
Unique Traits Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Everybody knows that octopuses have eight tentacles, but they have blue blood and three hearts."
"Nicknamed the loneliest whale in the world, this whale has a signal that differs from most other whales."
"He's running, he's six five, he played in the ivy league YMCA."
"Mina Harker: The chemist with a vampire's bite."
"What's more interesting though about Sir Wilhelm is that he not only has a black flame buff on his weapon but he also wields the dark hand."
"There's something unique about you that really helps to guide them."
"He is obviously a hero character and a representation of good, sure, but he also does certain things which your average hero wouldn't do and is fine with it."
"There’s so many things that Giorno is, but not one of those things is boring."
"These funky fish able to mate with any other member of their species they can even make both sperm and eggs to produce Offspring all by themselves"
"They have things only close friends would have, like their own handshake."
"They've got very impressive hats by the way. They're incredibly cool."
"A horror pirate that mills, a human druid that creates wolves, a dragon that goads, and a sort of party captain."
"It isn't every day you get to see an albino turtle. It's even rarer to find one with an exposed heart."
"It's these factors that make sense easily one of the deepest and most compelling characters in the game as was my personal favorite oh yeah definitely but you know the fact that he's at trombone playing ketchup drinking Skelly man also helps."
"There's a calmness that Rio and Virgil have that I've never seen before."
"All the plants… all the animals, all the fungus, which fun fact! isn't technically a plant or animal, it’s its own thing!"
"Bullet at least provides some backstory and depth to the other characters so hey I'm cool with her plus she's got a crazy unique Drive."
"Adler's inclusion, his badass vibe with a scar and fancy hair, make him a new favorite of mine."
"Being around someone with starfish energy is a thrill."
"Longhorse: friendly, smells like cinnamon, skin resembles wax."
"I can't believe I thought women like you didn't exist."
"Spider monkeys are one of the very few living things on this planet that have a prehensile tail."
"Shi No Numa introduced four characters, each with their own unique personality."
"The world's longest cat is a Maine named Stewie."
"I feel like I have such a unique voice. I don't sound like anyone else."
"Some people vividly remember him rocking a monocle."
"I feel like no one ever spoke about how amazing they are."
"Kekkei genkai, arguably one of the most interesting aspects of Naruto as a whole."
"I'm not just a horse, I'm Peaches, with tax evasion skills and a fear of dancing."
"So, Tony has like a person, he has a person that we could all dream of. Like, Carlos could never do what Yoni does."
"No one could have imagined someone going into the Oval Office who is as uniquely Craven and unhinged as Donald Trump is."
"You've really understand this guy... he's one of these great lightning in a bottle characters."
"Pandas only eat bamboo sticks. They literally poo out bamboo sticks. Wow!"
"Walruses these hideous beasts have had to make their own path in life and I really respect that."
"Rhodesian Ridgebacks are like canine ninjas on a mission."
"I don't know what you call that category maybe like Pokemon that seem important enough to be legendary but aren't actually legendary."
"The durian is known as the king of fruits in certain areas due to its massive size, powerful odor, and thorn-covered rind."
"This ability to withstand phenomenal heat coupled with its unique appearance earned it the name pyrococcus, which is Greek for fireball."
"One of its claws has been compared to a handgun."
"Aragorn's exceptionally old age is due to his Numenorean heritage."
"I have a tattooed daughter, just like a normal daughter, except much cooler."
"The blue axolotl is rare... If you have it, that's pretty cool."
"For the first time in discovered history, scientists have observed and recorded dwarf giraffes."
"That smile, I've never seen anything like it."
"I like it when villains have something unique about them."
"Each member of the eight brings something unique, powerful, and sometimes just outright goofy to the group."
"He has the unique combination of a high IQ and lots of courage."
"The strawberry leopard ought to be your true spirit animal."
"Owning a Grey is like having a bird that's intuitive with your mind."
"He's literally either the most brilliant person ever or like the most brilliant person ever in a completely different way."
"Penguins are super cool. They look like they're wearing tuxedos."
"It's an element of you that we don't get to see otherwise."
"New cactus does sound potentially cool. I mean, these cactuses look like they don't just go up, they go sideways too."
"Best performer is a sailfish, again cheating because they have a sail."
"This fire seal Pokemon... it was intended to be the very first fire water type."
"Rogue hailing from the American South is a real brawler with a deliciously thick accent, incredible hair with that signature white streak, and her inability to touch anyone has, due to her powers, has earned her a huge fan base over the years."
"Stella's homeworld of Solaria has three suns."
"God blessed me, made me short, blind, left-handed. It just makes you more powerful."
"We remain the only species that can start a fire from scratch."
"The barrel-eye fish: the only known animal that can literally see through its own forehead."
"The ability to throw projectiles and kill targets is a trait no other species possess."
"I think Keanu Reeves is the closest thing we have to a leprechaun, like a real living celebrity leprechaun. Whenever he shows up, he just does things."
"Dubbed the European Saint Martin after the Caribbean country's similar airplane traits."
"Your body may be 99.1, I might be 99.2, picking up frequencies that shape our reality."
"Salamanders actually have a home life. They're very connected to the average human."
"New Yorkers are famously like, um, they've got personality. New Yorkers have some personality, let's put it that way."
"Fish fins are usually just like little rays that wave back and forth, and they have full-on leg-like fins here. Just super dope."
"The okapi has a long dark 14 inch preen style tongue."
"What is it about him that gives him that unique flavor of creepy?"
"He's got something that a lot of people in the main roster don't have: character."
"We are an ape with a symbiotic relationship to a mushroom."
"Devendra has 28 fingers and toes, earning him a spot in The Guinness Book of World Records."
"Once your technique gets to a certain level, the only thing that separates you from others is your quirks, or even flaws."
"Water by itself is linked to being a badass."
"Unique complex traits and diseases have been mapped by geneticists, including a variant of thalassemia."
"That's gotta be the most famous neck in the world, has to be."
"Here are 20 rare body features only one percent of people have."
"The man with the juiciest lips in the world."
"Fat-tailed geckos are in the yubel ferris family of geckos and they are more commonly known as eyelid geckos because they are the only geckos in the world that retain movable eyelids."
"They possessed unique features and traits that made them formidable predators in the ocean."
"I get the vibe that you're distant, there's something about you that's different."
"Smallpox had a number of unique characteristics that made it eradicatable."
"They give birth to live young, the list goes on, they're really cool."
"Goats, sheep, toads, and octopus are the only creatures in the world that have rectangular pupils."
"I really, really like her hair color; it's kind of unique."
"For a species of mule deer that has never seen a freezing temperature... they grow the largest most symmetrical racks found anywhere."
"This is a hellbender salamander, the largest salamander in all of North America and definitely the slimiest."
"Mining men are a little different; they're cut from a different cloth."
"His sexual orientation paled in comparison to his most outstanding trait: he was a dragon dreamer."
"Amphibians are the only vertebrates that are born with a tail and live in the water."
"The distinctive rolling gait of the Chow Chow."
"My favorite bells are super mojavis because they're all white with blue eyes and they have a sort of a silvery grey purplish head."
"Serval cats have the longest legs of all the small cats I know in Africa."
"King cobras are famous for their growl, they have a modified trachea like no other snake on the planet that allows them to growl."