
Avatars Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I got my first icon, which is my little anime wee person chibi. It's pretty exciting."
"With Maxine's language capabilities, your avatar can speak in other languages, even ones you don't know."
"One of the things that we're excited about is the idea of puppeteering your avatar."
"Now your avatar will be truly lifelike, allowing you to express yourself freely in the digital world."
"Players establish a digital identity often expressed through the appearance of their avatars."
"We're making one important key detail. We need to, we're both avatars now. We have mastered all four elements."
"Krishna's brother Balarama is the eighth and Krishna as the ninth in the dash avatara."
"What a great surprise to meet not one but three previous avatars."
"There is a legit avatar I used to play when we played warzone looked exactly like Tim and there was a variant where he was like a mountain climber and he had a rope tied around him like how hard... How many nights have you put in? What rope?"
"Real fellowship cannot exist in the world of self-created avatars. It requires real persons created by God."
"Avatars are dispellers of darkness."
"Most of the YouTubers thought of their avatars as more of an extension of themselves rather than a character that they've created."
"According to this, all the previous avatars are incarnations of your past lives."
"The point of these avatars is to look really, really cute and adorable and innocent looking."
"Avatars are gods that descend to Earth to intervene whenever help is needed to restore Dharma."
"By 2040, the average person could have a highly detailed and realistic 3D avatar."
"They are the audio-visual bodies that people use to communicate with each other in the metaverse."
"I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of seeing avatars in the spiritual world."
"The answer is Unity's avatar system and humanoid rigs."
"The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin is set in our real world in New York City."
"The great avatars who came here in Earth none of them spoke of discrimination, prejudice, borderline, or distance. They all spoke of aggregation, they all spoke of union, they all talked about integration."
"With this update, we might be able to push through the uncanny valley and be able to actually generate these sort of still, speaking to the camera type of videos where the avatars can have emotions."
"Every time avatars come, they come for re-evaluation of mankind."
"For those who seek early liberation, the Lord sends His avatars to show the way to hasten salvation."
"We're reaching a new place in the world today where... we're gonna conjure up avatars from 50 years ago, ones that never existed, or anything that is real or non-real, and mix it together in ways that defy imagination."
"The doctrine of avatars is one of the grandest mysteries in all the world religions and mythologies."
"...the avatars represent certain values of Vishnu."
"But these tiny avatars won't be enough for the next phase of the internet - the metaverse that's been talked about these days."
"Avatars have become our virtual identity on the internet."
"Hi everyone, in this video I'll be showing you how to use Python to generate unique avatars from a set of layered images."
"All the avatars are one, and there is no distinction between them."
"Going hunting for really cool public avatars can be a lot of fun."
"Every Avatar uploaded to VR chat has its own blueprint ID to distinguish it from one another."
"Gravatar is kind of a way to make universal avatars a thing."
"That means your avatar is now on your account in VRChat."
"I'm really excited to show you the new Meta SDK avatars."
"I am really impressed with the Meta Avatar SDK."
"We have full control of the avatar hands."
"Virtual humans are super important."
"Customize your avatar, like, do it. I don't know why it's stigmatized, it's not something to be shameful about."
"I actually really liked Layla as the avatar."