
Significant Change Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"Your characters will make a difference, and it will cost them everything."
"The promise of this time and point is we may be on the cusp of the most spectacular existence."
"The separation of money and state would be as big an event as a separation of church and state."
"The biggest change in social media in 15 years."
"People power public interest can defeat vested interest this genuinely is a watershed moment."
"The 1.16 update completely changed the game."
"I really do believe that Madden 22 is not only a gigantic step in the right direction, it's a gigantic step period."
"Wow, brand new entrance music for Orange Cassidy. Wow, that's huge!"
"Yesterday I believed I would never have done what I did. Today I feel like something important has happened to me. Is this possible?"
"This album single-handedly changed the trajectory of... her career."
"This could be the biggest thing that's happened in the economy since the Industrial Revolution."
"You are going to have a control over situation, a very important time of strength, courage, energy, determination, action, and confidence."
"Civil War redefined event comics... changed Marvel Comics irreparably forever."
"It really does feel as if we're entering the shift of the ages because we are. It's just immense."
"After the 20th and the 21st of August, you're gonna see the biggest change this country has ever seen."
"A powerful transformation or change coming that's going to be about where you live..."
"It is a time of big and blessed change for you, the Divine Spirit is supporting you."
"The next five to seven years are going to be the most extraordinary time in the history of the planet, literally."
"Wow, August is like a huge transformative month for you guys."
"This new moon is a massive New Beginning here."
"Things are going to be so much larger than life in front of you, you won't believe it. We've already seen the first fragments of that. It's just jaw-droppingly amazing. It's going to be awesome."
"We are in the end game. How long the end game is nobody knows but we've never been this significant."
"Horrific times are coming but it's a double-edged sword, the best of times in the worst of times."
"Just start preparing now because something big is about to happen."
"This is the biggest change that we've had at Manchester United since Fergie retired."
"This is the most significant move our club has made in so long."
"This is one of the biggest changes I have ever seen in Minecraft."
"We call them paradigm shifts, they don't make those kinds of moves and let's wait for God people don't step off the boat with the disciples and step on the water unless there's something in front of them more important than what was behind them."
"This is a huge, huge shift. Very, very, very good."
"This is a real [__] forever changing moment of music forever."
"A huge turning point for you over the next six months."
"I do think that we are on the edge of something pretty big here."
"It's going to be a very big change when it comes to the certain resolution of the problem."
"The US economy is undergoing its biggest shift in direction in 40 years."
"This is not merely a new chapter in the Corvette legacy; this is an all-new book."
"Every few 100 millennia evolution leaps forward."
"Everyone else needs to be aware of this and it does matter, at least in the sense that if it does happen, that probably changes the paradigm completely."
"Somebody went through a major transformation."
"Adams and his company, it's not 2.0 it's 10.0."
"I never see my family happy like now before."
"It's one of the most significant shifting years that I've seen in a long time and I've just I've so enjoyed working with the energy of 2023 so much more than I've enjoyed I think any of the years that I've worked with so far as an astrologer."
"Connie's had a lot of wins, in my opinion, this is a woman who is quite fatalistic when we started out with this to see her make this huge Turning Point it gives me chills."
"It's just going to be literally life-changing."
"This time it increased by eight points so a huge increase in voter turnout."
"This is the beginning of the real deal... it's coming, it's really truly coming."
"I've got to lose, I quit my job for three years, I quit nursing school for this, like I have got to take this win."
"This will be a tremendous thing for the world."
"March will be a month of huge change and transformation, leading you to great fulfillment and happiness."
"This is going to be literally life-changing."
"Version 4 was the biggest overhaul on the Ableton formula since its inception."
"Trust the process, trust the transformation. Today is going to be a wild transformation, crazy. That's my word: transformation."
"I thought there was like way more powerful stuff going on due to this person being ousted."
"They lost over a quarter of World of Warcraft player base in three months. That is holy shit."
"This decade, the 2020s, is going to be most likely the decade of vast geopolitical change."
"Gold was trading at 1778 traded to 2078, a 300 rally week we can all say is a very substantial rally."
"You are on the brink of a significant career achievement, expansion, or change."
"More than the optical change, it was a serious proportional change."
"This is going to be very significant, life-changing indeed."
"You are undergoing a significant transformation in your life right now."
"I think technology is the thing that uh causes these big step changes in in Civilization..."
"Listen out for that chime of a big clock, it signifies change and celebration for you."
"This is a year that is so pivotal, so full of change."
