
Spiritual Preparation Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"The sacrament prepares the sick person for their journey home to God the Father."
"Everything you're going through is preparing you for what God has for you."
"Church is many members and it's the best thing that God is offering to you in this life to prepare for a life better than this."
"Everything that we're experiencing here in the natural is a warm-up for what God has in store."
"I'm praying that the abundance of God overshadow you but I want you to be anchored enough that when the harvest comes in you have the strength to reap the harvest."
"Your battle, your warfare must match the victory of Jesus in order to win. This is why you can't afford to be casual about your prayer life, dear saint."
"If you're not supporting true worship, you won't be surviving Armageddon."
"Before we can be filled, we gotta purge what we allowed to fill up that empty place in the first place."
"God is preparing you for the thing that he has already prepared for you."
"May Allah prepare our hearts for the month of Ramadan by conditioning them properly in the month of Shaban."
"Prepare your heart for martyrdom... fix your eyes on heaven."
"Anoint yourself before you leave for work to fulfill your duties."
"God is preparing you for something big. Are you ready?"
"Make sure you're ready to meet the Savior when he comes back to rule and reign."
"We are modern day Noahs preparing for Yah's judgment, and you must understand that this life can be challenging but it will be extremely rewarding as long as you keep moving forward and overcome."
"Our hearts, our minds, our souls are our ark and we are getting them prepared for the storm coming."
"The Lord continues to put in place through his prophets all that is needed to help us prepare to receive him."
"Get balanced...eat better, get more rest...get your body prepared, but your spiritual body, because somebody wants show heart mind body spirit soul."
"God would do nothing except he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets."
"Prepare for the journey by strengthening your connection with Allah."
"Your light affliction is preparing you for a glory that is heavier than your physical nature can bear."
"You handle trying times with care; God will use the seemingly difficult challenges that you go through to prepare you for greater things ahead."
"Are you in a fellowship that's committed to preparing you for that calling?"
"The marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the lamb."
"My biggest prayer is that it helps you move forward in faith and peace and excitement because Jesus is coming back."
"Your most important part is absolute total spiritual preparation before there's any other kind of preparation."
"Wage war with the prophetic word of the Lord spoken over you."
"Jesus is coming soon and more than ever we need to prepare for that by being as close to the Lord as we possibly can."
"The test is designed to elevate you, to upgrade you, to prepare you."
"The Rapture is not merely a concept but a promised reality and for that reality we must be ready."
"What if the Rapture happens today? Do you have peace in your heart with the Rapture happening today right now?"
"We are seeing the stage being further set as the Bible predicts."
"There's another storm coming... the church needs to be prepared."
"We know for sure that the Lord is coming... so whether it's the last days of the last days, I don't know, but I believe that God's saying prepare and don't take lightly the word of the Lord in this hour."
"We're not just going to see one man saying prepare the way but instead a generation of Believers."
"God did not give us bible prophecy to scare us, he gave us bible prophecy to prepare us."
"Before you channel, find peace and silence and learn how to meditate."
"I find in the Bible and in ancestral narratives there's a heap of information there designed to prepare people for contact."
"Before you take that trip you better get your house in order and stop playing around with your soul."
"I asked Apostle Tim and Carol, could I come in a day early and just get here last night and just rest and pray and thank God for what he's doing in this region."
"Deceptions are going to get stronger, that's why you need to know the word of God."
"The only person we gotta fear is the Most High, we gotta prepare as the prophecies unfold."
"Preparation for the second coming starts today."
"Pray for me as I prepare for this debate on the topic of baptism."
"Are you preparing for this journey? Is the blood on the posts? Are you eating of the lamb?"
"I think it's a profound thing to think about, preparing for the Day of Judgment. It's not just about the acts of worship."
"The Lord did not reveal the future to his followers to satisfy their curiosity. It was to prepare them for the future."
"Sometimes separation is preparation for our eternal destiny."
"I am ready for my people to wear what they have been putting in heaven in the bowls in heaven and I'm getting ready to pour it out on them so they wear it."
"Often times what precedes the next season is fasting."
"The whole company of prophets preparing a way for Jesus to come again."
"Prophecy exists so that we can be spiritually prepared for what's coming."
"The Lord prepares His people against the attacks of the adversary."
"Please pray about it, continue to seek the Lord, because it's going to get tough in the next couple of months."
