
Consumer Education Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Informed medical decision-making... It is imperative for consumers to learn how do we evaluate information."
"I trust my team over at Birch Gold. Call them, ask all your questions, get all the information, become an informed consumer of precious metals."
"Let's be educated on these options so that you're not buying something you don't need or missing out on something you really want."
"You shouldn't have to have a biology degree to figure out what to buy for your face."
"More than anything, be critical and aware of ingredients, concentrations, and the marketing of a product."
"The more educated and empowered consumers become, the less likely we are to be taken advantage of."
"We're huge fans of debunking myths in skincare."
"I love the new food label, I'm going to check it out the first chance I get."
"The more diamonds you guys see, the more you'll be able to tell the difference."
"It's really about the premise and the expectation that's being set."
"Knowledge is power, and we want you to have car smarts."
"The more educated we can be as a consumer base, the better for everybody."
"If you are going to entrust people with the responsibility to choose how they spend their money then there needs to be a level of education."
"I understand how to read ingredients and I understand how ingredients impact our skin. This is all to decode it for you and tell you what's worth your money and what you should avoid."
"It's all about being educated and knowing why we're buying something."
"You're the expert, the consumer's not the expert. You have to make it simple so they can understand."
"If they list the ingredient and why it's in there it makes like it educates people but also takes away some of the fear-mongering."
"Educated consumers know how to buy and sell products."
"Inspiring trust and transparency and educating."
"People will continue to gain weight, become sicker, have low energy, feel like dooo if we don't learn the basics of food."
"It's fun to be able to inform consumers on what they're actually spending their hard-earned money on instead of just taking a guess and hope that it works out."
"We're educating the customer because if we educate the customer with the correct information and what to ask, they can grill that salesman, find out, weed him out, and get rid of him, boot him out the house."
"The more informed consumers are the better decision you can make, I don't want you wasting your money on something that you're not going to like."
"One of the points of this channel is obviously to try and educate you on some products before you spend a lot of money."
"If you're a meat-eater it's important to see that process to see the killing process to get closer to the food that you're eating and I believe that wholeheartedly."
"But when they find out more about the sustainability, and the ethical ethos behind what we do and the reasoning and why we use certain materials, they become much more supportive."
"It's important to know the products that you're using and why it's being used so that you don't use it incorrectly."
"The links aren't just so that I hope that you go and shop; it's so that you go and look and really understand what it is that I'm sharing with you."
"There are more and more products it is possible but you have to know what you're looking for. You have to know to do this right."
"Game Pass is incredible offering. If Microsoft can now communicate that and market that to the mass m, not just the hardcore gamers who already understand what Game Pass is but everyone else out there..."
"They are an amazingly transparent brand that teaches you to listen to what your skin needs rather than what the beauty industry is telling you your skin must have."
"What we really should be looking at is educating everyone, the consumer, that enjoys spreading melted butter or delicious cheese's across their toast."
"Just turn the food around and read the ingredients list."
"An educated consumer is our best customer."
"Once you start to learn how to read labels and all that good stuff, you start to see the good from the bad."
"It's not about telling you which product to buy for me, it's about trying to get you to learn about the products."
"...we need to teach people to read the labels not just of the food we consume, although we should do that, but also of the products we put on our body."
"We couldn't just throw it in the box, we knew that we had to educate people."
"If we are able to make conscientious educated decisions on what we should buy to use in our hobby, then we're doing a hundred."
"Each of you will become well-informed consumers, armed with the knowledge to make an educated decision about the type of bicycle which fits your needs the best."
"Black women, we have to know about this stuff, so we spend more time walking down the aisles of hair care places just reading labels."
"The entire point of these tier lists and this exercise really is to help inform you and hopefully make you a better consumer."
"Welcome to Car Health Corner, where we help you the consumer master the process of car buying and car ownership."
"The more educated consumers are, the better gear we can get out of these manufacturers."
"Once you actually turn it around and read the label for yourself, you'll be mind blown."
"Educate the consumers. Do you really think that people can currently look at food labels and decide for themselves what's healthy and what's not?"
"Now you should know where it all comes from."
"The educated consumer is the strongest force on Earth. We're stronger than any of these food industries or the vaccination industry."
"It is possible to dispel consumer confusion; it just requires action."
"You're educated on what you're buying."
"This is what I'm talking about; this basically breaks down everything to the consumer."
"Be an educated consumer, know what you need to do, ask questions of people, don't be naive and afraid."
"I love sharing this information with you guys so you can learn a little bit more how to be a better buyer and a better shop owner."
"It makes life easier for consumers, especially if you don't know anything about archery."
"You need to be as a consumer educated, you need to know what you're getting when you buy something."
"Once you understand what a food grade product is, you can start using it safely."
"It's really important for people to understand their energy bills and know how much energy they're using."
"We're focused on relying on studies and citing those studies so that consumers can make more educated choices."