
Reelection Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"If Trump's own pollster just did a 17 state poll that produced devastating results...you can see why the president and the White House might be feeling a little bit wobbly about how the reelection prospects look right now."
"It's a political reality which is he is foregoing an opportunity to use the power of the presidency to help his re-election."
"If he gets re-elected, what you've got is the equivalent of a two-year-old in his terrible twos with the keys to the tank."
"They talk about it every day because they don't have a coherent argument for why Donald Trump deserves re-election, deserves four more years."
"When we reelect President Trump, the best is yet to come."
"The safety of our kids depends on whether this man is re-elected."
"Congress exists to Sure responsibility, people in Congress want to get reelected and they've learned that if they do very little then there's not much that voters can say to say they should be kicked out."
"We should also be absolutely looking to what Lucy McBath was able to accomplish not once but twice."
"Trump pushes the economy hard... because presidents with strong economies do not lose re-election." - Ben Shapiro
"Trump's effort to contain the growing toll on our nation comes as he also attempts to secure a second term in office."
"Democratic governors are sounding the alarm on Trump's reelection."
"Things only get worse as Barbara's husband Sam is up for re-election."
"He was obsessed with being re-elected. That's all he cared about. That is the tragedy. That's the moral freefall."
"This election is crucial and that is why I am running for re-election."
"There will be political polarization, and Justin Trudeau will have a fight of his life to be reelected in the next election."
"In the long run, if Trump does this right... this will absolutely secure him reelection."
"Nancy Pelosi has just lost her gavel and with great confidence in our caucus I will not seek reelection through Democratic Leadership in the next Congress."
"I do think Trump is on track for reelection."
"If that is what you want, if that is what you believe, you must vote and you must reelect President Barack Obama."
"It's like, this will help galvanize his base. He's probably going to win reelection because it is such a fraud."
"The president showed last night why he's got such a strong case to make to the nation to get reelected for another four years."
"There's no question that he's unfit for office, and I feel confident that he will never be president again."
"He knows it is not enough to get him reelected."
"I still give Trump a very high chance of being reelected."
"The fact that he did refused to engage in warmongering is one of the main reasons why they desperately don't want him reelected."
"If Trump wins and he takes four more years, is he allowed to take another four years after that?"
"This led to a massive boost in support for the Obama administration, and he and VP Joe Biden were handily re-elected in 2012."
"Re-election means a great deal to me. I worked hard for my office. I don't want to win or lose because of a hoodlum like Cato."
"...getting the W to brag about it and say yeah, I'm a two-termer like that's the end goal once I've done that."
"After all, what better way to boost his odds of re-election and cement his legacy than to resolve an issue that a dozen of his predecessors couldn’t?"
"I think one six year term for an American President with no reelection would be the best approach."
"No one ever runs against me when it's time for an election. I'd like to think that means I'm doing my job pretty well."
"It's a great day to announce re-election."
"First time elected might be a vote against someone else but second time is a vote for you."
"They concentrate more on getting reelected than on the greater good."
"We've proven that if you run a competent government, you can actually make it possible to get re-elected."
"We all know what to do, we just don't know how to get reelected after we've done it."
"Madison was reelected as people were happy with his leadership and did not want a major change during an active war."
"The sitting president is much more likely to get reelected because they're a known quantity."
"We need to have leaders that being reelected isn't the most important thing."
"The first, second, and third priorities that politicians have are reelection, reelection, and reelection."
"The objective of a politician is two things: number one is to get elected, number two is to stay elected or get reelected."