
Historical Era Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"It's the entire world was Elizabethan, and suddenly, 70 years later, it's not."
"The era of Ramses II was known as the golden age in the chronicles of Egypt."
"So I'm going to enter what I regard as Egypt's greatest era, the New Kingdom, a time of luxury, grand designs, and unparalleled splendor."
"Expansion is really going to ramp up, obviously in the age of absolutism."
"Elizabeth's reign has seen the British Empire come into the modern era."
"Sometimes, this golden age of Athens is also called the 'Age of Pericles.'"
"The last century of the Roman Empire was Christian."
"We really do live at a unique time in history."
"The silver age would come to be remembered for a few things predominantly camp by those outside it but also it was a period of enthusiasm and optimism even at Marvel with its more relatively more personal driven plots."
"The gilded age was a period of unfounded and uncharted wealth in american history."
"America's new Gilded Age, the age of AI, is starting right now."
"The Tibetan Empire was standing on the precipice of a golden age."
"The age of strife, the long dark old night... it was a tale writ across the span of the galaxy."
"It's a time of peace, prosperity, and progress."
"A great moment of flowering of Chinese culture."
"These were the final glory years of New York."
"The modern world was born in a baptism of Fire."
"Beyond the money and the violence, the rise of YBI marked a new era in Detroit."
"This Golden Age lasted for a very long time indeed but sadly it could not last forever."
"The shoe fitting fluoroscope was emblematic of the era which produced it: an era of boundless optimism and blind, unshakable faith that cutting-edge science and technology could solve all of mankind's problems."
"The time of gangsters, bootleggers, and public enemies number one."
"The age of the flying boat ended with World War II but it sure ended on a high note."
"Welcome to the industrial era, I see you're really coming out swinging."
"While Russia remained a powerful nation, during this era it largely stopped being a superpower."
"Alexandria's heyday under Ptolemaic rule lasted only 300 years."
"The Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"We're living one of the most historic times in human history."
"The transformative period known as the self-determination era initiated pivotal shifts in policy, activism, and international recognition."
"Once we get past the Golden Age, there's still a lingering telepathic ability."
"We live in an unusual age, the age when the stars still shine."
"Progressive Era: a reaction to the Gilded Age's corruption and inequality."
"Ironically, his ascension to the throne was designated as the Showa era, meaning 'Enlightened Peace.'"
"Elizabeth's Reign is viewed as a golden age in English History."
"The Queen Elizabeth represented a golden era of transatlantic crossing, when travel was defined by comfort, style, and glamour."
"Having the main portion of the game focused on the Clone Wars era provides countless opportunities for engaging and riveting single player."
"The go-go '90s, the dot-com era, you know, I lived through that."
"A lot of things about the Attitude Era that people like to romanticize."
"The 1920s were a dizzying, heady era."
"1920s American pop culture set a ground breaking template for the decades to follow."
"...the design work um obviously you can tell this was uh during the Victorian era because they just put so much effort into the design of everything and it's really amazing..."
"Unpopular opinion: I wish that I lived in the 1940s."
"World War I truly marks the beginning of the end of one era and the beginning of another era."
"The roaring 20s was a decade defined by its opulence, opportunity, and hope for the future."
"Christmas as we think about Christmas day, at least in the US and Great Britain and places like that, really started in the Victorian era."
"The Golden Age of piracy was only just beginning."
"1250 the old world as it used to be, the age of the empires."
"I'm very happy that this drama exists that it can show more people in this world about the splendor of Song dynasty."
"This is a fascinating opportunity to learn some cool things about this era."
"If I were asked today which era I would rather drive, I'd rather go back to the olden days."
"The '70s was a decade filled with bell bottoms, disco fever, and a unique sense of freedom."
"The show does an amazing job of depicting Cold War America."
"It's an era of great literature, even though many of these people will fall afoul of Nicholas's censorship."
"The 1960s marked a critical era in the Cold War, a time of heightened tensions."
"The Industrial Revolution... was an industrial Britain powerhouse during the Victorian era."
"The Age of Nationalism had begun."
"It was unrivaled as an era of tragedy and deprivation, but they found their glory."
"The Regency strictly lasted from 1811 to 1820, when the wild Prince Regent reigned on behalf of his ailing father, King George III."
"Legend has it that during the Roaring Twenties, it was a hotbed for loose women, bathtub gin, racketeering, and mobsters."
"The era of peace and restoration would continue for the Ottomans for the next half a century with a few notable exceptions."
"This period is known as the Gilded Age for a reason."
"The 1950s marked a transformative era in the underworld where Frank Costello ascended to lead Luciano's once mighty outfit."
"The 60s were a turbulent time for the United States."
"This marked the beginning of the Progressive Era, with many reforms being enacted both within the American government and society as a whole."
"The Sephardic Age is over. The modern age has just begun."
"The times of the Gentiles start with Nebuchadnezzar."
"It was a time of hope, prosperity, and cultural change."
"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see here, we are now officially in the modern era."
"The copper age was marked by significant advancements in technology, agriculture, and social organization."
"The Golden Age of Calakmul coincided with the fifty-year reign of Yuknoom the Great."
"This truly was the first global age."
"The great golden age of all Israel is this great nodal century of 1000 BC that belongs to David and Solomon."
"The age is known after many influences; it's known as the Age of Classicism, the Augustan Age, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Age of Sensibility."