"Acknowledge we're in a war, read the Bible, put on the full armor of God, and keep moving forward for Jesus. Amen."
"I am ready for the last days, not because of anything I've done, because of what Jesus did."
"The Lord is preparing us to hold the new wine, cleansing and purging the church for what's coming."
"You've been training for this for lifetimes. Part three, you are ready."
"Starting one's day without God is like setting out on a long journey without a map."
"Everything God has seasoned you for up until this time has prepared you for the greatest move of God that's going to happen since Azusa Street."
"Repent before God elevates you. It's a lot of fun waiting on elevation."
"They are going to tremble at who God is, they are going to tremble, and the LORD is preparing His people because it's His people who He wants to stand firm."
"Urgency: Make sure we are sealed before death, before the mark of the beast."
"Let us turn to the Church, the bride preparing for the bridegroom."
"Waiting is kind of an intermission because God is doing some scene changes behind the curtain."
"Remember, our struggles are just God's way of preparing us for something amazing."
"Thank you, Lord, for preparing me for something greater that I didn't even know."
"Fugal advises anyone visiting his Ranch to prepare themselves spiritually, to armor themselves and to enter the property with a degree of reverence and humility."
"Everything in your life was a dress rehearsal for what God is about to do next."
"In affliction, God often brings us into the secret closet. Seek Him in good times, so you're prepared when trouble comes."
"It's time for you to start praying, fasting, and preparing for what the Holy Spirit has for you and your children."
"How do we spiritually prepare ourselves for what's coming?"
"Training ourselves and our children to be spiritually prepared is crucial for facing the spiritual battles of life."
"Pray for God to prepare the one that matches your purpose."
"Creating time and space to align to God for the next stage to come... preparing for something much bigger than most people can understand."
"Have boldness in the day of judgment, prepare yourself spiritually, be in the right location physically and literally, and then friends, brace yourself for this crisis."
"Preparation is about being in a place close to the land, as close to God as possible."
"Beloved ones, what you just saw was marked and it was a big deal. You see, as Jewish people start to come to faith in Messiah Jesus like you just saw, it is preparing the earth's spiritual atmosphere for Messiah Jesus' return."
"This place is fa this is not real but at one point in our life we were going to go someplace that is real and what we do and how we behave and how we honor our Lord here and now it makes a difference."
"The most important preparation we can make for the coming of the Lord is to make sure we have placed our faith and trust in Jesus as our Savior."
"Your faith is to believe that that shock is going to come."
"The feast of Trumpets says it's the sounding of the shofar, saying judgment is coming. It's coming, something greater is coming."
"Detachment from their agendas and preparation for Yah's Kingdom is essential."
"Preparation comes before promotion, and we need to take the time to let God prepare us."
"My child, I know this life is full of threats and battles, but know that is why I have trained your hands for war."
"This is not a concert, this is to prepare the heart of the people."
"The Lord is preparing people to get out of here."
"Each and every one of us has been specifically prepared to be the open door for this gift of light."
"Sometimes God okefaka in difficult positions so that you get to experience hardships not because you deserve them but because he's preparing you for a certain role."
"Jesus is coming again. For Christ's sake, do what you have to do to be ready to meet him."
"Brace yourself. The Lord is saying to the body of Christ especially to brace yourself."
"The most important preparation anyone can make is spiritually getting ourselves right with God."
"God is training you for the spouse He has prepared for you."
"The Lord said this was coming to pass and you have to pray and fast and build yourself up to be able to take whatever's coming."
"Jesus promises those who follow him that they will be persecuted and he prepares them by saying horrific things..."
"He knew you were gonna mess up so he sent his son."
"When restored in its fullness, [the Church] will prepare the world for the coming of the Lord."
"God is trying to get you prepared for expansion."
"Sacramentals prepare us to receive grace and dispose us to cooperate with it."
"We are preparing people to meet God. The gospel does that."
"Start thanking God for your husband or your wife before you even see it."
"May we prepare ourselves spiritually for miraculous experiences."
"You cannot be filled until you are first emptied."
"This Lent will be a different Lent, it's going to be grace-filled, a time where you really are united in a closer way to Jesus and to the mystery of Jesus in the desert."
"You're gonna be bigger and you're gonna be ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"There is a bride who's making herself ready."
"You should have Anointing before you get the Apostolic Pardon so that you're in a state of grace."