"It will change the fabric of what it means to be human."
"We've seen some of the most extraordinary turnarounds I believe in modern American history."
"It's going to bring you a very important sign."
"What is going to come now is in my mind explosive."
"It's changed TV. It really, really changed TV."
"Arsenal... their first season without Arsène Wenger for 20-something years... it's going to be something special to see."
"The 16th of August brings a significant tower moment, paving the way for confidence and strength."
"The magnitude of something like this is a game-changer for the entire planet."
"If there's one thing I know for a fact, humans will always evolve. I'm talking about quantum leaps, I'm saying."
"Miracles can happen this year, big things, we can go through really big gateways."
"When eighth edition came along shockingly all the way back in 2017 we saw a massive explosion of progress."
"This really is a potential sea change moment."
"Battery day is... an inflection point... the world changed this week for the better significantly."
"You will know what to do with that problem... this is why the last week of December is going to be a big mama here."
"Huge flip for Joe Biden, a state that went to Trump by nine percent back in 2016."
"Metamorphosis is extreme alchemy, a change incapable of being ignored."
"It might have been the year its life truly started."
"Be as optimistic as you can; be as open-minded as you can. This time, it's going to be super significant because the energy is going to be on your side."
"The next two decades will usher in an absolute revolution."
"Competition is fantastic. This move over was absolutely monumental."
"Significant inner healing is taking place...you are on a powerful healing journey."
"It's a big deal because they've separated themselves for years and now they're kind of coming back."
"Any change that happens around this time is likely to be a personal phoenix moment for anybody that encounters it."
"This is a pretty big change, huge quality of life update that we need."
"Thrall is going to go back to his roots... this will influence him greatly."
"Something major is happening—I do hope that you're all a part of it."
"The blood moon is a time for new beginnings and potential, but also frank and honest confessions."
"This aspect of the strategy was a total Game Changer."
"That feline card is talking about a big leap forward."
"The biggest change in Bloxburg history was announced..."
"This is like a major transformation... a lot of luck coming in for you."
"Everything is going to shift, it is a very, very auspicious time."
"There is a huge transformation going on now."
"It is going to be a sizably shifting transformative and concluding period of time."
"Life is fundamentally changing for you... it's like going from night to day, rags to riches."
"There's some big shift coming in your consciousness."
"I feel like we're about to hit a huge transition period this next upcoming year."
"Big changes happening for those early-born Tauruses that transform their life in a big way."
"It's the literal dividing line between two world ages."
"This is a watershed moment for the country, it really is for the first time."
"This is a big move for Blizzard, they haven't done this in over a decade."
"Tom Brady will be leaving the New England Patriots, he will be playing his career elsewhere."
"Something big happened last night for Brexit."
"Christology going from two mana to one mana, that's a 50% discount and a giant deal."
"2024 is the year of truth. It's all being exposed next."
"Once this massive event happens, you can never go back."
"A time of realignment which is a really big deal right and I just think it's very healthy."
"Some big changes... escalating in the family."
"Shapes Smith have some serious character development."
"Thank God she finally stood up to, thank God she finally parented me."
"It's a revelation to you... it has to be something big this person has to show you."
"This 28th of May is going to be a significant date when it comes to your own personal change, your ultimate change, and your capability."
"Voting, the best swap of 2020 and into 2021."
"It literally changed history for a lot of people."
"For me, it was time to really say what I had to say."
"The parallels are just so striking that now, this is the camel's nose under the tent, and it's not going to be long before the whole camel is under the tent."
"It's one of those once in an eon transformations."
"Let's just say it again: Donald Trump in the foreseeable future will not be president anymore. That is not nothing."
"Significant changes are just around the corner, and guess what? The Holy Spirit has chosen you to receive His words."
"One of the biggest transformations in this entire loft is the kitchen."
"Some comic-book mythologies are so ingrained in the character that changing them would change the very nature of the character."
"This isn't a change in the markets, this is absolutely a transformation."
"Forward motion of unprecedented magnitude, making up for past stagnation."
"Some of them have lost as much as a stone about 13 pounds."
"It's pretty hard to deny that something massive is going on." - Adam
"Black voter turnout drops by nearly 10 percentage points."
"This changes everything, this just changed a lot. Absolutely listen, this is almost a rework."
"This is about to completely shake up the NFL."
"This moment will be a rather powerful moment when it comes to a flip-flop situation."
"Someone's proving their love by making a big change in their life."
