and grows on pollution; naturally, Earth is a buffet for this creature."
"It's an almost alien environment, almost like you would expect being in a laboratory on Mars would be like, disconnected from the rest of the world."
"The Blue Beetle armor is an alien artifact, or rather an alien weapon, and is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe."
"They have incredible sensory organs in their antennas, so they can definitely sense that this is something alien in their environment."
"We are dealing with a truly alien landscape."
"If her skin looks green, it's not because we're sick, it's because we're alien."
"I'm your emotional support alien."
"We must remember what it means to be good in places and at times where concepts of good and evil may be more alien than the creatures and civilizations we are attempting to coexist with."
"Nelson Nevada is the epicenter for alien ghost activity; in fact, I would go so far as saying it is the Bermuda Triangle of the Southwest."
"He's definitely without a doubt the second strongest alien."
"It's a pretty alien looking animal."
"In the winter of 1982, a 12-man research team in the remote Antarctic research station discovered an alien buried in the snow for over 100,000 years."
"Once unfrozen, the form-changing alien wreaks havoc, creates terror, and becomes one of them."
"Under the Skin unfolds from the alien's perspective, observing a fascination with human society."
"The statement 'I'm sentenced to be hanged' will save the alien's life."
"Under the Skin doesn't care about any of this though, a low-budget sci-fi film that does see Scarlett Johansson as an alien going around Scotland devouring other men."
"An object believed to be a crashed alien spaceship has been discovered on Mars."
"The deep seas of our own planet play host to creatures as alien as any character designer could dream up."
"The transit hub on the far rim of the Tharus cluster hummed with the constant drone of a thousand alien conversations."
"It had bleached white skin, a bald head, and huge black eyes... it started to sway its body back and forth like a mantis."
"I hope you enjoyed our foray into the alien world."
"That's how the necrofrins give birth, the green snow is their birthing bile."
"It was human in nature but not English, a language sounded alien-like but not a known language, that's for sure."
"It has a futuristic or Cybertronian/alien kind of look to it."
"We have a body, boss. Green skin, long limbs, haven't seen anything like this before."
"Strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men."
"Their consciousness dissolved as if they had been the dream of something alien suddenly waking."
"I'm almost convinced that I encountered some sort of alien or extraterrestrial being."
"New octopus or alien friends? Both?"
"The alien DNA essentially induced rapid growth, causing Sil to form into a visible fetus in a single day."
"An alien world right here on Earth."
"It's split in half but in a way that was so mechanically perfect I knew right then it wasn't man-made."
"I'm not from here, ask the government," with an alien's nonchalance.
"This looks like something from another planet right here."
"We have reason to believe there's going to be an alien attack on Magnolia Cove."
"They admitted that they were aliens and strangers on Earth."
"Alien technology capable of interstellar flight 15 million years ago could provide a treasure trove of technology."
"If we did find an alien body, would our government take it, hide it, and do an autopsy on it? Yeah, they would."
"Sokotra has been described as the most alien-looking place on Earth."
"All I had to do was figure out how to use and to take care of a completely alien body, learn the customs and social structure of an entirely new civilization, and then start living as one of them, all in just a week. Easy, right?"
"Emperor sea striders are the best known and largest organisms living on Darwin 4."
"There's a real emphasis here on the alien side of Superman and on the Kryptonian mythology."
"It looks alien, yeah, it looks like an alien planet."
"The Predator's advanced technology with a shoulder cannon, cloaking device, and just his appearance is scary enough as is."
"The reason why Superman works, why his best adaptations work, is the simple statement that an alien, someone who has felt so alone and isolated, is still capable of selfless love."
"The Xenomorphs' basic form is the Drone, which is just a bit larger than a grown man, with acidic blood that can corrode even the toughest metals known to man."
"The biggest bioform of the Zerg on land is no doubt the Ultralisk, which is the size of a four-story building."
"An alien presence has descended upon the Earth and is terrorizing a local village."
"Imagine for a moment that you came across an alien robot somehow, and it's completely indestructible."
"They've been brought together on an alien planet as prey."
"Human predators that are now being systematically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators."
"The terrifying Xenomorph Alien stands over 15 inches tall and is over 30 inches long, featuring more than 35 points of articulation."
