
Falconry Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"If you lose one of these, you were in real trouble. These birds are worth a fortune."
"From the Arabs, he learns falconry and writes a scholarly treatise about the birds which is unrivaled for centuries."
"Falconry plays a massive part in conservation, and I think without them our wild bird had massively struggled."
"Falconers and falconry are the greatest advocate that raptors can have."
"The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal on Earth."
"Falconry is a rich cultural tradition in the Middle East where it has been practiced for centuries as both a sport and a symbol of prestige."
"Just got her falconer's license so she built this whole falcon hut thing so she now is inheriting a falcon, legally she has her license and everything."
"A falconer had to be sober, patient, chaste, sweet-smelling, and avoiding preoccupations, as in not sleeping with people."
"Falconry gets its hooks into you so deeply. Falconry is just this deep attachment to the bird."
"Falconers had an incredibly positive effect on conservation."
"Falconry: a passion, an obsession, a culture."
"Falcon racing: speed, strategy, and spectacle."
"Precision and spectacle: the perfect blend in falcon racing."
"It's not just a tracking tour anymore, we're able to look at speeds, distances, heights. It's really beneficial for us as falconers."
"Any day we get to be without falcons is a brilliant day for sure."
"So one of the coolest stories that one of these falconers told us was that she was in Belize and she was able to fly with these falcons in the Himalayas."
"Thing about Falcons, they can be trained but they can never be tamed."
"It shows a guy wearing baggy trousers that have been tucked in at the knee, riding a horse with a falcon on his wrist."
"The average Falcon price rent can range from two hundred to a thousand dollars."
"If you buy a falcon in Qatar, the price can go as high as two hundred seventy-four thousand six hundred dollars."
"It's a hunting sport, but the intent isn't to kill things; the intent is to watch that bird fly."
"Thousands of years ago, and maybe still to this day, raptors were thought to be messengers from gods."
"Falconry comes from where I come from, which is Iran or what used to be called Persia."
"I always used to say, 'Well, if I come back in another life, I'm going to be a falconer,' and one day I said, 'What do you mean another life? This is it!'"
"In falconry, we're not just keeping and caring for a bird... you are keeping it with you and then letting it fly totally free."
"The nature of falconry is that you're going to have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows."
"The best way to exercise falcons is by getting them to stoop to a lure."
"Nature does nothing without a reason, so it is with falconry."
"Falconry started approximately four thousand years ago in Asia and China and Peru as a means of obtaining food for the table."
"That's called mantling; he's mantling his prey with his wings and his tail."
"Falconry is still very worthwhile to have that intuitive deeper connection to a wild experience."
"Falconry is not just a connection to wildlife; it's us being in their world and therefore tragedy will sometimes strike."
"The falcon's hood used during the phase of its acclimating to humans is used to keep the raptor in a calm state."
"That's the thing about falcons, they can be trained but they can never be tamed."
"Goss Hawks and Paragan Falcons are two of the most highly prized Raptors used in the sport of falconry, both in ancient days as well as today."
"The Merlin Falcon, which is falconry of the highest order."
"It's a celebration of the bird, a celebration of the wild, and a way to stay connected to the wild."
"Falconry really can begin to feel like a 24/7 job and it ends up being a lifestyle."
"The ability to perfectly match your confidence level to best respect each hawk's needs is a really important quality every falconer should have."
"Every time I have the privilege of walking up and stepping one of these guys to my glove and taking them out to the field and letting them fly free, and knowing that it's their choice to return, it's an amazing feeling."
"That experience, that first time a wild apex predator bird of prey flies freely to your glove, is one of the most magnificent experiences certainly of my life."
"Falconry is tremendously rewarding; you've developed this amazing relationship with these wild animals, a relationship that is mutually beneficial."
"Falconry, we do not own these birds, we do not master these birds, we never break these birds."
"What actually is the psychology behind falconry, and why do these animals return to us?"
"Falconry is such an amazing and unique opportunity to be able to work with apex predators in their natural environment completely free."
"Falconry has taught human beings the proper methods for not only dealing with each other but dealing with wildlife as well."
"As a falconer, everything is positive reinforcement and food conditioning."
"It is the most exciting and most terrifying day of falconry because now you've got that new bird, and that new bird is ready to fly free for the very first time."
"The fascination of a falcon's flight and the beauty of it, even if it is with murderous intent."
"What a way to hunt, with a falcon."
"The goshawk, when it leaves your glove in a direct off-the-fit flight in pursuit of game, it is mind-blowing."
"Thank you, Roy and friends, incredible scenery, birds, and dedication to the art of falconry."
"Louis is gonna take a break from making glass to go Falconing."
"Falconry is one of very few relationships between man and wildlife that is mutually beneficial."
"Enjoy your falconry, look after your birds, and strive to do it well."
"One of the big things that American falconers have contributed to falconry worldwide is the use of electronics and telemetry."
"Gyrfalcons have a long and rich history in the sport of falconry, they have been prized since ancient times."
"Gyrfalcons are not about practicality; they're about the love of the bird, about the living poetry of the sport."
"The gentler you are, and the more patience you have, and the more time that you put into them, the better the bird will accept falconry and actually look forward to your partnership."
"We're going to try to make the falconry show. I love a good birds of prey show."
"Goshawks and Harris Hawks... both of these really have affected falconry more than any other species."
"Goshawks... speed, agility, and tenacity."
"Falconry is building a relationship of trust and partnership."
"Goshawks are one of the species that have kept the sport of falconry alive for thousands of years."
"The hawk's take a lot of time, a lot of concentration to train and look after."
"Falconry, it's been around 4,000 years. That's how people got food before guns and grocery stores were invented."
"One of the very important principles you learn is you must always be vigilantly aware of what your bird is thinking, feeling, reacting to."
"American Kestrels are a lot of fun... I am really happy that new falconers have given them a chance."
"A goshawk is an amazing hunter but not a beginner's bird."
"The Haggard of The Rock in falconry terms is a fully adult female Peregrine Falcon."
"As a falconer, the pleasure I get out of my imprint hawks is very rewarding."
"I wish to stand as your master falconer and see the skies above the castle full of birds and pride."
"Feeding off the fist with this falcon is about building trust."
"Watching falcons flying and hunting and stooping has got to be one of the best things in the world."
"When the camels fly and you release that falcon after them, you feel that your heart has grown wings and flown."
"I have taken you off your melancholy perch, bore you upon my fist, and showed you game, and let you fly at it."
"They're a pretty sizable Buteo that's also used in falconry because of their intelligence."