
Practices Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"There's particularly a practice which I think will give you a clue as to who you truly are."
"Remembering ourselves is to begin to do some of the practices... like humming for me is the way that I actually work with all of the historical energy."
"If you find yourself copy-pasting, you're probably doing something wrong."
"We underestimate communal spiritual disciplines."
"If there's ever been a time to nail down the spiritual practices that keep you sane, it's right now."
"These seem like the most undemocratic practices."
"Deepening spiritual practices has been wonderful."
"Self-acceptance, self-kindness, self-love is a habit you practice."
"The Lord wants us to come out to be separate, not to have anything to do with their practices."
"Study contemplate meditate on that you will find joy peace and illumination in that at the same time keep up devotional practices keep up your service to humanity and keep up meditation awareness sitting quietly serenely."
"But today this practice is degenerating into something even more dangerous."
"It seems like they do things a little bit differently in Russia."
"It's legal and unethical, that's pretty much how it works."
"Spiritual practices may bring emotional stability."
"Choose practices that promote deeper self-love and understanding."
"Every word, deed, and prayer... Jesus says, I've given you three ways to do works of mercy: word, deed, and prayer."
"What sort of consistent practices do you have in place to become and maintain your ideal self?"
"One is mindful and one is mind less so to speak, and that's not even a judgement about which is better, that's to say the word meditation is there but these are pretty radically different practices that stem from the worldview commitments."
"I do have extremely tight spiritual practices to keep me protected as well."
"You can receive the Holy Spirit, have your life radically changed, be born again of the spirit and not pray in tongues... just because you haven't prayed in tongues."
"Lister came up with common practices that are still used, and will always be used, by doctors and surgeons."
"Cultivating higher consciousness practices that will sustain you throughout the day is very important."
"We're very transparent about our practices and encourage people to ask questions."
"Agile is a set of methods and practices that focuses on iterative development."
"We need to think about it in terms of individual worshippers and the practices they performed."
"Spiritual practices are actions or places that help to refocus our mind, our thoughts back on God."
"Practices in your daily life can stretch your confidence."
"Do practices that make you feel good... make up your own uishi your own lacquer to help yourself heal."
"We talked about some of the breathwork practices, exposure to light, sleep, we've talked about."
"Each tradition, each belief system has a slightly different way of doing them."
"We actually have a very good idea of what the religion was like and what they believed and what they practiced."
"No two productions look the same, but most take a similar shape and follow similar best practices."
"It's always the same [ __ ]: DVD sales are invented. They're all doing it anyway."
"Companies will do whatever the [ __ ] they can get away with."
"I wanted to know how to be good. It wasn't a matter of forcing myself to believe anything, but finding those kinds of practices, I guess you'd call them, that made me feel good, made me feel I was the kind of person I wanted to be."
"Jesus is accused of adopting their practices."
"Positive psychology micro-practices are like candles in our window, lighting that which is good within us."
"These practices benefit the ecology."
"If you have any best business practices, you gotta do best governance practices too."
"The magic of Devi Puram is that it is open to everyone, and no matter what your origin, gender, caste, creed, or lifestyle you lead, you can come and learn the once secret practices."
"You will be doing spiritual practices with this person. You might even do sound bowl stuff together, buy crystals together. Things you would never think that you would do with a partner."
"What we're seeing is essentially a very early form of this same practice in 1533 in Agrippa."
"Now, what do I mean by bad practices? As a dealer, I buy cars. I usually sell them within 30 to 65 days. I don't want to keep any car longer than 90 days because what happens is the book changes."
"...an Ecology of practices...you need to cultivate wisdom...you need to cultivate wisdom."
"These practices are an evolutionary strategy to evolve us to bring out our potential."
"What human beings want is to excel internally in practices."
"Human health can be solved when we incorporate these practices into our healing and treatment regimens."
"A Christian's life is centered not only in prayer but also in confession, profession, declaration, renouncing, and denouncing."
"May the insights and practices shared serve as tools and companions."
"You can have good practices and good processes and good products, but at the end of the day, life happens."
"There's a lot of thought into this and we've kind of got all our best practices documented, but the idea is that there's lots of, you know, SharePoint's been around for almost a quarter century."