"They have been called 'alien holes' and no one has any idea who made them or what purpose they serve."
"It's very alien, where they don't necessarily have a direct separation between plant and animal taxa the way that we do here on Earth."
"It looks like a terraformed alien landscape."
"The landscape up here is like something else, it's like a moon, isn't it? Alien worlds, yeah, and sci-fi films."
"All the names I'm covering today relate to the alien species that Son Goku finds out he belongs to."
"The visitor confirms that Goku is not one of Earth's humans but that he's an alien."
"The tentacles look absolutely fantastic, so creepy and alien in their design."
"They look alien, they look like something you'd see in the bottom of the ocean."
"This layout here coming up is fantastic; it's kind of a large alien UFO. I like how it even drips over the edge onto the ground."
"An alien child who was thrown into some real shenanigans while on her way home in the deep depths of space."
"Dreams of worlds gone dark are very landscapes under alien skies."
"It takes you into a direct three-dimensional confrontation with an alien intelligence of some sort."
"I hate horror movies, but I love Alien. It's one of those movies that I won't rewatch maybe once every two or three years just to remind myself how good it is."
"The essence of resilience I hadn't even realized that hasn't seemed to be missing from every alien I had seen so far."
"Victoria is sort of emerging as this alien princess, it's rather beautiful."
"If I was an alien or a stranger, how would I view my culture?"
"This could make such a cool movie sort of like scene, like if you visited some alien world this could easily pass for some kind of alien landscape."
"Castiel has been for thousands of years not around humans... like these alien creatures that he's observing and trying to figure out."
"They really look like alien creatures, but they're so fascinating."
"Those creatures, whatever they are, aliens that Kaguya was running away from... Kaguya is literally on the level of Naruto and Sasuke combined; they're gods."
"These ruins of a massive alien structure resemble the one on the island."
"Step into a London ravaged by unearthly creatures at once utterly alien and chillingly familiar."
"The thought of a gelatinous interstellar being capable of dissolving and destroying humanity is far scarier than it sounds when you call that entity 'The Blob'."
"It was like something from an alien planet."
"A liminal space is always a mixture of the inexpressibly alien and hauntingly familiar."
"You can really see how the alien aesthetic really translates well to this model, especially given the legend surrounding him."
"It's about an alien's experience of Earth, trying to understand why we do the things we do."
"The Starchild is going to change history, it's going to prove that at least once an alien being walked on the earth."
"An alien object of unbelievable destructive power is less than three days away from this planet."
"Kane's terrific demise instantly turned the movie into a fight for survival against an unstoppable and unpredictable enemy."
"He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home."
"He was a mutated alien, basically, when he was born, his entire society shunned him."
"There's so many different things that you can do, but this fog and these clouds and these great mountain structures... they evoke a feeling of place, a sense of place of some sort of an alien planet."
"We just met an alien. Amazing! This is an historic momentous occasion."
"She's the cutest alien I've ever seen."
"She's adorable, she's an artist, she's an alien."
"Just because some alien comes to our planet, our red doesn't change color because they see the color differently."
"The sand worms... weren't over-thought and seemed to hit a pitch-perfect note between being alien and also menacing."
"It's interesting to see that an alien would find our world beautiful."
"I just found out my neighbor is an alien."
"If it came out that Kendrick was an alien, I wouldn't be surprised."
"Wow, talk about feeling like you're on an alien planet."
"Get used to the idea of having some form of alien disclosure in your lifetime."
"Dissect the alien to rescue the treasure hunter and discover amazing treasures from another world."
"Imagine you're lost in an alien world... could you find your way with only a sense of touch and a perfect memory for where you'd been?"
"Many people believe that this is the result of an alien vaporizing his dog."
"On the upper left side of the craft was an inscription of symbols."
"It was as if a door opened into an utterly alien universe and he stepped through."
"This boy is eventually revealed to have been created by an alien race that worships Wolverine."
"He's a sentient crystalline sphere and can use 13 senses."
"He arrived in our lives as an alien but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit."
"The mysterious alien race known only as the Tsari had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, conquering Vexx planets along the border with ruthless efficiency."
"We have a woman who awakens to unknown pollutants and stumbles upon the first alien visitors to Earth."