
Gospel Message Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The gospel takes burdens off. It doesn't put burdens on."
"Mercy is the central nucleus of the Gospel message."
"The gospel is love. You can't be truthful if you don't have love."
"The gospel or good news of the Bible which was foreshadowed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament is that God our Eternal Father sent his eternal Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from our sins."
"The message of the gospel is not for what we can get but for whom we can give."
"The gospel alone deals with the sinner's main problem: pride."
"The gospel is the answer for people who profess to be Christians but don't actually adhere to God's sexual ethics."
"This is the gospel: Jesus came, He died on that cross, He was buried, and He rose again on the third day."
"The gospel delivers freedom from shame instead of endless cycles of guilt, fear, and regret."
"You're never going to deserve it in your own strength, that's the point of the Gospel."
"I'm glad that God gave us a gospel that's not stuck. We're not sitting in one spot."
"The whole gospel is to turn us from darkness to light."
"And this is the story of the gospel: how Jesus opens our eyes."
"The gospel is not about what we can do but what Christ has already done."
"The gospel: Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again." - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
"The real gospel is about the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of Sinners."
"The answer to racism is the gospel. Biological fact: all humans belong to one race. Spiritual fact: all humans abide into two races."
"Repent and believe in the gospel; Jesus said, 'Repent and believe in the good news.'"
"The antidote to self-righteousness is the gospel itself, where true righteousness is found."
"The gospel is so simple; a child can understand it."
"The truth sets us free. That's not a saying, a slogan. That is the truth of what the gospel says to us."
"I mean, yeah, it sounds like the gospel: we've all sinned, we've all fallen short."
"God loves people, and that's what this whole gospel is based on: love."
"My question to you tonight is have you ever understood the Gospel?"
"The gospel of the kingdom is the good news of the rule of the Messiah."
"The gospel is the good news of our salvation."
"That's not the gospel. That's not the gospel. That is not the gospel. You are forgiven for your sins past, present, and even future."
"If you ain't got Jesus Christ and you ain't got the truth of the Gospel, you ain't got nothing sweetheart."
"The story of the Gospel is one of the most scandalous stories in human history, and if we're proclaiming it loudly enough, it should be causing offense."
"We are short and we cannot change. God doesn't say try harder. That's not the message of the Gospel. The message of the Gospel is trust, not try."
"The good news of Jesus Christ is just as good as it ever was."
"The gospel message that the message of the Bible was falsifiable."
"People won't want to hear the gospel message because the gospel message point points the finger at you you you and me and tells us that we are all guilty."
"Paul ignored all that. Absolutely ignored it completely. There's one immutable truth: all hearts are the same, and there's a second immutable truth: all need the same message, the same gospel."
"The gospel of God has come down from the infinite genius of Almighty God."
"What does He use? Well, it's obvious. He uses that transcendent gospel message that never changes, that unalterable message, that cannot change, that must not change."
"The whole message of the Gospel is predicated on that actually being God In the Flesh who showed up in a manger and lived the perfect life and taught all the things he taught."
"The story of the good news is that our messed up broken lives may be restored refreshed renewed regalvanized put back together in a better version than before as a result of what Jesus has done."
"The gospel is for people who know they are bad enough."
"Our message, the message of the gospel, is timeless and unalterable."
"The kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the gospel."
"And that's why the gospel is such good news."
"We are all separated from God, but the story of the gospel is that we are adopted in Christ."
"Now the heart of the gospel is sacrificial love seen first in Mary, then in Christ in its most perfect form."
"The gospel is not about what you do, it's about what Jesus has already done."
"...the gospel is always bitter on the outside and sweet on the inside, unlike sin which is sweet on the outside but bitter on the inside."
"The announcement of the gospel is saying actually all of the self-proclaimed rulers of this world are accountable to a greater king."
"The issue is the gospel; the issue is how you have peace with God."
"The good news of the gospel is not that if you give your life to Jesus everything goes the way you want it; the good news of the gospel is that if you surrender your life to Jesus, you get Jesus regardless of life circumstances and he's gonna be enough."
"It is the gospel that saves, not perfect copying."
"Only the power of God can give sight to the blind and life to the dead, and He does it through the Gospel of Christ crucified, proclaimed in the power of the Spirit."
"We have rest for our souls in the gospel and a weekly rest for our bodies until we enter into the eternal rest of Heaven."
"I want people to have their eyes open to the true Gospel and like truly be saved."
"The gospel is the declaration of a victory that has taken place."
"The good news of Zion's liberation restoration, that's the gospel."
"The whole purpose of the gospel is Jesus came to set us free."
"The gospel is that now, in Jesus, the kingdom has come down to earth."