
Remarkability Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The fact that anybody survived this crash is just remarkable."
"He has an amazing memory. It's scary what he remembers."
"The fact that the album found such success without the band touring to promote it made it all the more remarkable."
"That's the coolest thing that's ever happened."
"It's really quite remarkable how language like you can get from relatively simple statistics."
"What a bonkers career Chris Weidman's had generally."
"This is unbelievable. This is the most savage last to leave we've ever done."
"That was a wild ass performance, man."
"It's a remarkable object in every sense of the word."
"We're living in an extraordinary time."
"There is something remarkable about the US domestically."
"It's a very, very extraordinary thing."
"What an insane career that man has had."
"Humans are actually remarkable in our capabilities."
"It truly is that remarkable, guys."
"That's some legendary [__] right there."
"If someone else decides it's worth talking about, it's remarkable. It's that easy. That's the definition of remarkable."
"It's crazy, you get some great ice shows in here as well."
"CL with a point! This might be one of the greatest performances we've ever seen."
"You'll never be remarkable if you can't keep a secret."
"This is going to be pretty incredible."
"It's simply remarkable, it's going to be absolutely huge."
"That shot was absolutely ridiculous."
"What a game it's been. Unbelievable."
"That was just remarkable, big horsepower disparity there."
"Barbie got a new porsche... there's nothing really remarkable about this car."
"I've never known anything like this in over 40 years of been in the police."
"Isn't that game changing? That is so incredible."
"I mean the combination is insane."
"That's not a little bit, he is spectacular."
"It really is amazing and it's a huge, huge risk for the brand."
"That's just remarkable. It's like, yeah, you're right, hypnotic, isn't it? It's haunting."
"This place is truly remarkable I don't even have to say that I mean just look at it"
"We're coming to a club with such a unique setup. It is remarkable."
"It's amazing. Well, just remarkable."
"It was so spooky, that's kind of remarkable."
"I love them, they're just remarkable."
"Achieving something like that in today's times is quite remarkable."
"It's a remarkable piece of history."
"It's so simple, it doesn't have to be complicated. Super remarkable."
"We are living in a remarkable time."
"It's truly a remarkable piece of music."
"For 16 years old, it's quite remarkable."
"It's kind of remarkable, in fact, you can even see it."
"It's remarkable, the characters are so well written."
"Your people are truly remarkable, Joshua."
"It's just been the most remarkable performance, the most remarkable victory."
"The fact that any alien race communicates with another is quite remarkable."
"The most remarkable thing about this sword is that it is $50 and still manages to be a sword."
"This made Australia so remarkable and so unique."
"If you bought a car and 20 years later it looked the same as it did the day you bought it, that would be pretty remarkable."
"It's pretty remarkable when you think about this band."
"The ABC proceedings were a remarkable dispute resolution process."
"That is a remarkable, remarkable reality."
"It's remarkable how stable Earth has been throughout its history."
"It's one of the most remarkable things out here."
"It's very remarkable, it's a very remarkable thing to say for sure."
"It's pretty remarkable, like it literally does feel like an almost divine moment."
"Destiny is truly a remarkable thing, no matter where life takes you."
"You have something really remarkable here."
"To go one way and win, and then another way and win, is just so utterly, completely, totally remarkable."