
Thought-provoking Quotes

There are 533 quotes

"The best stories are those that give us something to think about, transcending mere entertainment to become something more meaningful and impactful."
"Despite my criticisms, it's at least entertaining, binge-worthy, and thought-provoking."
"The show was going for making you think, and I think, mission accomplished."
"A book that will make me think a lot about it after I finish it."
"As long as the audience is [expletive] laughing, you got time to make 'em think."
"She shouldn't make you laugh but make you think."
"Everybody don't want one, just food for thought."
"The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is a thought-provoking experience."
"Thank you all for watching, I really hope this video was both entertaining and thought-provoking."
"Parasite is one of those movies that you won't be able to stop thinking about after your first viewing."
"You've really given me a lot of food for thought."
"One of the most thought-provoking messages... right to the pages of the Book of Revelation."
"The job of a comedian is not just to make people laugh, it's to make people think and it's to disturb, it's to shake you up."
"It was just very well done, made me think about things today which I think is the mark of a great dystopia."
"Its primary purpose is to open up, not resolve; to inspire questions instead of answering them."
"It's such a silly question but again gets you thinking doesn't it?"
"I want to create videos where people watch them and they go wow and they think about it for a week."
"I want to make people laugh and then make people think about something."
"It's heavy, it's hard-hitting and most importantly it's not for the babies, not for the culties, not for the zombies - it is for those who have a stomach of steel."
"A film that remains thought-provoking and frightening to this day."
"Personally, I like food that makes me think."
"Prepare to rock out but also prepare to have that seed of thought planted deep within."
"It's interesting that you say that because you just connected something that isn't spoken about anywhere."
"What should a movie do? It should transport you. You should escape from where you are in the real world. It should make you think. It should make you feel."
"What it was and what it still is is an energetic, fun movie that leaves you with something to think about."
"It's a great. It brings up all those questions."
"My recommendation is if you're even slightly curious about Moonlight go see it because it is by far my favorite movie and the most thought-provoking movie that I saw this entire year."
"Hopefully, you found today's video interesting, useful, and thought-provoking."
"Human history is far more interesting than you've been led to believe but be warned Paradigm destruction can often be distressing."
"He takes things and really moves the conversation forward, makes you think about what it is to love fashion now and fashion then and combining the two."
"I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of the year."
"The plot in this game is special, not only does it scrap the whole traditional view of good and evil and dark and light, it provokes thought after every action you make."
"I hope I've given you some food for thought. Thank you for watching and until next time, farewell."
"The existentialist riddle: existence precedes essence."
"The thing that's really surprised me has been how honestly it asks questions and how many rich themes are on display."
"It's a film that keeps things just bare enough that it leaves you thinking about every decision for days, thought provoking in all the right ways."
"It's the rare kind of film that manages to shock and entertain while asking deeper questions that effect all of us as individuals and the world as a whole."
"Curious information will be volunteered not coerced; it will create more questions than it answers."
"I'm going to Boggle your mind so badly that you're going to think you've been on a roller coaster through a black hole with Albert Einstein."
"Sometimes it's fun to talk about topics that aren't necessarily true but they provide food for thought and can make interesting stories."
"He really left a lot on the table for us to think about...there's so many things out there very thought-provoking very mindful very meaningful."
"Insights into people, they force you to think about the world in a really different and really important way."
"Definitely worth looking into, it will absolutely make you rethink everything."
"That will definitely leave you thinking about it for years to come."
"This film doesn't spoon-feed you—it leaves room for interpretation and contemplation."
"How much does philosophy or ideology weigh over biology?"
"This information will be like fresh air for you, but it will make you think."
"I want to provide my perspective and my value... hopefully, you get a 'Damn, never thought about it that way' moment."
"An intellectual excursion, much food for thought."
"I want to share some of my thoughts and opinions on this because this is difficult stuff and it disturbs me and it's going to disturb a lot of you as well."
"It's asking some really interesting questions."
"Sonic Heroes' puzzles make the game more thought-provoking."
"It'll upset you, it'll make you laugh, but most importantly it'll make you think."
"It's only children, yeah. Really makes you think."
"Arrival penetrates your brain, it makes you always think about what it has on its mind."
"Media that always makes you think after is awesome."
"The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the three Star Wars films and the most thought-provoking."
"Music that affects me emotionally and music that makes me think."
"It's not a movie that's preaching a message; it's a movie that's making you think."
"It's both gut-wrenching and heartwarming; it was an illuminating mess. Sometimes it gives me hope for this world, sometimes it really, really pisses me off, but through all of that, it is authentic and actually makes me feel something."
"We have made some remarkable discoveries and some very thought-provoking ones too."
"I love space narratives that make you think like this one does."
"He actually forces you to process the things that he's saying."
"These are the stories that make you think."
