
Regional Differences Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"From early in American history, foreign visitors and domestic travelers alike were struck by cultural contrasts between the white population of the South and that of the rest of the country."
"The debates about how you cook food, is deeply felt; you know we’re in Italy."
"Accents are simply regional variations in how people pronounce different words, which contributes to audibly different rhythms of speaking."
"People in red states don't think about people in blue states all that much."
"The problem is not lack of jobs or lack of opportunity, the problem is a bunch of regulations that make life more expensive in leftist areas."
"There's an improved response associated with the BCG vaccine in some countries."
"Abstinence is the only form of sex aired in like 35 percent of America."
"The interaction with cops varies based on where you live."
"People are kind of realizing, waking up, because I'll tell you this: Florida real estate has been exploding."
"There's always going to be gems from every region." - LS
"They realized they were not in the part of America that they hoped to be."
"Orangey is favored for second and PBB, while they could be very exciting because they're coming from Vietnam, most of the region plays in a simple style."
"15 bucks an hour in New York is nothing but 15 bucks an hour in a rural area is substantive."
"Without you yeah I never heard that in the midwest I didn't play from playing the Spokane."
"Once you cross 285 you're in a completely different state and if you do not understand that territory and how to campaign there then you're not going to be able to win."
"I understand the main thing is the whole ambush thing. But the thing is, I'm from the mainland. I don't know, right?"
"North of England rates are coming down but still higher than the South."
"I think there is hope. It matters who your Governor is, now it matters what state you're in, no longer can we count on that sort of National Standard that uniformity that protects people's rights."
"Let's take a look at all the regionals in the world... where are they located and where can you get certain ones."
"It's a language, it's a lingo, and it don't switch everywhere you stop."
"Conservatives haven't traditionally done well in with Quebec voters but a new polling is showing the official opposition is gaining support among the electorate."
"There's no go States... you cannot invest in those places."
"Chad nicknamed his manhood 'the storm,' and I explained that in Idaho there are no hurricanes."
"For years many of our runners came primarily from Georgia in their segregated schools... while Tennessee didn't have anything period."
"Last Battle was a fist of the north star game in Japan."
"Florida went blue by five, North Carolina did go blue by 11."
"You don't get a lot of that up in San Francisco, and hopefully you'll continue doing what you're doing so that many people can speak their mind."
"Atlanta is a super liberal place inside a very deep south conservative state."
"Islam influenced the structure and style of government in different regions."
"I'm not sure if you knew this but I am from Florida, it's about 30° outside, this is cold to me."
"So, there you go. It seems McDonalds in Europe offers many more choices and often you can eat your meal in very nice surroundings."
"Sorry, we're Progressive unlike your [bleep] hole state of Missouri."
"It's like, they appreciate a lot of [expletive] that maybe the East and West Coast folks don't."
"Certain of the states in the US, they kind of gave up on the craziness a long time ago and they've gotten back to normal."
"It's exciting to see Western teams realizing that the talent in the region isn't as dense as it is in Korea and pulling players from here."
"I think culturally, in the UK through Asia and in Australia, people are a lot more willing to be like, hey, I don't know, I need to learn more from this."
"Oregon marijuana sales 420% stronger along Idaho border."
"The difference in economic well-being in different parts of the country is larger than is sustainable."
"Listen, when you allow your party to become the party of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her far-left crazy ideas... you have to expect that's going to backfire in parts of the country outside of California and New York City."
"Your vote does count, but it's about communities that need to be bonded together and community resources vary by region."
"Hollywood does not represent middle America."
"Culturally speaking, Europe is relatively diverse, especially when you consider the different languages that are spoken between individual countries."
"When teams lose a lot in NA, they get depressed. In Europe, they get angry."
"This is going to make abortion illegal in most of the country in much of the country instantly and potentially in all of the country soon."
"You're more likely to be homeless over here, but over there it's a lot easier. You're more likely to be homeless over here, but over there it's a lot easier."
"They're going to love her in Texas. They're going to love her in Ohio and Pennsylvania. We're against fracking. Well, that's the end of those."
"Try doing that in California. Try having like a 35,000 teacher career in California teaching like really just spoiled stuck-up arrogant high school kids. Try doing that in California."
"Retention was particularly high in the east, indicating a different pace of gaming."
"I don't want to leave all those poor people in the red states behind."
"Lockdown is now means a whole bunch of different things in different areas."
"Europe is kind of in the middle between extreme individualism and collectivism."
"But when we came to the States and we played down South, they didn't see it as, oh, this is just a rock and roll album."
"Whatever democracy you're talking about, it's relatively easy to imagine how it might come about in Belarus... but with Russia, it's harder."
"It's a lack of understanding of how rural Alberta truly is."
"I just think the federal government doesn't understand that in rural Alberta."
"But maybe the fight we need to have in America is just a straight up hey what do you want America you want Cali and Newsom or you want Florida and freedom and DeSantis and let's just have it out that might be the best thing we could do."
"That's not true in Phoenix, it's not true in a lot of other cities around America."
"Mexican culture does vary from town to town, state to state, but not by very much."
"Middle America is not going to support AOC at all, they absolutely hate her."
"You matter whether you live in Texas or if you live in California or New York State or any of these places."
"Each province of China is like its own country with its own dialect, cuisine, and thousands of years of unique traditions."
