
Purgatory Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Purgatory, or 'purgare,' is to make clean, to purify."
"Apparitions of Mary many times show her in purgatory as a mother bringing help; they call her the Star of the Sea."
"Purgatory exists to detach us from the sins we've been forgiven of and to atone for the consequences of those sins."
"To live forever from a force of evil, while maintaining the conscience that makes us human, is purgatory, to say the least."
"Every soul that you pray for in purgatory, even the ones whose names you don't know, they will come to our aid."
"Unforgiveness is a condition for being in purgatory."
"Our souls demand Purgatory, don't they? Would it not break the heart if God said to us, 'It is true, my son, that your breath smells, your rags drop with mud and slime'?"
"If you make the intention, God will accept whatever you do for all the souls in purgatory."
"God is in control and even when we want a particular person to receive relief in purgatory sometimes God does not want that for a number of reasons."
"Mary promised Pope John that Catholics who died wearing the scapular in honor of her would be delivered from purgatory on the first Saturday after their death."
"Maybe ghosts are people in purgatory, and we see them around us all the time without realizing that they're ghosts."
"So if you say, 'If you need further purification in purgatory, you must not be fully righteous,' well then the same thing would be true of sanctification in this life, and we don't have a disagreement there."
"The fire is real. Saint Augustine is right, the fire on Earth is a painting compared to that of purgatory."
"It's a tremendous act of charity to pray for souls in purgatory."
"Listening to me an hour may be part of your Purgatory."
"What purifies you in Purgatory? It's not like Hell."
"Purgatory is like a doctor's office lobby."
"If you could dunk in heaven, Purgatory be like you made it."
"Purgatory is a great gift because without it, none of us make it. You're not going to die walking out the confessional. Thank you, Lord."
"Saint Joseph reigning in heaven with Jesus and Mary intercede for the souls in purgatory."
"O Lord Jesus Christ Eternal priest who during your Earthly life generously cared for every poor person who was afflicted and abandoned I beg you look with favor on The Souls of priests in purgatory."
"O holy souls draw the fire of God's love into my soul to reveal Jesus crucified in me here on Earth rather than Hereafter in purgatory."
"Thank you again for joining in this holy Hour of Prayer praying for the souls in purgatory is one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy and is very pleasing to God."
"Purgatory is 100% biblical and let me explain why."
"This movie is essentially their purgatory, and they have to make things right before they move on."
"The Church has the power that if there's someone in Purgatory they want God so much, they know what they've done, they admit what they've done and they're happy to get all of that rusts of them because they have seen Jesus."
"I found myself in this purgatory, just wondering which way was up."
"I think I'm gonna conclude that I have died for real and I'm in some kind of purgatory. I'm in some kind of hell and this amplifier literally is the devil."
"We women we just respond Pavlovian style to like the heart and joy and again the getting ready this sort of hopefulness of what is and what will be even if it never arrives it's like purgatory is as sexy as the result."
"We need to bring back praying for the souls in purgatory."
"He might be the only human able to maintain his sanity After experiencing Purgatory."
"It's like Purgatory. It's Purgatory in the game. Purgatory is a part of the game, it's amazing."
"Purgatory is far from being a place of punishment; it is perhaps the most beneficent realm in nature."
"Jesus, please help the person who has been in Purgatory the longest because they must really want to go to Heaven. Amen."
"Pray for the souls in purgatory, especially the forgotten ones who have no one to pray for them."
"Jesus said, 'The souls in Purgatory are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to my justice.'"
"You can offer it up for the souls in purgatory, or for the increase of religious vocations."
"Iowa instead has to muddle along as 'Purgatory but nice'; it's a place where a person can easily contemplate spending eternity because it isn't bad at all and it stays extremely consistent year after year."
"Every day you can be plucking souls out of purgatory."
"This compass is obviously defective, there's no magnetic north because you're in purgatory."
"The idea of a child stuck in a purgatorial loop; what was he running from, what was he running to, who is he or who was he, and what happened to him?"
"Unless you are perfect, you better hope purgatory exists!"
"There is no greater act of charity than to pray for the holy souls in purgatory because unlike us on earth, they can no longer help themselves."
"Perhaps it is a form of purgatory for those lost spirits who still can’t find their way to freedom."
"When you pray for the souls in purgatory, you get new intercessors who in their turn will pray for you."
"During her whole life, she had continual intercourse with the souls in purgatory."
"The ghost of Hamlet's father appears, he speaks not in the language of Lutheran Protestantism, but in older terms of a soul suffering in purgatory."
"Jesus is said to have told Saint Patrick that this was a pit into Purgatory - an intermediary realm where the dead may do penance for their sins in order to find redemption."
"Happy to be released from his purgatory."
"The Phantom Zone is essentially purgatory in the DC Universe; it's described as an interdimensional realm outside the normal space-time continuum."