"There's some very interesting ideas in this."
"A gripping and thought-provoking story"
"Jurassic Park was handling ideas that challenged the audience and got us to think in new ways about science."
"The movie is very thought provoking each step of the way."
"It's compelling, it's heart-wrenching, it's life-changing, you know it really makes you think."
"I like movies that make you think. This is a movie that I think makes you think."
"I just thought that was profound."
"Star Trek is and always has been able to make us think whether it's from horrifically disturbing moments or over-the-top fun action sequences."
"Lupe Fiasco writes an album in 72 hours and it winds up more thought-provoking than peers that will take years for their projects."
"I love movies that make you think and that make you question things."
"It's so incredible, it's so intense, it's so deep, it's so thought-provoking."
"People could do things like that, they could make social commentary in a way that just got you thinking without trying to like lecture you about how you had to think."
"This one it was really good it was depressing but it really made me think it was just really interesting just really thoughtful detailed thorough look at like obsessing over a case and what it will do to you"
"I'm not sure if it had many owners through the years, well I love ghost stories and so did my date, we didn't find them so much scary as thought-provoking and entertaining."
"It's one of those books that will stay in your brain and you won't be able to stop thinking about or you won't be able to unread, but in the best way."
"It's more than just action, Attack on Titan offers a really thought-provoking piece."
"Dune didn't provide the answers but Dune was asking the right questions."
"Most art makes you think. It makes you feel. It taps into emotional cords."
"I love movies that make you think."
"The things that you say are very thought-provoking."
"So yeah, very interesting deck, very disturbing in certain ways, but at the same time, it makes you think."
"Those movies provoke deep feelings."
"if it's a book you want to read to have thought-provoking ideas then this is the one."
"It's the type of thing that I walked out of the theater and I was like I'm going to be thinking about this for at least a solid week after I finished watching it."
"That's a fire concept to think about."
"Every time you make me think, that is a friction point."
"I love things that make you think."
"A lot of this comic, you don't get a resolution. It's about it Morrison introduces stuff and then it's up to you to kind of think about it."
"This movie will have you questioning reality."
"This movie is trippy because it makes you think."
"It's very interesting. It's very... it got me in my head a little bit about solutions, right, and how to articulate some form of education for people to where they're not just people, I feel like people are just looking for the lowest common denominator."
"13 mind-blowing movies that you will not be able to stop thinking about."
"Nietzsche's 'Gay Science' invites readers to think dangerous thoughts, to create their own interpretations."
"People can sense your depth and they can see it. Maybe it's something you say that really is just like 'huh, that made me think.'"
"Promising Young Woman was an impactful, vibrant, and thought-provoking experience."
"I hope that there is something in there that makes some people think."
"What makes the arc great is the questions it raises."
"Characters that make you think not just about what's happening on the show but outside of the show in your life."
"To the kids, you made people think, and that is art. I loved that quote, I love, love, love that quote. Thank you."
"You're very thought-provoking to people."
"I love that this dress makes me think about something, even if I don't necessarily like it."
"It's more interesting to be presented with a contestable statement I think than an open-ended question."
"It's very interesting, brilliant."
"Stephen Erikson is my favorite author and it is because of his ability to make me think."
"He creates some truly weird, bizarre moments as well that will have you thinking for a long time."
"The question is always more interesting than the answer."
"His content is just... It makes you think. It really does."
"It really made people think at the time."
"They're doing something different. The commentary they have in there, their thought-provoking social commentary."
"That really does make you think though."
"I think it gives our listeners a lot to think of."
"I too like long thought-provoking walks through the cemetery."
"It's humorous at times, occasionally thought-provoking, and there are plenty of wacky sci-fi ideas throughout the series."
"Wow, that movie was just so much to think about, so unexpected, so shocking, so sad."
"This ain't a popcorn fun show. This is a show that really makes you look at the world."
"It's very disturbing, makes you think, there's layers to it and it's just everything you could want in a film."
"This is going to have me thinking for a long time."
"I hope to provoke some thought and to make anybody who's watching this once this is done basically rethink everything they've done up to this point."
"What a great twist, you know? What a thing to think about."
"Amitabh Ghosh's books are thoughtful and provoking."
"I like Mysteries because they're interesting and they make you think."
"It's one of those films you think about and it makes me feel really sad."
"It encourages the audience to think without forcing them to invent their own fan fictions out of thin air."
"Nothing I'm saying here is profound, revolutionary, or controversial, but this should get the wheels turning."
"...this was a thinking persons movie that really caused your mind to open up and think."
"A thought-provoking journey loaded with heart and soul."
"There is something about a24 films where you sort of know what you're getting into but at the same time they usually leave you thinking about them for days."
"Every single shot makes you think."
"'Are they making super porp out of babies?' - A disturbing yet thought-provoking question."
