
Personal Training Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"A good personal trainer can absolutely help a ton and might take years off of your learning curve."
"Is a personal trainer necessary? No, I don't think so. Could it help you a lot and has it helped us? Yes."
"Experiment with your training; we all recover differently."
"With that being said, if you guys are interested in my body weight training program Bodyweight Beast 2.0..."
"It's great to have a trainer for your mind."
"Well you know, my personal training clients have all reported an increased sex drive."
"Intensity is number one. I always bring the intensity because, let's face it, if you're gonna do an exercise and you're not maxing out the intensity, you're just leaving money on the table."
"Train your butt off. Push yourself as hard as you can."
"Fresh, new workouts every week across a range of times and instructors."
"I trained because that's the way I live. I like to feel good in my own skin, and if you feel good, you do good." - George St. Pierre
"The goal of any really good personal trainer should be to make themselves obsolete."
"I'm a qualified personal trainer and I'm also certified in nutritional medicine."
"Just because you don't understand how to manage volume doesn't mean full-body training is bad for you."
"You've done that workout, you've invested in your health, your well-being. So as your online trainer I am super proud of you."
"It really doesn't matter... it really comes down to what you like to do in your training program."
"I'm just going to show people how easy it is... they're going to see me put on size."
"Having a real Coach helping me along the way gives me confidence that I am on the right track and doing the best exercises for what I'm looking for."
"He's trained himself and his talents to the level that they can almost just be unlocked instantly."
"I've been training very, very hard... and I'm feeling great."
"This guy is just flowing through this workout like it's something that he actually programmed for himself."
"The problem with Jordy is she was doing all this cardio and all this training and on these low calories but her weight was not dropping at all."
"He asked me to train him as well, that wasn't even part of the script for the show."
"If you really want to help people and if you really want to just feel good all the time, personal training is a really good career to be in."
"We didn't want to just be going to the gym and do the elliptical for an easy 20 minutes. We wanted to be pushed to the limit."
"The best workout challenge for you is going to be one that you really enjoy."
"It's a personal trainer like in a box I can understand spending the money I think it's worth it I think your health is worth spending that money on."
"This optic is not going to make you a better shooter. Training is what's going to make you better."
"If it's fun for you, do it. Training is about motivation."
"You'll be able to save literally years of wasted time doing the wrong movements for your body."
"If you can't do another rep, mission accomplished."
"I've had somebody who was bullied beaten up they had my you know from childhood on I trained many many years to make sure that no one would hurt me or my family again I got I got skills baby."
"Bruce Lee didn't settle for following a training program; he was constantly experimenting with new techniques."
"Don't be a fanboy. Copying Sebum's routine blindly will only destroy your gains."
"There is no one best exercise, it could be by a small margin, but there's usually a candidacy group of three to five exercises that, for you, all have comparably rough sfrs."
"So if I give you a total body program and I give you a strong focus on your core I know you can dial it in and I know you can ignite your passion."
"The intensity, the cardio you put yourself through just from working out on a bag, it's unlike anything else."
"Spot reduction is not possible. If a trainer tells you otherwise, you need to walk away."
"Train the way that suits your goals don't lift for others it's gotta be for you that's the only way you're gonna be consistent in the long run."
"Maybe if I trained you a little bit to do it my way, your way, you might be a beast out there, dude!"
"Join Connor twice a week on his eight-week get fit training plan."
"Exercise like a real bad ass for maximum intensity."
"Ultimately, this comes down to your goals, training experience, and past injuries."
"It's much easier to maintain a physique than it is to build one from scratch."
"As a natural lifter, this is the fastest way you're going to look like you lift."
"David puts his amazing form down to practicing krav maga to stay in shape."
"Machine Gun Kelly is lanky, he's white, he's from Cleveland. He's got Travis Barker as a shooting coach. They have like a special warm-up drill that they do."
"If I can push this down... abs working now... pull it in a little bit tighter." - Billy Blanks
"I got out of college, the first thing I did was get a personal training certification."
"Grow up and you hold him accountable. Tomorrow I will train his ass, and I will kick your ass because you will not lose her house while I'm here."
"A trainer's job is to properly, efficiently, and safely get you to do more than what you would do on your own."
"We combined the two with the coochie trainer."
"So you could work on one leg at a time, you can work on whatever you want, it's really up to you."
"Please put this towards boxing lessons for the next angry customer fight."
"Who's going to be better? The guy with personalized instruction."
