
Partner Qualities Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"What I care more about is my partner being smart and hardworking and talented and ambitious."
"Husband material 100 percent... he's just been everything to me and more."
"He's a good partner when I'm in crisis. In some ways, I wish I was more like him."
"Find a woman that offers more than just looks."
"Are you ready for a relationship? Now is the time to really think about the character and the traits of the girl you want to date."
"I would like to have a guy that I can trust. Even if I disagree with him, it's like, you trust his judgment."
"If you're willing to compromise on those things because they have all these other great qualities, then you have to be willing to be a little uncomfortable."
"To have a man who is proud to show you off and accepts you, allows you to fly, he's not interested in clipping your wings, or, you know, limiting you, you know, just allows you to be that person that you want to be."
"The kind of woman I want is the kind that's going to be great without me."
"Write down everything that you would love in your future partner."
"I think I can't find somebody who is just down to earth, successful, and also down to earth."
"I want somebody who is intuitive, empathetic, affectionate. I want a natural gentleman."
"Looks are cool, you know, but they fade. So if you're looking for a life partner, it doesn't matter."
"All women basically need three things: security, stability, and communication in a man."
"A good wife is very difficult, it's a chance in life. But to find a good wife is, again, everything you thought with respect and love."
"You almost want the great things from the previous partner in addition to the next partner."
"You deserve to have someone who's actually thinking like, 'Bro, I'm with Philly.'"
"I want a guy who's loyal, family-orientated, kind, non-judgmental, intelligent, and shares my morals."
"All that you can want as a man is a woman who supports you."
"I don't want no man that cheats, I want an honest man."
"He's doing incredibly well, and now you're married to her. Okay, she's pretty and intelligent, that's fine, we'll take that."
"You want a woman who just brings joy into your life and happiness and smiles, who's easygoing, easy to get along with, who's kind to you."
"He's really just got, like, all the qualities that I want in a partner."
"Marry your mom. Marry someone who's energetic, smart, driven, can make you better."
"Find someone who loves God, they're a great bet."
"You want to date a woman who brings peace into your life."
"You've got a good one here, Tamari-san. Polite, strong, rich, and not lazy."
"I'm looking for someone who is ambitious, very intentional, has some emotional intelligence, loves to travel, is passport ready, and loves the simple things."
"I want a man who is God-fearing, witty, adventurous."
"I'm trying to look for someone that's super down to earth, nice, creative, and just encourages my stupid ideas."
"You need a man who's going to be consistent for you."
"I want someone who's strong minded."
"The kind of woman I want is someone who is humble."
"A woman who cares, who's conscious of our health."
"I'm looking for a man that's secure within himself and really knows himself."
"I'm looking for somebody who's strong, mentally, spiritually, somebody who is evolving."
"I'm looking for someone that's really kind and ambitious."
"I want someone that would be a good father."
"Someone that is mentally, emotionally, and financially stable, supportive."
"You need to be with a man that knows how to take care of business."
"I definitely want a man who has a great sense of humor, who loves their mother."
"I want the one who's out there in life, doing life."
"I want someone who's kind but also really hardworking."
"I know what I look for in a partner."
"I'm looking for... family-oriented, successful, driven."
"What do you want in a partner, what do you want in your life, what kind of life are you looking for?"
"I do want a guy that is intelligent, that can debate with me about things, about life, about the nature of the universe."
"I like my girl who got a hustle and ambition."
"I want him to be gorgeous on the inside, just a beautiful beautiful spirit."
"A partner should be their personal self and not easily swayed by others."
"She's got to have ambition and some kind of a plan."