"Hopefully this video was a bit mind-blowing to you."
"There are examples that might actually be a little bit more difficult and bring about more disconcerting thoughts."
"I found myself valuing movie experiences much more this year that made some kind of emotional impact on me or made some kind of an impact in getting me to think and having something that stuck with me in some way."
"It's always thought-provoking to see what works are chosen for display and why."
"It's uncomfortable, but the book is uncomfortable, thought-provoking, and impossible to put down."
"Makes you think, doesn't it?" said Chida.
"I fell in love with their love story because it will make you think."
"Hard-hitting and thought-provoking passages."
"I think it will really make you think existentially but in a fun way."
"Thought it was a very interesting concept."
"It's just supposed to make you think about everything."
"Mo's Utopia remains to this day a magnificently thought-provoking book."
"It doesn't beat you up but it makes you think so much."
"Holy [ __ ] that was so thought-provoking and so interesting."
"It's great. Love it. I love how it encourages people to think about this."
"I like this film because it makes me think."
"Everything this guy says opens a whole new can of worms."
"I like what Fred has to say he makes me think."
"It's a funny flick and it makes you think."
"It just makes you think Rock lives."
"The live-action Twilight Zone man gives a thought-provoking monologue."
"That makes you think, doesn't it?"
"The Spirit Bares its Teeth - I can't stop thinking about this book."
"I love endings that leave me thinking."
"The Proud Family has great topics that really makes you want to think when done correctly."
"...the film leaves you with very specific ideas, and it's designed to affect the way you think."
"It actually makes you think and it's entertaining."
"This film gave me a lot to think about."
"It's a very unique story and very I don't know it just makes you think definitely makes you think."
"I love this question because it truly makes you think."
"It's thought-provoking and it will start conversations. It will make a lot of people uncomfortable. It will cause you to have to reflect, do some self-reflection, because that's the only way that I could even start writing it, is I had to see me."
"Punpun is one of, if not the most thought-provoking, painfully relatable series that I've ever read."
"There were parts on here where some of her lyrics were like 'wow', kind of hard-hitting, really made me think."
"...a very interesting read and kind of a book that made me stop and think for the first time in a while..."
"He's known for creating, like, thought-provoking, humanistic stories that explore the horrors within ourselves as much as the horrors outside of us--blah blah blah."
"It's definitely a movie that makes you think."
"Is a pedophile enjoying a bris or hating a bris? At first glance, you're like 'Hey, baby dick, this is great.' But is he like, 'Ah, you're hurting the dick, the thing I love?' It's like a movie where you love the first half."
"Non in PDT Rati Oni kaga Tatiana's - Unencumbered by the thought process."
"some it's wonderful and it's it's it's getting me thinking in different ways"
"You're very intriguing. You're a very exciting person, very expansive person. You kind of make their mind think—hm, what else is out there?"
"Making for a disturbing and thought-provoking viewing experience"
"Possessor is a mind-bending journey, both disturbing and thought-provoking."
"But that will always be a bit thought-provoking."
"Her music is so, so interesting. It's not just fun to sing along to, it's not just fun to listen to, it's just interesting because she makes you think."
"Good questions keep bringing up because they're good questions, because they're challenging."
"It's the most [ __ ] thing I've ever seen But it and that's what makes it sit with you is that it's so [ __ ]."
"This is an extraordinary book... it is incredibly interesting and thought-provoking no matter what your politics are."
"Prompt... Simple but really powerful thought-prompting mechanism."
"but after a lot of thinking passage just narrowly beats the others with its incredibly personal and thought-provoking story and downright beautiful visuals"
"You made me think some [ __ ] I had never thought before, amazing for real."
"Any comedian that can make you think is doing a good job. They're worth their assault."
"Martha Nussbaum always brings a fresh, challenging, and highly influential approach."
"The most thought-provoking book I've read so far this year."
"Mon Oncle d'Amérique considers that issue and is also provocative in the way it intercuts among its three characters and the scientist's theories. This is an excellent thought-provoking film."
"It presents a very provocative, sophisticated idea, but does it quite directly, in a fresh and exciting way. I really recommend it wholeheartedly."
"It's a mind-blowing book, really makes you think."
"The discussion was more poetic and thought-provoking."
"It's so thought-provoking, my stand-up."
"I thought it would be a place... It's interesting."
"As long as you get us thinking, we're having a good time."
"I hope that's been thought-provoking."
"He comes up with this stuff that is so absolutely logical and makes you kind of think a little bit."
"Depending on your beliefs, this next one will either freak you out or intrigue you."
"And I think what I appreciate about both of your work is you're asking us to think about things deeply and to try to make connections."
"It's provocative, it makes you think, it causes conversation, you know it draws attention to the issues, you know society."
"The ending was thought-provoking and symbolic."
"This movie is asking questions, questions that need answers."