"The secret is stay in the gym, believe in yourself."
"Best overall trainer: Pamela Rife. Doing the most and definitely a number one boss babe."
"As your trainer, I'm so proud that you've stuck with me through the whole workout. It's worth it because we've invested in your future health."
"It's like having your trainer with you wherever you are."
"You and I as your trainer, I'm here getting you to be the healthiest and fittest best version of you."
"Let's get into it. We're gonna burn those shoulders out today. I'm excited. Are you excited Claudia? I am. Get it going!"
"Picture yourself doing that today. Good seven five four three two one and rest."
"I've never had a trainer, so having one of the best in the world is pretty cool." - Participant
"I cancelled my gym membership to save money, and it worked out to be one of the best training years of my life."
"I work as a personal trainer now."
"My personal trainer just rung me and he said I know the people have got school and work off today not for you"
"Highlight the end state or the result or the outcome of what they're hoping that personal trainer will help them achieve."
"Your best bet as a personal trainer, if from a money standpoint, is to train the average person. That's it. The everyday average person."
"How much can you actually make as a personal trainer in a year?"
"What I instantly loved about Hannah's personal training was her no intimidation, realistic, weight-neutral approach to workouts."
"I have never worked out with a personal trainer. I've only worked out in boot camp classes, which I've always enjoyed."
"If they saw a personal trainer for just five sessions, the average client would go for three plus years."
"Being able to do special things like this with clients...is going to have an impression on them as well as even when they come train with us."
"I do interval programs. My trainer, Barbara, has taught me how to stay very interested in working out by doing different types of exercises."
"Beautiful job. Squeeze back a weight that you can control is gonna be the best weight for you."
"You know that's something I always say, it's your workout."
"The most successful people at making change for their clients are the personal trainers on the front lines."
"I've been a certified personal trainer for almost three decades helping people over the age of 40 get fit."
"If you want your best odds of success, work with a trainer; obviously, a good trainer is going to get you there."
"Certified personal trainers are fitness professionals who perform individualized assessments."
"The traveling trainer is a fitness professional that goes to a client's home."
"They literally have a personal trainer on deck, like at all times, for group fitness and personal training, and it's all free."
"The point of training your body is to push yourself."
"Wonderful job completing your beginner level seated dumbbell workout."
"I got back up and ended up finding a personal trainer."
"Personal training can be a really great way to make extra money while you're in PT school."
"Personal training services provide individuals with the guidance and support they need to achieve their fitness goals."
"I've been a personal trainer, fitness instructor, oh gosh, health coach, you name it, in the fitness industry for 25 years."
"I wanted to give my clients my complete absolute attention."
"Be consistent with your machine, guys. Be consistent with your workouts, and you will get amazing results."
"I'm going to get you stronger than when you were in your 20s."
"I love the workouts that I do with my trainer because we start off slow obviously and we work our way up."
"I'm actually looking to get into doing a like full gym sessions with a personal trainer."
"We're gonna hit the mat with Lu lang weights and do some muscular structure sequencing that I've done just for you."
"Free personal training sessions with one of our expert personal trainers."
"I have been personal training women for over 20 years, actually almost 30 years now, helping them get fitter and feel better."
"Hello there and welcome, I'm PJ from fitnesswithpj.com, and I have been personal training women over the age of 40 for almost 30 years now."
"If I'm gonna hire a trainer, I want to look at somebody who'd I made somebody lose some weight, not you with a six-pack."
"Since I started working out with you, I've seen such an improvement in my body."
"Love this one, this is the most I've used a small ball."
"Thanks for joining me today, I loved working out with you and I look forward to more workouts."
"I'm a nutritionist and a personal trainer. I help people eat healthy foods and exercise the right way."
"I'm the guy known around the world who helps men in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond get in the best shape of their life."
"Let's go warm up. Obviously, Kim is a trainer and a million other resources, so this is just for fun."
"I'm really excited to be trying out this trainer; it's like one-on-one time which I really, really want."
"I am proud of you; you did an amazing workout."
"If you're a girl, I'll get you your slimmest, healthiest look, your best look."
"I have been a personal trainer and a fitness coach for 25 years now. I am 50 years old myself."
"Just until it feels special, until something wakes up in those abdominals."
"The best personal trainer is not the one with the best abs; it's the one that studies, that focuses on their client, and helps them safely, effectively, and efficiently reach their goals."
"This is your workout, so we're pushing where you can."