"The broader population, quite frankly, has shifted. If you look at the polling data on the general population and perspectives on Black Lives Matter, it's shifted significantly in this moment."
"You are the Catalyst to force this person into transformation."
"The leap that's being taken there is incredible."
"Luck is on your side, expect powerful change."
"This is the most significant development in the MCU in its history."
"This project is a real game changer on a great many levels."
"Anywhere as early as the first green arrow into the tipping point into September 6, expect all of this to come to a head where something has to blow."
"That's the sign of something huge going down."
"This Tower is coming out exactly around the time of the 20th of April, around the time that Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in the sky which will bring amplified random change into all of our lives."
"It's like literally a huge time that's going to, it's an eclipse so it's literally like an old cycle ending and a new one being reborn."
"This in fact is a watershed period for the Republican party."
"Some sort of achievement, accomplishment or big change that's going to be taking place in November for you guys."
"Jupiter entering Aries is a major planetary shift."
"Judgment is making a judgment call. It is the end of things. It is a life-changing decision."
"Change is coming, they're coming towards you with a serious offer."
"You each of you are right now in the middle of one of the most significant evolutions of human consciousness and humanity that has ever happened."
"That's a game changer, ladies and gentlemen."
"It really has sent shock waves through the industry."
"It's gonna bring about a lot of transformation, this full flower moon."
"The 18th of August is just literally going to change everything."
"Mighty things are going to happen in your life like never before."
"Yes, we have a golden age! Oh, that's a game changer."
"This energy is going to be significant to pinpoint those particular areas in your life that haven't been moving on towards the direction that you would want."
"This is going to be the beginning of something really big."
"22nd of May is going to literally change everything. It's going to be good."
"This is a massive move, do not underestimate the significance."
"Events of great import are about to unfold with you taking a central role."
"DeSantis beating Trump by seven after midterms, brutal swing of 29 Points in days."
"We are on the precipice of something big happening."
"That was incredibly amazing, that was an honest 180."
"When the time comes for the transition and tipping point in the collective, it will be marked by a major worldwide event of some type that is spectacular, cannot be concealed, and that the general public will be aware of and understand."
"This ruling is maybe the single most significant attack on your right to defend yourself and your property that we've seen in at least a decade."
"Massive change is coming far beyond the 30 percent drop that Powell says it's on its way."
"I'm very excited. I think we might have the craziest year ever ahead of us."
"Tunnel vision for this kill clip can be so they can refresh... you can refresh it but they are nerfing kill clip which that's pretty big Nerf actually."
"The creation engine overhaul is the largest we've probably ever had maybe larger than Morrowind to Oblivion."
"It will be the most disruptive event in our lifetimes."
"You are entering a significant and decisive moment. You have changed so much, and you are ready."
"Now is the point where things turn around quickly."
"We are going to go through absolute Quantum leaps in our Consciousness."
"This is your cup of jewels coming in, a huge big happy change and a soulmate energy."
"This is going to be a huge change, an enormous change, a remarkable change."
"Something happens between 2040 and 2045 which radically changes everything and I don't know what it is."
"I feel that 2023 has really reached a Tipping Point between artists and producers."
"You're going to have a breakthrough, there's going to be a huge change happening for you."
"Octo expansion was a huge Evolution for it at a time where Splatoon 2's hero mode was repetitive."
"What do you think about this announcement?...this is a tectonic shift...massive evolutionary tectonic shift in what the movie theater...industry has been."
"It's a sea change, almost called a paradigm shift."
"There's something about a big change in a big shift here that could feel more permanent and more significant almost like it all has to go."
"Changing the reactor from fission to fusion is huge."
"Really, what you want is a conversion. A transfer of power."
"Real quick. What's your word of advice as Ariana moves into the real world?"
"Everything as we know it is about to change forever."
"This was a hefty turning point for you and your person."
"Around the year 1800 A.D., they take this 90 degree turn to the left and shoot almost straight up."
"This marked a line in the sand where the game is now playable."
"I think we're in for a world-changing end of March and April, specifically April."
"This is the biggest change that we've ever seen, faster than anything maybe humanity has ever seen at this pace that it's going to happen."
"It's going to be kind of a game-changer."
"This is incredible, this is a real game-changer."
"Oh my gosh, this is a game changer."
"It's been an absolute game changer."
"It's for real though, this is a game changer."
"This is absolutely a game changer."
"Lily quite literally Changed History."
"This is what I would consider a major game changer."
"Life just changed drastically for a [__]."