
Truth Acceptance Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"All truths pass through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Secondly, it is violently opposed. And thirdly, it is taken as being self-evident."
"Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's also the key to moving forward."
"All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." - Anonymous
"The only thing that happened just now is that you finally face the truth you've been looking away from."
"The truth is what it is whether you like it or not."
"If we can't face this truth, how the hell are we going to fix it?"
"I am open to accepting the truth. Right now from what I have seen, Islam is the truth."
"The truth doesn't work for everybody - sobering realization."
"Don't ask for feedback if you're not ready to hear the god-honest truth."
"Maybe we can't handle the truth. Maybe we don't want to be told the blunt facts of geopolitics."
"It doesn't matter how true the truth really is, no amount of proof will ever change their minds."
"You gotta take the truth, man, even if it's uncomfortable."
"A healthy mind faces the truth, no matter how dire."
"Why the hysteria? Lies don't seem to bother anyone anymore."
"This reading is not negative... it feels like a harsh truth but... will empower you to revolutionize your life."
"The truth won't fight you, whether you like it or not."
"I believe that only by bravely facing the truth and starting anew can we have a new chance at life."
"I would rather believe something is true even if it's painful."
"You all chat bot! None of you want the truth. The only time you want the truth is if the truth is exactly what you want to hear. If it isn't convenient, you want it to be a lie. Shut your damn mouths!"
"Sometimes people don't like the truth even though they're longing for it."
"It's better to know the truth so that we can become aware of what our internal evolutionary proclivities are so we can work through them."
"If they choose the comforting fantasy over the hard truth."
"The truth we need to hear, no matter how it is received or perceived initially."
"The mature person faces truth throughout life, while the immature avoids difficult truths."
"The truth is incontrovertible; you cannot change it. The truth exists or it doesn't."
"The truth is a hard pill to swallow, it challenges your sentiments."
"Truth is not always pretty. Truth is not always peaches and cream."
"There should be no shame in acknowledging the truth."
"You acknowledge the truth, you face the truth."
"Remember, all truth passes through three stages: first, ridiculed; then, violently opposed; and then, accepted as self-evident."
"All truth goes through three steps: first it's ridiculed, then violently opposed, then accepted as self-evident."
"Trusting is being persuaded that something is true."
"We still love you, even if you don't want the truth."
"The vast majority of people would welcome the truth."
"There is no virtue in denying the truth of human behavior."
"Resistance is futile when the truth is evident."
"Trust every ending as a lesson. Surrender to the truth, even if it's scary."
"Don't ignore the truth that you know you see."
"Don't be afraid of the truth and be honest with yourself."
"It's unfortunate that the truth is not something people want or accept."
"All truth passes through three stages: first is ridiculed, second is violently opposed, and third is accepted as being self-evident."
"Accept uncomfortable truths for what they are and forget about the comforting lies."
"You don't get to cherry-pick you get to believe this part you don't have to believe this part but this part is the honest truth."
"God has given us His truth, but we need to be careful to take it to heart."
"If you really think that's the truth, then maybe it's time you faced up to it and got on with your life."
"Even if your enemy tells you something that is right, as a Muslim you adopt it because it is right."
"Humility is the fundamental virtue that God asks of us - to accept the truth."
"Whether we like it or not, racism is a hundred percent real."
"When the truth comes to us, that's the time to accept it."
"Belief is not a choice. What you accept to be true is the result of what you are convinced of."
"It's never too late to accept the truth, right now is your opportunity."
"You can't block your ears and close your eyes all you want, but it doesn't change the truth."
"You decided to accept the truth about this person and you moved forward."
"People hate the truth, they really do."
"Wherever the truth comes, well we take it."
"Some things are true whether you think they're hard to believe or not."
"Truth is a hard pill to swallow because it can make us uncomfortable, but it does set us free."