"Climate dictates everything about your farming practices."
"So, how did you get into New Age practices in general?"
"From a construction perspective, I would say that we have almost 100% stuck to sustainable practices."
"I put a lot more emphasis on practices and theorizing and helping to engineer practices and ecology of practices than Jordan does."
"I learned that Joseph Smith was very much involved in occult practices, that he was very much involved in treasure digging, that his family was known to the community where they lived as a treasure-digging family."
"Some of their spiritual practices actually helped deepen my faith in some of the most foundational principles of the gospel."
"This is the restoration of masculinity and femininity. Prayer, penance, and Eucharist. Can't do without it."
"It is very important to build up a community, shared mythology, a shared set of tight psycho-technological practices."
"It's where you can learn relevant, life-changing best practices."
"It's all done in a most sustainable way, all good for the environment."
"The modern oyster processor doesn't just focus on delivering a delicious product, sustainability practices are also increasingly becoming a Cornerstone of their operations."
"If it's possible to cultivate virtuous practices, then presumably that will then put those technologies in their correct place and allow us to use them in the best way."
"There's no set of rules that will be universal for everyone. Practices are always contextual."
"So we've got all of this infrastructure and we're also doing good security practices at the application layer as well."
"Safety results from a simple winning combination: careful planning and safe work practices combined with using the right tools."
"Your practices elevate not just your consciousness but also those around you, like a stone cast into a pond."
"Through the forms of various Daoist practices, whether that's physical movements, meditation, breathing, they found that they were able to tune in to this very subtle level of reality that was beyond the usual scope of what the senses were presenting."
"...those practices were seen not to be compatible with industrial efficiency."
"The visionary practices that arise."
"Positive practices pay off physically, cognitively, socially, and organizationally."
"When you implement positive practices, organizations do better."
"People have started to change their lives in amazing ways by doing these simple very beginning practices that I'm talking about, simple as it seems."
"So practices are how to gather ourselves again, so that we know that mind and body and spirit breath are really unified, they're really one thing."
"Good documentation practices are very good documentation practices."
"This is incredibly useful if you're doing any type of functional programming because you don't want to mutate anything."
"It's not so much that there's no necessity for theory but that the theory that we desire is all bound up with and given in the history of a set of practices that we were aware of and that we study..."
"Intensify your other spiritual practices."
"There are spiritual practices to avert bad dreams. Prayer and giving can change outcomes."
"We have to look at the various practices and techniques and procedures that kind of give coherence to this idea that we have of the state."
"We are the ones who through these magical practices can unlock the union with our Guardian Angel."
"Hygiene was incredibly important even if it looked a little different than how we practice hygiene today."
"I think there's spiritual practices that are very beneficial to help you to lead a more compassionate, more respectful, and gentle life."
"Good sanitation, really good fermentation practices, good yeast management, that stuff is like 75 plus percent of the pie."
"With moon in the ninth house, they have lots of power towards religious practices."
"Praying, listening, and speaking."
"Some demons don't come out except by prayer and fasting."
"By using these kinds of practices... you can actually experience a sense of relief and freedom."
"Go back to your altar, go back to praying and seeking the Lord, go back to your fasting practices."
"We have Holy Mass and all the sacraments, we have the scriptures and the Saints to read, the Holy Rosary to pray, and the five first Saturday devotion."
"I had a really good day; I followed through on a lot of those important practices that are going to help me live my best life."
"The big three: you got to give, you got to pray, you got to fast."
"It's really important to have rituals; it's really important to have practices that bring you and others out at their best."
"Let's take a moment and talk about best practices."
"Hotels can and do book more rooms than are available."
"We’re talking about practices that allow us to name what we're feeling."
"I've always found it interesting to look at how practices vary from institution to institution, country to country."
"You don't throw away good business practices just because you operate in faith."
"Cultural traditions play into religious beliefs and religious practices as well."
"You don't have to do anything original, just do the traditional things, revive the old practices that have declined."
"Respect tradition and age-old practices even if they didn't make sense to you."
"Despite this, various esoteric practices thrived, and often the best evidence comes from the Puritan leaders themselves."