"Jesus is coming soon, and there will be a time when you will give an accounting for your life."
"It's time for the bride to make herself ready and get prepared to become the bride of Christ."
"Preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ in the heart, Christ in the life, Jesus all and in all."
"The question now is not what can my faith get me, folks. That question is gone. The question of the hour now, folks, is how can I withstand that moment I stand before the Judgment seat of Christ?"
"It's like cooking the pot. It's preparing the way, preparing the vessel, so that when the deeper surrender can happen, the guru can come in with the Zen stick."
"Plow up the hard ground of your hearts for now is the time to seek the Lord."
"But I'm praying the Lord help strengthen my spirit as I read this, strengthen myself, ready for those days to come, so I can inherit the Kingdom."
"God is getting you ready for where he's about to take you."
"We don't just want to talk about the coming of Jesus, we want to be ready today by trusting Jesus as our Savior."
"Make your hearts ready to receive from the King of Kings of the Lord Almighty."
"We must have the former rain before the latter rain can do its work."
"To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
"I sit down with God soaking my reeds and plating my ropes and I say, 'God have mercy on me according to your great goodness and according to the multitude of your mercies.'"
"You've been storing up years and years of something into the margins of your life for God's anointing and blessing."
"Clean hands and a pure heart, that is Zion."
"Prepare us, Lord, bring us to Jesus and bring Jesus to us."
"He spent a lot of time talking about the coming of the kingdom, preparation for the kingdom, the nature of the kingdom, the makeup of the kingdom, all aspects of this thing called the Kingdom of God."
"Humility must sow the seed, or there can be no reaping in heaven."
"We're being prepared for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the earth has ever seen."
"You're just really graduating onto this new season in your life, and you're being prepared, you're being put in some sort of position of power, spiritually speaking."
"Church is a preparation for that encounter with Jesus Christ, that encounter of love."
"Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming; make a straight road for him."
"Prepare your hearts for the Lord."
"The main goal is to prepare ourselves for the next life."
"For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?"
"It's what prepares us for the rest that will come from God, and the rest that we'll find in God."
"The investment these adults have made in my life will not only last for my lifetime, but their influence will prepare me for eternity."
"Break up your fallow ground, it's time to seek the Lord."
"This is the season where God is making you ready, arranging things behind the scenes."
"I might present you as a pure virgin to him."
"So just as the Israelites started off every battle from Gilgal and then came back to Gilgal after the battle was over, so we as Christians need to start off from our place of Gilgal, the cross, before we go into any battle."
"Are you fitted for heaven? Are you ready to meet God?"
"Before Jesus comes again, there's going to be what they call the latter rain of the Holy Spirit, that's going to prepare for the harvest."
"God was getting me ready for the awesome eternal truths He is now pouring into my spirit."
"We are preparing our nervous system for a condition that we call classically enlightenment to begin to manifest."
"This is the time; Mashiach is on the way. Let's get ready; let's embrace it."
"The purpose of our life should be to build up the Zion of our God... to prepare a people to meet the Lord when He comes."
"Prepare the way of the Lord, prepare a highway for the Lord, prepare the people to interact with the Lord."
"Prepare by giving over our lives to Him, follow the wisdom that comes from God, live within our means, get out of debt, seek Him instead of our personal pleasures."
"The best thing that you can do is to prepare yourself spiritually."
"We need to be mentally prepared and we need to be spiritually prepared."
"We're going to be presented, the Church of the living God, a bride, and we're going to be a glorious bride."
"A delay in God's language simply means I am preparing you; it's not time yet."
"There's no greater thing than to prepare for what it is that God has for you."
"God has been preparing me for marriage since I started dating my fiance."
"If you're prepared for this, if you've done the groundwork, if you've prepared your body to hold this high charge of energy, this high voltage Kundalini energy, then it can be a very powerful, very incredible, amazing, elevated, and transformative experience."
"Prepare the way for the Lord, the ruler to come."
"We're thankful to God; let's prepare our hearts to pray."
"Let's prepare our hearts as we get ready to go into our school of the prophets this morning."
"Embrace God's perfect timing and shift your focus from what you're expecting from God to preparing yourself to receive from Him."
"Now just now, we need to be preparing for the Lord's second coming."
"I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel."
"Spirit is preparing you for something, angel of divine Partnerships, Divine love, twin flames, peace, Union, unconditional love, Mission, and Harmony."