
Outsider Perspective Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"For me, in this journey, it will take some measure of people who didn't grow up in professional politics to change that game."
"This is a rare triumph where those who were portrayed as cranks at the outskirts who were actually correct and had the evidence with them have been in some sense vindicated."
"When it comes to the role of being the chief executive... it is better to have an outsider."
"He's not on the inside, he's just a mascot. He's not on the inside, he is not on the inside."
"Kate is not a gear nor does she abide by the rules of the COG. She is an outsider, a survivalist that knows how to live off away."
"I like having people from outside of the political class."
"I saw the looks at these people saying, 'What is she doing here?'"
"From an outsider's point of view, I think it seems like it's helping yes yeah for sure yeah sweet."
"It feels cool to be like the on the fringes of society; you're the Woodland, you are an elf ninja."
"Being an outsider is fine embrace the label because it's The Outsiders to change the world and to make a real and Lasting difference."
"Everything they threw at him just strengthened his resolve as the outsider."
"Only people who've never been in Scientology can really pull off what William is doing."
"Ty brought an outsider's perspective and accurately identified not just the problem but the solution needed to successfully combat this invasion."
"If an outsider with no prior political experience can come in and fix messes that people have been promised would be fixed for 30 years, how does that make him look?"
"It's helping Trump. Trump was an outsider, gonna stick a thumb in the eye of the establishment."
"This is a moment where the outsiders become the leaders."
"Sandy is an outsider who is constantly being underestimated."
"Biden is standing for everything wrong in the world and Trump is not a politician and that is what's so lovely - to have a non-politician, a human being trying to run a country whether you like him or not." - Lawrence Fox
"He's paving the way for more outsiders... he's an outsider and I think he's paving the way for more people who haven't spent an entire career screwing over the American people to come in and make a difference."
"When you're from outside of the place to be, you want it so much more."
"The rejects exist in an America that is so hostile to someone who walks a different path that not unlike Manson they rage out at their ignorance."
"Loki has always been seen as the outcast, the strange one, the one who has to fall back on trickery and magic and theatricality just to get noticed, just to get power."
"I was always a horror guy in my heart... I was definitely a loser in high school."
"I remember what it felt like to be an outsider renewing the leaf."
"What side is he on? He is right now not on the side of Biden, Fauci, the NIH, the corporations, the liberal establishment. He's not on their side, so they're going to shut him up." - Michael Knowles
"Well, dwarves, when you get down to it, we have not done so bad for ourselves in the past year. It feels pretty nice to get out there and finally overtake some of our enemies."
"More that a broken system tells you that you're wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead."
"This is the energy of someone walking up to like the Bloods and the Crips who's like a professional like, oh." - Unknown
"Because we're not part of the system we exist as a non-absorbed entity we are a problem."
"President Trump's election as an outsider... threatened that entire coup."
"Everybody wants to be an outsider."
"By being an outsider, I was able to tackle this problem in a unique way and end up with an insight that would be very difficult for somebody who is just following the textbook."
"This is the story of how an outsider pulled off the greatest trade of all time."
"Community was always important to me and knowing what it feels like to be the outsider within a community was always something that I knew."
"But, like, outsiders to an industry, it's really hard to have the nuance to have any idea what the fuck is going on."
"Writers write because they weren't invited to the party."
"I think mom enjoyed most of it. She wasn't one of the in-crowd because she didn't have the pedigree. So she didn't know all the little rules, all the little cultural rules."
"I don't think I felt I was an imposter because I felt I wasn't talented. But I did feel very much an outsider, and I did wonder, 'Do I really have as much talent as I hope I have?'"
"Our first impression of Randy is that he’s a dork and a little bit of an outsider."
"It's going to take someone from the outside to shake it up."
"Outsider status is incredibly useful if you would like to play any sort of middle man role."
"Outsider pressure groups have to rely quite heavily on the media to get their message across."
"You've come from outside to here to tell us things that we would have never known."
"We are the outsiders, we actually hold to what is called a correspondence view of truth, the truth comports to reality."
"...I come from a Jewish community in London in North London so I feel quite often an outsider in kind of English to England..."
"This is a book which can be read on multiple levels... as a document of an Ireland straining to achieve nationhood, as kind of treatise on what it is like to be an outsider."
"All the great comedians are kind of outsider figures, commenting on society from outside."
"This is one of those outsider books that is just going to be a favorite for so many readers."
"It looks like Scar... kind of an outsider, doesn't need anybody."
"I'm not competing for grants or money; I'm an outsider that interests people working in these various fields because I bring another perspective to it."
"Feeling like an extra in your own story."
"It's really, really cool, like especially from my outside point of view."
"They can have a natural powerful ability to rise above everything and everyone and really feel like an outsider."
"It's much cooler to be an outsider."