"This isn't about getting secret metaphysical knowledge; this is about getting wise practices, wise transformations."
"It's empowering so what are some daily practices we can do straight away to come closer to our truer self."
"Witchcraft is almost a link; it connects all of these different practices together."
"So in addition to sharing the tech implementation, I'm also going to talk about the workflow and the human practices that I will be conducting to maximize the capability of the current viable automations."
"Healing goes beyond doing shadow work, doing maybe yoga or breath work or activation work."
"Immersion in those practices aims to make us love that vision of the good life."
"All these spiritual practices are really about connecting us with something greater than ourselves."
"Having free will wouldn't render these things incoherent; you could still make sense of deliberation, advice, and many of the rest of these practices, even punishment."
"Harmless practices, whatever they appear to be, are not immoral; it is the motive behind the practice that is the real problem."
"Use some of those spiritual practices to move through the phases of grief, like meditation, like a prayer, like candle work."
"It's a better way to encapsulate your code."
"Continuous integration and deployment is great."
"Appreciation of Asian culture can take many forms, learning an Asian language, observing Asian holidays, and visiting Asian countries are among some of the most respectful ways to show love towards Asian culture."
"Develop work practices, administrative controls, work rules, and emergency procedures to ensure that the workplace remains hazard-free."
"SMS is the application of business management practices to the management of safety."
"Following good safety practices when using a grinder is a must; make a habit of including safety in all your activities."
"Right praying involves adoration, supplication, and appreciation."
"When our organizational culture supports sustainability, we're developing practices that help to improve the longevity of our resources."
"You can learn certain kinds of practices... to get to the highest level of your range."
"Strategy is not about doing best practices; strategy is about creating next practices."
"We're going to be talking about seven practices and here they are: Map it out, accept what is, identify your values, transform negative emotions, envision optimal possible outcomes, prevent unintended negative consequences, and take courageous pattern-breaking action."
"There's things in spiritual practices that feel like it's some kind of mental and physical relief."
"The reason we tail lambs is for their own benefit, for their own welfare."
"If we don't create organizational practices that facilitate the regulation of our frontline workers, we will never be able to create a workforce that can consistently meet the needs of the families and the children that we're asking them to serve."
"Results based management has been around for a while; it's an internationally recognized practice."
"It is far more non-deceiving than seemingly very wholesome, seemingly very serene and moralistic, puritanical practices such as non-violence, such as samadhi, meditation, so on and so forth."
"The governance committee is to ensure that the company adopts good corporate governance practices."
"It's as if a curtain falls on the New Testament Church for several decades; when that curtain rises, an entirely different church with different practices is in place."
"High performance is not achieved by a specific kind of person, but rather by a specific set of practices."
"These are the types of practices that help us feel resilient and strong."
"Religions tend to be the label that we put on a package of beliefs and practices."
"Fill all voids with the four yogas: devotion to God, meditation, service, and gyana knowledge."
"Spiritual experiences are good for you; spiritual practices are helpful."
"Prayer is a key, fasting is a key, praise is a key, faith is a key, worship is a key, giving is a key, tithing is a key."
"The cult of the dead wasn't the first or last unusual burial practice in the city so comfortable with impending doom."
"Being a Christian means I devote my life to these four things: the apostles' teaching, the communal life, the breaking of the bread, and the prayers."
"People do things differently in different parts of the world."
"Do whatever you can to build a life that allows you to have the time and energy and attention to go within using these practices."
"Tithing did not become a widely accepted practice among Christians until the eighth century." - Author
"It's not cheating, it is actually what's going on in agriculture in Europe."
"The point of all the bhakti practices is to kindle that kind of love and then divert it towards God or towards the guru."
"You should avoid an action that, if generally adopted, would undermine a practice it presupposes."
"Do you have good technical practices? Do you have good architectural practices?"
"Typical accounting practices are leading companies down a destructive path."
"I still believe in laying hands, I still believe in holy oil, I still believe in prayer, I still believe in fasting, I still believe in tithing."
"Anything you can do, meditation, visualizing, journaling, all these things would be really good here."
"The Sun is the king and the Moon is the queen, so the luminaries; it's a very important day to do spiritual practices."
"Implement some new health practices."