
Video Game Culture Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"I was born stupid; however, I will not die hungry. Video games forever."
"Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch."
"He also co-founded 'Video Games Live' which produced symphony performances of popular video game soundtracks."
"Landorus is an OU icon and VGC icon of course."
"A game so 80s it should really only be available for the NES." - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
"Right now America's teachers and firefighters pay a higher tax rate than billionaires."
"The Persona series is basically what you’d get if a group of otaku made a Pokemon clone set in the world of Inside Out."
"Mario is legit dead, he just died. Goodbye Mario's dead."
"A was jump, B was shoot. Every platformer ever made on that system."
"It would be something truly special to recapture that in what is looking to be the Lego Star Wars video game to tie everything together and honor every single entry in the series."
"The payday gang lives and dies by their notoriety."
"Totaka’s Song is a tune that regularly appears as a small secret in games worked on by Kazumi Totaka."
"Maybe Steve Downs ends up being Halo's version of Ian McKellen and just never stops acting."
"Wario went from that weird guy that followed the Mario series around to a Mainstay."
"Red and blue colored Spartans killing each other: the essence of Halo."
"By embracing an ironic late-stage capitalist aesthetic... the game engenders this weird sense of camaraderie."
"The dating school that we saw in Gerudo Town in Breath of The Wild was a really cool insight to Gerudo culture and life in this day and age."
"The cake is a lie. At the end of the game, the player sees the promised cake before a mechanical arm puts out the single candle."
"I want to live in a world where video game characters are not judged by the color of their virtual skin but by the content of their character."
"Most gamers would probably not care what the ethnicity or the skin colour is of the character that they're playing in a video game and it shouldn't matter."
"My favorite game gang is the mox for sure. They're a militant gang of sex workers. I don't know if there's not to love about that."
"Streaming culture has definitely taken over video games."
"All the tourist demons in the world can't screw over a Dark Souls player as thoroughly or as miserably as a Dark Souls player can screw over themselves."
"The Black Knight is the original in that in my book gets credit, he was the first legendary skin, the first battle pass high tier skin, and he looks amazing."
"Sam and Max hit the road is a weird-ass game in the best way possible."
"What a way to end the list with Big Blue, wonderful track."
"For his performance at the conference, Reggie was immediately embraced by the gaming community and given several nicknames from fans. The most famous of these was the 'Regginator,' leader of the Nintendo revolution."
"Composer Nobuo Uematsu was considered a legend in the realm of video game music."
"Yes the dancing and bombast of the follow-up to Final Fantasy 10 is fully intact and presented in glorious full HD 1080p."
"Video game music has been around long enough that it is itself an equally important and vast catalog of music that is now set to be reinterpreted."
"From Polybius to Lavender Town, myths and legends about video games have continued to crop up for decades."
"But heeey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! Thanks for watching!"
"The Citadel DLC is all about looking back, celebrating everything you've accomplished, everything that got you here, and everything you've lost."
"In the world of Mario, glitches are our passport to the extraordinary."
"Deus Ex is a first-person cyberpunk late-stage capitalism hellscape immersive sim meme generator."
"I want you to know your voice matters and is heard. You're not falling on deaf ears. I always want to live up to the legacy that Bungie pioneered. I personally care a lot about honoring that."
"Video game music is just as real and just as valid as any other song."
"The game almost always feels difficult while still being fair."
"Michelle Tanner in their clans or their posses or whatever you call it in video games it's the most memorable person."
"There's always been something about Halo 3: ODST that has intrigued so many people within the Halo community."
"Mirror's Edge's image has transformed from controversial experiment to cult classic."
"Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 had humor, wonderful personality, and a huge modding scene."
"I think the charm of The Last Starfighter revolved around how in awe we felt about arcade games back then, and I don't think you can recapture that now with the way video games are popular anymore."
"I love the vibe of a video game store. Like it's just nice. Like does it feel a little bit like home?"
"I would love to host a Halo Infinite land party."
"Ian Jr is an orange wolf sporting yellow crocs, a purple bow tie, and a hat proudly displaying the word gamer."
"Mega Man X4 became known for his kick-ass intro, huge changes in art style, and became infamous for that one 'what am I fighting for' cutscene."
"Russian scientist dr. Cossack I mean come on seriously where's the Spanish scientist dr. flamenco and his tower is very well I think he was a big fan of hardman -"
"I'm just excited because we get news about Mortal Kombat James Wan still producing the reboot he's gonna have a nice hand in making this movie like y'all said this guy comes from a background of video games making commercials for video games."
"It speaks volumes of the impact five nights at Sonic's had for what quality it showed and how big it is even after it ended."
"I can't believe this! Pokemon of the wild, man! Pokemon of the wild! I'm just stunned."
"There's the Nintendo Switch guys, oh my God, isn't 'Super Bomberman R' so quirky and unique?"
"If you’re interested in continuing the story of Melee after release, where a grassroots competitive community would emerge and take the game to heights not thought possible by the developers, I encourage you to watch The Smash Brothers documentary."
"Would you believe me if I told you that SpongeBob SquarePants: Super Sponge is one of the most chronicled games out there?"
"Octopath Traveler introduced the world to HD2D, a modern interpretation of classic pixel art."
"Long live the Bandicoot that was there from the very very beginning your time to rise once again is now."
"The GameCube fellas, I think I found it. I think this is my favorite video game packaging of all time."
"Darkrai is my favorite Pokemon ever. No other pocket monster has appealed to me more than Sinnoh's pitch-black nightmare deity."
"Aquatic Ambience is one of the most revered songs in video game history."
"A love letter to nostalgia: How Animal Crossing captured hearts worldwide."