"I train you as if you were right here in my living room with me."
"Investing in a personal trainer is investing in your health."
"Instead, what I want to do today is I want to pick a person, maybe a famous Fitness YouTuber, and I want to assess the training program that they created or run themselves."
"It's like a five to six hour long seminar where we could break down your lifts, we go through a workout, we do a consultation, you get taught programming."
"Stay in your lane, and if I can help you as a personal trainer help your clients, then I've done my job."
"Working out with Hino is not easy, it's hard, but you feel so good afterwards."
"The king begins to train him on a personal level, both in swordsmanship and in music."
"I'm so happy to have you here on my EMOM workout."
"We've got free weights, fitness lifestyle, personal training regiments, cable equipment, and success culture."
"For any of our clients that would like to sign up to our personal training sessions, what we like to do is meet with them prior and just get a bit of an insight into their current body state and their lifestyle, and then we can begin to work with you on your fitness goals."
"It's honestly a pleasure to work with people and just to get them feeling really good about themselves."
"The results I want for you is health, confidence, and to move better."
"Knowing that I have someone there to push me to work harder and just keep going when I want to give up has been so life-changing."
"I'm just so motivated right now, especially to get my personal training license because I feel like I'm learning so much."
"Thank you, Rachel, great session once again."
"I'm in kind of a rush right now, I've got to get going, but my name is Dave, I'm a personal trainer here. Why don't we set up a free session on me, and no hassle, no obligation?"
"It's like my trainer's with me because Whoop is guiding me through every set."
"That was my first session with my personal trainer which went super, super well."
"It's like having your personal trainer but better, cheaper."
"I'm an expert in what I do; I have been a personal trainer for close to 25 years."
"Not all of us have the time to go to a gym or the opportunity to have a coach to teach us one-on-one, but with the Future Fitness app, it's like having a personal trainer in your living room."
"Ultimately, you get to control the intensity of the workout since it is a timed circuit."
"I have a personal trainer who... stretches my body and we take hikes together."
"It's important that you build a good relationship with your PT; you learn to trust each other, I invest my time in you, you invest your trust in me, and together we get you to where you want to be."
"Teaching you how and why to exercise to love your body rather than to just get some result out of it is honestly the reason I became a personal trainer."
"It's your workout, right? No matter what your workout, you make the best of it. That's your Peak Performance training."
"I know how to push myself; I know how to bring intensity, and that's what people like."
"Then there is the excellent tier, when you start getting into exercises that I do myself or I tend to program for you guys because I think that this is the cream of the crop."
"This will be the blueprint that I wish I had six or so years ago when I went off on my own and started my own personal training business."
"If you have a personal trainer and they don't ask you about your goals, they're not a personal trainer."
"I'm feeling really good. I realized yesterday that it's already week three of being with my trainer."
"It's good to start thinking about this now if you want to be a certified trainer."
"Let's face it, this is how you get a real workout in a way that's convenient for you."
"I resonate with it because I have trained so many people in my life way more similar situations to his right here than you see online with all the influencers."
"Having my own trainer has been really great at getting rid of my usual excuses for missing a workout."
"That enthusiasm combined with the accountability of having your own personal trainer is really a game changer when it comes to actualizing your own fitness goals."
"Most people need a little bit more one-on-one work to really learn how to play the violin well and correctly."
"You can't help 10,000 people in one hour as a personal trainer, but you can help 10,000 people as an online trainer."
"Through the guidance of the Iron Guru, Vince Gironda, Larry shaped and developed an impressive physique that won him the Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and Mr. Olympia titles."
"I love using that knowledge to help clients get good results."
"Tell me as your possible future employer that you really want to do training for at least the next few years."
"Personal training hours are busiest before and after work."
"Whether you are a beginner or in advance, I'm going to show you different levels of intensity so that you get the workout you need."
"I love that this personal trainer worked with her."
"Chiropractor recommended the trainer that I work out with who has done wonders for my back."
"By the time you watch my previous video and this one, you should have a very good idea of how to effectively plan your clients' personal training sessions."
"Coaching is everything... it's like a gym, you buy a membership but you never go until there's a trainer."
"I've been working with Tatiana, my personal trainer, for about three and a half weeks now, and I love it."
"She requires a three-month minimum requirement where you actually have enough time to build that relationship first and foremost."
"Someone should really connect to your abs here."
"Sometimes you don't need a PT, you just need someone that's going to be with you, training."