
Classes Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Class struggle is the fundamental relationship between classes."
"Sorcerer is really the best class, balance defense, damage, defense, mobility."
"The overall cleric class is just phenomenal."
"An instance of the class is basically that blueprint applied."
"The trigger man, the best carry class in the game."
"That just made me think, if they're having different classes of camo nets..."
"I think the soul knife is one of my favorite rogue subclasses that I've ever seen."
"Rabbit hole classes for this game are so good."
"Creative challenges and productivity classes can be a great way to help you structure your time and set up achievable goals."
"The assassin is one of the best solo PVP classes in the game."
"The hunter is one of the best solo PVP classes in the game."
"The fire mage has the highest damage dealer in the game."
"The illusionist might be the best solo class in the game."
"This has been traditionally one of our most popular classes."
"Rogue felt so good to me. Honestly, if every class felt as good as a rogue, they'd really have something special."
"Magic Initiate: a way to get just a touch of another class without actually committing to it."
"The magic of Templar is the single best solo class in Elder Scrolls Online."
"Organizing or even classes like these just engaging with other um like-minded people phenomenal way to make friends and be social with others."
"You might want to give names to your classes and IDs that resemble basically what the HTML element does."
"Now is a good time to invest in training and take advantage of reasonably priced classes."
"CN actually allows us to combine TN class names."
"There will be a parent class, and there will be a child class."
"With classes, you can literally model anything that you want."
"Classes are a blueprint for you to create anything that you want."
"You see, we have two instances of the user class, and this keyword will refer to the current object being worked on."
"Inheritance means, as you inherit your father's property, in the same way, you can make a normal class and inherit the properties of the parent class."
"Design your classes so that they have only one reason to change."
"Starting with our first option: traditional adult ballet classes!"
"Odin's approach to classes: structs for plain data types."
"These classes give you something to follow if you're a collector and not even a card player."
"But they do have classes throughout the year, and most of them are free."
"Whether you want to increase your existing knowledge or learn something totally new, Skillshare's classes are concise, entertaining, and broken down into short lessons."
"They have so many cool classes taught by the best of the best."
"Utilizing methods within classes simplifies the creation of custom widgets."
"Our horological education classes have been going very well."
"JavaScript classes are great if you want to create many similar objects."
"Skillshare is offering this past weekend listeners two months of unlimited access to over 25,000 classes for free."
"Awakening the body improves depending on the awakened class our hero has the physique of a warrior he also has the Speed and Agility of a thief what's amazing is that he also has the Insight of a mage."
"I think Toya took personal defense classes after she had that fight with Mariah."
"Design classes for easy change and assign classes for easy extensions."
"This would be great for storm chasing maybe this is the motivation I need to get out there and actually take those classes and start storm chasing."
"It forces you to get organized because you know that there's a certain amount of time that you need to leave before a class starts."
"Because UVA had an online start this year, I actually started college, or at least my classes, last Monday."
"A class template is not a class. A class template is a parameterized description of a family of related classes."
"So if you're having difficulty with scheduling your classes or you're like I really have no idea what I need to take when you're creating either next semester schedule or a potential four-year plan a really great resource is to talk to a college advisor or a peer advisor."
"Empirically then we found that if we normalize the error with the square root of the number of classes everything collapses into one curve."
"I love classes, classes are very dope."
"The last standard type battleships were a series of classes that begins with Nevada and ends with the Colorados where all of these ships basically have the same superstructure."
"The self parameter refers to the current class object and accesses the class variables."
"Classes represent identifiers, like a name, and based on that name, we can style multiple elements the exact same way."
"Classes are not just about data, they also deal with functionality."
"We have a parent anime class and three child classes called flying enemy, ground enemy, and climbing enemy."
"I'm actually excited for my schedule though because I have the best classes."
"Inheritance is basically where we can define a class and then we can define other classes that can inherit all the functionality, all the attributes of that original class."
"When workers realize what they have in common with each other, then they will rise up to overthrow the dominating classes."
"I wish you guys all the best of luck with your ballet classes."
"It's more about the camaraderie and actually having fun right in those classes."
"Inheritance is the process by which one class takes on the attributes and methods of another class."
"Type is a factory for new classes in Python."
"Classes are nouns and nouns tend not to end in the letters ER or OR."
"Inheritance... means that just like parents can pass on traits to their children, classes can pass on properties and methods to child classes."
"TypeScript starts talking about classes now, so we have a class UserAccount."
"We're going to break out everything in our game into separate classes just to make them easier to work with."
"Place each class in an individual file... I find this makes your code very organized and very easy to find the different classes."
"A blueprint is to a house as a class is to an object."
"Inheritance is when a class can receive attributes and methods from another class."
"A class is a template, a blueprint for creating objects."
"A namespace is basically a set of classes that are separated by name."
"In C-sharp applications, we have the concept of a class, which is basically a blueprint or template for an object."
"The system namespace contains many helpful .NET classes that we can utilize."
"Every program in Java must have at least one class."
"All you need to do is have a polymorphic function in your base class."
"Inheritance is like creating a new class that uses all the properties and behavior of another class."
"Classes are blueprints used to determine an object's properties and behaviors."
"A class is just a blueprint or a description of an object."
"Inheritance allows a class to inherit all methods and attributes of a parent class as well as having its own."
"A constructor has the exact same name as the class and that's a requirement."
"Export default is going to allow us to import this class from this file right here."
"We are starting five brand new classes the week after that."
"Class names usually begin with an uppercase letter."
"Classes define a new reference type."
"Take classes, get around people that think like you as well."
"The principal classes of biomolecules in our biochemistry include protein, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids."
"I'm really, really enjoying those classes."
"Imagine a society divided into three categories or classes, if you like."
"The functionality you need is already in one of these utility classes."
"Think of a class as a blueprint of a house."
"That's the beauty of a class; you can apply it to any element that you want to."
"The idea behind classes and methods is a natural extension of Chambers's original idea of allowing someone to cross from the user to the programmer."
"If you can understand classes and objects, then that can take you very far."
"What classes allow us to do is eliminate code redundancy."
"The DI container simply put is just a class that has information about other classes which enables it to resolve classes with their dependencies."
"Learn to know and love classes and objects because if you ever want to do programming in the future, that's the way you're going to have to go."
"Classes are a collection of items with similar characteristics: fields, methods, constructor blocks, nested classes, and interfaces."
"This is how I design out classes and their properties and methods for a software team."
"You can think of a class as a cookie-cutter from which you can create any number of instances of the class, called objects."
"We'd love to have you come take our classes."
"Remember what we did here? We created all these tags, we added different classes."
"This can give us extension points into classes without having to modify the classes themselves."
"Public class Animal-- notice here that we have a class, which is what we have defined, and a name for our class, which is animal."
"If you have a certain class, and you create child classes of it, we should let the child classes share all the features inside of the parent class."
"What inheritance is at a high level is basically just a hierarchy of classes."
"Let's create a class that implements the Runnable interface."
"Inheritance can be defined as a process in which a child class inherits all the properties and behavior of its parent class."
"With Skillshare you can explore thousands of online classes in design, photography, business, and more."
"Inheritance is the idea of creating specific classes that are directly based off of more general classes."
"Drawing, writing, and journaling classes could be a great way to relieve stress."
"I'm so excited to bring you all around especially since I have three classes in person."