"If they pursue these radical policies that most of America outside of major metropolitan areas don't support, it is gonna make our job easier."
"Sweden kept the tradition of pagan worship and practice much more than the Danes and Norwegians."
"She's even used semi-frequently on a pro level but not so much in Western tournaments, which I would really like to see eventually."
"Farm subsidies are a winning issue for me, they're not going to play as well in the Northeast."
"Gas is near four dollars on a lot of places on the east coast and it's much higher on the west coast. Groceries are still very high."
"By about 10,000 years ago, Western social development was already distinctively higher."
"So, we're looking at this mass champion data and we're seeing these giant regional differences in how people play with the champion."
"People down South have a different attitude to a lot of things."
"A chili in Texas is different from chili in Ohio, is different from chili in California. Are we onto something here?"
"Crime in the south is very different. It's so different, I love it."
"The architectural elements are similar, but the way of building them, the design, the style, different, due to the area and the location."
"Yeah, man, that's key, that's important too because we're coming from Illinois. Yeah, banks and everything is completely different. Yeah, a lot of things aren't this way right down south."
"When I was in Utah, they didn't have Canes."
"There's justice in England and Wales and then there's Scottish justice. Our justice is a sight finer than south of the border."
"I wonder what the locality differences are between people saying 'Mario' and 'Mario'."
"I don't know if I would call this necessarily dumb about health or just par for the course depending on which state he was raised in."
"The church is doing magnificently well in the so-called Global South and far from well in the advanced modern world, the so-called Global North."
"Being able to share with you guys some insights about the differences between how these two areas live, I think, is super important."
"Now Southern people like to say that Northern people and Canadians don't know how to worship, they're wrong!"
"Often an American who can't consume any gluten without any reaction can go to Europe and eat breads containing gluten with no problems at all."
"We're just north of you, I think we're a little bit friendlier, and we say 'eh' at the end of everything."
"A grouper is a grouper and a grouper eats like a grouper regardless if it swims off the Carolinas, Texas, or Florida."
"The North has always been different than the other kingdoms."
"Take note of the possibility that a movie or two might not be available for you because availability of some movies is based entirely on location."
"April showers bring May flowers, and that's not right because in Florida, it's more like February showers bring March flowers."
"The Sun is very different, especially in places like Australia and Hawaii; it's a really pretty Sun and a bright Sun."
"California is solidly in the soda camp, but if you go to Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, so Southern States, yes, if you went into a restaurant, you would say, 'What kind of Coke do you have?'"
"There's so much diversity and differences within the US; it's like crazy, literally state to state it's so different."
"Pronunciation, grammar, sentence structure, and other English conventions have a tendency to change from country to country and even city to city within the same country."
"It's so cool and refreshing to see how car culture changes depending on the region you are in."
"Every region and sub-region in the U.S has cultural differences and quirks that might be considered odd in other regions."
"Politically, people on both coasts tend to be more progressive than the interior areas of the country."
"It's so weird, I don't have any allergies in Utah, but whenever I go back to Washington DC, I have crazy allergies."
"You can't really judge people if they're better or worse just depending on what region they're from."
"It's like nothing else, and like I said again, this part of Alaska is so different than the southern part of Alaska."
"Two hundred thousand in California buys you a camper van in the middle of the desert, while two hundred thousand in Mississippi buys you a four-bedroom house on a lake with a circular driveway."
"The benefits of citizenship very much depended on where in the United States you lived."
"Whether there was or was not a Dark Ages, this label does apply to some areas but doesn't really apply at all to others."
"But in the South, if you say, 'I want a Coke,' the waitress will then ask you, 'What kind of Coke?'"
"Because America is so big, you can't just say America has no culture; you have to really pinpoint it down to a region."
"Coffee was really sort of a culture in Turkey at the time but not in Western Europe."
"There's no such thing as the UK housing market; it's very regional."
"Here's the question: how come New Mexico doesn't call it the DMV like every other state?"
"What separates Cambodian food from the surrounding countries, if it's a technical answer, I would say it's unique to us."
"The biggest thing I've noticed at least with England is the cost of living around England can really drastically differ from one place to the other."
"A lot of Cuisines are very, very similar; they just have very small regional differences based on differences in taste or differences in what ingredients were available."
"The leading cause of death in a city is homicide; in Appalachia among low-income whites is prescription drugs; and in Silicon Valley is suicide."
"The UK version is the Philosopher's Stone, the US version is the Sorcerer's Stone."
"National culture is still a meaningful concept because it is more powerful than regional cultures."
"I was like 30 years old before I could properly pronounce Massachusetts because here in Tennessee, we don't call it that."
"People are much nicer down south than in the north, which is why I so want to be in Tennessee."
"Transitioning to zero carbon emissions remains a complex issue as different regions have varying energy sources and environmental regulations."
"The people up north are way friendlier than the people in London."
"South Florida is so different than like central or northern Florida."
"The power of context, the regional differences were so fascinating."
"Don't think winter wonderland fluffy snow makes snowmen, snowballs in the piedmont; that's only in the mountains."
"The European Dividend Aristocrats have some differences as compared to the American Dividend Aristocrats."
"It's not really the same out west as it is here, people are a lot friendlier here."
"The authority of our written language in Scotland differs sharply from the one used in England."
"Winter golf in Kansas City, winter golf in Dallas, winter golf really anywhere other than south, it's just different."