"The Grand Theft Auto series is a series that everyone, even casual gamers, buys, and it's one of the only instances of everyone being in agreement that they are stupidly fantastic games."
"I cried again after that because I'm a freaking baby but um that moment was so symbolic about this game StarCraft that's quietly been going on and players are still practicing their asses off and improving year after year."
"The Pokemon anime TV series has become the most successful video game adaptation ever."
"We've all got bottoms, every one of us. I've got a bottom, you've got a bottom, and even for the context of this video game, Tracer has a bottom."
"Gotta respect the philosophic integrity of Lord Sakurai"
"Even if you're not into eSports or even if you're not into Fortnite it's just crazy to see video games become this big of a freaking thing."
"I think this one's pretty obvious where it's going. Super Smash Bros 64."
"The Game & Watch character would be immortalized in the Super Smash Bros. series."
"Man, I just wish they'd remake this game already."
"When I think of Street Fighter, I think of corn and Silver Chair."
"That was the next big musical identity fighting game... Guilty Gear had such a huge impact."
"Digital Devil Saga one is everything that defines classic Megaton with a retro futuristic 90s cyberpunk coat of paint."
"In Overwatch, McCree's belt reads BMAF which stands for badass mother effer."
"Something about Vice City just makes it a sentimental favorite."
"Aerith has become one of the most famous video game characters of all time."
"It's actually the same team that made duck season 2 years ago you know the VR duck hunt parody with more dead 80s kids than your typical fun Afghan and more hidden game lore than well your typical fun Afghan."
"Most major video games have an accompanying art book."
"Forget fame, forget fortune, all I want in my life is an original Simon Wai Sonic 2 cart."
"Whenever a new RE title gets announced, it's like Christmas for me. I have so much fun dreaming up what's gonna happen."
"If they do mess it up, I've got a suplex with their name on it, you hear me Capcom?"
"We are gonna go plant some trees for Tom Nook."
"The haunt for Morshu's voice actor really began when people started to care about these Zelda CDI games."
"I kinda wanna get back into it though, I've been watching some speedruns, like Super Mario 64 and stuff like that on Twitch."
"I don't think the existence of a female protagonist in a video game makes it 'woke'. It all comes down to how you write that character."
"Pac-Man has continued to stand as the absolute king of all gaming." - The enduring reign of Pac-Man.
"This game was the perfect way to round off Pac-Man mania."
"Being blacklisted for a negative opinion of a video game is extremely rare."
"Putting an existing video game franchise in the hands of a group of fans is a recipe for making something scary."
"Playing classic WoW is like my favorite game of all time."
"The Super Mario Brothers Super Show was, and still is, awesome!"
"If this concert leak is correct, the final two fighters would appear to be Crash Bandicoot and a Monster Hunter rep."
"I knew Blue was gonna age up, and I was like, I'm gonna celebrate, I'm gonna do this to honor my favorite Sim."
"Teach me the moves and I'll do at hand, but physically cannot play with kids in The Sims 4 if there's nothing to do with kids in The Sims 4."
"Fighting Vipers is cool enough, vibrant enough, and weird enough that it pretty much appeals to everybody anyway."
"World of Warcraft has the most backstory and lore of any game I know of."
"If you've played Undertale and you've never listened to like an Orchestral Version of the songs please give it a listen."
"This show holds up as one of the funniest video game TV shows ever."
"Groovy Earthworm Jim, which might be the funniest video game adaptation of all time."
"If you enjoy this video and if you're a fan of Kingdom Hearts and if you like massive blade shaped like keys then please leave a like."
"Thank God the community decided to Rally around Solaire of Astora and not say the gaping dragon... praise the sun!"
"It was created from the video game it was created from 2k 17 which I love and I love everybody over at fuck it you can in the community."
"Boom! Do I not look [] badass? I think Del actually looks the [] coolest." - Angry Joe
"Earthbound is a collection of everything that I love: quirky, witty dialogue, weird enemies, and an interesting sense of humor."
"Mario Maker is freaking done, Mario Maker is this is the this is the death throes of Mario Maker just all embodied in one world right now that we are enjoying."
"Mass Effect fans are going to be like, 'Oh right, awesome.'"
"Do a barrel roll and all those classic sayings came from Star Fox 64."
"What's a Pokémon opinion that has you like this?"
"Here's the thing though, that critique landed with a thud because people like Halo's Marines. Their wisecracking was entertaining, it was relatable and uplifting, it was endearing."
"I want my first PS5 plat to be Yakuza Like a Dragon."
"Only in Fortnite can you drive a car into a house."
"Video games don't make us violent, lag does."
"I can't believe I'm saying this in the same week guys: a couple of days ago we got the first trailer for The FNAF movie and now on the screen right now is the FNAF ruin DLC trailer."
"Let's finally jump back into the world of deadly games and let's pick some pixel gun."
"It's time for Warcraft to start celebrating its Heroes again."
"Welcome to the wild world of Splatoon 2, welcome to Inkopolis Square, the new nerve center of Inkling culture."
"Welcome to Jean Gray fight guys, she's back baby, she's back in the meta."
"Khajiit has wares if you have coin."
"Super Metroid is literally at the center of this entire subtext of video game culture."
"Combining the talents of the legendary German electronic group Tangerine Dream with the billion dollar gaming franchise Grand Theft Auto might not seem like the best way to introduce a new generation to their music, but trust me, Rockstar Games knew exactly what they were doing."
"Grand Theft Auto, one of the most influential games ever created."
"Is the Gothic Lolita Mega Man a good idea? I like this design."
"Funnily, Roxy's strife deck holds several possible Easter eggs to classic video games."